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Equinox help



Ive got her building. After what felt like years farming regor (love the fight tho) i finally got all the parts. Building the night aspect as we speak, and in one day will start building the entire frame.


But, i realized i have no idea how to build, play, or use equinox. I know her abilities (generally) and that she has some good damage potential, but beyond that am clueless. Any tips?

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The main cheese build people use is to constantly stay in Day-Mode, and always use Maim to slash-proc everyone to death. So max strength-efficiency, along with some range.

Now, if you're like me, and that doesn't appeal to you, stay in night mode, put some duration and efficiency on, max out range, and you have an ability that can put maps to sleep, while also gaining healing instead of slash procs.

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The intended way to play her is to constantly switch between forms, keeping up the metamorphosis buff, but realistically that doesn't often come to fruition. 

More often when I play her (which admittedly was basically just when she came out) I found staying in Day form was the best way to get the job done, keeping Maim up almost all the time. That's what I found to work, but your mileage may vary depending on your play style. 

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My build / thoughts on Equinox from a recent topic:

On 2.11.2016 at 10:14 PM, NinjaZeku said:

I've long run her with a more Range-focused build for better Maim blasts / Mend reach / Rest CC
though recently I decided to skip Overextended to allow Peaceful Provocation to work at full force.

Corrosive Projection, Enemy Sense
Intensify, Transient Fortitude
Streamline, Fleeting Expertise (R4)
Primed Continuity, Stretch
Peaceful Provocation, Vitality

The +Power Strength from Provoke is a pretty significant Squad boost
(and not least lets Maim's Slash procs stay relevant for a good bit longer)
while that slowdown + damage debuff combo on Pacify is pretty fantastic in action,
letting 'Nox jump right into (at least Grineer) mobs with little risk but much reward :D

Also, while Efficiency is great for (Rest spam and) prolonged Maim,
if you're (using Zenurik and) going Night Form exclusively, you can get away with less Efficiency
[i.e. removing Fleeting or using Blind Rage] and still regen more Energy than you're draining
since, interestingly enough, Energy Overflow (& co) stays active during Pacify.


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My favorite build is with 3rd augment, so both forms are reaaally powerfull. Slow/sleep everybody tanky heal with Night, DPS of doom and team buff with Day. 

Since the augment will buff you in day form you don't need that much strenght, so you can go with a pretty big range, high efficiency and duration if needed

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I went in a bit deferent way. I mainly use night form with calm/frenzy built around syndicate mod for it. Negative str some duration and 200+ range with high efficiency. Running around with status based melee. Lesion mostly. Cast,kill,look how sleep spreads on others via syndicate mod and enjoy. Sometimes use it to heal yourself and others.

Don't forget about x8 dmg multiplier to stunned/disabled mobs. That's why slash/gas melees are so good for this kind of gameplay. 

did a bit of testing. That's how it works

Edit. My apologies if I messed up the skills. Don't remember the name of the one that puts sleep on mobs.

Edited by Whit3Powd3R
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21 minutes ago, (PS4)CommanderC2121 said:

Wait, how much energy does it drain per second?

Which ability / build are you talking about? "It" is not exactly excruciatingly descriptive :P

With that general use build, Maim & Mend drain very very close to the minimum amount, like, 0.9 or so Energy per second.

Pacify & Provoke don't have a constant per-second cost (and thus allow Energy regen stuff),
that said, with max Efficiency, you need to have over 32 enemies in range of Pacify
for its drain to outpace the 4 Energy per second regen from Energy Overflow :D
[At base, 0.5 Energy per second per enemy -> 75% cost reduction -> 0.125 -> 4 / 0.125 = 32, yay math.]

So, there's quite a bit of room to lower Efficiency without having the drain overwhelm you.

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1 minute ago, NinjaZeku said:

Which ability / build are you talking about? "It" is not exactly excruciatingly descriptive :P

With that general use build, Maim & Mend drain very very close to the minimum amount, like, 0.9 or so Energy per second.

Pacify & Provoke don't have a constant per-second cost (and thus allow Energy regen stuff),
that said, with max Efficiency, you need to have over 32 enemies in range of Pacify
for its drain to outpace the 4 Energy per second regen from Energy Overflow :D
[At base, 0.5 Energy per second per enemy -> 75% cost reduction -> 0.125 -> 4 / 0.125 = 32, yay math.]

So, there's quite a bit of room to lower Efficiency without having the drain overwhelm you.

I was refering to main

thank you 

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effective methods of play depend on your style

you can go day or night


either play is equivalent 

day is a damage frame / buff

night is cc, finisher, healer

mid (both) switching rewards active use of all forms powers together

the covert lethality is ok if thats your speed, i find it a bit of a crutch on her, you can be just as effective with any melee but should understand the tactics 




day form tactics. keeping 3rd and 4th up is a major factor, building up 4's damage to nuke is the big damage, but 4 actively applies slash 

slash bleedprock bypasses armor  , the minute enmies hit your 4 AOE they are CC then stagger and resumes motion

2nd is used to speed up enemies and makes them more vulnerable to damage

used with the augment for 3rd you can effectively buff all power damage much higher and squad mates powers 

(not very armor heavy so dont charge head on)





night is a more stealth healer

 used with tactics you can sleep many enemies and always do a finisher  each hit

using a range+ mod you can bypass animation to deal same without stopping and leaving yourself open to attack

3rd power debuffs enemies , 4 grants a healing "nuke" 

used with 2nd pwr augment you get a spider build spreading threads/sleep witch each kill  (range focus) 

using the 3rd pwrs augment each time damage is taken by your allies or yourself it makes the AOE slow enemies 

(i find 70-80% a nice range)


DUAL play:



using the 1st pwr augment is very beneficial [duality] 

the clone that pops out deals 300% damage bonus , very inaccurate ....

combine with simulor for making the clone have a better function and utilize AOE damage , also your own simulor can combine and further amps your own damage 

[similar to how naruto uses his clones ..if you know anime] 

switch combo

place sleep threads on targets , switch apply rage and deal damage to do amplifies finisher damage 


switching forms will grant kavats/kubrows an overshield if they have shield mod equipped 

this stacks each time, and does not have a limiting cap of overshield 


Growing power:


 is effective to amp up your power strength when you deal status, if used tactically its very effective

here is a vid with my own equinox wither build 




3rd power augment



Duality use 






Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
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max range+ efficiency is the most common and flexible of the builds. It is the one I recommend.


you don't need power strength to do damage with maim, it scales off enemy health so you could literally go negative strength and still oneshot the map.


Besides the maim build, you can max range+duration+Calm & Frenzy (the rest and rage augment) for a cool sleepquinox build- it's a very cool/fun build where you sleep/stun enemies, then melee finisher to kill them, and this causes the sleep cc to spread to other enemies, allowing you to cc the entire map.


You can go 250% power strength+Peaceful Provocation (the pacify and provoke augment) for a buffquinox build- your provoke will grant 50%-up to 80% bonus power strength to allies. Even with negative efficiency, you won't run out of energy with this build and it's literally the easiest "support" build in the game since it's a permanent aura.


And then there's the worst build which is the Duality build. Just max duration. You can summon a specter that attacks with whatever weapon you are currently using. the big downside is the specter will last 20-30 seconds. Energy costs aren't too high thanks to metamorphosis being a 25 energy cost skill (which will typically be cast every 20-30 seconds).

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I've got a few builds for equinox but my favorite is for the sole purpose of the metamorphosis augment focusing on as much strength and duration as i can get without sacrificing to much efficiency. includes Aura: energy siphon  Regular mods: R4 blind rage, R5 intensify, R9 transient fortitude, R8 primed continuity, R3?/maxed constitution, R8 narrow minded, The metamorphosis augment (forget its name), And the last one was a redirection R8 I believe. now this build only really works if you have a decent weapon equipped my favorite to pair with it is my Frankenstein build of a vaykor hek that serves as a crit, status, and high damage build all in one, or my damage build on my sancti tigris. great for this high level enemies.

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I run her as using the "Spider-woman" Night Form Rest & Rage / Calm & Frenzy build with 2 forma into mine but it's easily just as do-able using only 1 or even no Forma at all.
(One forma was to fit Primed Flow, which you could skip. The other to add a "D" because I wanted to have enough capacity for Quick Thinking/Vitality Overextended and Cunning Drift. If you don't care about any of that then it'd still work with no forma.) 

My intent was not to use a bunch of forma and make the "best EQ build ever" just to have her do what I wanted reasonably well. And so far so good.



AA5DEC7AF0256D5AE6086B7E7EE034306CD32A27 (1680×1050)

So anyhow, I left my build open enough to be able to play her other ways too but I find the wide range bleed build (Day Form Maim) to be really boring,  One of my friends always runs her with that and IMO it's a yawn-fest. I guess it's great if you want time to "take a bio" while you're in mission, heh =p

And as to -time-to-kill using Rest some can find it tedious to go from mob to mob and stab each in turn and for that you can just Shoot them (in the face!) or use the sweeping slide aoe attack as Whit3Powd3R showed off.

Regardless of what path you choose, hopefully you will find one you enjoy.


Edited by Rolunde
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for exinox u wish max range max efficancy...primed continuty...transient fortitude... rest is up to u vitality or quick thinking... and u have 1 slot open for 1 of augments equinox is is really strong frame.......if u team wish buffer.. u going for max power no overextended.. but u must have trin in team

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13 minutes ago, Rolunde said:

I run her as using the "Spider-woman" Night Form Rest & Rage / Calm & Frenzy build with 2 forma into mine but it's easily just as do-able using only 1 or even no Forma at all.
(One forma was to fit Primed Flow, which you could skip. The other to add a "D" because I wanted to have enough capacity for Quick Thinking/Vitality Overextended and Cunning Drift. If you don't care about any of that then it'd still work with no forma.) 

My intent was not to use a bunch of forma and make the "best EQ build ever" just to have her do what I wanted reasonably well. And so far so good.


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AA5DEC7AF0256D5AE6086B7E7EE034306CD32A27 (1680×1050)

So anyhow, I left my build open enough to be able to play her other ways too but I find the wide range bleed build (Day Form Maim) to be really boring,  One of my friends always runs her with that and IMO it's a yawn-fest. I guess it's great if you want time to "take a bio" while you're in mission, heh =p

And as to -time-to-kill using Rest some can find it tedious to go from mob to mob and stab each in turn and for that you can just Shoot them (in the face!) or use the sweeping slide aoe attack as Whit3Powd3R showed off.

Regardless of what path you choose, hopefully you will find one you enjoy.


that is really nice build i use similar

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I could rewrite something similar, but I just commented on this. Those are my thoughts, but don't take them as guidelines or similar. The info seems useful.

I see: maim (mainly focussed on day form's 4 damage accumulation), sleep (rest in night form), duality (gimmick), slow (peaceful provocation aura of speed reduction), battery (80 percent strength added to yourself and allies within range) and slash builds (focussed on maim procs); lots of hybrid potential.

Edited by (PS4)GiraffesAreGods
Can't write correctly...
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