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Sorties / High Level missions and constantly reviving players


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I've noticed that a few times. They claim the hp/shield mods aren't necessary and yet they get downed over and over. I usually always revive people though unless it's too violent to or they're miles away. One reason Nezha's augment is amazing is you can at least safety net nublets a little with augment and revive easier. XD

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1 hour ago, Troll_Logic said:

There is a new trend in sorties and high level missions and I'm hating it.  I have no idea how it started or why, and if a player does it I'm never reviving that player in a game.

What's the trend?  Using a squishy frame without vitality or redirection equipped.

It's starting to get really bad and really commonplace.  A Mag, Volt, Mirage shows up with 300 health and 300 shields and they drop ALL THE TIME throughout the mission.  At least once a minute, if not more.

Here is the conversation that always happens.


Me:  "Really dude?  You're running 300 health and 300 shields."

Selfish Tenno:  "Yeah, man.  I'm good."

Me:  "It's really selfish of you." (maybe throw in an expletive as well)

Selfish Tenno:  "I know what I'm doing.  I'm a really good player."

Me:  "I can tell when you're dropping twice a minute."

Selfish Tenno:  "What does my build got to do with you?"

Me:  "Other players are dying because we have to revive you at least once a minute."


I hate this.  It's selfish.  It's short sighted.  It's annoying.  I have no idea why any player would want to run around with no shields and no redirection on a sortie or high level mission and obviously be a liability for the team but they keep doing it.  

Before someone says "But I can do it!!!!"  Yes, a SMALL number of HIGHLY SKILLED players playing THE RIGHT WARFRAME know what they are doing and can do this.  I'm not talking to the MR22 Loki's that have 80% of their playing time in a Loki.  This is about the squishy Mags, Volts, Mirages, Embers, and so on who don't want to install an extra forma.

Before someone knee-jerks and types "He's trolling", you know this is a problem.  Asking a player to equip AT LEAST EITHER VITALITY OR REDIRECTION FOR SOME SURVIVABILITY is not being unreasonable.  At all.


Warframe is a team game.  Think of the team when you build out your warframe and don't cripple the team because you don't want to forma your warframe one more time.  Be a strong member of the team that contributes to the team and makes the team strong.

Don't make the rest of the team carry you.

If somebody dies at the beginning(or dies often), I usually leave that team and restart the mission. I can do all missions by myself, but I dont want reviving everybody every 10 seconds. Im not a mule transporting players to the goal.

Same if I notice somebody is afk. I leave the game even at the ending of mission. I never help that kind of people. No matter if he/she went to the bath.... that's even more offensive for me ¬¬

Edited by ArionLightning
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2 hours ago, Teloch said:

Don't bother yourself. Nothing will change because you vented on forums (except the fact you now might feel better :3)

It is up to player to decide to res or not to res. Personally, I don't revive meta exploiters (BS ash, simulor mirage), "hallway heroes" and "speed demons", Limbos, people who drop on their rear ends each 60 seconds (not always but usually), players who don't revive other players (unless those downed were mentioned in my not to revive list). So you're not alone in being picky XD

I get the others, but why Limbos?

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Having low health and shields in sorties doesnt need to be a bad thing if the player can handle it, the problem arises when you have a player with no survivbility but who still plays like he was a iron skin rhino on mercury i.e. a bad player.

So always come equipped to carry, expect the worst, never risk the objective to revive these guys and if the player in question still doesnt change their playstyle after getting downed half a dozen times or so, purposely let them die a few times.

When they only have one revive left and risk loosing their reward I have found that most people wisen up, stay with the team and play better and if they dont then you can atleast chuckle over the rage in chat that will follow after their last revive.


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4 hours ago, WindigoTP said:

And Primed Flow + Quick Thinking, just in case. At least energy can be easily replenished by Zenurik.

This, as well as an Arcane Energize set or two.

Also, regardless of whether they have hit the current cap of MR22 or are at least MR12, don't assume immediately that players that aren't equipped with Redirection/Vitality mods are scrubs. Judge them by their actions on the field, not from first impressions on their health bar or the frame that they use.

Now I understand that if someone is playing Mag with no Redirection/Vitality but is using Quick Thinking + Primed Flow could be a liability, but in retrospect a Banshee with a similar setup is under a different perspective. Both are squishy frames, but Banshee has survival CC and plenty of EHP because of 637 Power from Primed Flow versus Mag's kit with a different CC approach but with 425 Power. I just think one should put aside their bias for an instance and see how player interaction and communication pans out on the field before jumping to conclusions on how the means will ultimately be the dire result.

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Oh hello the team play!

I thought we have diversity of warframes because of different roles and abilities.

I sometimes use a squishy frame like Banshee with a fully support build.

And i revive all players except maybe the absolute jerks who are writing $hit in the chat

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I've said it in other threads, and I'll say it here. A teammate at full health should be able to handle themselves. I'm often told that Oberon's team healing isn't good enough, or I don't do a good job healing. If I get someone to full health, or activate Phoenix Renewal on them, t's not my fault. They need to not depend on me. Really, they should be capable of surviving and playing the objective regardless of how much team buffs they receive. Reviving such bad players is something I don't have much interest in doing, with some exceptions.

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7 hours ago, Troll_Logic said:

There is a new trend in sorties and high level missions and I'm hating it.  I have no idea how it started or why, and if a player does it I'm never reviving that player in a game.

What's the trend?  Using a squishy frame without vitality or redirection equipped.

I stopped reading at this point.
You don't need vitality or redirection to survive. Especially cause if you're dying with 300 shield, you will die with 660 (or whatever).
The Flow + Quick Thinking combo si many times stronger.
Not to say that there are plenty of frames that can survive without modding for survivability.

If you feel like a random player is not good enough you shouldn't be playing public matches. If you think you might die reviving him don't do that. It's simple.

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5 minutes ago, Prepotenza said:

I stopped reading at this point.
You don't need vitality or redirection to survive. Especially cause if you're dying with 300 shield, you will die with 660 (or whatever).
The Flow + Quick Thinking combo si many times stronger.
Not to say that there are plenty of frames that can survive without modding for survivability.

If you feel like a random player is not good enough you shouldn't be playing public matches. If you think you might die reviving him don't do that. It's simple.

He further specified the issues he had. You may wanna continue reading.

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