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Took me 30 minutes to do the worm since the 5 button press didn't seem to work on controller. Took me an hour or more on the last boss since I had to use controller + keyboard to do the dash move... Proper controller support has been long overdue, but this really pissed me off... Can't even quit (no quit button), had to ctrl alt del out of the game when I got pissed... Then booting the game again when I cooled down brought me right back into the quest, meaning I had litterally no choice to get good and beat the boss to gain control of my account back.

Had a similar problem with Second Dream during the end fight... Always felt the stalker's waves were way too frequent , and he had the ability to stun lock you into a corner for extended period of times... Kinda screweing the big payoff of the quest.

All in all, liked the quest, kinda like the new tileset, that said, it doesn't feel as substantial as I was expecting... After six months of hype, I was expecting an expansion, got a two hour story quest instead, a new system that's awesome on paper but a little underwhelming in terms of usefulness and the usual roster of new weapons. Loved the lore implications though, arguably the best part.

All in all though, I think Warframe needs to focus on delivering gameplay. I know there's a demand for story content, but I'd rather have stuff to do in game than have long, high production value cinematic quests that take months to develop and take less than half a day to complete.

Edited by Tenno_Cobra
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Got stuck in the transference room with a demented Helios and non-stop elevator music.

Fist time playing this game Alt+F4 didn't help, got loaded in the same position.

I wonder, will it get fixed in the future, or is this account lost to me? After 1800+ hours it would be a little disappointing.

Edited by Flirk2
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4 hours ago, hukurokuju5 said:

Stuck on worm part..... too frustrating....

logged out, logged back in,  insta placed back into the same mission. ......


4 hours ago, zephyr_infinity said:

stuck on the wyrm part.. what the hell am I supposed to do now?

if it is the stun & take control of the wyrm part : stun them with e when they unburrow, and then (i can't remember this part whether to) press/hold 5 to gain control. left control to burrow the wyrm that u just gained control to go to the next area.


1 hour ago, Lijka said:

Is anyone able to tell me if the quest is repeatable? Thanks!

No for now.

29 minutes ago, Flirk2 said:

Got stuck in the transference room with a demented Helios and non-stop elevator music.

Fist time playing this game Alt+F4 didn't help, got loaded in the same position.

I wonder, will it get fixed in the future, or is this account lost to me? After 1800+ hours it would be a little disappointing.

Wait Ordis finish his dialogue while move around to avoid being damaged by Helios and then head to liset at the front as per the marked objective point.

Edited by ShirakawaNaoya
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11 minutes ago, ShirakawaNaoya said:

Wait Ordis finish his dialogue while move around to avoid being damaged by Helios and then head to liset at the front as per the marked objective point.

I tried that. I can't roll, evading the Deconstructor and staying alive without rolling on a 100 health is out of my skill set.

And it seems if I die even once (and once is way out of my skill set), the quest gets broken. Ordis stops speaking, doors won't open, and the elevator music will drive me insane if I stay there for more then 5 minutes.

Sorry, but I'm not in love with the concept. Why is that Helios in the transference room in the first place? It should have stayed with my poor captured Oberon on the grineer fortress.

P.S. I'm trying to verify and optimize the game's cache at the moment. But I don't have my hopes too high, seeing as there was a note in a hotfix about fixing a crash right at that stage of the quest.

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10 minutes ago, Flirk2 said:

I tried that. I can't roll, evading the Deconstructor and staying alive without rolling on a 100 health is out of my skill set.

And it seems if I die even once (and once is way out of my skill set), the quest gets broken. Ordis stops speaking, doors won't open, and the elevator music will drive me insane if I stay there for more then 5 minutes.

Sorry, but I'm not in love with the concept. Why is that Helios in the transference room in the first place? It should have stayed with my poor captured Oberon on the grineer fortress.

Hmm... It is probably a bug then... gotta wait for hotfix i guess?. The Helios part doesn't make sense to me as well because i bring my Helios to mission and i don't have any duplicate. So far the only frustrated part is Wyrm or Maw as the quest's call it. The text wasn't properly popup to show the next step for me so i kept failing on that part until the text finally showed up.

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2 hours ago, TheTimeLord101 said:

Hi, I ws playing before the hotfix came out, so red text came while i was on the mountain in operator form. I encountered this bug where upon me finishing the quest, the screen says "An updated version of warframe is available now. Restart the launcher to receive updates" (or something like that). 

I didn't get a mission completion window, I didn't get the Orvius Blueprint, didn't get the broken sceptre, I didn't even get a riven mod, I didn't get xp for my weapons. My inbox got no new message contains TWW stuff.

But my codex says I have completed the quest

Please fix this soon

Basically I got nothing from the quest ---- other than the ability to walk around in operator form, that's awesome

I was supposed to get a reward...? -.- DE come on. The update got pushed so often....why does something like this even happen there are so amny broken things now i wanna cry. Should have been pushed again...i wouldn't have minded it in return for a better expierence over all. Like why the hell can't you take a break from the quest? Mechanics to rip your hair out over and over again. I thought the stalker fight in 2nd dream was bad. but this now....

Edited by Golriat
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Wow, DE... just... WOW!  You have totally made this update worth the wait, and I feel comfortable saying that you totally surpassed the Second Dream.  I am in awe of what you've done here, and I'm feeling very satisfied with what still lies ahead in this update that I haven't done yet.  Beautifully done!  I personally experienced no bugs, and the updated visual effects were so well done.


Thank you!  Thank you so much for this:



Edited by Windspike
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i liked the quest and really enjoyed more operator action, only thing ( beside the known bug for alot of people didn't receive neither the veiled mod nor anything else at the end, myself included, i didn't get anything lol ) is that perhaps there was tooo much operator action, not so much warframe shooting.

Also i wish there was an option to normally be able to use guns on the Kuva guards, i wanted so much do unload a couple of tigris primes rounds in their fat bellies or cut them in half with a slash proc lmfao

Edited by arm4geddon-117
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Cool questline. Nice visuals. Not quite the emotional punch of TSD, but that's to be expected. Nice new breadcrumbs with the bodysnatcher, though it is confusing how that thread might continue (if at all) due to player choice.

Haven't done anything else with the update, so this isn't about that.

The visuals were great.

If I'm not addressing something here I probably thought it was neutral or positive.


  • Operator voicelines still sound off in places (Raven - opening lines for example)
  • Trudging slow movement sucks. Should be able to run all the time with the operator, at least.
  • Activating transference on the worm was really fiddly
  • Final choice in questline suffers from dialogwheel-itis. What does "Control" mean? Not me, apparently. Who consumes it?
  • Operator in ship
    • Always getting out of the chair in the back (far away from your frame) is annoying. Not sure if it should be an option or what.
    • Must be able to jog/slide/roll/bulletjump(voidjump?) in orbiter, feels terrible to go slowly.
  • Weird treatment of toggle sprint is starting to be a more obvious problem
    • In archwing it makes precise boosting and movement terrible. Need separate toggle sprint option for archwing. 
    • Toggle sprint still turns off all the time. Steve mentioned a potential "Always sprint" (and return to sprinting after taking slowing actions) option. Please add this. Again, separately for archwing.
  • Operator power indicator is nice, but too vague. Also too little of it.
  • Didn't get quest reward
Edited by Temragon
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Well, this quest took longer than I expected. Mostly because I kept on dying trying to figure out how things work. Like falling off a cliff 10 times completely ignoring the shiny giant icicle covering a massive Orokin contraption. Yeah. And I somehow got really lucky and only got stuck once and went out of the map once. No real game-breaking bugs that I experienced.

Quest :

- Archwing. Oh boy the Archwing laser part. I hate it. The ship's hitbox is bigger than the actual model, pushing me out everytime I try to get close. There are times when I'm sure I'm behind the ship but the lasers hit me anyway. Although admittedly, I'm biased on this one as I already hated AW in the first place so I guess objectively it was ok...

- New tileset reminds me of Eris infested Corpus ships. As in it fits the tone of the quest but a pain in the bum to navigate. The laser detectors and mines that actually hurts you definitely encourages more careful approach although you can still speedrun through the mines. 

- The whole controlling your tenno thing. It's... Surprisingly better than I thought. The dialogues and VA are decent this time, there's definitely some improvement compared to TSD. Unlocking powerups and such is pretty cool too. The map is way too dark though. And all the frustration from avoiding the dang golden maws are redeemed on the very last moment where you get to control them for 10 seconds... Summoner frame with similar mechanic pls? 

- The boss battle is pretty good. I really like it. Not much comment needed here. Also Teshin decapitating the kween is pretty brutal.

- Here comes the complaint. My choices really meant nothing in the end. It's like playing a TTG game. I picked 2 "evil" choices, 1 "good" and 1 "neutral" and my end result was sliiightly skewed towards "evil" and all of that meant nothing in the end. And there's the ending where you can either destroy, consume or simply give the Kuva to Teshin. And picking either choices really didn't affect anything. Is this simply the start of something bigger? Perhaps your choices now will affect your future quests? Who knows. 

- Also while using your operator your stand is stuck on an awkward stiff standing pose. Would be nice if that were changed to your frame's idle pose.

Equips :

So what we got is a gimmicky glaive, OH BOY GOLLY ANOTHER POLEARM, a pretty good status stick with a passive that doesn't seem to be working, and I guess a decent armor/syandana if you're into Grineer stuff like the Graxx skins.

- Can't say anything about the guns and glaive since I haven't got them yet. EDIT : Well okay maybe I can say a thing or two about these new toys.

- Zarr looks clunky to use. Seems fun though, definitely gonna make one after I finished rolling a Riven Ignis that doesn't have -damage on it.

- Twin Rogga is a pretty simple dual shotgun. It has no damage dropoff and 300 base damage which looks pretty nice at first glance. but with low crit and low status it won't scale pretty well into high level content.

- Okay I've seen how the Orvious works. It's a gimmicky glaive that has a single target CC and... That's it. The damage is nothing impressive. In fact it's pretty bad. So yeah, enjoy your new circular Halikar.

- The polearm is our 8th generic slide-2-win polearm. Also with 7.5% crit chance, 2.5x crit multiplier and 0.833 AS this thing is only useable if you have Maiming Strike + Berserker. If I don't have those 2 mods there's really no reason why I want to get this over, say, an Orthos Prime or a Vaykor Sydon. And seriously, we need a new stance for these things.

- The Broken Scepter is good. With 1.25 AS and 30% status I can really see this working decently on high level enemies. Too bad it's impact based.


Overall I liked the update. But considering what it took to finally release this update I'm not sure if it's actually worth half a year of almost no content. I know having a fully voiced cinematic quest with brand new mechanics will take a crapton of time, but is it really worth it? Personally I prefer the constant updates and events. But hey, if the community likes it this way then I can't really complain.


TL;DR 8/10 it was pretty nice I guess

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I know this is just general feedback. Just finished the quest... Does contain some spoilers but they are locked behind the spoiler things.



That was just so damned amazing. If this is the standard you guys are holding yourselves to.. stuff it.. Even if you lowered the standard a fair bit I honestly can't wait for the next quest you guys work on.

I can not stress how great that was.



Cheers DE. The hype was well deserved :D


I really wanna replay the quest again D: Can we get the option to replay it like the second dream soon?


really got into it when typing this and i'm trying not to use swear words just because it hard to put into words how bloody great that was


Only two things i found bad really, the first was just the archwing part. kept bumping into the ship or getting launched into the lasers.

The second which is part of the quest so imma spoiler it. If you haven't played it yet and for whatever reason are reading this post, please just do the quest and be happy :D

I found the kuva guardian fight fairly difficult for what it was, the guardians used their really long range attacks fair to often and fast. I also found i took my a fair amount of time before i actually heard what teshin was saying with knocking their melee weapons out of their hands, If that part could be made slightly clearer that would be great :D

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So when do we get the full war scepter from an rng assassin with rng rewards and requires the broken one to fix it? Receiving a "broken" scepter at the end just pulls me right back to the Second Dream leaving me thinking "oh god it's another one of these, this entire quest has just left me in the same situation as the last one did.". Of course that is not the case but that is what it felt like to receive another broken (significant/story) weapon just after the last quest gave us the same thing.

The only thing I think DE missed out is not making it re-playable from release.




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The scene at the mountain top, with Teshin at the edge of the cliff against the sky background was the most beautiful thing I have seen in this game.

I mean, look at this, it's @(*()$ awesome!



I liked the quest in general too - the Archwing part in general and transitions from foot to wing was exactly what I wanted and what I want more in other missions.

The final fight against the Queens could be designed better - my biggest issue is with the part where I need to cut the "braids". One braid takes exactly one full void energy reserve to cut, meaning I have to sit on my thumbs waiting for it to refill bewfore I can move to the next, great way to deflate the tension. Reduce their health and that'd be fine.

Teshin just trailing behind me until I disarm the guards is also a weak point. I understand that they are invulnerable, but nothing stops him from just tying them in a fight and distracting them from me. It also makes sense for him from story perspective to not be able to attack them if they carry kuva, but from a gameplay point of view this is weak. At least he gets on their case when we disarm them, so it's not compeltely ridiculous.


Also, am I the only one who feels that the choices of "kill the queen yourself" and "let Teshin do it" got their places mixed up and should be swapped?

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Certainly made a difference with all the delays, which I never complained about.

This is my life now.


How did a game breaking bug that does not ONLY make you unable to progress the quest itself, but instantly forces you into the same lock upon login, keeping you from doing anything at all. 


I am frankly speechless.

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i cant say i loved the quest mostly because i sufered a terrible bug wich basically



The moment i recover all my tenno powers and im in the cinematic of linking miself with my lost warframe the game crashed, when i got back it literally jumped me all over till i meet teshin...basically the game skiped me ALL the final fight (wich i be seen mentioned around) and all that it comes with it...so im now left without answers in a very inticlimatic way

I hope De fixes this and allows those players like me who literally where forced to skip the last part a chance to play it

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After getting stuck in the ''purge'' phase, I verified and optimized the cache. Managed to get the door open. Got to the cave with bones. And couldn't get through it.

Ok, I get it. I need to ''git gud''. Now tell me, when in my 1800 hours of Warframe would I encounter this king of a puzzle?

I started to fear this will happen when the Moon got introduced.

Now I'm stuck mid-quest that demands me to time my hobbles just right. And If I'm one second too late, I have to start again. And again. And again. I couldn't pass through half of the cave that I see on the minimap. A minimap that got blown up for some reason, and shows maybe 1/3 of what it used to. I can't even exit the game without Alt+F4.

This is the first time I'm seriously regretting ever starting the quest. And know for sure if I knew what it will contain, I wouldn't start it at all. I guess that's what I get for not finding out what I'm signing up to.

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48 minutes ago, Countpots said:

I complete the quest but no rewards, no mod, no weapon, what's going on?

Im in the same boat

I picked a mix of black and white decisions, where my mate pick all White and thay got a mail but i did not 

Hope it gets fixed soon >.< Big downer to a good quest 

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2 hours ago, F4talFr4me said:

Was all good till Lotus mentioned "prepare your archwing" then all desire to play died.

Worse yet, you don't even get to shoot anything with your AW, nor is there any sort of high-speed action (like normal Grineer AW maps) or trench run (like normal Corpus AW maps).

I like Archwings in general, and I hate the TWW Archwing segment. That's how bad it is.

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