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I found the quest the most irritating thing I have encountered in this game. While the story is great, the execution is terrible largely because the lack of information and how dodgy the controls are. I had to end task a number of times as the game hiccupped without letting me proceed (liset didn't open the door to purge for example).


I've just about given up at the guardian part as the transference is sporadic and so is the void blast. I haven't end tasked yet but nothing drops the weapon. Even more irritating is I can't go into the game I enjoy just to play normal games.


Feels like the old 80's text adventures:


- You encounter an elf with a knife

Kill elf

- don't understand command. The elf kills you.

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alright random thoughts, while it's still fresh :

didn't have too much problem with the lack of information, a few fail and retry here and there. Made you think a little and it felt as you walked into the unknown so it wasn't that bad. targeting the worms was my only problem, it didn't work half of the time and maybe the last part with the queen, it felt i went trough the shield because of luck.

Was that my ship, was it a dream? because none of my decoration/fashion liset was shown, what the point of the customization if we can't see it.

Remove ammo drop from the gards in the Queens chamber, they don't need to drop ammo, it may seems futile but i was really into the cinematic experience, no need for drops to remind you of normal gameplay.

Story is still the same, no grey area, grineer queens are bad, teshin is good. Like when you question the lotus action in the second dream but no, she's good. And really as soon as we encounter them we have to fight one?  I like having a powerful enemy around, instead, as soon as she lose her staff she lost everything that made her interesting.

Btw can someone tell me if the queen can survive if you choose option one?

The end with teshin in the mountain was pleasing visually, and i liked most of the environment of the quest, great job.

I liked that transition between archwing and normal gameplay.

i'm not sure about seing more and more of the operator in the battlefield...

We get another way to have power while focus is still a mess...

edit : oh yeah, sometimes the color of my operator hairs was wrong

edit2: ah, and about the riven mods, i don't know about the random thing (good one, bad one), there will be salt.

edit 6 : well well well, hahaha, haha, ha. 



edit 3 : oh man, how do i do 4 headshots while aimgliding... (self response : just take grakata in a survival)

edit 4: also why the new resource, we should have been able to reroll with our current resources, there are no sink for them and they become useless once you play enough.

edit 5: oh yeah i forgot, dead space all over when walking on the snow as the operator lol

Edited by Gilmaesh
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This may have been suggested or planned but I'm still gonna ask for it: Can we please have the possiblity to venture back to the mountain peak where we meet Teshin, similarly to how we can still come back to the Silver Grove? It was easily the most stunning moment in the quest, visually, and I would love to return to it, (without the need to come back to it by replaying the quest, which I assume is going to be a thing).

You could add a mechanic or two behind it so it's not just something done for the visual experience only, maybe add something related to the new Operator powers, like upgrading them.

Edited by HornedRat
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Quest was ok, although I found that the whole "weaken the player then empower them" thing is getting a bit old. Directions during the operator sequence could have been better.

About the new mod system: Seems very poorly thought out. The game is already over-reliant on rng and you give us this? The mods you can get range from next-to-useless to godlike. The requirements to unlock them likewise range from trivial to impossible; I got one with the condition to scan a simaris target with a hobbled key equipped without using abilities, traps OR taking damage. Unless you can produce video evidence of someone succeeding in it I'm calling BS, it's simply impossible. Could just as well have gotten a jack-in-the-box with a middle finger popping out instead.  I know the whole "do you guys even play your own game" trope is overused here but I'm starting to wonder. Hope you guys manage to salvage the new mod system, if it stays like this I can definately see people quitting out of frustration.

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23 minutes ago, Gilmaesh said:



(Cant use the spoiler button in phone)

To me it seemed like the queen caused an illusion as she tried to transfer herself into the tenno, like she wanted us to get mentally dead


About  the lore, what is new now:

The queens are orokins tranferred into grineers

Now we have evidence that there are inmortal orokins alive as mentioned in the fragments lore

The dax were forced to obbey the queens, now they arent

Lotus is still hiding things

We killed our parents or something like that, we are villains

No clue of the sentients, no clue of the infested door

As you said, theres not a big movement in the story, at least not a loud one, they could consider be less linear at story telling, skip some events in order to make the events as epic as their narrative which seems quite good for me

Edited by rockscl
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LOVE THIS QUEST SO FAR, just hit a little snag


Okay so i'm in my ship with ordis and im sitting here using my tenno powers like he asked and when i get to the crouch part it just stays there, im crouching, im in the void, so what now im kinda forever stuck there. Anyone have suggestions? did i miss something?


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Quest was okay until the return to the queen, I do not know if it is my graphics card but on my AMD I cannot see well enough to time the stun and typically do not notice when guard is stunned.

Quest difficulty is not so much a challenege of skill but rather overcoming the obvious flaws in the interface and lighting leaving me completely frustrating and annoyed without chance of escape to the normal game.

The latter as even after terminating the game on the next start it puts you right back in the nightmare again.

Now before anyone posts about how it was so easy for them or I have problems because Iz not gud like them, allow me to point out that after over 2 years of playing this game that this is not the first time this sort of thing has happened and been fixed.

I am glad for everyone who had it easy but as this is a feedback forum can I ask what benefit to the devs there is posting that you didnt have a problem?



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This quest chain is a bust for me.  I opened up a support ticket to get my account reset.  I don't need this kind of frustration. Here is the ticket, as a warning to those thinking of trying it. Skip it IMHO. This is such a shame actually. 

"Can I please get my account reset.  I have been trying to complete the new War Within quest chain and its been 3 hours of nothing but disappoint. I am so frustrated with DE and Warframe at this point.  What a joke.  Please reset my account so that i can continue to play. I have been stuck in the Queens' room fighting the Kuva Guardians for the last hour.  I am so upset I am shaking.  This is absolutely the worst update you have done so far. I can't believe you have shoveling out this kind of garbage"

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Im rarely post in feedback threads, but this time I have strong urge to post my "meh" here,  just for sake of saving my nerves.
So The Star Wars Within, I'll try to stay as coldminded as possible.

  1. New Imperial Cruiser Crashsite tileset is quiet generic and poorly optimised. Red Galaxy Empire signs, black-grey color theme, smokes, im star wars fan too, but dammit - there is fine line between inspiration and copypaste and this design is too close to this line.
  2. Teh Plot - "whooooooo use you Force Luke". Rly? Good start with possible traitor and after such nice start "Im your father"-like stuff.
  3. Teh Jedi Tenno I have Force Push, Force Jump, Mindtrick, where is my Lightsaber? Is there any reason to add such overcomplicated mechanics to game? 100hp defenceless operator wich give neither tactical advantage nor f*cks. Totaly user unfriendly interface + zero usability, nice, nice, nice.
  4. Teh Choice - "embrace Dark Side Luke". Meh.
  5. Ludicrous cinematic animation fails - disapearing props, overdistorted models.
  6. Bugframe: The Bug Within - half of a year after intial release date, half of a year of "jam tomorrow" and stupid doors still dont want to open, both of them.

Infinity fissure missions became better, yup.

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I love the quest i love everything implemented in it quest mostly the operator mode <3 
I badly want to hug everyone at DE for such amazing expirience youve don amazing job here on this game from the visuals to sound to design to level design to optimization everything is just amazin 
i cant ait to see more of warframe coming soon and to se how the operator mode will evolve in the future 
dont listen to the ppls that are complaining that its useles, its not im using it alot and its very funn for me. 
[Sry for bad language] 

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"So... That's it?" were literally the first words out of my mouth when I finished the quest, and I still feel that way.
I'm left with a hollow feeling, and even a bunch of hours later I still feel like an expectation wasn't met. On other words; this is the longest I've ever waited for a over complicated tutorial.

Firstly the quest seems to focus on introducing the new out-of-suit mechanic. This takes up far too much time. The only new thing the new mechanic really brings to the table is the courch-to-cloak thing. Apart from that the hand-death-ray, the pulse-blast, and the blink abilities are just like shooting, quick melee, and bullet jumping.
While it does seem to make sense in relation to the WF lore, it feels like it was designed mainly as a way of grinding loot from the new special enemies.

Secondly the quest seems to focus on the story, but with what felt like 50% of the time wasted (let's be honest) on introducing a new gimmic (rather than a new need-to-have mechanic) it was left as a rush job. "Oh look Teshin. Oh look, The Queens. Now die! ... Also Teshin, you're a cool old dude anyway".
I was good and ready to do a deep and thorough infiltration of the fortress, but like the night I lost my virginity, it was practically over before I could beging.
The queens wasn't really fleshed out in any way, as much as they were just superficially introduced (and one of the killed before we even got to know her god damnit!). Huge let down.

Thirdly the quest seems to focus on introducing the new tileset and (reskinned) enemies.
The tileset it really good, but could have used a more in depth introduction. The scanners are cool, but will ultimately be completely ignored outside of quest missions. Just like the Corpus cameras (except these things are immortal).
The (regular) enemies are meh at best. It's nice to see some Grineer with new guns, but when it all comes down to it, they're nothing more than reskins. They don't to anything new. The Grineer Manics, as an example, were interesting and fun, but are rarely seen. These guys are just the same.
The new enemies (the big fat ones, and the "jesters") probably do something, but I never noticed what (outside the quest), as they fell victim to the obligatory cheese of invasions misisons (Mirage + Simulor).
The Kuva harvester doesn't really count as an enemy unit, as it doesn't do anything but sit there.

The Broken Scepter has a cute thing, where you can turn enemies into health orbs (but only if melee is equipped). It will ultimately become mastery fodder, and it's party trick will be long forgotten. It takes too long to do. Maybe have it create the healt orbs from charge attacks.

Was it worth the wait? Definitely not!
Was it worth the time spent playing it? Not really...
Could it have been really good? Yes, it could have.
4/10 -  a resounding meh...

My initial advice to DE will be to overhaul TWW before it's made possible to replay it.
Shave down the tedious mounting wandering, expand on the whole "search for Teshin" and "Find the queens" part.

Edited by BenzinNinJa
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Cinematics were pretty good. Quest itself was nifty if not a little frustrating in places. Unfortunately, the new major systems suck right now. Being your operator is cool, but it's useless aside from some niche cases. These new purple mods are completely broken, either worthless or super OP.

It's pretty obvious that there were corners cut to get this thing out. Cinematics are all well and good, but the new systems are the real draw. I think most players are interested in the new systems that impact the game as a whole, like the operator powers. I would have much preferred a less glamorous War Within quest and a more polished operator experience.

The Second Dream was the right way to do it. Good cinematic at the end and introduced a solid system that was really cool and positively impacted play.


tl;dr: Less cinematics, more mechanics.

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Whew. now that I've officially completed the quest I feel it appropriate to feedback my full experience including some corrections.

First- As I said earlier, I do not feel the quest itself was all it had been anticipated to be. There were many elements that were simply cumbersome and stiff leaving the player (myself) feeling trapped in a mission I no longer wanted to play through. This could of been eliminated with at the least a means to exit the mission, play through some other aspect of the game then return to the mission at my leisure allowing me to revisit and relieve some of that tension. This tension was predicated not only on the number of times I had to repeat quest scenes due to various problems with targeting and responsiveness but also on knowing that I could not escape or progress forward with new content until this was completed. Thusly, some of my previous feedback reflected that feeling.

Now, having completed the quest itself I can say with a calmer air that the quest was difficult due to my lack of awareness in certain areas. There needs to be indicators/timers in place for things like the stealth walk and transference components of the mission. some indication of how to proceed in the cave segment for getting over 'rocky' sections. Targeting and responsiveness could be a bit broader when attempting to use transference on the machines. The final battle could use more explanation from teshin in game before it proceeds. Clarity goes a long way toward alleviating stress while allowing player discovery without making one feel like they need full handholding. 

Now that I know what happens afterward I must completely amend my statement about the value of the skills of the operator. (spoilers prevent me from going further without divulging information, but its actually really cool),,,,,,I like it alot now that I know what it is.

The tileset itself, the grineer queens, the new grineer forces, armor, all are amazing. I think the red and black are fantastic and I feel more 'attracted' to the grineer now. meaning I like seeing them more than before. I RP "hating" the grineer those space zombies must die--but I love that faction. I only wish you'd put effort into making them still more aggressive, less likely to turn and run, I get tired of seeing their backs and watching them hide and run away. Lotus says "a grineer force is on their way" and my response is "no lotus, they're on their way to the escape pods and I'm in their way". i want them to be more menacing. More aggressive. More hungry.

The queens were fascinating. The lore elements that were revealed very mysterious and while they did answer some questions created new ones. Your story is evolving, and becoming quite compelling. I have enjoyed watching it unfold thus far. 

So, in short and closing, while I found the quest to be anti-climactic and somewhat burdensome the over all update has been in my opinion a very large success. No major bugs in my personal gameplay and while the hitchup on quest aforementioned was bothersome to me I'm happy with TWW over all. I have been able to view the entire game with all my settings on high and various components turned on that before now I could not do. some of that is because of my new computer, alot of that I think how ever is because of your changes. 

The sound effects, graphics, backgrounds and new art is fantastic. I love the various environmental additions like work table with cups on it in a loot room, things like that. various types of debri and amors laying about. You never cease to amaze me with how beautiful the game looks. Thank you guys for your hard work and efforts as always to satisfy and meet the expectations of we your fans and players.

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Okay, so I love the new update. It's everything I wanted and hoped for. Quest was very solid, and I love the new stuff done with the Operator. But I have one big, major problem with this update... That being the new Riven Mod System.
So, I completed the requirement for my mod, and ranked it completely. This is the mod I had at first:


Now at first glance, this doesn't seem bad. I wasn't super thrilled of it being only on one weapon, but everything else is fine. I thought the stats were a bit overpowered in general, but then again it's not exactly something I need to use on a Paracyst. 

So, I decided to cycle the mod. I farmed Kuva, got the required 900 I needed, and did the new requirement for the mod. 
Then it changed the mod into this: 


So, the big problem here is, it changed every single stat on the mod. It isn't even really an increase of power or usefulness, it's just random RNG "pray you get lucky" slot machine shenanigans. Every single thing in this game is about increasing your gear, growing stronger. Using forma in frames, endo to increase your mod's effects, ect. This whole system is counteractive to what is currently in the game, and a very bad example of RNG playing a massive role on if one gets a good mod or not. Several people I know and have talked to have gotten mods for the Grakata, The Sybaris, and even the Lanka. All of which are weapons that technically surpass the Paracyst, and are far more useful in my honest opinion. The cherry on top is, they all got better stats than I did, and they didn't even have to cycle their mods. It feels like I got cheated out of a good mod, and I have to cycle it X amount of times until I got a "God Mod" that'll make it worth using on the selected weapon. Essentially, it's like pulling the leaver on a slot machine and trying to get triple 7's and get the best match up of slots. It's random, and it does not make farming the material to cycle it worth the effort since it does not guarantee it will get better by doing so. 

I feel like there could have been a better way to implement this system, without all the random and, quite frankly "unfair" RNG that plays into it. Like, it would have been cool if maybe River mods increase your powers outside your Warframe as your Operator. Such as increasing the power of your beam, or reducing the cool down time of your abilities, ect. There are infinite ways that could have worked and been worth the farm and the effort put into it. 

This whole update was amazing, and this is a blemish on what is otherwise a clean-faced update (all bugs and things aside). I really hope this gets looked at and changed, because if it doesn't, I fear for what direction future implemented features will be like. 

Thank you for your time.

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TWW: Choosing your warframe is almost unimportant. In really important phases, you will either lose your Warframe or take away your powers and weapons. TWW is an endless series of annoying and tedious mini-games, sprinkled with a good script and some memorable moments.


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I have been getting massive performance drops once I downloaded this update. The game lingers at an unplayable 10-20 fps in the liset and missions, and while my computer is not that good, I have been able to play the game before. I have my settings at the lowest possible and still not able to go above 20 fps

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I did not follow the hype at all and have been on break for a few months.

War within was an absolute disappointment and I wasn't really expecting anything.

The operator ruined the story. I have to deal with some edgy teen when we could have had stories about our mute war gods. But no! Operator this operator that. Dash through enemies like Sonic the hedgehog! Use you ancient Egyptian lazor beams!

What really annoyed me was that I had to do the Junction to get the quest. I ground and killed Sentients and trial mods enough when they were new. I did my time! Doing it again was just aggravating. Hell it actually reminded me why I quit. I'm tired of the gameplay loop and this didn't really fix anything as the story isn't going where I'd love it to go and that can't be changed anymore.

And then we get RIven mods. A randomly generated mod that really is just power creep which we don't @(*()&#036; need! The whole games balance is already #*(&#036;%%@ and has been FOR YEARS. The game did not need another feature in operators. It needed old features balanced!

Well least I got all of that out somewhere.

I'm just going to go back on break again.

What a disappointment.

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30 minutes ago, Ziegrif said:

I did not follow the hype at all and have been on break for a few months.

War within was an absolute disappointment and I wasn't really expecting anything.

The operator ruined the story. I have to deal with some edgy teen when we could have had stories about our mute war gods. But no! Operator this operator that. Dash through enemies like Sonic the hedgehog! Use you ancient Egyptian lazor beams!

What really annoyed me was that I had to do the Junction to get the quest. I ground and killed Sentients and trial mods enough when they were new. I did my time! Doing it again was just aggravating. Hell it actually reminded me why I quit. I'm tired of the gameplay loop and this didn't really fix anything as the story isn't going where I'd love it to go and that can't be changed anymore.

And then we get RIven mods. A randomly generated mod that really is just power creep which we don't @(*()&#036; need! The whole games balance is already #*(&#036;%%@ and has been FOR YEARS. The game did not need another feature in operators. It needed old features balanced!

Well least I got all of that out somewhere.

I'm just going to go back on break again.

What a disappointment.

yeah the layering and layering of new broken systems (focus, operator, riven mods) on top of old broken systems (no challenge, power spawn, endless energy) tells us the game is on the decline. No real push to fix it, just trying to add more content as fast as possible to keep people semi interested while the core rots. We need real frame balance and enemy balance, challenge and goals. Not new wonky mechanics and endless power creep, but the latter seems to be where DE is heading, straight off the cliff.

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So, I've completed TWW, working on gathering the new resource, and I gotta say, at least solo, depending on the area you are in your gonna have alot of trouble fighting the special enemies that are there, that and I think occassionally I didn't have any power/ energy/space magic to do what needs to be done for the larger enemy, but aside from getting destroyed in cramped corridors not to bad.

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Some things i noticed so far.

- I was MR-21 with a good chunk of exp to MR-22 before update, after i was put back down to MR-20 with 47 exp to 21. When i ranked up it put me back to MR-21 without having to do the MR test. Odd.
- Clan emblems weren't showing  Fixed! <3
- There's a rare occurrence when hitting grineer containers on the kuva fortress tile sets that makes them turn red for a moment
- The operator can't interact with companions
- The first Mobile Defense i did in a group, there was a fortress scanner moving right over the area we stand to defend the console triggering the turrets etc. the whole time we were defending, is this intentional?
- When equipping Ayla Syandana, a gracious but yet not needed second syandana appears on the floor: http://prntscr.com/d6jusd
- When searching for a specific item in the relic refinement screen it shows all relics when you switch tabs with the item your still searching for in the search bar, making you retype the item. When refining a relic it does the same, resetting the page to show all relics instead of the specific item.
- During a kuva farming mission, a host migration occured and the cloud got stuck and we couldn't do anything with it and had to extract.
- During a ayatan treasure mission i got stuck in an elevator in the void... I called for help, but nobody came, FeelsLonelyMan. Fixed! :D
- Sometimes an enemy would get stuck in a frozen stance when killed, then dissapperaing after a moment. Fixed!
- Saryns molt model is in a T-stance when used
- The transparent map option in game has gotten way bigger, is this intentional? cause now it's getting in the way more often when the map stretches across the middle of my screen gettin in the way of where im aiming. i would stop using the transparent map if the other option of having it in the corner was
re-sizable pleeeease.. its way too small for my liking. - http://prntscr.com/d6njf5 EG. of it in the way.
- When ground slamming on reactant that you are able to pick up the ground slam is canceled just above the ground and you are able to move normally.
- Sometimes when entering a mission in the loading screen i see the default lisset for some players and nowt showing their actual ship/ colors.
- When unlocking lockers with the master thief mod on, sometimes the lockers don't show the green outlining to show they've unlocked.
- When you are in operator mode and extract from a mission it doesn't show the frame or operator entering the ship.
- Running Lua missions for a friend i encountered a lot of enemies stuck in the ground or behind walls, the extermination missions would have been unsuccessful and aborted if i didn't have punch through on my weapon :(
- While fooling around with a random player at extraction we were in and out of operator mode and we got extracted in that mode and our void traces didn't count, therefore our relic's didn't open. BEWARE!
- often in some missions my gear wheel would be locked the whole mission, others it won't.
- I've encountered a couple moments where my melee was broken and wouldn't melee anything and when i tried to slide, i went straight into crouching.

Changes i like.

- Waypoints on reactant on screen all the time rather than only when your not looking at it off screen. *and stops when you collected 10 :D


- Shouldn't syndicate Defense mission have at lease one or two syndicate rep pickups. FeelsNoPickupsMan :(

Edited by Tarkmelhion
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My one and current only complaint I want to make feedback on is this.

Riven mods when first starting out. You have no means to know you're supposed to have said mod equipped while doing the mission for it to count. I think the biggest issue is for most people starting off, they don't know this. A friend of mine spent all day apparently trying to finish one of the hardest ones Finish a level 30+ exterminate mission without alerting any enemies. And after finally finishing it after spending all day pretty much, found out you needed the mod equipped on a primary rifle weapon. The implementation of how the mod works IE: needing to be equipped to gain effect off of the challenge its flavor text area comes with, is not explained what so ever aside the actual challenge and not what to do with the mod itself. The mod / something needs to tell players that you need to equip it first to a weapon to work otherwise your efforts much like my friend, went to a very frustrating waste.

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Okay. So I hope you guys are all doing great. I hope you enjoyed the quest. I sure as hell didn't. I'd like to talk about why. SO without further ado:


1) Underwhelming story

This is a more subjective thing, I will not delve too much into it. I just felt this did NOT live up to the level of Second Dream. You might disagree, and that's completely fine.

2) Bugs, bugs, bugs

So the number of bugs that the thing shipped with (that STILL have not been fixed, judging by the posts on the forum) is inexcusable. I'll give you a few examples:


a) I kept getting stuck in piles of bones to have that orokin maw gobble me up.  

b) "Press 5 to activate transference" with the maw did not work until I force quit and restarted the quest replaying the first part of the bone maw part that was already frustrating to begin with.  

c) THIS IS A BIG ONE: While fighting the Kuva Guardians, I void dashed through them and returned to my frame to stun them, and my Excal wouldn't swing his sword. I'd keep hitting E, but nothing would happen. For him to start swinging again, for SOME weird reason, I had to let them hit me until either I died and wasted a revive or my health hit 2 and Quick Thinking kicked in. Okay now WHAT IF I was running my vitality/steel fiber excal build? What if I had no QT? I wasted a bunch of revives JUST TRYING TO FIX A BUG THAT LETS ME USE MY DRAGON NIKANA. And because I had to constantly fight at the edge of my health, I died far too frequently, and ended up failing the mission multiple times. I even actually ragequit. In addition to the bugs, I get that DE is trying to give players a challenge, but I'd argue that it's trying WAY TOO HARD to be Dark Souls, in the sense that it wants to make players  reach that state of mind where you have to be extremely careful, time your moves etc. But failing rather abysmally. It leads to frustration and ragequitting (and this isn't just me). I like a challenge, and maybe I'd have enjoyed the DS-esque moment if not for the bugs, but I despise bugs that get in my way. Warframe is a game that many people (myself included) play for two main reasons: 1) story and 2) to feel a power trip. Dark Souls-ing this out is a bad idea (again, MY OPINION, feel free to disagree). Dying and failing multiple times also inadvertently causes another issue, and that is....

3) Unskippable cutscenes

....Come on. Really? Yes I know you put in a lot of work into them and YES they are spectacular, But when you have to sit through them dozens of times because of bugs, you don't feel the emotional attachment to the game that the cutscenes aim to elicit: you just feel like..."AAARGGGG GET OUT OF MY FACE" ya know?

4) Riven Engra..I mean mod system.

You know why Destiny's RNG system got shat on so royally? You grind for hours to get a rare/legendary engram, then you go to the cryptarch, who then cracks it open and you have A CHANCE at getting some half decent gear. But frequently you will get absolute garbage Sicarus Prime tier gear that isn't worth half your current gear level. Now look at the Riven Mod system. It's kind of the same but kind of different. You get Riven mods from Sorties, based on RNG. That makes them hard enough to get. You get a random challenge to complete which may or may not be completely mind numbing (covered in point 5) and then it can be for a random weapon that you may or may not like, and then it may or may not have negative modifiers, I mean WHAT. Example: I got a riven mod that when I unlocked I found to be a Lanka exclusive mod that gives me more zoom and more reload speed. Now I'm a guy who hates snipers. Why? Because of THE ZOOM. The Lanka already has some pretty obnoxious Zoom. So you give me a mod for A WEAPON I DO NOT HAVE, A WEAPON I DO NOT LIKE, THAT WORSENS THE REASON I DO NOT LIKE IT, BUT OH LOOK! IT NOW RELOADS FASTER. MUCH RELOAD VERY WOW. They feel less like mission rewards, more like cookies. You know, when something is meant to feel like a reward but feels like an insult? There's a cost benefit style of thinking that I generally adopt, and at this point, I simply do not think riven mods are worth my time. I actually debated turning my garbage lanka mod into endo. Simply because I was so furious. I'm not going to be bothering with them until something about it is changed to something at least resembling reasonableness. I'm not THAT masochistic, sorry. Coming to the next issue I have:

5) Absurd, nonsensical riven mod challenges

So my challenge was actually rather tame, I had to do a defense with an extinguished key making sure the pod took no damage. It was a decent challenge, and it was nice, I must say. However, some friends of mine got something that I do not even think is possible: SIMARIS SYNTHESIS WHILE NOT USING A TRAP OR ANY ABILITIES. WHAT? 

6) Shoehorned mechanics:

Let's look at the Focus system and why it is so good. It's because it gives you actual, tangible in game perks: Zenurik? UNLIMITED ENERGY. Naramon? SHADOW STEP MASTER RACE BABY. Vazarin? INSTANT REVIVES. Madurai? MOAR DAMAGE! Unairu? Erm...it exists.

What actual in game perk does void dashing and void blast and voidwalking give you? The Focus system had great perks that gave you advantages in game. This new systm thing is cool and all, but seems tacked on, It gives you no actual benefit that I can see, and no, "void dash through kuva balls to siphon kuva" mechanic does not count....it's the definition of shoehorning something into a game. MAYBE there's potential for operator-only missions, but when the best thing about an entire new system is a "MAYBE", something is fundamentally wrong.  


Look, folks. I love you people very dearly. I love Warframe. I love the community. I've spent between 40 and 60 bucks on this game (which I know isn't a lot but given how little I make it's a significant amount for me. I regret NONE of it, I have sunk more hours into Warframe than I have into every other game I have played combined, so when I say I'm invested in you and I love your game you should probably believe me. And this is precisely the reason I will be so harshly critical of this game when I think it is fair. I defended you vehemently when people raged about the delays. I defended you vehemently when the specters of the rail shipped with all those bugs and you scrambled to fix it all on time. But I also criticized you rather harshly during the vacuum..ahem..."experiment" and I'm going to do so again.  I hope these issues  are addressed, and have a good weekend, people.  

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