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《 Sorties , RNG And The Need For A Token System 》


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12 hours ago, Trichouette said:

Which is exactly why I asked on the second stream podcast thing why it was ok to introduce a token system in an event (that obviously seems grindy) and not ok to put one on the daily sortie mission.

Were you graced with an answer?

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42 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

you really think anyone from DE would take that much time ?

I thought the wording of my question implied what I really thought did happen. :D

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4 hours ago, Snib said:

I thought the wording of my question implied what I really thought did happen. :D

Well guess again.

Somehow it's legit to put a token system on an event (which IT IS) but not on a daily mission that most players find unrewarding and that has the worst loot ratio ever made...

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To expand on the idea of making it like a syndicate (order of the lotus?). I feel it is the best of these ideas because it would add a lots versatility for DE.

they could easily make ranks, requiring specific quests and some standing as tribute before you can buy certain things, restricting players from getting specific rewards before DE wants players to have them (e.g. exilus adapters)

They could also, at their discretion, make other events award small amounts of standing, possibly a rare alert, maybe even fomorians/etc.

Heck, they could replace the void traces/nitian/resource alerts with small amounts of standing and make those items purchasable with small amounts of standing (obviously larger cost for nitian/rare resources). If done properly it could make more people interested in alerts and help out newbies.

Now that we have Vauban prime they could switch reg. Vauban alerts for small amounts of standing and make him purchasable for decent standing which would also help out newbies.

DE could take these ideas or leave them but at least it would give people, and DE, more opportunities.

I feel like the game would feel more rewarding as a whole with some of these changes.

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Just like to add to this.   Here I am with more Zenurik, Naramon and Madurai Greater lens than need.    Done with everything I care to do on them, have spare lens if I change my mind.    Working on Vazarin and Unairu now.   However, I have to trade for the lens for them as I simply don't get them.  Getting a Greater Lens for one of the ones I am done with is the equivalent of no reward at all.  Cannot trade it.   Cannot convert it.  At least I can trade small ones, if I am lucky and get them.  Otherwise  just something to stick on the pile.    Probably say the same for Reactors, Catalysts and Exilus.    Then of course when I do get a Riven, if its something new, no issue, whether i like the weapon or not.   But constant repeats, while not getting them for so many other weapons.   I know there are shotgun Rivens in the game somewhere, I bought one, so they exist.   But apparently not in the Riven pool for me anyway.      I do not think the prices should be as cheap as in the op's post if players are allowed to select items rather than get them randomly.   But earning points, tokens, rep, whatever and allowing us to earn/purchase the rewards would be a much better system.


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IMO the whole sortie System is a concatenation of unkind, uninspired, ergotherapy. I belive the journey is the reward. Better or more material or mod drops from enemys. Also larger credits as drop from enemys for example.

What about rare Container as spwan in every mission/tileset? Not only one, no, two or three.

I think there are more interesting ideas that cost not so muche work for a touch of better, nicer, bigger Mission with variety.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There isnt much to add. These Anasa sculptures are a PEST and i could decorate my enire ship with a flood of these useless pieces. Having 1 or 2 at the start was nce to have some decoration but by now its just ridicolous, especially today with sorties like defending defending and rescue where it takes over an hour to finish for technically NOTHING in return. 

If the missions would at least be FUN. Their just tedious especially with the worst Operator AI ive seen since the dawn of escort missions "Please defend me while i run into every bullet i can manage to!"

Seriously what single person with a brain would aimlessly run around the area while bullets fly at them?! I mean if they would be blind i could see SOME sense in it but they clearly are able to aim perfectly once you hand them a weapon so why the hell arent they at least TRYING to hide behind something?! Just make it even more anoying. 

Please DE do something worthwhile because as of now i dont even wanna log in anymore because there is nothing WORTH doing besides the login bonus -.-'

I really tried doing sorties for so long, soloed as much as humanly possible because often enough you just cant be bothered to trust randoms with a spy ect. But this 0 reward from sorties is boring af.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would love this way of sortie.

First because we wouldn't be focus on the RNG to drop -- Lucky and lucky all over this make people furious about you can do like me 3 in a row ayatan sculture (I DON'T NEED THIS I WANT ANOTHER THING - BUT I CANT LOG IN EVERYDAY TO DO THIS MISSION)

The mission could be like a Raid system with random missions like you said but can have load on the end of one objective -- it would make a lot to make a mission this way and random to become dif sorties everyday. So i say 3+ missions that we have to use all equip like Archwing and goes on, and skills Sthealth skills (it is usuless we dont even need to take care of sthealth in any part of any mission even on the middle of the Spy you can hack it before the time allways) - soo i would say a mission that if u are detected you lost.

So basically i would love this way to get Sorties -- not random rewards - but you get points to buy your reward -- and like another games a defined reward as the week or month.

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We need something because the current system is starting to be mickey take.

Just done todays sortie and the final one is defend the operative against eximus grineer at level 90-110. 

Not being big headed but I basically carried the whole team because the rest didn't even think to come prepared with their best weapons (some weren't even levelled) and after I killed 663 to their 59, 57 and 3 (yes you read that right a 3) we ended up with 4k endo....

I'm mr22, currently have over 40 ayatan sculptures of varying degree sitting in my inventory, I have around 8mil in cash and iirc 100k give or take of pure endo.  I do not need anymore endo or the ayatan sculpture I got last time or really the xp booster I got before that.   

All I actually want is a 'common' item called a riven mod to drop but I seem to get more endo than I do riven mods and common drops always seem to be ayatan these days.... if it's not ayatan/endo it's often as not a focus lens (I've even said screw it and started getting focus on the rubbish schools)...hell I've had more boosters than riven mods in the last month. 

Put simply... why would I want to do sorties when sorties aren't dropping the supposedly common riven mods and all I get rewarded with is rubbish I don't need.....

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1 minute ago, LSG501 said:

Put simply... why would I want to do sorties when sorties aren't dropping the supposedly common riven mods and all I get rewarded with is rubbish I don't need.....

But you're still doing sorties. And this is the problem. As long as people run sorties, good or bad loot, devs are happy and nothing changes.

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13 hours ago, Trichouette said:

But you're still doing sorties. And this is the problem. As long as people run sorties, good or bad loot, devs are happy and nothing changes.

the thing is I'm not doing sorties as much now.... I usually skip the ones that have things I don't enjoy in because it's just not worth the effort for endo/ayatan.

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  • 1 month later...

ok i'm lazy and don't want read all the page , i have a idea and if u like it we can open a petition and see the DE reply 

they add color for the rarity, they add a "system" that allow u to not take the same reward after 2 time etc...

3/4 of the people here complain of the reward table , this is my solution :

add a month reward table



i talk to stuff like this , this is the only way to see the real reward table and what people got and u know , if in 30 day u have 15 ananas, 15 endo and few other think somethink don't work well

and tbh i'm not that guy that want a riven on every sortie , tbh i hae 27 riven and use 4, i want see on my reward a different item, not always the same 3


Edited by LIKE_A_PR3DAT0R
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7 minutes ago, LIKE_A_PR3DAT0R said:

i talk to stuff like this , this is the only way to see the real reward table and what people got and u know , if in 30 day u have 15 ananas, 15 endo and few other think somethink don't work well

Well it works pretty well because that's kinda the goal.

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13 minutes ago, LIKE_A_PR3DAT0R said:

ok i'm lazy and don't want read all the page , i have a idea and if u like it we can open a petition and see the DE reply 

they add color for the rarity, they add a "system" that allow u to not take the same reward after 2 time etc...

3/4 of the people here complain of the reward table , this is my solution :

add a month reward table



i talk to stuff like this , this is the only way to see the real reward table and what people got and u know , if in 30 day u have 15 ananas, 15 endo and few other think somethink don't work well

Sooooo... How would this work exactly?

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easy , u start the first day of the month in this way



ayatan [ 0 ]

riven mod [ 0 ]

4000 endo [ 0 ]

focus lens [ 0 ]

3 day booster [ 0 ]

greater focus lens [ 0 ]

exilus adapter [ 0 ]

forma [ 0 ]

orokin catalyst [ 0 ]

orokin reactor  [ 0 ]

legendary core [ 0 ]


day one u take an ayatan?

u will see this 


ayatan [1]

day 2 u take and ayatan , day 3 4000 endo u will see this 


ayatan [2]

4000 endo [1 ]

tecnically game don't allow u to take more than 2 time the same reward in a row right? 

let's say that this month u did 31 sortie so u got 31 reward right?

at the end u will have a statistic of the reward u got by doing all the sortie, with this date i think u can see if u really got more than the same reward in a row and if the system keep reset the table to 0 everety time u take 2 time the same reward


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My perspective, I know people don't need/want the same things.

I maxed out all 5 of the focus trees yesterday, game thinks I needed a Naramon lens today for some reason.  I have almost 60 sculptures, generous amount of reactors & catalysts (which you give out like candy already), forma is easier to get from relics in a shorter time, exilus you need even less of than reactors and again, easy to get.  Endo is plentiful enough via drops, rewards, and dissolving duplicate mods that it almost makes the legendary core not worth it.

Move lenses to somewhere on Lua, so you don't have to wait till after War Within to get them.  Giving players the ability to farm them and work towards greater lenses. Shove in some sortie only cosmetics or weapons, not market stuff like you did with the Pyra Syandana during season 4.

After all that is done, just give us a choice of rewards.  That whole token system you teased with the Ambulas event would be infinitely better than the current daily disappointment imo.


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4 minutes ago, ZinGrin said:

My perspective, I know people don't need/want the same things.

I maxed out all 5 of the focus trees yesterday, game thinks I needed a Naramon lens today for some reason.  I have almost 60 sculptures, generous amount of reactors & catalysts (which you give out like candy already), forma is easier to get from relics in a shorter time, exilus you need even less of than reactors and again, easy to get.  Endo is plentiful enough via drops, rewards, and dissolving duplicate mods that it almost makes the legendary core not worth it.

Move lenses to somewhere on Lua, so you don't have to wait till after War Within to get them.  Giving players the ability to farm them and work towards greater lenses. Shove in some sortie only cosmetics or weapons, not market stuff like you did with the Pyra Syandana during season 4.

After all that is done, just give us a choice of rewards.  That whole token system you teased with the Ambulas event would be infinitely better than the current daily disappointment imo.


That's not actually that bad of an idea! And plus we still would get the token system.

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Had a short break due to burnout/frustration, mainly caused by Sorties and lack of Rivens. Came back for Harrow.

I solo Sorties and can struggle with some including the last one i.e. Interception with Eximus Units. Well, eventually I found a way to complete it after flying by the seat of my pants and guess what I got? No..... not a Riven, that would be too much fun and we can't have that can we you naughty Tennos. A run of beautiful sculptures, and it's just what I came back for. I'll leave again and no doubt come back for another run of these rare rewards. Thank you DE from the heart of my bottom.

ps Thanks for introducing Melee Rivens and with it the increased chance of obtaining same. They (plural) can go with the one I got from buying Harrow. A Riven for Ether Daggers that I got rid of eons ago due to lack of space. Sorry I forgot to mention that you can't get them anymore as they were an Event Reward. But stupid me for not having the foresight to have realised that you would introduce Rivens a couple of years down the line. Sorry DE for my mistake.

DE, I'm glad you've taken onboard the numerous suggestions for alleviating the problems with Kuva/Rivens. Can't wait to spend even more money on the next Prime as a punishment for having the gall to suggest that all is not well. Thanks DE, have a beer on me.

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