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26 million losers? I'm not so sure...


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22 hours ago, YpsitheFlintsider said:

You could tell she was nervous. She probably just meant to say users and almost said losers. At the end of the word million, the tongue is in the position to use an L.

I'm happy for DE being invited, though I think Warframe should have been nominated for something. The game looks just as good as any other game and I personally like the system.

Nominated for what? What reward does an unbalanced game full of mostly unwanted and utterly unpolished, unfinished mechanics reliant on an anti-consumer business model built around addicting the susceptible deserve? Lest you forget, Free to Play games dont have their own rewards categories. They go to awards shows, they are up against games whose developers actually care about quality and entertainment value over hooking whales. 

And while some will just tell you, "Oh, he's just salty," this is the abject truth. Simple as that. If it werent, the game WOULD have been nominated for something. As it is, I'm pretty sure that little "interview" was paid for air time. 

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The truth...



Seriously though, judging from my understanding of freudian slips, either she thinks we're losers (which sounds about right xd), or she thinks Geoff is a Loser (which also sounds about right considering the fanboyish hideo love letter he did previously)... Or maybe she thinks of herself as a loser not worthy of being on stage after the Hideo thing or something... That is unless she meant Loourns !

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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26,000,000 registered users.  Key word: registered.

Active?  Probably between 1 and 5%, just as a guess.  Two years ago we had an info graphic and like... not even one in three registered Tenno had crafted a Warframe if I recall, and I'm pretty sure people sticking around to play crafted more than one so the ratio was in fact even more abysmal.  With the pseudo-landfill development model Warframe experiences, I doubt the retention rate has improved much.

Just shooting people, it's an alright romp, not the best, could be better.  All the other systems are just layered on seemingly without much thought though.  Can't really nominate this game for much besides "grindiest non-Korean Korean grinder."

Edited by Littleman88
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1 hour ago, Littleman88 said:

26,000,000 registered users.  Key word: registered.

Active?  Probably between 1 and 5%, just as a guess.  Two years ago we had an info graphic and like... not even one in three registered Tenno had crafted a Warframe if I recall, and I'm pretty sure people sticking around to play crafted more than one so the ratio was in fact even more abysmal.  With the pseudo-landfill development model Warframe experiences, I doubt the retention rate has improved much.

Just shooting people, it's an alright romp, not the best, could be better.  All the other systems are just layered on seemingly without much thought though.  Can't really nominate this game for much besides "grindiest non-Korean Korean grinder."

Don't have global numbers, but if we look at the PS4 numbers from trophies , there's currently only 18.4% of the playerbase that have played more than ten hours... That means 81.6% of PS4's registered users aren't what we would call active users active users by any stretch. If you can't be bothered to play a free game more than ten hours, you're not part of the userbase imho, even if technically, you're a "registered loser" and PR will try to spin it like you contribute to making warframe survive. Heck, perhaps you did contribute by being suckered into buying a 900 plat bundle with a cool looking frame, then you quit immediately after or something... The market is made to trick new users into making impulse plat buys after all.

Then, there's interesting statistics , like the fact only 4.4% of the userbase have put a forma on their gear. That means 95.6% of players have not put a single forma, hinting at a very solid player drop after the ten hour mark, and way before any endgame activities come into play. That percentage is also corroborated by other low percentags (Only 7.6% users have made a Kubrow, which is a story quest early in warframe, only 7.4% have completed more than ten void fissures, 5.8% have cleared the sedna boss, 5.7% have cleared the Uranus Boss...

This imho makes it pretty clear than roughly 5-7% of the userbase sticks around past the "honeymoon" period. If you extrapolate on other platforms based on these numbers, you could say that out of 26 million registered losers, 1.8 Million losers are actually what we could call "active losers", in the sense that they played , cleared most of the starchart and did some of the endgame activities...

Then you have to factor the players in this category that played, but aren't active anymore, and it's possible you end up with a much reduced % even still, although it's hard to track at this point, since there's not really that many trophies for newly introduced features, and there aren't trophies beyond the ten hour mark to quantify the number of hours played. I would guess out of the 5/7% of players that were mentionned before, only 2% are active players that hunt the newest primes and keep up to date with new stuff being released.

Most free to play have the concept of "whales". Whales are the registered loosers that actually fund the game. They are usually the 1% that does most of the transactions, buys most of the stuff and keep the game afloat. I'm fine with warframe catering to these people, but I feel like they are kinda missing the boat on that one. People have been complaining about the new user experience for years, there's a reason why 81.6% of the userbase doesn't stick around, and perhaps that's what the team needs to take a hard look at.... Cause when the whales get tired of farming yet another prime, repeating sorties and buying cosmetics waiting for a new story quest the will complete in two hours , I'm not sure the new users will be there to pick up the slacks.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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TL_DR: Lotus had a Natah moment. Hunhow is to blame.



She is not 'Space Mom'. She is not Lotus.

She IS Natah, daughter of Hunhow.

We should reconsider protecting this traitor from the Stalker and Vey Hek, she will not be granted the mercy Hunhow is offering.

Though this is not to say that the Lotus, if she simply isn't precisely Natah in the manner we perceived, should be dropped by the Stalker's current location or some Grineer Asteroid Base, as she claimed she would do to Maroo.



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6 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Nominated for what? What reward does an unbalanced game full of mostly unwanted and utterly unpolished, unfinished mechanics reliant on an anti-consumer business model built around addicting the susceptible deserve? Lest you forget, Free to Play games dont have their own rewards categories. They go to awards shows, they are up against games whose developers actually care about quality and entertainment value over hooking whales. 

And while some will just tell you, "Oh, he's just salty," this is the abject truth. Simple as that. If it werent, the game WOULD have been nominated for something. As it is, I'm pretty sure that little "interview" was paid for air time. 

Oh my, someone pass me a bunch of bananas...???

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6 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Nominated for what? What reward does an unbalanced game full of mostly unwanted and utterly unpolished, unfinished mechanics reliant on an anti-consumer business model built around addicting the susceptible deserve? Lest you forget, Free to Play games dont have their own rewards categories. They go to awards shows, they are up against games whose developers actually care about quality and entertainment value over hooking whales. 

And while some will just tell you, "Oh, he's just salty," this is the abject truth. Simple as that. If it werent, the game WOULD have been nominated for something. As it is, I'm pretty sure that little "interview" was paid for air time. 

^ this is why space mom called us losers

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8 hours ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

The truth...

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Seriously though, judging from my understanding of freudian slips, either she thinks we're losers (which sounds about right xd), or she thinks Geoff is a Loser (which also sounds about right considering the fanboyish hideo love letter he did previously)... Or maybe she thinks of herself as a loser not worthy of being on stage after the Hideo thing or something... That is unless she meant Loourns !

Good thing Freud was discredited. :D

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On 12/2/2016 at 6:06 AM, RextintorZ said:



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is DE slowly trying to make us let go of the game so they can move forward, though? Penny for a thought.


In for a penny, in a for a pound


Edited by SenariousNex
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16 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Nominated for what? What reward does an unbalanced game full of mostly unwanted and utterly unpolished, unfinished mechanics reliant on an anti-consumer business model built around addicting the susceptible deserve? Lest you forget, Free to Play games dont have their own rewards categories. They go to awards shows, they are up against games whose developers actually care about quality and entertainment value over hooking whales. 


I'm all willing to list the game's many flaws, but that is a dishonest description. Wf is still one of the best F2Play to date. If it sucks as much as you said, why are you still here ?

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This is just to get some opinions, I'm mostly speaking facetiously when I say these things but just be aware that there are some opinions ahead.

So, when what Rebecca let half-slip about Warframe having 26million registered losers became a thing, I kind of wrote it off. I still do, actually. However, I like to think about "what ifs" a lot when I'm just doing a survival or sitting around doing nothing. I was thinking, what if they actually do just think of us as Losers? I mean, we all know DE isn't incompetent and they certainly aren't stupid. We know they have good ideas and we know they know when they see a good idea. So, that begs the question, "Why are there so many things being added to the game that don't make gameplay better(New content not included)?" Alternatively, why are things being added that don't help at all?

A few examples:

Some reworks

Band-aid mods

Silly weapons and powers

These three topics could cover a number of things and I'm sure that while reading this any number of you have at least one issue pop into mind when reading those three categories. And, like I said, we know that De isn't stupid. So why do these things? Just to make it seem like they're doing something and to give us hope maybe? Maybe for a laugh? I kind of imagine them reading the forums and chuckling at all the effort being put into certain threads trying to help with reworks and give good ideas that could easily make the game far better. Some of them aren't even hard to implement I'm sure, and if it is, we have to ask has that really ever stopped them before? I mean, look at the bugs and glitches, so obviously they don't mind the struggle too much. So, y'know, just gotta think that maybe they just have fun watching us squirm, because we may actually just be losers in their eyes after all.


I'm just crazy. Who knows? Just seems like they're having a lot of laughs at our expense with these band-aids disguised as new content and half-done reworks.

Either way, I'm not saying don't play. The game isn't bad, it's fairly fun. Art is great, Dev Streams are great too. Combat isn't bad, and so on. Just thought I'd toss some possibly misguided, idle thoughts out there. Also, sorry if my grammar was bad, I didn't proofread this at all.


TL;DR, What if DE is actually just trolling us with some of the decisions they make?

Edited by Arcaedias
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