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26 million losers? I'm not so sure...


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Yes. Sure. Rebecca hosts pretty much every single live stream she can manage, she hosts Tennocon, she puts up with all the creepy horny teenage nonsense people spam her with during twitch streams, she's in just about every interview out there, she looks through fan suggestions and fan art to present all the best stuff on a regular basis... Clearly she must absolutely hate the player base and she's just doing it for the money and because she can't find a better job. -_-

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2 minutes ago, Berserkerkitten said:

Yes. Sure. Rebecca hosts pretty much every single live stream she can manage, she hosts Tennocon, she puts up with all the creepy horny teenage nonsense people spam her with during twitch streams, she's in just about every interview out there, she looks through fan suggestions and fan art to present all the best stuff on a regular basis... Clearly she must absolutely hate the player base and she's just doing it for the money and because she can't find a better job. -_-

This is obvious sarcasm, and I feel you. But yo, what if it was true though? Doesn't hurt to consider these things.

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I will admit, sometimes I look at the forums and think we're a bunch of losers.

Well, not me, I'm perfect in every way. But all of you guys. 

I don't think it was a joke, nor a Freudian Slip. My brain regularly runs ahead of my mouth and I end up mashing words together, it's not unusual for it to happen. Nerves just make it all the more common.

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Just now, DeMonkey said:

I will admit, sometimes I look at the forums and think we're a bunch of losers.

Well, not me, I'm perfect in every way. But all of you guys. 

I don't think it was a joke, nor a Freudian Slip. My brain regularly runs ahead of my mouth and I end up mashing words together, it's not unusual for it to happen. Nerves just make it all the more common.

Yeah, I feel the same way. My mind runs away sometimes though while listening to people talk about LoL while doing a survival. Gotta stave off the insanity some how.

2 minutes ago, Berserkerkitten said:

Dude, my hands are, like, SO big.

I'm glad you caught what I was going for there.

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What if Rebecca is a trash talker in real life and her true identity was bleeding through? Maybe she uses the term "losers" in a neutral sense.

 Though I get the mentality. When the vocal majority is rarely the sweetest of the bunch, one grows a defensive mechanism. When that vocal majority is also paying the bills, a coping mechanism is incorporated into that defensive mechanism.

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15 minutes ago, Berserkerkitten said:

Yes. Sure. Rebecca hosts pretty much every single live stream she can manage, she hosts Tennocon, she puts up with all the creepy horny teenage nonsense people spam her with during twitch streams, she's in just about every interview out there, she looks through fan suggestions and fan art to present all the best stuff on a regular basis... Clearly she must absolutely hate the player base and she's just doing it for the money and because she can't find a better job. -_-

You just wrote down what's her job at DE. N1.

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18 minutes ago, Arcaedias said:

"Why are there so many things being added to the game that don't make gameplay better(New content not included)?" Alternatively, why are things being added that don't help at all?

A few examples:

Some reworks

Band-aid mods

Silly weapons and powers

ok, so when you make a thread listing things that "don't improve gameplay", (which is gonna be subjective no matter what) you need to elaborate on those things

What reworks, cause there's been quite a few

which mods, cause there are a lot

which weps and powers, cause there are a lot

explain why you feel these things don't improve gameplay

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15 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

sometimes I look at the forums and think we're a bunch of losers.

Sometimes? I leave the forums with acute desire to murder people after my every. Single. Visit. 8 out of 10 players I encounter in-game do nothing to avail this.

Space Mom said the absolute truth that we were too afraid to admit. We're all a bunch of losers. Even you. Even me.


Even Clem.


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26 minutes ago, Arcaedias said:

These three topics could cover a number of things and I'm sure that while reading this any number of you have at least one issue pop into mind when reading those three categories.


2 minutes ago, Etan-gK said:

ok, so when you make a thread listing things that "don't improve gameplay", (which is gonna be subjective no matter what) you need to elaborate on those things

What reworks, cause there's been quite a few

which mods, cause there are a lot

which weps and powers, cause there are a lot

explain why you feel these things don't improve gameplay


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8 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

It is irrelevant if they think you are a loser or not. You are here because you find their product entertaining, not because you care for their opinion about you.

While this is true, the reason people are getting riled up about it is that Rebecca is the person who who interacts with the community the most, she seems like a genuinely nice person, she hosts nearly everything, and if she thought of us as losers, it would take away that Space Mom feel.

Edited by Hai1fir3e
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Just curious, has Rebecca ever mentioned anywhere exactly what she slipped on?  Hearing it I know only that it started with "lo" or "loo" perhaps, but it is very easy to tongue twist the beginning of one word with the pronunciation of another word.  Users with an L is Loser yes but what 'L' word did she almost say?


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On 12/4/2016 at 5:14 AM, BlackCoMerc said:

Nominated for what? What reward does an unbalanced game full of mostly unwanted and utterly unpolished, unfinished mechanics reliant on an anti-consumer business model built around addicting the susceptible deserve? Lest you forget, Free to Play games dont have their own rewards categories. They go to awards shows, they are up against games whose developers actually care about quality and entertainment value over hooking whales. 

And while some will just tell you, "Oh, he's just salty," this is the abject truth. Simple as that. If it werent, the game WOULD have been nominated for something. As it is, I'm pretty sure that little "interview" was paid for air time. 

Um, anti-consumer? Warframe is one of the F2P games that don't encourage you to spend all your money, take that from someone who has played those types of games, utterly unpolished? Have you seen most of the ' whale catching ' F2P's out there? $50 for outfits or 1/4 of a decent item if you want a set of the really good stuff its $300 +  and its a 2D browser game. The slightly more polished versions are even worse up towards the $1,000 - $3,000 A game I used to play had a $3,000 option to buy currency this is an extreme yes, but it shows you what REAL whale catching games look like.

Now I know your talking out a hole of your &#! " oh he's just salty " no you're just a misinformed " Hiss its a F2P game " player. A whale game has 3+ Key features:

1. Un-able to get brought currency in game, or it is extremely rare 2. Has a giant Pay to Win wall were you can't get the top 20% of gear in the game without $1,000 + 3. If you don't pay thingscan take up to a literal year to get no matter how long you play 4. the development costs are nothing compared to how much they will make.

That is the 4 key features of a whale game / F2P centered core to get your money WF has none of these you get plat at a decent rate, you can get weapons with decent effort and you can get mods at a decent rate, its development costs are pretty high looking at the quality of the graphics.

' it doesn't win awards ' Games like Call of duty.. etc, can win awards and have in the past does it mean its a good game? No, it means its a popular game. Warframe has earned its right and improved a lot over time, the devs care about the game and they're learning as they go along, just means warframe is like any other game good, but not perfect. 

Edited by Icarican_Justicar
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39 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

I will admit, sometimes I look at the forums and think we're a bunch of losers.

Well, not me, I'm perfect in every way. But all of you guys. 

I don't think it was a joke, nor a Freudian Slip. My brain regularly runs ahead of my mouth and I end up mashing words together, it's not unusual for it to happen. Nerves just make it all the more common.

"Other people ruin everything"

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If DE really thought we were losers for liking their game, they wouldn't be making Warframe. They would be making Call of Duty clones and/or cheap ripoff smartphone games.

As for all your questions about "Why does X/Y/Z happen?", it's quite simple really: Making games is hard, and they've never done anything like Warframe before, so they're kinda learning as they go. That's really all there is to it.

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56 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

I will admit, sometimes I look at the forums and think we're a bunch of losers.

I just come here for the giggles.


Some of the ideas people come out with and some of the whining ... pure comedy.


Wouldn't surprise me at all to find out she did mean to call us losers. 

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