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The War Within: Hotfix 19.3.2 +


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3 minutes ago, Shockwave- said:

You didn't read. If there are only 5 slots per weapon category then the system is broken, and won't do what DE says they released it to do, which is encourage players to use other weapons. We'll stick to our 5 favorites in each category.

I'd hate to speak ill of DE and what they're trying to do with Rivens, but Shockwave- here has it right; if the default cap raises when they release the other Riven categories: Secondary, Melee, and Shotgun we're just going to sit at the 15 default and just dissolve/sell the crap ones that are for weapons that we don't flat-out love. Heck in terms of Secondaries I would love to get a Riven for the Lato just to see if I can get that starter pistol to hit like a freaking truck, but that sucker will just become Endo to make room for a better/more-loved secondary.

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Kuva scaling on Riven. One thing I've learned from sorties is that Warframe's RNG really loves screwing people over. Kuva scaling only punishes people (thousands of Kuva per reroll) for something well beyond their control (Warframe RNGesus) not being fair to them.

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Kuva clouds (the red cloud) are nigh impossible to see on tiles using lots of red hues. Just did a siphon on Eris with the infested ship tileset and all, and my team all agreed that we couldn't see half the Kuva until it was right up next to the siphon because the dark red cloud was the EXACT same color as everything else in the room.

Kuva clouds need a glow to them so they don't blend in (almost perfectly) with some tilesets.

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1 hour ago, Shockwave- said:

You didn't read. If there are only 5 slots per weapon category then the system is broken, and won't do what DE says they released it to do, which is encourage players to use other weapons. We'll stick to our 5 favorites in each category.

I do understand that and I agree but this is an issue with the way Rivens have been designed and deployed but still doesn't represent pay to win. Pay to win constitutes paying for an unfair advantage and Riven slots don't do that since you have 15 that you can use to powercreep any weapon of your chosing putting you on equal footing with other players. You aren't paying for access to OP mods. You are paying for access to more OP mods beyonds the ones you already have so you can use more OP guns on top of the OP guns you already have.

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2 hours ago, TheScytale said:

Just because you only care about numbers, doesn't mean that everyone does. If I like a weapon but it sucks, I can pay to make it better. And that's why Riven mods are here in the first place.

Except it didnt turn out like that! Look at the trade chat - people offer insane amounts of platinum for "popular" weapons, while prices for less used weapon's rivens are comparable to primed mods, if they are beneficial to the weapon. As I stated earlier, riven that would fix a weapon that sucks is less likely to appear since many riven's stats will not affect that weapon. Basicly only base damage and multishot always work, everything else is subject to original weapon's downfalls.

Also, introduction of riven mod slot for platinum will impact the ingame economy: sale prices of rivens will go down across the board, hitting cheaper ones the most, as speculators know there is a pressure to sell; introduction of another platinum sink will also increase sell prices of all tradeable items across the board slightly. I already foresee introduction of storage limits for prime parts - to combat stockpiling:)

3 hours ago, Insizer said:

I've been seeing a lot of these memory leak fixes recently. What exactly is "memory leak"?

You could have looked it up, but here you go anyway: basicly it is when system thinks a piece of memory is filled with something, while it no longer is. Like if you need to process an arrow shot from your Dread - you create an object with velocity, orientation etc. etc., then it hits a wall, at this point you need to clear this memory and mark it as free so something else could be stored there... memory leaking is when this last part fails, memory is not released, program asks more and more memory. You can imagine it is bad, even if you have an insane rig with 32 Gb:)

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Hi. Is that I had a problem and by the means of support they do not attend to me so I decided to place this. Is that the day that they modified the machine of mods to not knowing its operation erase the Fury prime and I have not solved help please
I need it!!

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6 hours ago, TheScytale said:

Just because you only care about numbers, doesn't mean that everyone does. If I like a weapon but it sucks, I can pay to make it better. And that's why Riven mods are here in the first place.

So Riven mods are not for the people who care about numbers right? You are telling me you would choose a zoom/flight speed/-recoil riven mod over a damage/multishot/elemental damage mod? Riven mods at the moment are not worth investing in. Maybe if they put a capacity in rolling and maybe if they remove Riven capacity then yes, maybe they will be worth keeping. At the moment for me its roll and sell. Nothing more. I have Chroma to make any weapon in the game useful. Don't need riven mods to do that.

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8 hours ago, Insizer said:

I've been seeing a lot of these memory leak fixes recently. What exactly is "memory leak"?

Short and sweet answer: A good example would be if the devs forget to make a constantly spawning object delete itself. If the Boltor's bolts were to never delete themselves then since each bolt you leave in the wall would take up a tiny piece of your computer memory (storing the location, the orientation, what color it should glow, bunch of information), the amount of memory dedicated to keeping track of those bolts would eventually get insane in long missions.

Memory leak means memory usage for something that should've been removing itself from memory. For a game fixing a memory leak usually means finding where or when you want an object to delete itself, and making it so it deletes properly.

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8 hours ago, Phoenixian_Ultimatum said:

Heck in terms of Secondaries I would love to get a Riven for the Lato just to see if I can get that starter pistol to hit like a freaking truck, but that sucker will just become Endo to make room for a better/more-loved secondary.

And I'm the kind of person who would keep that Lato Riven and or the AkLato Riven because I actually like the Lato aesthetic and want the gun to hit like a  truck so I can use those guns more.  My 6 forma Aklato can attest to this.

7 hours ago, xRufus7x said:

I do understand that and I agree but this is an issue with the way Rivens have been designed and deployed but still doesn't represent pay to win. Pay to win constitutes paying for an unfair advantage and Riven slots don't do that since you have 15 that you can use to powercreep any weapon of your chosing putting you on equal footing with other players. You aren't paying for access to OP mods. You are paying for access to more OP mods beyonds the ones you already have so you can use more OP guns on top of the OP guns you already have.

Basically this.

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8 hours ago, kakuzo2 said:

Hi. Is that I had a problem and by the means of support they do not attend to me so I decided to place this. Is that the day that they modified the machine of mods to not knowing its operation erase the Fury prime and I have not solved help please
I need it!!

You are on the 15th page of an unrelated thread. I am afraid you aren't going to get much attention here. Your best bet is support. THey reason they may not be able to assist you is the obvious language barrier. Did you sell, fuse or transmute your Prime Fury?

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I get that rivens are different to normal mods bc each of them can be -or indded might be- unique and it ends up making them like a whole SUPER BIG set of new mods... which data have to be stored and blabla...

but, still, 20p EACH is waaaaay too much. its 900p for the whole set of extra slots, cmon! 

You Also store all the data for each player weapons, their mod configs n other stuff, and you sell those to us for 6p EACH.

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