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I feel that DE deserves more respect and recognition


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After all, not many game developers actively support other developers by discouraging players from playing their own game, thus encouraging them to try out other products from different game companies.


Now that you expected from the title, eh? Yeah, sorry (just a little) for this 5/7 clickbait, but I think it somewhow sump up how I feel about the most recent update (and some actions taken by the devs).


So, the Glast Gambit.

I was hoping that maybe, after not-so-great year (Specters of the Rail, constantly hyping and delaying TWW which turned out to not be worth the wait anyway) thelast update might be a good one, the one that would give us hope for 2017.

I was wrong.

The opening mission of the new quest is fantastic, it's what I wanted to see for such a long time - finally, a settlement of friendly NPCs during a normal mission (not a relay). We can see how they live, it gives the impression that the Sol system is now more alive, there's more to it than just Tenno / Corpus / Infested / Grineer and occasional relays. It showed us that there are some other people who just want to survive. Hearing them react to our presence ("Is that a Tenno? The Tenno really exist?") was great and I feel that more missions with elements like this could really improve the game.

After this fantastic mission I was excited to see what's further and then it all died.

Go play index. 6 times.

The same mission over and over again, with one forced defeat and one "maximum 10 points win margin" gimmick. It was just boring, it didn't feel fun or engaging, it was a slog.

This quest was such a missed opportunity. Instead of spamming the same mission 6 times you could expand on the Myconian people, make it more engaging, see something different than what we already have.


So you finish the boring quest and it turns out you only get Nidus Blueprint. What about the parts?

Locked behind more boring grind, in a gamemode that isn't engaging at has several problems (enemies not spawning, abysmal antiserum drop chance). To top it off, there's only 14% chance you get the part you want, as it's dilluted by useless sh*t like 80 Endo or crappy mods. 

My my, so much fun to be had.


But here's another one -> Hema research cost.

Now, personally I couldn't care less about this weapon as I simply don't like how it looks. "Then why are you even writing this?" Because there are some things that bother me.

First off, the insane cost. If we accept it, there will be another weapon with extremely high cost to research / build. It's a trend that begun with weapons requiring another weapon to be crafted, and it's still present in one form or another.


Secondly, the response from DE. This is what's bothering me the most.

It shows two things mostly - that they clearly do not play their own game and they don't care about feedback from playerbase.


They don't know our perspective - player's perspective.

It's clear when we see something like " the requirements can be met after running a few Orokin Derelict Defense missions (especially if you have a few Nekros’ to help)". They have no idea just how much time it takes to get 5000 Mutagen Sample for the smallest clan,let alone 500 000 for Moon tier clan.

They assume that everyone in the clan is keen on grinding for a certain resource for many, many hours to get a gimmicky weapon?

The reality is, in many clans a great portion of people is pretty much absent, and adding more grind to the game is not getting them back anytime soon.


But what's even worse is " Although we do not intend to make any changes, we appreciate constructive and respectful feedback. "

Which basically feels like "feel free to leave your feedback in the trash can, cause we don't care".

What the hell, just what the hell. I don't know how to answer to it without using some... ugly words.


I don't think I've seen a game developer admitting that they don't give a damn about feedback anytime before. Don't you see how bad it looks?

I've heard many claim during my 3 years here that Warframe is what it is in a big part thanks to the playerbase, to their feedback. And now you're throwing it away?


What a great way to wrap up 2016.

Introducing more grind. Giving us a choice between hours on top of hours of mindless grind or paying for a weapon with plat.

Showing that our feedback doesn't matter. Why even bother? Why don't we get rid of the whole feedback section whatsoever?


I'm just extremely disappointed. Sorry if it feels salty, but this update and DE's reaction were a major letdown for me.

I don't see the next year in Warframe in bright colors if this trend continues.




But hey, at least I can now go back to Dark Souls 2, so there's that. Thanks, I guess.

Also, I don't have anything against [DE]Taylor. Just doing  your job, I understand. I'm not shooting the messenger.

I'm just pissed because of the meaning behind the message.


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I stopped reading at the new quest being "fantastic" because of console. DE does get the praise and it comes in the form of money spend by happy players. What you're miss-interpreting as lack of praise is the negative comments left by kids that have nothing better to do and a complete lack of respect for other human beings. That's why you don't use forums to gauge the success of a game, although as forums go this is one of the most positive I've ever seen. 

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Not to mention that I'm in a storm clan with only me and 3 other members active out of 30+players. How are we going to even research that Hema?

You can't even buy the weapon for plat.

Although like you said, the beginning was good. After that was meh. It was pretty much like Conclave.

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36 minutes ago, Siekier said:


Go play index. 6 times.

The same mission over and over again, with one forced defeat and one "maximum 10 points win margin" gimmick. It was just boring, it didn't feel fun or engaging, it was a slog.

Wait, what? 6 times total...so three of them are this win by only 10 points crap? 

Welp, this is a frame I'm not going to have I guess

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

I stopped reading at the new quest being "fantastic" because of console. DE does get the praise and it comes in the form of money spend by happy players. What you're miss-interpreting as lack of praise is the negative comments left by kids that have nothing better to do and a complete lack of respect for other human beings. That's why you don't use forums to gauge the success of a game, although as forums go this is one of the most positive I've ever seen. 

You probably shouldn't have commented then because you are very wrong.  The complaints have been very respectful and factual, a lot of them from players with over a thousand hours played, pointing out how much DE misjudged the mutagen samples available to players and how fast they are to farm.  They are not 'kids that have nothing better to do,' they are some of Warframes most dedicated players who legitimately feel there is a problem to be addressed.

Here is a spoiler free tip since you are a console user:  You might want to get started farming thousands of mutagen samples if you want your clan to research one of the new weapons in case DE keeps the current research costs.

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18 minutes ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

I stopped reading at the new quest being "fantastic" because of console. DE does get the praise and it comes in the form of money spend by happy players. What you're miss-interpreting as lack of praise is the negative comments left by kids that have nothing better to do and a complete lack of respect for other human beings. That's why you don't use forums to gauge the success of a game, although as forums go this is one of the most positive I've ever seen. 

It appears you forgot to read even the very begging of the OP.

Edited by RahuHordika
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Of course they deserve respect and such for what they have created, and what they have done. Making a game that is this successful isn't easy, especially when trying to generally listen to the userbase. The problem that people have (at least I have) is that they've gotten tired of "the bleeding edge of content" mentality because the bleeding is hardly ever adequately addressed.


  • They keep adding new systems, but don't flesh out the hollow ones they already have.
    • Did we really need Lunaro and operator mode?
    • Can we flesh out Archwing and the focus system?
  • They expand systems which have systematic flaws (*cough* Riven *cough*).
  • They find the most complex "solution" to the simplest problems (Riven).
  • They haven't addressed some of the most requested things on the forums (dealing with the mirage/simulor combo, dealing with self-damage)
  • They introduce things which are still in the proposal stage.
  • They make something better, then proceed to make it worse "for balance". Or they add something great but then shoot themselves in the foot with an arbitrary decision (having to unlock exlius slots).

They are very ambitious and bite off more than they can chew.

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To awnser OP's sarcastic title.I did to until this quest.This is first time that you are really forced to spend 660p for getting new warframe and primary weapon.To make things worse they have thrown in two boosters to make price of bundle even higher.

What I'm personally bothered by:

1)After quest you get only BP and other parts drop from mission that is broken,stupid,non-enjoyable and has longest rotations ever.To make things worse they drop from c rotation which reward table is packed with plenty  of other useless rewards.

2)As OP mentioned new primary weapon research requirements is so demanding.Mutagen sample,Neurodes...This amounts of it are beyond reason for any clan and clearly point on your way to market.

DE did lot of work but they are sending very transparent,negative message to community.I never seen so much hate for any other quest and community united in their opinion about it.

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43 minutes ago, Mos-Eisley said:

Wait, what? 6 times total...so three of them are this win by only 10 points crap? 

Welp, this is a frame I'm not going to have I guess

To be exact, there are 4 normal index matches (3 rounds each), one with 10 points win margin (also 3 rounds) and one forced defeat (1 round only).

11 minutes ago, RistN said:

To awnser OP's sarcastic title.I did to until this quest.This is first time that you are really forced to spend 660p for getting new warframe and primary weapon.To make things worse they have thrown in two boosters to make price of bundle even higher.

What I'm personally bothered by:

1)After quest you get only BP and other parts drop from mission that is broken,stupid,non-enjoyable and has longest rotations ever.To make things worse they drop from c rotation which reward table is packed with plenty  of other useless rewards.

2)As OP mentioned new primary weapon research requirements is so demanding.Mutagen sample,Neurodes...This amounts of it are beyond reason for any clan and clearly point on your way to market.

DE did lot of work but they are sending very transparent,negative message to community.I never seen so much hate for any other quest and community united in their opinion about it.

Yes, the thing that bothers me the most is the attitude towards the playerbase.

It's very apparent that Nidus and Hema are pretty much "pay with plat or get shafted repeatedly for hours". I hate it.


I know that we, the Warframe community aren't perfect. Far from it, actually.

But I would expect something more from game developers. This feels like a big middle finger pointed at very large portion of players.

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On 12/23/2016 at 11:25 AM, Unknown924 said:

You probably shouldn't have commented then because you are very wrong.  The complaints have been very respectful and factual, a lot of them from players with over a thousand hours played, pointing out how much DE misjudged the mutagen samples available to players and how fast they are to farm.  They are not 'kids that have nothing better to do,' they are some of Warframes most dedicated players who legitimately feel there is a problem to be addressed.

Here is a spoiler free tip since you are a console user:  You might want to get started farming thousands of mutagen samples if you want your clan to research one of the new weapons in case DE keeps the current research costs.

I know the requirements and once it comes out it will be researched immediately (given I already have everything), and I am a very casual player. The problem isn't the old timers, its the inactive old timers that don't contribute their share in huge clans. But is that fair to blame DE for the inactivity of your clan mates? 

P.S. I got over 10,000 mutagen samples and I've played an average of 3 hours a week for the past 3 years. 

Edited by (PS4)Regiampiero
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On 23/12/2016 at 9:38 AM, Siekier said:

But what's even worse is " Although we do not intend to make any changes, we appreciate constructive and respectful feedback. "

Which basically feels like "feel free to leave your feedback in the trash can, cause we don't care".

[DE] has shown his true face. Now we know why Warframe goes from bad to worse.

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2015 was great: new quests, progression-style and fast-paced gameplay, ending with a bang - The Second Dream quest

2016 was a disaster: massive grind increase, bug increase. The only good thing from 2016 was The War Within quest. Even the beautification of graphic is overshadowed by the grindwall.

DE has clearly become out of touch with players. It's amazing how DE is so fixated on mission times, resource values, and numbers. DE has become so infatuated with numbers that it has forgotten what players want the most: fun.

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On 12/23/2016 at 10:23 AM, (Xbox One)DeluxeKnight831 said:

i think DE needs to recognize its players are what made them what they are today. not just any players, us old players. they seem to have forgotten that.



They literally saved the company from bankruptcy.

I disagree in that they've forgotten. They just do what they feel is best.

It's hard to do what's best, especially when you have 500,000+ voices screaming conflicting things at you.

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+1 [DE] Stop the grinding please is boring....

+1 the lore of the mycronians was cool and entertaining.

I am agree,10 times of index for a damn blueprint, apart from that get the other parts with low probability on a mission that gives you the drop each time that you're "lucky".
I think the game needs more attention from developers and play their game; I also understand that it must be difficult to work and play it. But they could have at least people who actually play daily and see both errors and things that can actually can be improved. They have replied me that there is a team mentioned in the Devstream #84 dedicated to "try" the game, but apparently lacks initiative and not paying too much attention to the details of the game both functionally and aesthetically.
Now realistically, we must consider that they have done many fixes, some of them have taken too long, others depending on the number of complaints have arranged them or modified quickly. I imagine that they have much to modify, fix and add in order to keep everyone happy.
What I personally dislike is them waiting that 100 or more complaints reach about one thing to move it or fix it. I do not see it necessary if there is a team that is playing the game or is dedicated to see the game functioning. That team should begin without items, 0 platinum, without credits or anything and play daily so they can actually see what it is to play WARFRAME. 
I'd also would love that there was a team only dedicated to the aesthetics of the game; Since lately I've seen that it could be even better if they had someone 100% dedicated to see colors, combinations, syandanas, warframes, etc. and that everything could be combined better. Reworks on bosses and all that stuff but ok i don´t want to fill this post with other topics.
The point is they need a bigger team that actually play WARFRAME and test stuff before realease, sell or give it in order to avoid too many complaints and salty comments from us.
The truth is somewhat tired not being able to play and having to come to post. (That time when you doesn´t even wan´t to play, since you see that something is bothering you in the game and you need to share your feeling about it.)
Greetings Tennos.
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12 minutes ago, Larvatheoz said:

The point is they need a bigger team that actually play WARFRAME and test stuff before realease, sell or give it in order to avoid too many complaints and salty comments from us.

I fully agree.


The thing is, I'm pretty sure that we, the players are considered as "testing team" by the devs. Why do I make such a assumption?

Because Warframe is supposedly still in "beta", it never left "beta" and so on. Which, in my opinion, is not a valid excuse. It stopped being a valid excuse the moment players gained the option to buy stuff in game with real money.


I might be fine with this kind of approach if they actually listened to our feedback and acted accordingly. It does not feel like this is the case here.

I'm sure many problems like the infamous Vacuum Within fiasco, general disappointment with sortie rewards etc could be easily avoided if the devs tried out some of our suggestions instead of being stubborn to push it their way no matter what.


They might simply not realize just how out of touch they are with their own game.

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I don't know of any better game developer than DE at the moment. Really, I like seeing DE interacting with us, picking up Community input and make playable content out of it. They claim to have a vision for Warframe and I believe them. I want to see this game grow. Many thanks for one of the best gaming experiences over a very long time!


the grind is getting more (Hema, Nidus). Especially rivens worry me. Mods that finally allow us to take weapons we grow up with to higher content, to let us choose our weaponry not by number crunching but by personal preference. When I first heard about it, I thought, DE would allow us to freely modify custom mods to out liking - well balanced and at the cost of grind of course. The current implementation with those variable stats, random set of possibly nonsense and/or negative modifiers  just tries to keep us busy with layers of layers of RNG.

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2 minutes ago, Sahansral said:

I don't know of any better game developer than DE at the moment.

+1 mate, i wouldn´t be here if the game wasn´t cool or entertain lot. But you gotta admit the grind tires even the most decided player. This game is important to me in a lot of ways too. I just wish they could realize that some of us want to shoot some bullets and slash some mobs every day to relax, not to get tired of it.

I remember me playing with a friend Battlefront2 for at least one year over and over, we had all the clone troopers, weapons, etc. all unlocked. and still... we were there playing the next day.

I don´t see it necessary to make grinding for all. It´s ok for the "super ítem" but not every ítem or "basic stuff".

It´s a beta i get it; and it may take some time to see the fixes or stuff i understand.


Greetings Tennos!


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14 hours ago, Awazx said:

[DE] has shown his true face. Now we know why Warframe goes from bad to worse.

Hyperbole and Rhetoric.  Daily internet specials of the day.

I'm going to ask this in all seriousness:

How many of you help run or own a business with production deadlines and revenue goals?  And one that requires a high level Marraige of technical and creative skill?

I'm not asking to invalidate your feedback.

 But I've seen SO MANY IGNORANT PROCLAMATIONS as in "ignorant unknowing" and "ignorant insulting".

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