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HEMA Final Word - No Mutagen Drop or Cost change


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10 minutes ago, tyrannicaltyrant said:

You have been told time and again, it's not changing, now be quiet about it. It's just a game, you don't NEED the Hema, just get the resources  casually.

You also don't need to post comment in forums, it's just a game forums anyways, so just read casually and don't post.

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I think we need to make sure they understand going forward, every moment, that they cannot repeat what they did again. That they cannot be making such drastically expensive weapons without slowly raising overall clan tech costs over time more reasonably. 

And we do need to continue to remind them of this and pressure them about this. And we need to make sure they don't ever forget that what they did with the Hema was a mistake, so they don't repeat it. 

But I don't see them changing it (the cost of the Hema specifically) now no matter what we do. I think that particular battle is already lost. I don't think we are going to change that at this point. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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1 minute ago, Tesseract7777 said:

I think we need to make sure they understand going forward, every moment, that they cannot repeat what they did again. That they cannot be making such drastically expensive weapons without slowly raising overall clan tech costs over time more reasonably. 

And we do need to continue to remind them of this and pressure them about this. And we need to make sure they don't ever forget that what they did with the Hema was a mistake, so they don't repeat it. 

I would settle for this


Now as for you two...

1 minute ago, Autongnosis said:

In the time it took you all to *@##$ so hard about it, i did the research solo.

1 minute ago, JSharpie said:

you can get fair quickly if people would just work together instead of complaining on the forums.


Well excUUUUUSE me for having an actual job and not being able to far three hours a day anymore!


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5 minutes ago, tyrannicaltyrant said:

You have been told time and again, it's not changing, now be quiet about it. It's just a game, you don't NEED the Hema, just get the resources  casually.

We don't NEED the Hema. But for completionists like me and some of my clanmates, the Hema is the only thing that is not finished in our profiles. The "it's just a game" argument is paper thin. It is just a game, it's not something people should have to "work" in. Grinding all the mutagen samples needed to research the Hema feels like work that I dont get paid for. I'll refer back to a post I made in my clan's Discord: "People shouldn't have to no-life a game to obtain something in it. For the people metacomplaining about people whining, just think, this is a video game. Not a job. If I have to **work** for a Ferrari, that's okay. Having to **work** in something meant to be fun isn't something that should exist."

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1 minute ago, TARINunit9 said:

I would settle for this


Now as for you two...

Well excUUUUUSE me for having an actual job and not being able to far three hours a day anymore!


I just worked a 10 hour shift yesterday, got to go home for 4 hours, and was back at 5am for another 10 hour shift.

I work too, and still have time to put an hour or two into warframe to chip away at research.

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9 minutes ago, toafarmer said:

1-2 hours? Let me know how to get 500k mutagen samples in 1-2h

500k for Moon clan? Lol, 1000 members cap, and it's hard to farm 500k? If you Dojo online 100-200, just reduce clan tier. I'm in Shadow clan with 5-9ppl online (with 30ppl cap), we farm 15k samples less then 1hr in 2 party without boosters. If your clan can't cooperate, it's not DE fault.

Sry for my bad English, this isn't my native language.

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30 minutes ago, toafarmer said:

This is a slap in the face.




One of the beard guys just said they won't change this on the devstream

Their names are at the bottom of the screen.


, just told us to keep grinding ODD. This is a terrible move, since the research cost is abusive and the drop rate is terrible

How does the research cost "abuses" you?


. Eventually we will gather the 370k that we still need in our clan,

That's the point. It's an eventual weapon.


but I am certainly not buying prime access anymore



. Don't feel like supporting a game moving in the "stop having fun and go grind" direction.


for one weapon when a dozen are released that dont have this?

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1 minute ago, Lored said:

500k for Moon clan? Lol, 1000 members cap, and it's hard to farm 500k? If you Dojo online 100-200, just reduce clan tier. I'm in Shadow clan with 5-9ppl online (with 30ppl cap), we farm 15k samples less then 1hr in 2 party without boosters. If your clan can't cooperate, it's not DE fault.

Sry for my bad English, this isn't my native language.

"just reduce clan tier" ... o just kicked 90 players i known and had fun with , and helped them understand the game ... just to get to storm clan...

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I like how he acknowledged that the derelict is way better than eris for mutagen and then said "so go to the derelict" instead of  "so we'll be bringing eris up to par with the derelict drop rates"

I don't want to grind the derelict. I truly, truly despise it to the point that I don't play the derelict at all (unless that lephantis sortie pops up). So screw it. I did want the hema, but I honestly can't be bothered to play the derelict so I'm just not gonna bother. Eris drop rates are too horrible for me to bother farming there too, so any mutagen samples I get is gonna be from "playing casually and getting it over time". and that won't net me many, considering how garbage mutagen is to get there, and how I don't really play on eris that often anyways, but I don't actively avoid playing on eris like I do to the derelict so hey there's that at least, right?

Edited by Soup2504
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Wanted to tweet this to Steve, but it got too long for a tweet...


Heard about Hema costs on devstream. Fieldron Samples and Detonite Ampules are *uncommon*, their total req for all researches are 1190 (mostly Javlock) and 291, vs 5k *rare* Mutagen Samples for Hema. Please, do some math

So, I decided to back up my point.

Total Detonite Ampule cost for all Chem Lab researches: 190 prior to Javlock, which costs another 1000 ampules.

Total Fieldron Samples cost: 281 (I assume new spear would cost another 1000).

Total Mutagen Samples cost: 485 prior to Hema, which is another 5000.

Well, there is some imbalance, but not that big.

However. I had something close to 800 hours ingame (treat it like 650-700 hrs of actual gameplay). I had ~300 mutagen samples to contribute, on the other hand I have 5419 Fieldron Samples and 8815 Detonite Ampules - an order of magnitude more.

Why is that? Obviously, because Corpus and Grineer resources are uncommon drops whereas Mutagen Samples are rare everywhere but the Orokin Derelict and even there their drop is not as good as the other two.

Let these arguments sink in.

Now, the question: why did you set such an outrageous price in, basically, rare resource which was the most demanded anyway, not just for research but for crafting Mutagen Masses (10 samples per mass), because Invasion rewards are insufficient and people had questions about this.

Let this sink in.


Now then, the last two questions:

1. Did someone put an excess zero into Hema base cost?

2. Why are you so adamant on not lowering the cost? Why not compensate for lowering the costs in some way?


This is not the first time costs are outrageous to the point you had to decrease them, but this is clearly a not very thought out decision. Making base Hema research cost ten times less would have made more sense, math-wise. I would have been able to cover for 4 newbies in our clan by myself from the get go and spend an hour or two farming to cover for some more people, no big deal.


Now let's talk about your clan cooperation solving: you didn't solve it, you made it worse.

You see, organisations in MMOs have a tendency - old players go inactive, for various reasons. And that's fine. Good MMOs provide something to active players and organizations, but never punish for inactivity. Guess what these outrageous costs did?

It's not about Hema, it's about the trend. You have to find a way to reward players for spending stashed up resources, not punish them.

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2 minutes ago, Lored said:

500k for Moon clan? Lol, 1000 members cap, and it's hard to farm 500k? If you Dojo online 100-200, just reduce clan tier. I'm in Shadow clan with 5-9ppl online (with 30ppl cap), we farm 15k samples less then 1hr in 2 party without boosters. If your clan can't cooperate, it's not DE fault.

Sry for my bad English, this isn't my native language.

No worries about your bad English, just about your bad understanding of what a clan is for.

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1 minute ago, JSharpie said:

I just worked a 10 hour shift yesterday, got to go home for 4 hours, and was back at 5am for another 10 hour shift.

I work too, and still have time to put an hour or two into warframe to chip away at research.

Let's make something clear that I should have mentioned earlier

The numbers are only 1/3rd of the problem. The rest of it is principle

Everyone who grinds the Hema is sending DE a message this this is acceptable. IT ISN'T AND NEVER WAS, let's make that clear right now

And the last part is the apathy. Notice how the forums are filling up with more and more "stop complaining about it and go farm"? DE never intended that but that's what's happening. More and more players are turning apathetic. You might mock Jim Sterling, but he's right. This is in his video and it's exactly what's happening

I will fight this on principle alone until DE either learns their lesson or bans me

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1 minute ago, khabby said:

"just reduce clan tier" ... o just kicked 90 players i known and had fun with , and helped them understand the game ... just to get to storm clan...

And what's problem? If they left Warframe, if not just farm Samples with them.

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I'd really love to see them farm it for themselves, 2500 samples with two players, but that's not going to happen, is it?

Those excuses for keeping the cost are really lame and I'm honestly wondering what clans reported that they loved farming samples in a combined effort.

If they want clans to organize for something, how about we use the thing that has achieved that in a good way instead? Events have always been a great way to make clans work towards a common goal, but they have been extremely scarce from what I can tell.

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