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Remove the Infested Cyst


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Wow with all the whinning I would advise DE to add a Immunity/cure item in the next hotfix costing plat (but a good deal of it) and with a Warning in big fat letters in there saying that they can buy that but a cure will be released in the future for free so don't even bother to complain about it when it happens just because you couldn't keep your OCD in check.

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This isn't the worst thing they've done. But this is most definitely one of the most ANNOYING, because it is near-impossible to go one public match without getting infected, and because I don't have a hugely active clan, I can't exactly make sure I'm with other non-infected people to do needed leveling for certain frames. And because I also don't want to infect others (both because of the alignment change and because I feel bad), I can't suck it up and just play my infected frames! This needs to be fixed sooner rather than later.

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15 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

Don't click on the thread then, it's called impulse control.

You are missing the point.  If the whole front page is filled with the same topic, it would seem that the posters are the ones lacking impulse control, not me.  Try to look at the whole view instead of immediately attacking people

Have a great day!!!

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22 hours ago, THEWULFMAN said:

And why not? Which frames do you mean and why do you think they can't grow cysts?

I can't wait that long because I nearly puke every time I see that thing...Titania can't grow a cyst if you didn't know.

Edited by exchangerecall
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The idea of the cyst or as some are calling it "space aids" was an interesting theory and it gave us the charger however, I wish there was a way to remove it and inoculate my frames against it, I don't want to have to breed 10+ chargers just to get rid of the thing when I really didn't even plan on having a charger pet.

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4 hours ago, Triptaminas said:

I have degree in biochemistry and I'm sad about your biases:/ maybe armor made from bio matter? English is not my first language so I can't enlighten u :) but just look at the advance CRISPR has made  


3 hours ago, ObviousLee said:

thank you for your contribution. here is a link to my current thread which gives my reasoning hind my statement. since you've a degree in this relative field, maybe you can pour over the topic and point out any possible errors in my line of thinking? link will be posted below the next quoted line.

even if the things i have said are correct, i CAN and DO explain how/why this makes sense riiiiiight here. 

and no. i'm saying that the genetic information inherent within the cyst overrides the genetic information in the egg. You know, like how the rest of the infestation works?

Okay, here's the thing: the infestaion just somehow magically grabbed protein and nuclein-based matter and made a completely different matter out of it, which is a metal. Like really? Even Cold Fusion can't do such a thing, this is a whole new nevel. You grab some biological, organic matter and make metal out of it, even paint it and make it perfectly identical to that of the normal Grineer unit's armor? Why do the infested need to make that? Why would they resemble even a tiny bit to a Grineerunit, if the basic flesh it used came from a kubrow? Where am I wrong in this chemically and biologically? Where did you get your chemistry degree if you say that this is perfectly normal?

And no @ObviousLee, the part you linked does not explain this. I understand what you are saying, that the hive mind can make anything out of everything, but that's completely impossible, unnecessary and goes against common sense.

Oh yes, and this: an infested charger, that was made from a kubrow's DNA that has been modified to make Grineer flesh and Grineer armor, but just partially, and make infestation out of it, but it still moves, stands and barks like a kubrow.
No thank you, I'm not buying any of your reasoning as facts.

Edited by ShadowFox14
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48 minutes ago, Reedfish said:

this /was/ one of the nicer communities but people here turn on each other faster then the witch trials. 

i tend to try and keep a neutral stance or not post at all but really no matter what happens someone is upset so eh... usually its best to just watch the fire burn. 


Doesn't matter how neutral you want to be there is no amount of storyline worldbuilding that could possibly be worth the animosity this has created with the community.  They put their artistic vision above their players and despite their business model.  That kind of stubborn idiocy is a great way to kill an online game.

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2 minutes ago, PatternistSlave said:

Doesn't matter how neutral you want to be there is no amount of storyline worldbuilding that could possibly be worth the animosity this has created with the community.  They put their artistic vision above their players and despite their business model.  That kind of stubborn idiocy is a great way to kill an online game.

true but how much of the community is this vocal bit speaking out now? is it the minority or the majority... 

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Not sure what DE was thinking with this one. Yes it has no mechanical effect but it's foolish to underestimate how big fashionframe is for the community and the game's revenue. Making a highly virulent disease that creates very visible blemishes on frames people have spent a lot of time and money customizing, with no permanent cure available is really really stupid imo. This is especially bad given how upset the community got last year waiting for TWW, having the next update after that be marred by this sort of misstep is a very unfortunate move for DE. I hope this plague is sorted out soon or the community as a whole might suffer a lot. :-/

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Just now, PatternistSlave said:

I don't think it's going out on much of a limb to assume having an ugly sore isn't the fantasy of many players.

no but those who usually are fine with it continue to play, very few will post back about it. though by now DE is going to do something or nothing... its more of a waiting game now

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This whole conversation should be easily resolved by the statement that DE has plans. They didn't just throw things together like "let's give everyone a virus without their consent and see what happens!"
There is a reason it's happening, and like their business model, it's ongoing. They aren't finished, and these updates are what they build on for the next update. And that's how they do things.
Does that mean you have to wait to see the bigger picture? Yea. And till then, you don't know nearly as much as they do about any of the stuff they are going for with these updates.

They are allowed to leave us twisting in the wind for a while. Viruses are eyesores. They are inconvenient, and they have nothing to do with binary 1 0 decision making.
If they weren't, then the cure wouldn't be that big of a deal would it? You'd just choose not to get it in the first place.
You are in their world. All the control you ever had was blessed upon you by them. If them taking a bit of it back, and keeping you in the dark a while is too hard on you, then get out of their world, and take everything that actually belongs to you (nothing) with you.

Otherwise, sit back, take a chill pill, and enjoy what new things they have in store for you.

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In it's current state: The cyst will constantly infect everyone who plays multiplayer forever. No frame will be without a cyst if played online. The cyst will exist for all time unless changed.

The reality: A vast majority of players do not want a pulsating cyst on their warframe constantly, especially after having removed it to create a pet.

Proposal: Create an item, perhaps a living tissue sample that when brought into a mission, or into the infested room on your ship, could become infected with the virus. From that item, one that you could leave in your inventory like a Kubrow egg, you could drain the cyst into a Kubrow egg for breeding. It would allow people to breed the new charger, and not have to constantly be exposed to a giant pulsating eyesore.

My largest problem with it's current state is exactly what everyone is saying: It's like a plague. It's a fascinating thing to observe, but now we're infected against our will. Even if it's mostly cosmetic, we're subjected to it without recourse. Just like a live plague, players who get it in game turn the community toxic because of it, and attitudes of real people are being affected. I personally know players that have stopped playing "until they remove this stupid thing". I want my friends to come back and play again.

Please address this pandemic SOONER rather than later, and thanks you for reading! :community:

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The reasons the Myconians don't have a bunch of cysts (other than not being Warframes) is probably because of the whole Triuna thing.
While that's all interesting and deep setup for a story that leads to a moral choice, and you getting a bp of Nidus, it feels like a lot of details are unresolved, or just irrelevant.
However, they wouldn't be irrelevant if the Myconian backstory ties into a cure/immunity for Warframes, which it's pretty well set up to do.

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7 hours ago, Megajoule said:

Nothing they've done before has made me want to literally stop playing until it's fixed.  And I've been doing this since 2013.

Well for me at least the broken lights were in that range. At least this I can solve by quarantining infected frames and playing solo (which I tend to do a lot anyways). 

2 hours ago, exchangerecall said:

I can't wait that long because I nearly puke every time I see that thing...Titania can't grow a cyst if you didn't know.

Sorry to break it to you but Titania isn't immune. I've only got one frame infected and it's Titania. Right after I got her nice new solstice skin too, real nice stocking stuffer to go with the christmas gift. :sadcry:

Edited by Riot_Inducer
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Newish player and this is annoying asf indeed. I do not have the resources nor the desire to craft a charger pet to get rid of this thing, especially if I have to wait 7 days to do so & it only removes it for a day before I get infected again... This is a game, one in which cosmetics are pretty prominent at that, and have to be won earned through serious farming, or bought for real money. Making a mandatory "cosmetic nerf" that applies to everyone full stop is, well... Insane? Not sure what other word would fit here. Yay, I just spent all my fortune & hard earned creds & ducats on a Prisma Hecate! It' gorgeous! Wait, what's this?


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 Someone mentioned that the point of a plague is that you can't avoid it.  If this really is supposed to be some larger story arc, then I just really want to say F*** that.  I am not the type of person to fight a plague after all are dying around me.  When I see signs of it, I would have started doing something about it.  So that infested part of the ship would have been cleaned up within a week of finding it.  I wouldn't have waited until now.

 The cyst isn't exactly a bad concept, but it is coming at us in a very annoying way.  I just simply believe that it is taking every aspect of us deciding how to play out of our hands.  We have to do everything DE's way right now.  Get a cyst make a charger, because they know that everyone has the spare stasis slots that cost platinum to get.  Everyone wants a charger because it's oh so good.  Everyone will be happy to do everything they want.  It probably isn't anything like that, but the approach to this story and concept did not take into account all the viewpoints.

 To make sure we are surprised by the story is nice, but to keep us from being involved in the story in any way is a bit offensive.  If we could see it coming, then we should have been able to do something about it.  We shouldn't just have to wait and see what they were going to drop on us.

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 There are ways to look at this as an amazingly bad thing, and it isn't that bad, but it didn't seem like it was delivered player friendly.  We don't get a choice, we can't do anything about it, seemingly.  Maybe there is some secret we haven't found, or maybe DE just made a big mistake.

 Not everyone dislikes it, but everyone that plays online ends up living with it because there is no way to stop other people from running through you.

 It isn't fun, it's just some storybook that we are reading now because we can't do anything about it.  We must experience everything they write because obviously we will just absolutely love the story.

 We shouldn't be fighting the plague after everyone is infected, we should be fighting it from the moment we noticed that it was happening.

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