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The Glast Gambit: Hotfix 19.5.5


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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • Generic Ordis transmissions in the Landing Craft and Void Fissure tutorial transmissions can now be disabled by turning off 'Enable Hint Transmissions' in the Audio Menu.
  • The Index missions are no longer required as part of Neptune's completion.

Thank you Thank you Thank you

You'll finally be quiet Ordis

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See? I promised I wouldn't link my salt thread, and I didn't.

Begging for cookies aside, we would really like a cure AND prevention mechanism. For example, make it so that only Nidus can get infected by this virus and the only infection mechanism is that dentist's chair from hell. 

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10 minutes ago, StealthDragoon said:

"Cannot join this game because it's full"

Been getting a lot of this recently.

Quite, i'm getting around 40% of all mission start attempts result in this error, it's getting old fast...

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1 hour ago, ManniManniManni said:

So, instead of keeping the cool effects resulting from immensely low stats, you've decided to make them utterly useless.

Nice going.

I could have sold my game-crashing Riven for 200 platinum to potential griefers, but I didn't. Instead, I reported it and held onto it, and then Cystbot called me a bad person for complaining when it was converted from a game breaking curiosity to something that removes ALL damage.

Ah, yeah, it's almost like "silly things happening" are worse than mod rolls that directly make the item just, not work.
Ok, perhaps that messes with gamebalance, like -100% reload speed resulting in no reloading pauses ever, but, still, the real issue is the fact that the roll can reach -100%, NOT that something silly happens IF it does?
Now you can still end up with -100% rolls, just, if you do you fully wasted the kuva, and need to roll again...

Yeah.. the dilbert "fixing the wrong problem" joke fits here I think :)

Edited by enizer
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So i just logged in after the patch and over half my warframes now have the infested cyst, even though i've played nothing but solo missions since the nidus patch and even frames i havent even touched/equipped for months like Trinity, Vauban nyx have the cyst.

Nor have i even started the Nidus quest. What the? Why did you do this?

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So I was affected by The New Strange auto-complte bug and did not recive the Chroma Bleprints. I tried to replay the mission pre 19.5.4 I got stuck at the point where I need to speek to Simaris in person at the realy but cannot get the Quest dialog option with hitm only the tutorial and daily synthesis. I was still unable to progress post 19.5.4. I had the new strand as my active quest at the time 19.5.5 whent live but do not have the Blueprints and can not progress on the replay.

DE Thanks for working on this!

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What about the people who received the scorched beacon after scanning the Arid Lancers Similus wanted? I still cannot progress through the quest. It tells me to go talk to Cephalon Similus, but the only options avaliable are for a new daily synthesis target and to just talk to him. I have the beacon. The quest autocompleted itself. I still can't finish it for the Chroma blueprint.

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Unfortunately I can not progress in the new strange.  In my codex it says I have completed it however I only obtained a scorched beacon for the quest.  When I go to cephalon simaris I do not have an option to talk with him about the quest.  As a result, unfortunately the hotfix did not fix the progression problem.  Thanks for working to fix this.

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While hordes complain about "oh noes it's darkening my alignment!" I'd like to point out that I've gone with full dark in every decision ever made available, and yet the aftermath of the Glast Gambit still has me in an obnoxious limbo stage between neutral and dark. 

I don't seem to be experiencing this darkening of alignment from Nidus at all. 

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7 minutes ago, PraetorGix said:

Really? is this a troll update or what? Half the forums are asking for a cure for that damned cyst infection system and they don't even mention a cure system being worked on?

Maybe this is their way of making us forget about the Hema costs...

Yea, like some troll took over DE over the Christmas holidays and has been vandilising the game ever since

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4 hours ago, SonicSonedit said:

Hello, DE, I would like to bring your attention to what happens in your game currently:

I'm talking about this:

Space Cyst isn't cool
TL; DR: please make a cure or another way to become remove & become immune to space AIDS ASAP. The reasons are the following:

  • The ugly-looking Cyst completely ruins carefully hand-picked frame design which was built by player with cosmetics. You basically devalued cosmetics. 
  • When you infect other players, your alignment changes towards darkness. And there is no way to prevent/revert this. For players like me, who played quest carefully to get full neutral, this basically devalued all my effort I put in being neutral alignment. Luckily for me, I mostly play with my friend, who went full dark, so he infests everyone before I start playing.

I agree with alignment, cosmetic problem is temporal? if it is, then I don't care.

Edited by SlayerAxell
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5 hours ago, SonicSonedit said:

Hello, DE, I would like to bring your attention to what happens in your game currently:

I'm talking about this:

Space Cyst isn't cool
TL; DR: please make a cure or another way to become remove & become immune to space AIDS ASAP. The reasons are the following:

  • The ugly-looking Cyst completely ruins carefully hand-picked frame design which was built by player with cosmetics. You basically devalued cosmetics. 
  • When you infect other players, your alignment changes towards darkness. And there is no way to prevent/revert this. For players like me, who played quest carefully to get full neutral, this basically devalued all my effort I put in being neutral alignment. Luckily for me, I mostly play with my friend, who went full dark, so he infests everyone before I start playing.

I know the feeling of loosing neturality.

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