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We need a reason to slaughter Corpus Crewmen


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9 minutes ago, Cyberhazard said:

not really sociopaths, but more like child soldiers imo.  We don't know anything aside from killing since our young age.

I say sociopaths because they don't deal with the mass killings at all in their dialogue. 

Even a child soldier will display some form of trauma. The Tenno act like they're just piloting Jets and not covering themselves with human entrails of hundreds of men every other mission.

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2 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I say sociopaths because they don't deal with the mass killings at all in their dialogue. 

Even a child soldier will display some form of trauma. The Tenno act like they're just piloting Jets and not covering themselves with human entrails of hundreds of men every other mission.

How long did they fight in the old war? years? decades? centuries? the reason they act like that is probably because this is nothing new to them, we know next to nothing about their past and have little knowledge on the old war and what it entailed. for all we know what we do now is nothing compared to what we had to do then.

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24 minutes ago, Arcanolath said:

They kidnap children, perform horrendous experiments on other humans, and will do ANYTHING if it means "profit".

Im not saying every single one we kill is some evil scumbag that does all of this, but as they are doing nothing to stop it, they are guilty by association in my eyes.

If they were to run away while i do what i came for then id have no reason to kill them, but do they? no, they stand and fight you.

As for exterminates, just better hope the lotus knows what she's doing when she tells us to wipe them out. though her giving us some context into WHY they need to die would be appreciated.

Again, how does this differ from humanity?

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Just now, Oxstarz said:

Again, how does this differ from humanity?

Because its a majority not the minority? its well known that this happens and yet no one steps in to fight it, only a few believe its wrong and work to gain profit without such measures (perrin sequence).

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Interesting thread. Most of the reason is as always in game like warframe to kill all. There are more peaceful games where you can choose let them alive or dead. Warframe is pretty much a game where you have no choice play the game without killing mobs because there are missions where you need kill in order to get through on that mission unless you play with a friend who does the job for you.

Also Tennos aren't better than those whom we kill. Lotus herself is a bloodthirsty maiden because she let us kill and give us order to kill so she probably not know that says the agression makes more agression. The game is based on killing stuffs and lol them which if you think about it realistic then you realize that this game teach nothing just let us be aggressive. If you don't care and just think it is a game then maybe okay for you.


Every war begins with the overlords order the foot soldiers just do their orders and tasks. Either hand in the scenes behind have a fear which is itself a motivation to fight with us. They have no chance against us in one to one so they hope is the group.

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Reasons to kill them, take your pick:

- They shot us on Sight, even if they are fighting grinners in "crossfire" missions.

- According to the lore, they are brainwashed in order to become mindless soldiers that follow orders (because of profit).

- They follow the likes of Alad V and Nef Anyo.

-They protect High tech weapons capable of destroying entire armies by themselves which their bosses are planning on using or, selling to someone who will use them.

-They created the nullifiers.

-They are trying to form a monopoly, and make everyone into a zealot of "profit"

- because of "profit".

If you need reasons to fight the corpus in general:

-They expect to gain profit from comflicts by creating weapons and selling them to whichever pays the most (maybe even sell it to both parties), and they would probably go as far as to start a conflict between two groups in order to keep their trade.

-They are religious Zealots. (kinda)

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26 minutes ago, Oxstarz said:

Again, how does this differ from humanity?

... Are you serious...? "how does this Differ from humanity"?...

Well, last I checked, I haven't done a single thing like that.. Damn the times change fast...

Also, experimenting with volunteer humans isn't like experimenting with Kidnnaped people, unless it is? My moral compass seems to have broken while trying to read this thread...

Maybe you should be wondering why we are killing Grinners too? You know, they are clones and were born and taught only for combat, they never had any choise, nor they even think about something different for what we know. Does this mean we should feel pitty of them while they destroy free colonies, kill people and try to kill other tennos before they awake?

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I am a very Pro-Corpus person. The lotus commands us to kill, though I do not wish to kill Crewman. 

Crewman have lives. They have families man. The Corpus make the best wespons. I praise them for that along with their technological advances. Darvo, best friend of the Tenno, is of Corpus decent.

If I were a Corpus citizen looking to join the military, I'd join the Scrambus Corps.

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Ever played Overlord 2? The game uses a system called "Tyranny Rating" to determine your alignment but its not a system between good and evil but domination and destruction.  With destruction you kill and destroy which gives rewards immediately but is only given once. With domination you enslave and force others to do your bidding and the rewards are smaller but can be exploited for more in the long term. I view Grineer as a destruction oriented faction and the Corpus as a domination oriented faction. Its up to you to which is worst, being killed right away or if living life as a mindless slave.

Edited by Hieracon
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I don't know what the alternatives are tho.

What are we supposed to do. Implying we do need to stop what the corpus are doing, We capture them? where do we put them? we bring them to justice? to whom? geneva and Den Haag are infested jungles by now. there is no higher court of justice or legal system.

So yeah it's bad. probably over the top but in the context of the lore of this game we're outliers with barely enough organization to manage a few relays, let alone put the corpus on trial.

For most of them we're terrorists anyway.


Edit : and maybe it's better this way. I wouldn't want my exterminate missions to be boggled down by legalities :p

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3 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

My 5y/o son asked me if I was a bad guy when he saw me slaughtering a bunch of corpus. I really didn't have a good answer to give him. It didn't help that after he asked that he saw me chase down one that was running away and slice him in half. He even pleaded that I just "let them be" and move on with my mission, not realizing that my mission is to kill. To him, he saw them as people.

I'm reality, tenno would be absolute sociopathic monsters. Could you imagine the carnage we would leave behind if bodies didn't disintegrate? Imagine the  pile of dismembered bodies we would be crawling over during a typical defence mission? 

This is why there is such a disconnect to what we do and the way the operators act and speak. We should either be stoic warriors or traumatized desensitized child soldiers.

I remember you telling this on the forum and how it made you consider our, Tenno's, morality. Not entirely sure what you ended up with. Did try to bring this up with my oldest, who is a Tenno too, and clearly remember his rather blunt response: "Space mom tells me to butcherize the enemy, you tell me to listen to mom, I comply. I hope the moral ramifications of THAT don't keep you up at night...." 
He's a piece of work, thatone...

the  pile of dismembered bodies we would be crawling over during a typical defence mission
would LOVE if the carnage of surv would stay a bit longer. Especially when I'm using my dismember tool... (yes, atterax)

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I'll say up front I work in finance and that's why I'm overthinking this :P

My whole problem with Corpus is their capitalistic/commercial aspect. As a whole faction of evil merchants. Like how are they making their profit exactly?

We saw Index arena and waframe auction (alad V) but that is not a good source of profit . Maybe for one Alad V or Nef Anyo but not for the corpus as a whole. It looks more like a rich kids gambling hobby. Like Corpus spend their pocket money by betting on arena. But how are they making REAL MONEY?

By selling stuff. To whom?? To themselves? That is not a source of any big profit! Look if we have a corpus member A (like Alad V) who obtains warframe/orokin technology and then sells it overpriced to another Corpus member B, then why wouldn't Corpus B assemble his own team to retreive warframe/orokin technology for himself? That would be cheaper and it made profit for him. If they all are united as Corpus then that most likely means they have access to the same resources and technologies. What is stopping Corpus B?

And they are one faction? Wouldn't this lead to instant break into multiple tiny factions that would rival with themselves? Why would they stay united?


If Corpus stay united they would have to trade with someone other than themselves for the profit and mercilessly overprice them (like proper evil capitalists). Who would that be? Colonists? Colonists rather want to survive so they would seek water, medicine, oxygen maybe? And that would be overpriced by corpus (that would be a great story arc btw)

I have so many questions... I think we need a cinematic quest with corpus and get more lore about them...


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2 hours ago, Rawrmonger said:

I don't know what the alternatives are tho.

What are we supposed to do. Implying we do need to stop what the corpus are doing, We capture them? where do we put them? we bring them to justice? to whom? geneva and Den Haag are infested jungles by now. there is no higher court of justice or legal system.

So yeah it's bad. probably over the top but in the context of the lore of this game we're outliers with barely enough organization to manage a few relays, let alone put the corpus on trial.

For most of them we're terrorists anyway.


Edit : and maybe it's better this way. I wouldn't want my exterminate missions to be boggled down by legalities :p

There are such things as non-lethal weapons. Those could be employed on some targets.

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After re-reading and really thinking about the Corpus, I'm of the mind that they are probably the least threatening of the Factions.  Not gameplay wise, but more in their end goals.  With the exception of few of their members, they are really only defending themselves from us.  They are also the only ones that we can trade and have peaceful relations with.  Notice the NPCs in the Relays. 

We can't really say the same about the other Factions.  Grineer want to conquer the system.  Infested are a plague like the zombie apocalypse.  Sentients pretty much want all of humanity (all other Factions) dead. 

The Glast Gambit quest was really cool because it showed "common" people.  It allowed us to have some if small interaction with them.  I really liked the goal of trying to save little Neewa.   I would love to see more stories, missions, or quests that allow us (players) to see more of the common world outside of the Factions. 

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39 minutes ago, underthumb said:

There are such things as non-lethal weapons. Those could be employed on some targets.

Oh yes of course.

But since you can't realistically capture them it's just more people you need to fight again the next time (assuming some sort of finite amount of personnel :D). Of course that can work if you want to be the Zorro or Batman type I suppose. But that's not really how ninjas go in here.

All I'm saying is that there isn't much more of higher political authority in the world of Warframe. So regardless what's the scale of the conflict you pretty much always end up killing your enemies out of convenience.

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4 minutes ago, Rawrmonger said:

Oh yes of course.

But since you can't realistically capture them it's just more people you need to fight again the next time (assuming some sort of finite amount of personnel :D). Of course that can work if you want to be the Zorro or Batman type I suppose. But that's not really how ninjas go in here.

All I'm saying is that there isn't much more of higher political authority in the world of Warframe. So regardless what's the scale of the conflict you pretty much always end up killing your enemies out of convenience.

I disagree...kind of. But I get where you're coming from. That is, I think you're right some killing is unavoidable. But the Lotus could demand that some missions be done with stealth, at minimum loss of life. Efforts could be made to not turn Corpus missions into all-out bloodbaths. Heck, killing more than a certain number could result in automatic mission failure, in principle.

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Just now, underthumb said:

I disagree...kind of. But I get where you're coming from. That is, I think you're right some killing is unavoidable. But the Lotus could demand that some missions be done with stealth, at minimum loss of life. Efforts could be made to not turn Corpus missions into all-out bloodbaths. Heck, killing more than a certain number could result in automatic mission failure, in principle.

Oh absolutely !

That could also be done in the new alignment/reputation system they have since TWW. I can see you choosing to go undetected and/or incapacitating enemies to gain some form of specific reward or progression ^^

As long as the bloodbath route gives out a similar reward ^^

And then only on specific mission so you don't have to change your game play for the entire game. Maybe. Could be how the new "assassination" mission go I suppose.
I should really get back to work o.O

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I was fresh off Dead Space when I first started playing so I seen a bunch of Isaac's running around beating on some Necromorphs.

But uhhh yeah I also imagined those Corpus we teamed up with weren't affiliated with Alad or Nef. I mean they have a whole boardroom right, all with people with their own motives? Also Grineer have different factions within their ranks like Nightwatch. Unless that whole mercenaries thing Ruk keeps going on about really is true.

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6 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Yeah, he doesn't watch me play often.. Mainly because he says I play the same levels over and over. 

Its kinda funny because there is truth there...

But yeah, leave it to a 5 year old to suddenly make you stop and think about stuff like this. I definitely think the Robotics the corpus use should be expanded upon and made the sole enemy in corpus missions. As its always implied that the moas and osprays are easily replaceable, but what about the crewman? 

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they are basically merchants of dead, they distribute weapons for anyone who can pay, and they go to extreme measures for profit, they economically strangle the colonies, experiment with living creatures, they thrive and profit from conflict. They are a great force that disturbes the order and peace in the system, all for a quick profit. They tought that they are only minding their own business harmlessly is not really supported by the lore.

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they want to raise Fuel prices, that's reason enough. well, that and because popping their helmets off is funny.

for realsies though, the Corpus are essentially your textbook evil corporation: they are just as violent as the Grineer, but are motivated by financial gain, rather than purifying the System. they kidnap, they steal, they likely charge insane prices for basic goods, and they feed on the spoils of war. worst of all, they claim to be descendants of the biggest scumbags the universe has ever known: the Orokin.

I've killed people for doing less in other games.

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