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Something is wrong with the sortie mission generation


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Sorry today marks the 5th "Bow" only mission in the last week or so for sorties. There have been none, zero, other missions with "X weapon only". at least three of the Bow only missions have been defense. Seems like the sortie is stuck on "Bow only" every time a weapon restriction comes up. 5 in a row, in rapid succession with nothing in between seems off. Someone at DE should take a look at this, this is getting tiresome very fast.

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Just now, Shockwave- said:

Sorry today marks the 5th "Bow" only mission in the last week or so for sorties. There have been none, zero, other missions with "X weapon only". at least three of the Bow only missions have been defense. Seems like the sortie is stuck on "Bow only" every time a weapon restriction comes up. 5 in a row, in rapid succession with nothing in between seems off. Someone at DE should take a look at this, this is getting tiresome very fast.

We are reworking the generator entirely - our last Devstream touched on this. We're including new missions where applicable (Salvage, Fortress Assault), and making sure it's generating diverse enough Sorties each day. Shouldn't be too far off before we deploy! 

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Just now, [DE]Rebecca said:

We are reworking the generator entirely - our last Devstream touched on this. We're including new missions where applicable (Salvage, Fortress Assault), and making sure it's generating diverse enough Sorties each day. Shouldn't be too far off before we deploy! 

Too bad the rewards are and will still be awful even after that rework.

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5 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

Too bad the rewards are and will still be awful even after that rework.

I'd appreciate any constructive notes you can offer - is there anything in the Sorties at all you consider not awful? I've played them almost daily and I find I'm happiest when I get a Riven or 4K Endo. Where would you rank your most favourite to least favourite?

2 minutes ago, Firehead331 said:

Funny you should mention that... I got 2000 endo for the 19th time.. IN. A. ROW.

I'm sorry to say this but it helps to be honest when we're having these conversations publicly - 2000 Endo being too common is one thing, but exaggerating when I can see the facts pertaining to a given account is not constructive I'm afraid. I'm not downplaying your frustration - I've gotten consecutive things I don't need or want. 

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3 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

I'm sorry to say this but it helps to be honest when we're having these conversations publicly - 2000 Endo being too common is one thing, but exaggerating when I can see the facts pertaining to a given account is not constructive I'm afraid. I'm not downplaying your frustration - I've gotten consecutive things I don't need or want. 

I was going based off my memory.. Last I counted it was 19... I kind of drowned out the few Rivens and lenses that I obtained along the road with the endo... Besides that I kind of get all up in arms when I get the chance so I am likely to over exaggerate or give a slight lie to prove a point. Apologies, Reb.

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12 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Hello Rebecca 

First huge fan of the dev streams. I know Steve has said again no to the token system. But i urge them to reconsider this. RNG is good when you can run things back to back. But for a daily lockout the salt is real if you are unlucky especially in a row.

I have a very popular idea on how to go about it that could very much work. As well as adding alot more to the sorties.

Forever a fan of the Lotus and Warframe.


Edited by (PS4)Mofojokers
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25 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

I'd appreciate any constructive notes you can offer - is there anything in the Sorties at all you consider not awful? I've played them almost daily and I find I'm happiest when I get a Riven or 4K Endo. Where would you rank your most favourite to least favourite?

I'm sorry to say this but it helps to be honest when we're having these conversations publicly - 2000 Endo being too common is one thing, but exaggerating when I can see the facts pertaining to a given account is not constructive I'm afraid. I'm not downplaying your frustration - I've gotten consecutive things I don't need or want. 

I can't speak for the person you quoted Rebecca, but I know I can speak for my own experience.

Before you added the Secondary/Shotty Rivens, but after Sortie rewards fix, I started to get many. Granted, not all of them of my liking, but the excitement of getting to unveil a Rifle Riven was good.

After the change, I've only got one, which was Rifle. And the lack of them, alongside the getting more and more lenses as of late, have killed most of the excitement I had for sorties.

Now, I understand that Situation 1 was on one end and Situation 2 was on the other (Digital Extremes kek), but there's something to improve there. And with the coming Melee ones, the spectrum of weapons to unlock is too big still. One of my goals is getting my hands on a Glaive riven, but I'll be damned if I can ever get one, let alone get the right rolls for it :P

I still think (already posted when Drew made the topic of introducing Secondary/Shotties) getting a token (not a token system for Sorties, mind you, that I entrust to you to consider on player feedback) to exchange it to the Cephalon (whose name I forgot) for a [Category] Riven (ie: I exchange a Riven Token for a Secondary Riven, rest works as right now) would help get some control to players/get to a set goal while not being too crazy.

So yeah, hopefully something comes out of this.

Edited by NightmareT12
Edited for clarity
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1 minute ago, Multicom-EN- said:

Not possible since the system forces another reward on you after 2 in a row.

It is possible, I have a few clan mates that have obtained endo over 8 times in a row.. Besides that they mentioned in the stream that the x2 in a row limitation is not quite done, properly... or something along those lines.... 

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4 minutes ago, Firehead331 said:

I was going based off my memory.. Last I counted it was 19... I kind of drowned out the few Rivens and lenses that I obtained along the road with the endo... Besides that I kind of get all up in arms when I get the chance so I am likely to over exaggerate or give a slight lie to prove a point. Apologies, Reb.

You see, one should prove a point using facts, not by exagerating or small lies. That's manipulation.

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14 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

I'd appreciate any constructive notes you can offer

Here, here! Please, consider making Riven mods universal. What I mean by this is once we get a Riven mod from Sorties we can place it on a melee, rifle, secondary or shotgun. Once unveiled the Riven will be locked to that specific weapon. 

Just my 2 cents.

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4 minutes ago, Multicom-EN- said:

Not possible since the system forces another reward on you after 2 in a row.

Yeah, but it absolutely possible to get 2k, 2k, 4k, 2k, 2k, 4k, 2k..... indefinitely on the new system. Extremely unlikely, but possible.

I wonder if it works in reverse: if lucky people who get 2 rivens in a row can't get a third.

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4 minutes ago, Manyc said:

You see, one should prove a point using facts, not by exagerating or small lies. That's manipulation.

Depends on the situation.. Most of the time it is considered bad but others it may just to fill in the blanks.. Part of what was stated was fact, Also Over exaggeration is used to prove a point quite frequently in persuasive texts/speeches..  

Edited by Firehead331
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1 minute ago, Multicom-EN- said:

Here, here! Please, consider making Riven mods universal. What I mean by this is once we get a Riven mod from Sorties we can place it on a melee, rifle, secondary or shotgun. Once unveiled the Riven will be locked to that specific weapon. 

Just my 2 cents.

Perhaps locked to that specific family. Getting to chose your weapon would completely defeat the original purpose of rivens.

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7 minutes ago, Firehead331 said:

Depends on the situation.. Most of the time it is considered bad but others it may just to fill in the blanks.. Part of what was stated was fact, Also Over exaggeration is used to prove a point quite frequently in persuasive texts/speeches..  

Maybe for you. I rather stay in the right path and do it legit. I do not care about what others do, always do the right thing.

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31 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

I'd appreciate any constructive notes you can offer - is there anything in the Sorties at all you consider not awful? I've played them almost daily and I find I'm happiest when I get a Riven or 4K Endo. Where would you rank your most favourite to least favourite?

The rewards are great / awful depending on what you seek, and while I agree some people would like to get 4k endo (or these new sculpture) or even a lens, some other players are sick of geting endo and lenses simply because they don't need them.

The reward table is just too vast and the fact sorties are not farmable (one per day only) means that the chances of geting something you seek is just ridiculously low.


Since I am what you would call a veteran player, I almost don't need anything from the sortie so I consider pretty much everything useless in the reward table (at least for me, not for other players)

Meanwhile, if you considered adding arcanes, I would maybe have a reason to play sorties.

I'm sure you already noticed that thread :

And even though devs seem to not want a token system, I believe it could help greatly.

I do not support the amount of token given/needed that Mofojokers suggested, but having the ability to work toward geting your desired loot is definitely something many if not all players would appreciate.


Look at syndicates, you play and farm syndicate standing and medallions in order to obtain that one shiny thing you desire, you can farm toward it and see your progress.

Doesn't that feel great ?

And as I already said countless time, that reduces RNG yes, but it increases the grind while making it less painful for players to endure.

RNG is great sometimes, like on the relic system where you can farm the whole days for relics and then open them. But when you have ONE daily chance at a reward, in a so vast loot table, it's nonsense.


And again, rivens are not a good feature and they brind nothing interesting in warframe else than powercreep, endless grind, and unbalance. Therefore I do not like rivens and don't care about obtaining them.

I truly have nothing I seek in the sortie rewards to play them, therefore I don't.

(i'm surprised you took the time to answer me, thanks. But I hope that post will at least have a minor impact somehow)

Edited by Trichouette
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12 minutes ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

Perhaps locked to that specific family. Getting to chose your weapon would completely defeat the original purpose of rivens.

Yeah that's kind of better for DE to keep a higher level of RNG. 

The way it is now it's like Pistol and Shotgun Rivens are legendary mods. I never get it. Just rifle rifle rifle rifle..

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Swapping normal lenses for random arcanes would be something cool.

Since getting a group for a raid is annoying and most of the time you cant complete the raid due several progression stopping glitches.

Remember when normal lenses were going to be Syndicate offers but you guys backed off like you did with sortie tokens, damage 3.0, mutagen samples, reducing grinding, not being able to get endo 3 times in a row, more ways to get stances, etc etc.

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9 minutes ago, Multicom-EN- said:

Yeah that's kind of better for DE to keep a higher level of RNG. 

The way it is now it's like Pistol and Shotgun Rivens are legendary mods. I never get it. Just rifle rifle rifle rifle..

I have gotten 3 pistol rivens since release. One for Lato, which I am keeping for when Baro brings a Prisma Lato. One for Kraken, which I instantly dissolved for endo, and another useless one that I can't even remember, also dissolved for endo. Three rivens, all for guns that can't be saved since Rivens, just like all other mods, affect existing stats by percentages rather than adding stats. Since none of the three have either crit or status higher than 10%, a riven can't do anything but alter damage values (which I consider pointless).

Edited by -AoN-CanoLathra-
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