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Worst Frame for Public play


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3 minutes ago, Momaw said:

Worst frames to have on a public team? I don't think there's bad frames, only bad players. 


But what I'm asking is, with bad players on your team, what is the worst frame you can be?

For example, with a bad team, possibly the BEST frame you can be is Mirage with her compulsory Simulor. Cos it doesn't matter how bad they are, you're getting the job done without them.

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22 minutes ago, (PS4)drpunk-yo said:

Ultimately I'm not really talking about how other people play frames. I'm talking frames that you play yourself, you play them in the "correct" way, but your squad mates are unlikely to "get" what you are doing.

You could look at it as there being selfish frames and selfless frames. Someone like Rhino I'd call a selfish frame. You Iron Skin, you're good, screw everyone else (although Iron Skin's handy for reviving I suppose). Yeah, he's got his roar for support but I dunno the last time someone roared for me. Trinity on the other hand is a selfless frame. And I'm just asking if there's another selfless frame who's as useless if other squad mates aren't taking advantage if her.

When looking at your question this way, I have to include Ivara.  Although I wouldn't say useless.  :D  I love playing Ivara, and she's my most used frame.  If other squad mates don't allow me to, they will not benefit from her powers as well as they could.  In PuGs I often find myself just using Sleep Arrow and/or Artemis Bow. 

Edit: Then again with the proper build, you won't need the squad at all depending on the mission type.  Hehe

Edited by DatDarkOne
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1 hour ago, SilvaDreams said:

Spamulor Mirage's and WoF Embers.(Atleast in lower tier stuff)

I'm fine with WOF Embers if I'm doing something like prime farming, cause I just want to be done as quickly as possible, and as OP as Simulor Mirage is they are pretty crap at dealing with lots of enemies spread out over a large area, just because the Simulor has such a small blast radius, but yeah otherwise WOF ember is super boring to be in a team with, but its worse when you pub a sortie 3 mission only to get a WOF ember, do they not understand, WOF DOES NOTHING AT LEVEL 100!

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Loki. and yes, I'm serious.

I still have yet to see a Loki player with any ounce of skill, I can't remember the last Time a Loki did anything other than constantly go down. I'm sure there's a minority of Loki players out there who are very capable, and Loki isn't a bad frame, but I've yet to meet anyone who doesn't screw up a sortie or just use Invis to avoid everything while they AFK.

sorry to the genuinely decent Loki players, but you are being represented really, really badly on PS4.

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42 minutes ago, (PS4)drpunk-yo said:

I'm just saying perspectives change.

Nova was amazing for me when I was less powerful than I am now. She meant I could play the higher tier missions. Survive them (i.e. not get hit so much) and kill the enemies too (without catalysts and elements in  my weapons).

Now I'm more powerful. I can survive more hits and I can kill those enemies with less shots. I don't need the enemies slowing down and my bullets don't need the extra explosions to kill them. Given the choice I'd rather they weren't slowed and I get more missions completed in the time I have available.

Before I couldn't understand why people didn't like Nova. Now I can empathise with them.

As with most frames, it comes down to the player and the mission type. Mobile defense, interception, excavation, slow away, you're not going to prolong the mission one iota. For other endless missions, at a certain point the slow and 2x damage certainly becomes welcome.

If you bring a slow Nova to a low level defense and spam Molecular prime at the start of every wave, unless you are playing with very new players, you aren't helping anyone and are just being annoying.

I see a lot of players that seem to want to jam as much duration as possible on Nova, I see no reason to slow enemies 2 tiles away, so I prefer to build for efficiency. This allows me to use Anti-matter drop as much as I want, which in conjunction with Molecular prime is a high-level room clearer that really speeds up those pesky sortie 3 Lua defense missions.

So no, slow Nova doesn't always mean that missions take longer, if you know what you are doing it can be the exact opposite. There are also far worst frames/abilities if a player chooses to use them a certain way for bringing defense missions to a grinding halt than even the most spam happy max duration/strength Nova player...because a least with Molecular prime, the enemies still move even if it's at a greatly reduced speed.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

Loki. and yes, I'm serious.

I still have yet to see a Loki player with any ounce of skill, I can't remember the last Time a Loki did anything other than constantly go down. I'm sure there's a minority of Loki players out there who are very capable, and Loki isn't a bad frame, but I've yet to meet anyone who doesn't screw up a sortie or just use Invis to avoid everything while they AFK.

sorry to the genuinely decent Loki players, but you are being represented really, really badly on PS4.

As a loki player, I can kind of see this. With basically any other frame, there is sooooomething there as a buffer. Hp, shields, armor, mitigation through abilities, but with Loki, it's literally 'dont get hit or you die'. And especially in the console community where intricate movements, for the large majority, are more difficult, I could definitely see it. He takes a different mindset, and a constant awareness of where your teammates are, as well as what they may or may not be doing that could get you killed (blue balls anyone?). He's definitely not for everyone, and theres a clear difference in his performance on newer players who dabble in him vs. Longtime loki fans. A friend of mine just started a month ago, and it pains me to watch her just kind of walk into crossfire while invis. Plus im sure a lot of people see they die with him a couple times and just give up on him. "Why would i put up with this when i could just be rhino?"

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2 minutes ago, Azlen said:

And especially in the console community where intricate movements, for the large majority, are more difficult

That's not as much of an issue as you may be thinking.  I use a controller on PC and my don't have any trouble whipping out various moves.  It's actually easier for me on controller than it is using KB +mouse.  :D 


6 minutes ago, Azlen said:

He takes a different mindset, and a constant awareness of where your teammates are, as well as what they may or may not be doing that could get you killed

LOL.  The Death to Crossfire IS REAL!  It's something you definitely learn to avoid when using Invisible frames.  I learned this one hard when teamed up with a clan mate playing Nyx while I was Ivara.  The crossfire caused by Chaos killed me a few times. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)drpunk-yo said:

You could look at it as there being selfish frames and selfless frames. Someone like Rhino I'd call a selfish frame. You Iron Skin, you're good, screw everyone else

I....wat? It's a survival ability. Every frame has at least one. If they're not using Roar they're probably spec'd for strength, not duration which Roar needs to be effective. And Trinity is pure support. She can't be selfish even if she wanted to.

1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

Loki. and yes, I'm serious.

I still have yet to see a Loki player with any ounce of skill, I can't remember the last Time a Loki did anything other than constantly go down. I'm sure there's a minority of Loki players out there who are very capable, and Loki isn't a bad frame, but I've yet to meet anyone who doesn't screw up a sortie or just use Invis to avoid everything while they AFK.

sorry to the genuinely decent Loki players, but you are being represented really, really badly on PS4.

I see public Loki's run into spy vaults only to immediately set every alarm off and get downed. Invisibility =/= immunity.

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The worst frame for public play is Limbo, simply because his ult disallows me to pickup energy and ammo when his ult is active. He just refreshes is over and over and I'd rather have a speed move on sortie three because I'm not out of energy due to energy orbs...

Limbos banish is the only team oriented part of his kit, even then I prefer to roll out of it because it takes away the challenge from warframe. No point in playing an easy game for 3.5 years

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

I cringe when I see a Limbo player.

Banish trolling and denying drop pickups with a max range cataclysm.

I'm not saying all Limbo players do those things, but Limbo's reputation proceeds who's playing as him.

Oi, max range is part of a build I plan on using. It's not meant to deny drop pickups, it's meant to allow me and other players to vaporize as many enemies as possible before I disappear into the rift again. :c

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3 hours ago, Xirka said:

I love her, but a lot of people seem to hate Nova, unless you go for negative power strength. Something I never do.

If you're doing a defense then you make things take longer, if you do a survival (same with Nyx) you mess up peoples rate of getting life support. 


Outside of those Slova is great.

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Trinity is fine for public play. She's one of my go-to warframes when I don't have anything specific in mind.

It's up to your team to stay near Trin; not up to you to stay near them. They need you more than you need them.

I don't bother with EV builds since I regard them as...incomplete. The link optimized Trinity is very capable of taking on anything in the game and can supply plenty of energy to any sort of team--she just has to concentrate on it a bit more. There are variations on a theme, but the fact is Trinity can keep herself going in about any situation imaginable; it's up the your team to take advantage of that. I personally regard the blessing range changes as a mistake, but it is what it is.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

I see public Loki's run into spy vaults only to immediately set every alarm off and get downed. Invisibility =/= immunity.

And then a max Sprint Speed Firewalker Limbo with a Huras comes swooping in, saves the console, teabags the fallen Loki, promptly revives him, and immediately goes to hack the next console scot-free. :thumbup:

edit: As for the Limbo hate in PuGs, and coming from someone who exclusively played Limbo solo because I didn't want to get verbally hazed for using Limbo, I was surprised at how amazingly useful he was in Kela de Thaym Sortie 3/Kuva Flood. He pretty much trivializes her boss match, and is probably the only place where I can see him being PuG friendly.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)rowansprite said:

Oi, max range is part of a build I plan on using. It's not meant to deny drop pickups, it's meant to allow me and other players to vaporize as many enemies as possible before I disappear into the rift again. :c

I know how powerful Limbo can be, cataclysm + rift surge kicks out a tremendous amount of damage.

Unfortunately, every second that cataclysm is up is an additional second of annoyance by denying drop pickups.

That's not a qualm about your choice in play style, it's an issue I have with Limbo's mechanics...which are pretty busted.

Edited by (PS4)Magician_NG
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3 hours ago, (PS4)rowansprite said:

Oi, max range is part of a build I plan on using. It's not meant to deny drop pickups, it's meant to allow me and other players to vaporize as many enemies as possible before I disappear into the rift again. :c

Thing is, 99% of the time I can vaporize those enemies regardless, and being able to pickup items is much more important and/or convenient.


I came here to say Limbo, because his abilities most actively inhibit gameplay. I don't need the energy, I came to a public match self sufficient. Between not being able to pickup items, and having to roll out of surprise banish, and having random enemies or mechanics blocked off, I have a hard time imagining a scenario where Limbo pulls his weight without being overly specific and planned. His most direct application in my opinion is Rescue, but even then I rarely if ever find I actually need help keeping the hostage alive.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

And then a max Sprint Speed Firewalker Limbo with a Huras comes swooping in, saves the console, teabags the fallen Loki, promptly revives him, and immediately goes to hack the next console scot-free. :thumbup:

edit: As for the Limbo hate in PuGs, and coming from someone who exclusively played Limbo solo because I didn't want to get verbally hazed for using Limbo, I was surprised at how amazingly useful he was in Kela de Thaym Sortie 3/Kuva Flood. He pretty much trivializes her boss match, and is probably the only place where I can see him being PuG friendly.

I remember the first time I had a Limbo with me in a Kela sortie assassinate. It was amazing!

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7 hours ago, NewAgeDoom said:

Ash in Radiation hazard.

The funny thing is, this became an issue exactly once for me. Featuring Ash, Ember and an Equinox (with base shields/hp dieing every 20-30 seconds) in a corpus survival sortie. He kept blaming Ash for killing him throughout the mission again and again (hazard, not enhancement) until he found a rad hazard to proc himself and kill everyone on the team...because why just go afk/leech when you can troll and drag people down while you're at it.

I nominate Nyx for worst Warframe in pugs. Her kit isn't bad, but for pug gameplay...rather ineffective/detrimental. 


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