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so happy about 500 login reward, don't you dare to change it now


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13 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

And 10$ says people will whine it is just mastery fodder.

Considering the jump in quality of Azima to Zenistar, I will be surprised if they do say that.

It will be a stats weapon, most certianly, but the picture doesnt give me enough ideas on what it will do. Looks like a LMG/Rail Gun/Nade Launcher hybrid.

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On 2/24/2017 at 8:32 PM, Vulpei said:

It could just be me being salty at only being at day 200 (I think?), but I really don't like the idea of weapons being locked behind a wall that literally takes a year and a half to get over.  The completionist in me wants to hang himself right about now.

Year and a half + due to not logging in everyday.

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On 2/25/2017 at 1:17 AM, Rolunde said:

3096F9D9ECBEA498AF0861B2A20A151C718CA3FC (1680×1050)

Down there, bottom right corner...

is it an actual weapon or something far less exciting (i.e. a glyph)?!

Old school box launcher skin?

Napalm's Ogris?!

Azima+Zenistar = Primary confirmed?!


time will tell ^^

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5 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

And 10$ says people will whine it is just mastery fodder.

if it is strong then people will say "OP, power creep!!11one"

If it is not strong then people will indeed call if mastery fodder.

Seems there's no middle ground for some around here =p

8 hours ago, Myscho said:

Looking good




And also +1 to wanting a launcher that lobs out a big ball of plasma, that'd be hella fun.
(Wasn't there also a weapon in Tribes that did that?! We need more Tribes weapons in Warframe!)

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

Maybe eventually we'll get a disc warframe as a login reward 😱

Calling it

Maybe they'll call him Dexistar? Turns into a disc leaving explosive mini grenade behind! ROWLIN ROWLIN ROWLIN!!!

For now that's a Primary version of the Azima and that Zenistar that may shoot continuous AoE exploding baby kova jesters... 

Now i want that more!

Edited by (PS4)ArnnFrost
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