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Would you be against or like more Warframe mod slots?


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Mod slot for augments only. Open it up with Exilus adapter. Because we need more usage for Exilus adapters since there's only a need for at max the number of warframes available.


I wouldn't add more mod slots to weapons though. They're strong enough as is.

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Considering the fact I'm already a one man apocalypse and If I get more mod slots I would still go for min-maxing of my abilities over anything as the main reason is pretty simple the effect of those mods are just not even close to what you can get out of your abilities. Would you rather move a wee bit fast or teleport across a room, would you keep on whacking the same enemy n number of times or just have him eviscerated within a second etc.

TL;DR:It's better for warframe not to have more mod slots IMO.

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How many actually ever use the mods like insulation and flamerpellent?

Since I find it UNLIKELY that we will have more slots since the descision to scrap Damage 3.0, why not do this.

Insulation protects against cold damage right? We have mods that add cold damage to weapons. So why not remove these from the warframe and merge them?

So a mod have both protection and damage, like statusmods work.

Or add another bonus to Insulation like speed or energy gain?

Edited by arch111
Even flow. Thoughts arive like butterflies. He don't know. So he chases them away.
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I am not against but I have an idea how this would have be useful without making powercreep.

First of all they need to add 12 slot for weapons 12 slot for frames plus one exilus slot on frame 1 aura and 1 special augment on frame.

The ability augments could be built in the abilities but one time you can just boost 2 ability so 2 augment can be put there. The another augment which is not an ability augmentation but a warframe augmentation can have only one slot to use it so you need to be specific what to put into it.


The 12 slots on weapons and frames could be separated by 3 category each have 4 slots : utility - damage - ability on frames also same or similar on weapons too.

This could be useful because you cannot put damage mods into those plus 8 slot because you only have 4 slot to put damage and multishot mods which includes the elemental mods too. The another category could be the utility mod slots where you can put fire rate, critical and status mods too and some recoil etc like mods. The rest is another mods which change weapons mechanics or add something to stealth or assault gameplay but you can also use as template to further think the idea.

On warframes you can use the 4 ability boost mod like continuity-intensify-stretch-streamline and corrupted counterparts and you cannot put anymore to make much stronger your frame but you can combine then your mods there and focusing more on one ability. Another 4 mod can be spent to utility which is for example the flow, rush, maglev etc mods which gives stats too but not damage boosters and the rest could be the resistance and vitality-redirection-steel fiber slots as health slots. 

I know this is not a tested version and need tweaking the idea but if they follow something similar like this then we can have more variety and limitations aswell to not be so powerful but better overall. 

The exilus mods need to be something more meaningful and 1 slot need for aura which gives a team boost and 1 augment slot which can change your warframe mechanics or add different stat boosts and abilities which helps you a lot.

These augments whom mostly can be added to an ability those could be built (replace) an abiltiy with the extended version depending on you what augment and ability is more suitable for your play.

There need to be tweaks / buffs-nerfs on the mod system to make them more suitable (not nerf under the ground) but make more sense we have to use mods like (warm coat / reisstance mods) or old time mods which partially unused or just useful for some small amount of endo/creds. Those mods should not be unused otherwise these are just take a slot from the drop tables so each mod should be more racial.

Edited by Sziklamester
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Against, because the amount of slots that would need to exist to provide players with a minimum of choice equals the number of mandatory mods plus one, which once again adds a ridiculous amount of power creep for the tiny benefit of slotting one optional mod to customize your playstyle. And the moment DE carelessly introduces another mandatory mod, all that would have been for nothing again. Adding power creep isn't going to create long term build diversity.

Edited by AuroraSonicBoom
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12 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

I'm going to put my head on the desk and sigh in misery, because I expect a bunch of guys to have somewhere between a Sean Hannity level melt down to simple NO!! about how an extra slot would make us all OP and best if everyone has to make a choice to hamper themselves. All the while we all pretty much expect De release Warframe Rivens next, which will really negate the issue with more Kuva RNG.  

HELL NO. There will be, there mustn't be and frame rivens. Most frames are balanced nicely while some need some changes. SAY NO TO THE RIVEN DESTRUCTION OF WARFRAME!!!!


And extra slots for the frames... i'm against it. The frames are already OP. Now you have a choice make your frame more powerful or more survivable.

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12 hours ago, NeithanDiniem said:

Id honestly rather the Augments be changed from mods to an actual augment to the warframe, modified from the "Abilities" tab on the warframe. That would remove the need to use a slot for augments.

Yes, augments need to have their own slots. But still be able to be placed in the regular mod area. 

Because my Nyx uses both her Absorb and Chaos augment and I would not want to have to choose. 

I dont get the DE argument against more mod slots. 
I think the game is missing several places where it can create useful resource sinks. 

Wouldn't it benefit DE if people used up their resources (Endo, mods etc)?

I dont mind grind and I am only a 1-year veteran so I do not have yearS of being bored. 

I love Warframe and really wish it gave more opportunities to use my damn resources. 

I collect savage for what?

I have tons of mods that I think are interesting but really under no circumstance can I really use them.

Give us more mod slots

10 hours ago, NeithanDiniem said:

Thats kind of the thing people LIKE in a game. If your build is the same as every one else out there using that frame, the diversity dies, the difficulty goes down reducing the challenge of the game, and the game becomes more generic.

I freaking agree.

I hate how EVERYBODY has the same pistol build on YouTube. DE is killing creativity when it has such a great chance to open it up so much. 

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Not normal slots, no. An augment slot, I'd be all for, since some augments are literally necessary for certain frames (coughbandaidaugments), while others have the option to go without.

Normal slots, though, not needed. We have enough flexibility right now in modding, with the exception of augments.

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Anyone remember modding pre-U14? (I think it was 14 anyway) Warframes did have 10 normal mod slots (plus an aura slot) but abilities were mods. The min/maxing was insane with some people running only one ability to fit as many other mods on as possible.

Abilities were changed to be permanent fixtures of a frame and the number of slots was reduced to compensate since the majority of people usually ran at least 2 abilities on every build. There was some rage at the time from people who saw it as losing a slot but overall the community appreciated the change. Build diversity increased as you no longer had to worry about how many abilities you wanted to use while building for survivability. 

I think that 8 plus the aura slot plus the exilus slot is fine since you have enough slots to build a frame however you want. A dedicated augment slot that works in a similar way to the exilus slot would be nice but is not necessary. 

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Exia0321 said:

Yes, augments need to have their own slots. But still be able to be placed in the regular mod area. 

Because my Nyx uses both her Absorb and Chaos augment and I would not want to have to choose. 

I dont get the DE argument against more mod slots. 
I think the game is missing several places where it can create useful resource sinks. 

Wouldn't it benefit DE if people used up their resources (Endo, mods etc)?

I dont mind grind and I am only a 1-year veteran so I do not have yearS of being bored. 

I love Warframe and really wish it gave more opportunities to use my damn resources. 

I collect savage for what?

I have tons of mods that I think are interesting but really under no circumstance can I really use them.

Give us more mod slots

I freaking agree.

I hate how EVERYBODY has the same pistol build on YouTube. DE is killing creativity when it has such a great chance to open it up so much. 

With the idea I had for making augments equipable in the abilities tab, each ability would have an augment slot. Even played with the idea that augments would only rank up by using the ability they are tied to, effectively evolving your ability through use once you equip that augment. Capacity for how many augments you would equip at once (up to the 4) could rise based on something NOT tied to frame level, forma use, or MR. Preferably something we earn, compared to buy from the market or wait for RNG to kick in (though it being a sortie reward may spice up the sortie drops, as long as the endo reward chance is dropped to make room for the new item).

Its also why I'm for the integration of the base damage mods into the weapon (be it's rank of effect tied to weapon level or some universal "upgrade" applied to the arsenal that affects all weapons. This also clears up a slot for people to use), the alteration of elemental/physical mods to transmute damage type rather than add on top of damage (like they do now in conclave, would require enemy scaling rebalance though so damage remains consistent with the old system as enemy level rises), and the multishot change DE mentioned to use more ammo as more shots are made (making ammo mutation, clip size, max ammo, and pickups more important). For additional changes; punch through I could see increasing recoil, fire rate increasing bullet spread, range on melee reducing attack speed, stances being unified to have the same number of combos as each other, "critical multiplier" being changed to just be "proc multiplier" and critical chance/status chance both being affected by that multiplier (make the arguably weaker status gain the same bonus that makes critical so much more powerful in most situations), add a "red status" for when status is over 100%, and general reworks to the really bad mods (common-tier status chance mods, I'm looking at you). If all the mods do is add to your capabilities, there is no downside to using them all over. Making logical small negatives to some of the most used mods would introduce more choice into the system, because now you have negatives to consider. Then making balance to others would make the player more able to choose the builds they would want to use, rather than the one they feel they have to use. I personally feel these kinds of changes would reduce the "Must have more slots" feel that people are having.

More slots, with the current system we have, really wouldn't solve anything. People would just slap more damage mods in to make their numbers bigger, and forced utility mod slots would likely end up suffering just like the exilus slot did with "drift mods" being the most used. I personally want the system we have to be fixed up rather than giving it a band-aid.

Edited by NeithanDiniem
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I figure, that it would be possibly two more Exilus Slots, that would need Exilus Adapters and some other aspect to complete to add to current slot loadout.

Then have either all or more of the current and future Augment Slots be Exilus capable.

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16 hours ago, WarOverlord said:

Only if it is another row of 4 slots for ability augments once more than one augment exists for each ability.

And maybe move the aura and exilus to the side, maybe adding a resistance slot (shield symbol top center), so that things like warm coat would actually have a use.

This. It's annoying to me how many augments we have out now and they're taking up precious space for other mods that can broaden diversity in builds.

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I think one or two more slots that can only have specific things in it (see: Augments, maybe things like cast time that don't pass as exilus but aren't great statistically honestly) would be *really* nice, anything else isn't necessary and probably isn't good to have more of, but dunno.

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