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I miss the days where this game took more skill to play


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5 hours ago, noupperlobeman said:

Maybe you should get a little farther in the star chart before you start whining. Banshee and Ember have no staying power later on.

You mean you have no "staying power"? Because in the right hands Ember and especially Banshee has it.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)hahajake said:

It's cute watching people lie about what OP said. And the guy who said he couldnt take a console user seriously, sorry about your compensation need bro. I game on console and PC. Does that mean you are less valid than me then? Please. 

OP is right. 

At least care to explain why op is right? What arguments you have? 

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3 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

playing solo would solve your problem you know: just you and the enemies as it should be.

seriously, i wish DE would highlight the Solo option so people don't ignore it. #GloriousSoloMasterRace.

Yet in solo you don't have as much loot and affinity. But that's what makes it harder.I agree that would solve his problem. Progression takes so damm long. My first hours of the game were solo. I remember soloing the motherf**ing raptor,with a noob excalibur and noob weapons. Took me weeks of trying, till i said enough is enough; so i made a magnetic Hek build, and desgined a strategy to kill it so the bombs would drop near the reactors. I went with victory in my hands, and it felt amazing. To this day Raptor is the boss i hate the most, but also the one i respect the most. 

Afterwards, i started doing pubs, so everything went way too easy with everyone cheesing everything. So, again, i agree. Op should go solo master race.

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You have no idea what it used to be like.  Also, something tells me you've never gone past level 85 enemies.   Try to solo an hour of Mot using a WoF ember build and tell us how 'easy' that is for you. I'll agree that abilities that reduce the game's challenge like some abilities and weapon/frame combinations are a nuisance in everyday alert or missions, annoyingly so in fact, once you go deep into a mission those often lose their viability.  

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Some frames got auto kill disabled , RJ doesn't go through walls, Mesa nerfed from auto turret, Gmag nerf, Saryn and ash are not P42W anymore, Prism nerf. The only things these days that are kill everything with powers are ember (on low level), Mirage SS. Most other frames require other movement.

This game never had a skill element except for certain parts. An example of this is a Portal Nova for LoR. THAT is a skilled game mechanic and requires lots of muscle memory and good aim/placement. 

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Lols,  I run pub all the time and never see any of the troll teams. Mirage has been in about 1% of shall games I play, and ember pops up about 20% of the time. But if you're good enough, you can kill everything before they get to them. I do that everytime

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14 hours ago, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

well its nice to know i was totally wrong to air my complaints or views about this game that i've been playing for years now just to be completely shut down 

I'm not going to bash your opinion.

I will say though that it reads like an issue with "mooching kills".

There is no fix for this and I doubt there ever will be... All classes are flavors of DPS and the Mission Summary encourages a race to see who killed the most.  

If you want to be more active in missions you can either:

  • Tackle content difficult enough to require a coordinated effort from the whole team.
  • Tackle the content with fewer people or solo.

I solo or run with folks I know mainly and that works best for me (except sortie rescues on grineer maps... I hate that spacebar puzzle.). 

I sacrifice affinity for this but it limits any bad days in game to RNG and my own hands.


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To the guy who said i can't take a PSN member seriously:

I can't take it seriously because the word "Skill" is not really a requirement in Warframe ... never been, except for those who spam Simulors with Mirage and Rhino now with pre-rework Saryn and Ash back in the day

But that isn't what you meant, huh? Are saying that because he's a Console Tenno, whatever he says sounds to you because you're somehow superior to him? That's mental!

It's 2017, you aren't better at all, stop this cancerous argument and play your god damn games.

Edited by (PS4)ArnnFrost
Jesus, why does this crap annoys me so much .... guess because i used to be like that.
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15 hours ago, AntoninDvorak said:

OH GOD! what people like you need to understand is this: 

I don't know if you have realized, but this game is about getting shiny-shiny stuff , and killing things in the process is sometimes part of the process. Why do you think founders love some much their items? Again, because this game is about getting and collecting stuff.

Now, having this explained. lets explain the concept of "skill". The skill of a game it's defined by it's main goals, and the ways to achieve said goals. Main goal of warframe? Getting the shiny shiny. Ways to achieve? FARMING/GRINDING. So then, the skilled people is defined by how effectively, how fast , and for how long they can farm.

And the thing i wanna add is, we would be intersted in having skill as you define it, if the missions had more replay value. Why would i want to play slowly and with "skill" if it's the same stupid tileset with the same enemies? Why would i want to play with skill and not cheese the game when i still need to do 50 more runs of the same mission to get enough ducats or whatever?
SRSLY. you people need to understand that!

*devs make 3rd person shooter with amazing gameplay. Unparalleled controls, solid mechanics, dozens of powers.*


*makes the game into a farming simulator*



Sad but true

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7 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

playing solo would solve your problem you know: just you and the enemies as it should be.

seriously, i wish DE would highlight the Solo option so people don't ignore it. #GloriousSoloMasterRace.

I would really love to play Solo like i used to be doing back in the old days (Way before the parkour 2.0 was released) if DE made that option... Loveable? Like extra rewards, exp and such...

Because you're a freaking NINJA not a raider ffs xD!

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)ArnnFrost said:

Because you're a freaking NINJA not a raider ffs xD!

Not really... Many warframes are clearly front liners, supports, etc. We are special forces of sorts, ninja'ing around is just part of what we do.


Rather, subterfuge is loki and ash's job, or anyone with a bow and a doggy.. I do know a frost who was particularly sneaky...


Edited by ParticleLuna
i think essentially that the tenno are high-risk space farmers. That's it.
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10 hours ago, (PS4)hahajake said:

It's cute watching people lie about what OP said. And the guy who said he couldnt take a console user seriously, sorry about your compensation need bro. I game on console and PC. Does that mean you are less valid than me then? Please. 

OP is right. 

Do i watch a stupid console peasant quotes video (i´m also a pc gamer, declaring truth without evidence).

Give us your facts please.

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20 hours ago, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

nowadays you have frames that you turn a power on and run wild and let that power auto kill everything in the mission, this takes no skill and doesn't seem to have any downside.

this also becomes a burden for other teammates trying to kill stuff for their own fun and leveling weapons and such. I myself enjoy the game when i didn't have a squad mate who would use Embers world on fire, Banshee sound quake,Mirage+Simulor

these types of frames or weapons tend to get real boring or annoying seeing this stuff in 90% of random groups and don't say run with clan mates since most of mine quit and it's a small clan to start with some our labs most stuff is cheap to make. before my clan mates went inactive we each specialized in 2-3 frames each and we almost never had doubles of frames so better synergy.

there is a lot of AOE related frames but only a handful you turn the powers on and kill everything really and along with banshee,ember,mirage, pre-nerf mesa's peacemaker 

the other AOE related frames tend to be manual use powers you use the power pay the energy cost each time it kills stuff rinse repeat this is balanced and fair most of the frames i have do this and some have a CC effect to help the squad when things get a chaotic.

Most likely someone will reply with git good or quit or something, or more likely say that the players i group in randoms that have these frames are more effective at killing but are they really ? when you turn a power on and just stand or run around and you don't have to aim and kill everything seems pretty lazy way to play and i do have the frames but i hardly use them i do forma them and level them for builds i have but again they don't take a lot of skill to play and don't seem like fun when you think you may be kill stealing from people trying to level something.

I'd like to see a squad filter for what frames you want in a squad or don't want in a squad so you do or don't wanna play with certain frames, the results may vary but could add more enjoyment and don't ask me how this would work out exactly i don't work for DE.

 the vote to kick system players have been wanting for awhile for that one afk jerkoff mooching kills. 


out of the frames i own the most used would be

Nova Prime-Fast/Slow Nova builds with anti-matter drop aug

Frost Prime-Snow Globe build with Snow Globe aug

Vauban Prime-Bastille/vortex  build 

Loki Prime-stealth duration build

Hydroid-farmdroid build with pilfer aug

I look at these frames as more utility in most cases because i usually pick them for certain mission types 


the frames i have

Ash Prime,


Banshee Prime

Ember Prime


Frost Prime




Loki Prime


Nekros Prime



Nova Prime

Nyx Prime

Rhino Prime

Saryn Prime


Valkyr Prime

Vauban Prime

Volt Prime


Everytime someone makes a comment like this, I tell them to "remove your mods"

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There was a time when "skill" was needed?

I've been here since the game hit open beta status and I don't recall needing much in the way of "skill" even back then we cheesed the ever loving hell out of things by using weapons that had serrated blade damage and the rainbow builds and by building specialized frames around 1 maybe 2 powers if the mod setup allowed it.

Even when the game didn't have all the insane AOE we have now we still applied copious amounts of cheese.

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Those days never existed, you were just new and didn't know how or didn't have the equipment to cheese it. The game was never hard or balanced, it used to be even easier than todays with global god-mode and much easier enemies.

And DE never learns, so they keep on making designs like auto-turrret Mesa or Equinox.  Literally press 4 and go AFK then come back few min later to collect the loot.



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probably you should play mass effect andromeda online when it comes in a few days.
I'll be doing the same. As other guy said, this game is more about getting new warframes, weapons and mods, then watch a video on YT or figure by yourself how to mod your current warframes and weapons and then effortlesly play random missions (even sorties). Sadly if you want some challenge you have to stay in the same mission for like 1 hour but even there, the game only requires you to have a better build or weapon/warframe synergy (no actual skill required). 
In the other hand, ME online has more balance in this area (if it's like ME:3 online at least). Your builds aren't as important as your skills, so killing enemies is way more exiting than it is in warframe, where you accidentally kill like 20 enemies because you pushed an ability key by accident xD
Now, I mostly play WF everyday, so even if I play andromeda, I'll be in warframe time to time to check if there are new things to use, then farm them and level them up, and use them for a bit before going to other games that suit my playstyle. Warframe is a really good game, but it has a niche. Players here don't want challenge, they want shiny stuff, and that's it.

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