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What was your first weapon that you maxed/heavily forma'd?

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The first piece of gear I seriously forma'd was The Tiberon. I loved it and with the Riven I have I like it even more. The Tiberon is what I really started to feel confident in the game with. I have 7 Forma on it(was 6 but I got a Riven for it so 7)and it does great damage. It was the first weapon that I experimented on with Forma b/c for the first 6 months I didn't even know how to forma and was too scared to mess anything up until I started watching people's Youtube channels to learn from. The Tiberon kep me going well for a long time until I attained The Soma Prime and Boltor Prime. The Tiberon to me and quite a few holds a special place in my/their hearts, and I hope that it's the next gun that is Primed. Peace.

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Following the advice of the veterans in my clan back then when I started (2 years ago), I built an honest Soma prime (4 formas). Then I invested in weapons I really enjoyed, first being the Amprex (still my king with 7 formas due to an excellent + damage + elec damage + crit chance - charging time riven), then the Torid (4 formas, next to come for a riven), the Vaykor Marelok (4 formas), the Tonkor (6 formas), which I don't use anymore since the Kela augment for Sobek (5 formas) was added to the game. I also love the Dera Vandal (5 formas and a riven needing a reroll) and the Twin Grakatas (4 formas), for which I hope to find a good riven one of these days.

And many more weapons upon which I already put 2 or 3 formas, waiting for more investment...


Yeah I love to forma things, hope one day it will be visible on the player stats "how many formas did you put in your gear"... like MANY of them. It would show another form of dedication for the game, beside MR.

Edited by Louarkaw
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my first weapon I forma'd I think three times was my mk-1 braton when we could still do the rainbow build and pericing hit was damage that was added to your regular damage but armor did not affect that damage. So it was pure damage to the target. Or I could be wrong and forma came out after damage 2.0 but I doubt it. My second one/recent has to be my fav gun, the lanka. I got 3 or 4 riven mods with a somewhat decent stat on all of them. One had crit damage flight speed and increase status or duration, second was the one I have now is +200% crit, +100% multishot, and -60 or 70% recoil the others I do not remember. So with that mod on I can crit all the time with every shot shooting a potential 2-3 rounds and a red crit every other shot. Also what is a good ele against corpus and grineer? Found out that the little corpus sniper rollers are immune to corrosive damage and currently have blast and electric on, though I use to have pure corrosive on.

Edit: Sold my mk1 since i needed the slot at the time. Debating on whether or not if I should get it back. Is it viable for sorties after heavy investment?

Edited by Dewsitine
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Define "heavily forma'd"
Because the most I've ever done was change a stance polarity, or add two Madurai slots to the Stradavar.
I guess there's my favorite Kubrow too, who got Vazarin slots... Or my Gram, that got a two polarities AND a stance change...
I agree with the idea above that:

6 hours ago, tutzdes said:

making mid-tier guns fun and strong was always more interesting than making top-tier guns more OP


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Pretty sure it was the Soma. It was the first primary that I obtained that I felt could do whatever it was I needed done.

After that, the flood gates were open: Twin Gremlins, Gorgon Wraith, Braton Prime, Burston Prime, Boar Prime, Grakata, etc. Mostly, it depended on how lucky I was getting forma from the void. It was catch as catch can back then.

I didn't bother putting forma into melee until the newer primed mods were a thing. They just didn't need them.

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IIRC, it was the Soma Prime. I was still fairly new, so it was only a couple of forma and a reactor. I've put 5 or more Forma into a LOT of other weapons since then. currently tweaking my Stradavar now I have a Riven for it (it's still kinda trash but it's fun to use on level 25 and below lol)

Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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