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Coming THURSDAY: Devstream #90!


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How about: 

  • new Clan management system;
  • fields for "Clan description"(Clan Rules), except for the already available "motd"
  • more flexible and variable "Hierarchy and Roles" system;
  • stricter access to the Dojo and Labs (to avoid players who join the clan, buy BP's and leave).
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  1. Listening to my operator transmissions all the time is getting old. Are there any plans to allow us to see other squad members' operator transmissions in addition to our own?
  2. I used Limbo's Void Dash in my orbiter yesterday. It didn't send me to the void, but it made me think. Are there any plans to make roll animations customizable? I would love a dash or a spin on my other frames.
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1) Regarding the direction of the lore, everything up till The Second Dream and The War Within doted that the Tenno are a group yet starting The Second Dream we are only been shown one Tenno without hinting at others, why is that?

2) Can weapon swap get Vanquish treatment? 

It never broke the flow of craziness :D

Edited by Prinny13
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Have you (or would you) considered reworking Ember's World on Fire?

Saryn got an overhaul and became a much more interactive and rewarding nuke frame.

Ash's Bladestorm got an extensive overhaul and it had already required more active use than WoF does (pick a target and toggle each activation vs press 4 and let it run). 

I know there're those that want the lazy mode but I think Ember could be so much more than a "turn on 4 hide in a crate/meditate/run to extraction" frame.


Also thanks for the updated Primary weapons, working on Secondaries now too?


And please no Melee Rivens


Any hints on the next Prime Access?


Love the Chroma Deluxe Skin and esp the over-sized Zenistar version.



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Well, let me give it a shot:

One thing that really annoys me is the fact that, without a mod like Speed Holster, the current holstering isn't really consistent with the game, and that one mod slot can really change how a build behaves. Any info on native faster switching?

I would also love to know a bit more on "Damage 3.0". Any news about the fate of  "mandatory mods" like Serration, etc.?

Thanks and keep on with the amazing work!

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  1. Moon Excavation plox?
  2. Trade improvements like item stacking and set boxing?
  3. Any possibility of tweaking the relic drop tables (Or really drop tables in general) to fight burn out?
  4. Can we get the ability to change the Operator's facial expression so they won't look so dead on the inside? Or maybe some facial animations for them in mission?
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  • When are we getting Archwing in sorties? Since the Archwing movement can now be switched however the player likes it, are you still planning on inserting them into Sorties or not?
  • Like said before are we ever getting the normal Snipetron back into the game?
  • Any plans on buffing more weapons that aren't currently used much by players?
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With all of the optimizations to the game, would there ever be a chance to see the Kohm back to its original projectile speed weapon (confetti cannon)? It gave such a unique playstyle for a shotgun that the Drakgoon doesn't offer.

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Where is the tenno shotgun?

Any concept of lightsaber?

The next prime warframe?

Can the operator/ tenno have a stats upgrade?

Where is the umbra excalibur?

Which old frame gonna rework?

Can I have my old tonkor back, the new one always kill me instead killing the enemies?

How about nerf the self damage, just take 1% damage from the weapon, please?

Answer my question, please?


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+Will Conclave stances, gunmods and augments become usable in Coop Loadouts?

+Any word on future tweaks or an actual rework for Ash that solves old and new issues?

+Will Conclave stances, gunmods and augments become usable in Coop Loadouts?

+Any word on adding non-endless modes to get Axi Relics? Perhaps a super hard Spy node?

+Will Conclave stances, gunmods and augments become usable in Coop Loadouts?

+Any word on adding Armor sets for the six original Syndicates, as well as Simaris?

+Will Conclave stances, gunmods and augments become usable in Coop Loadouts?

+Any word on making the sigils of the six original Syndicates cosmetic-only?

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Hello DevCrew! Glad to have you back at the couch after so long.

Ok, here are my questions:

  1. A little purple bird said that the next warframe would be a scribe, and I was wondering if there will be something similar about his powers costumization, like you did with Octavia, but instead of making a whole looping theme, you could write whatever you have to write using Tenno/Orokin, Corpus and Grineer language? After all, this would make people that are actually interested in the languages that you created really happy, as they can learn more about how each faction speak and write.
  2. Part of Archwing inaccesebility is because of how weapons are handled. In regular game, if you dont like a weapon you can grab another or it's blueprint and build it relatively fast, however, with archweapons, you have to try your luck with the trading now for the parts, wich is no fun. Have you considered to make the arch weapons able to be constructed like any other gun in the game? And yes, we have the Gattler and the Knux like those types of fast construtive weapons and those are the most fun equipment in archwing (at least for me).
  3. Again with Archwing, with the return of the old manuver system, the problem with gravity is more notable: The gravity is way to sensitive. You only have to do one push and you drift for about half a second in that direction. I know that you wanted to do something more 'realistic' with this aspect of archwing, but sometimes, realism comes with some nasty side effects. Do you guys think that maybe turning that senstivity down a bit can make the experience better? (No ranting, promise)
  4. Umbra, because tradition.

Thank you for taking your time reading this. I love your game and I cant wait for it's even more shiny future!

Edited by Kosen
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I was recently decorating our Dojo and wondered if we could have the option to sort the decorations or search through them. Also please make it possible to just press a button to place the same thing again without having to open the menu and wasting time searching for the same decoration over and over again as this can be quite tedious when you're placing greater amounts of lanterns or plants for example.

More decorations would be nice too.

Edited by Murrammarrum
added last line
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Would it be possible to have a second look at 
1. Current sniper system/ Making them more rewarding to use, especially considering warframe is more of a horde-based shooter than a VIP-assassination game?

2. Melee system/ Making it  less reliant on Blood Rush/body count/ Condition overload mods for damage?

3. Focus system/ Adding more presence to Madurai/ Unairu focus? Also, making focus schools have more influence on the Operator system?
4. More underused primary/secondary/melee weapons? (Ex. Convetrix/mutalist cernos/daikyu for primary, Nukor/seer/kraken for secondary, and daggers/twin daggers/ Fists for melee)

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Can you add higher level missions starting at lvl 100 and scaling up way sooner ? Some of us sick mofos love to go toe to toe against lvl's 2000+ but we gotta wait 3 hours in a survival for that.

You added already the kuva Flood missions that start at lvl 80-100 so it shouldn't be hard for you to add such higher lvl missions to regular nodes.

a bazillion damage multipliers coming with nightmare nodes aren't the answers, some of us love to clash against bullet sponges but still those nightmare nodes start at low level anyway despite scaling up a little sooner ( 2 hours instead of 3 before seeing some interesting lvls )


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