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Ivara's augment insults design council, Titania's augment is beyond terrible


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Its kinda sad that we got an augment that we didnt even vote for. An augment that wasnt even on the list...

but the real problem is somewhere else...if you give us an augment that increases crit chance on hit, would you mind fixing navigator then?

im talking about the bug where you can either slow down or increase the speed of a projectile, but not switch between them on the fly

Edited by LazerusKI
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9 minutes ago, maj.death said:

left click.. right click... thats pretty on the fly to me... can you elaborate?

I think he means, you can either accelerate, or slow, but you can't accelerate and slow the same projectile

example :

you shoot an arrow > you can slow it down > you can put back the speed to normal and then you can't accelerate it

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Here's my primary feedback on two of the new augments that dropped today:

Firstly, Ivara's augment. We already voted on Ivara's augments in the Design Council - and this augment was not on that list. Yet, here it is. Why have a Design Council if you're going to not only throw out the most-voted idea, but throw out all of the ideas?

Further, Ivara's Navigator has obscenely high energy costs - it is by far the most expensive ability in the entire game, and it doesn't really reward you for it. This augment doesn't fix that. At most, you are going to get a couple more enemy kills with it before you lose all of your energy.


Second, Titania's augment. Lantern is one of the buggiest abilities in the game right now - enemies are only beguiled if they are not alerted. Which means that this particular augment is useless. Additionally, even if it did work correctly, the mod is extremely weak. Titania is one of the squishiest frames in the game - she cannot afford to melee, especially when she is standing in the back casting her spells (which all have very long animation times). Most of her survivability comes from Razorwing, thanks to the butterflies and 50% evasion. But if you use Razorwing, your Lantern isn't going to be very good - you will run out of energy (Titania has low maximum energy) and the ability will be very weak (Lantern needs +Range mods, and Razorwing doesn't benefit from +Range).

And, on top of that, Titania's abilities (other than Razorwing) are all extremely weak and have very small AOE - it doesn't make sense to give Lantern such a weak augment. I actually play Titania, and sometimes I even try using Lantern. I would never use this Augment. If it boosted ranged damage it might be usable, but as it is, Titania is a massively weak support frame compared to the actual support frames (Octavia, Nova, etc) and this augment doesn't help change that at all. In fact, it makes it worse, since we can now expect that Lantern will never receive a good augment.


Seeing augments like this make me seriously wonder about DE's development process on augments. I feel like whoever designed Titania's augment never played her. Why else would you give a melee damage mod to a ranged "support" frame who has extremely long casting times? It just doesn't make any sense. I'm left utterly baffled.

Edited by Xarian
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To be honest, I think the same thing happened to Nezha's augment, wasn't it a "fire kick that builds up power/range with distance" thing that was the most voted for that mod?

Edit: Nevermind, I only read its description but watching a video it seems like it's still that kick thing, my bad!

Such a weird move on DE's part, I get the council just gives an additional input and they decide what they wanna implement, but then the council kinda loses some of its meaning.

Edited by JesterTheNight
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7 minutes ago, Xarian said:

 Titania's abilities (other than Razorwing) are all extremely weak and have very small AOE

Have you tried Overextended?  Last time I tried Titania, the range on Lantern could be pushed out quite a ways....

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It's like the Closed Beta weapon poll all over again.

Aka, ''Your opinions are worthless''.


I'm sure they had a reason, I'd certainly like to know what that reason is however. Like you said, what's the point in DC if they're just going to be ignored.

Edited by DeMonkey
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16 minutes ago, Momaw said:

Have you tried Overextended?  Last time I tried Titania, the range on Lantern could be pushed out quite a ways....

The base range is 20 meters, which is about the same as the range on a  Synapse laser (18 m) or Phage (25 m). If you run Overextended, it completely kills your Razorwing damage, so you really shouldn't. The practical maximum you can expect is 32 meters, which is Stretch+Cunning Drift. However, keep in mind that the range goes down as the enemy floats into the sky.

Edited by Xarian
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2 minutes ago, Xarian said:

The base range is 20 meters, which is about the same as the range on a Quanta laser. If you run Overextended, it completely kills your Razorwing damage, so you really shouldn't. The practical maximum you can expect is 32 meters, which is Stretch+Cunning Drift. However, keep in mind that the range goes down as the enemy floats into the sky.

Quanta's laser range is ~50m I think you have a different weapon inmind.

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13 minutes ago, JesterTheNight said:

To be honest, I think the same thing happened to Nezha's augment, wasn't it a "fire kick that builds up power/range with distance" thing that was the most voted for that mod?

Edit: Nevermind, I only read its description but watching a video it seems like it's still that kick thing, my bad!

Such a weird move on DE's part, I get the council just gives an additional input and they decide what they wanna implement, but then the council kinda loses some of its meaning.

I feel like its lost its meaning long time ago when random people got introduced into it.


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the only useful augment they could have done would have been giving lantern the ability to root the target in place, major bandaid but would have made lantern much more reliable.

beside that they should have tweaked lantern to keep the target in place since the beginning.

Augments like this are just a major troll, plain and simple

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Lantern is too buggy to make a purely dependent build around it, plus enemies need to be in LoS of lanntern for 1 sec before they are charmed, aka enough time to kill titania so the ability was a no go any way for me, So the augment is pretty useless to me, better off with a razorwing or dust cc build.

I don't play Ivara alot, So forgive me there. But the only time I use navigator would be to scout out map holes, so the augment doesn't really help me in that direction, So this augment as well will go as ignored by me.

Tho i would like to know the original ideas.

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1 minute ago, arm4geddon-117 said:

the only useful augment they could have done would have been giving lantern the ability to root the target in place, major bandaid but would have made lantern much more reliable.

beside that they should have tweaked lantern to keep the target in place since the beginning.

Augments like this are just a major troll, plain and simple

Giving Lantern a boost to ranged damage would be fine, provided that they actually fix the bug where lantern doesn't work at all when enemies are alerted.

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Just now, SharkPot said:

Tho i would like to know the original ideas.

In the original idea thread, the vast majority of the ideas were some variant of the "teleport to where I shoot" or some form of energy cost reduction. You can understand why those two ideas got the most votes.

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1 hour ago, Xarian said:


I can sort of see why they were discarded.

Teleport-to-arrow is an easy ticket for breaking out of map boundaries and all sort of geometry/collision/clipping glitches.

Reduced energy sounds worthless - it wouldn't really counterbalance the energy problems of the ability while consuming a mod slot.

Terminal hacking is too situational, plus if the chance can't be brought up to 100% it's not really worth a slot.

Though all of the above depend on how exactly they would be implemented.

The other abilities just sound boring.

Doesn't explain why DE decided to replace them with something that even more boring.

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1 minute ago, Xarian said:

In the original idea thread, the vast majority of the ideas were some variant of the "teleport to where I shoot" or some form of energy cost reduction. You can understand why those two ideas got the most votes.

Now that i have read up, i would say DE no matter what, would never allow it ingame, Cause loki switch tp and ash tp already allows people to cheese alot, and Ivara with infinite invis and able to sleep people is already op enough, and now giving her pin point ability to tp outside map or through walls would be way too op.

Spies would become trivial due to this and might end up creating a cheese meta.

So imo the only feasible one would be reduced cost per enemy hit rather than killed, that would give scalability to mod at higher levels.

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Just now, VisionAndVoice said:

I can sort of see why they were discarded.

Teleport-to-arrow is an easy ticket for breaking out of map boundaries and all sort of geometry/collision/clipping glitches.

Reduced energy sounds worthless - it wouldn't really counterbalance the energy problems of the ability while consuming a mod slot.

Terminal hacking is too situational, plus if the chance can't be brought up to 100% it's not really worth a slot.

Though all of the above depend on how exactly they would be implemented.

The other abilities just sound boring.

Doesn't explain why DE decided to replace them with something that even more boring.

Any problems with teleport-to-arrow could be worked around by simply coding it correctly. Make it so that it teleports you to the first enemy or piece of terrain that you hit, and make it so that you don't get pushed out of the level using basic pathing code, like Loki's decoy and other summons use.

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3 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

I can sort of see why they were discarded.

Teleport-to-arrow is an easy ticket for breaking out of map boundaries and all sort of geometry/collision/clipping glitches.

Reduced energy sounds worthless - it wouldn't really counterbalance the energy problems of the ability while consuming a mod slot.

Terminal hacking is too situational, plus if the chance can't be brought up to 100% it's not really worth a slot.

Though all of the above depend on how exactly they would be implemented.

The other abilities just sound boring.

Doesn't explain why DE decided to replace them with something that even more boring.

But if they were bad, why would DE put them at options in the poll? 

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