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Where are the Nezha Players?


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5 minutes ago, Bravely_Casual said:

Last I heard, they're still caught in the trap.

i logged in just to upvote this :D

on the topic, idk about anyone else but i only play nezha when im extremely bored playing other frames.

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Volt can move faster (speed vs nezha's 1 and sliding), CC better (nezha's 4, 1, and 2 vs discharge, shield, shock, AND augmented speed), defend himself better (shield vs halo, a bit biased on this one tbh), and deal more damage (volt's passive). Let's not forget that volt is easier to obtain (dojo research vs sorties) and has a prime variant with a hell of a lot more energy (base 200 for volt prime).

Nezha's advantage vs volt is that he can heal allies and teleport around, the former being useful TBH, the latter being a glorified (and energy-consuming) bullet jump on some instances. Another + is CC immunity, but consumes energy.

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I find a lot of players want their Frame to specialize. Nezha doesn't, Nezha is about versatility. I like some versatility in my frames though, so I usually bring someone like Nezha or Atlas if I don't need someone like Frost or Nova for a particular mission.

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I have played so much I couldn't even care about warframe performance nearly as much as I used to do. Fashion Frame is my life now. I don't use Nezha ever since he looks like god awful garbage, he needs some SERIOUS Fashion Frame assistance and the coloring must improve. If he gets an Okami themed skin of sorts or a dope prime variant, I will forma him a couple hundred times doe.

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1 minute ago, --Q--Voltage said:

Why do I see pointless threads being made all day such as "just a reminder titania exists" and now this. *sigh*

Please stop OP, half these posts should be in off topic :/

offtopic how?
this is a thread to wonder where are Nezha players and how to build one essentially.

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1 minute ago, Darizuka said:

offtopic how?
this is a thread to wonder where are Nezha players and how to build one essentially.

You essentially ask "where are all the nezha players" but are only 3 weeks in. I can see a "where is gorgon wraith" thread coming any minute now...

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Nezha is a mix of offence, defence and speed. Let's break his abilities down:

Firewalker: Gives a small speed boost and a fire buff to your movement. Compared to Volt, it's not meant to be speed but it's meant to cause damage to pursuers while getting away from something, for example Infested.

Blazing Charkram: It's a Glaive but lets you heal and teleport. The problem is it's hard to predict where the direction of the Charkam will go before teleport.

Warding Halo: It's a weaker iron skin but lets you hurt enemies in close range. Helps Firewalker for not being knocked down while running through enemies.

Impaling Spears: Stuns enemies and lets you do finisher attacks or buy you some time to revive allies.

Passive ability: Oh boy, his sliding makes my Volt feel slow in comparison. Volt might outrun in terms of pure speed but you have to put a lot of power strength and duration to do it resulting in high energy consumption. While Nezha's sliding speed costs nothing. 

Summary: He's versatile. He's not for everyone but once you figure it out, you will find Nezha is underutilised. 

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I use him all the time and he's one of my favorite frames because he's extremely versatile.  I rarely encounter other Nezha players in game because he's underrated and unpopular.  I don't mind because when I do see other Nezha players, they're usually quite good and know how to use him. 

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5 minutes ago, RaiuLyn said:

Nezha is a mix of offence, defence and speed. Let's break his abilities down:

Firewalker: Gives a small speed boost and a fire buff to your movement. Compared to Volt, it's not meant to be speed but it's meant to cause damage to pursuers while getting away from something, for example Infested.

Blazing Charkram: It's a Glaive but lets you heal and teleport. The problem is it's hard to predict where the direction of the Charkam will go before teleport.

Warding Halo: It's a weaker iron skin but lets you hurt enemies in close range. Helps Firewalker for not being knocked down while running through enemies.

Impaling Spears: Stuns enemies and lets you do finisher attacks or buy you some time to revive allies.

Passive ability: Oh boy, his sliding makes my Volt feel slow in comparison. Volt might outrun in terms of pure speed but you have to put a lot of power strength and duration to do it resulting in high energy consumption. While Nezha's sliding speed costs nothing. 

Summary: He's versatile. He's not for everyone but once you figure it out, you will find Nezha is underutilised. 

Don't forget his augments ! 

Safeguard , is the most meta thing nezha has right now . Not really a fan of it but you can't deny it's usefulness when your surrounded by people who keep going down .

pyroclastic flow, let's nezha actually kill something that's a higher level than 40 with his abilities . Favorite btw 

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Here's one! Honestly, Nezha is jokes. He's a right wacky fun time with all the stuff he's got going on. Just enough synergy to make a semblance of a strategy or three when playing, and too much quick-reflexes fun to care much beyond that. Mild tankiness, good CC, decent damage and several kinds of utility.

Also, that new augment is really nice for dealing 50K DPS around objectives! (Please, nobody tell DE how strong Pyroclastic Flow is.)


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One reason.

Fashion frame.

He's not bad or boring, but the model, and animation, and the lore of how we have a Chinese deity Ne-Zha inspired warframe made by the Orokin, that have nothing to do with any earth culture, that's the breaking point.

Also applies to Wukong but his animation isn't that bad.

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