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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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I see both sides. The things is, most players don't know what's best for the game. Having to convey you point in a way that makes sense is better overall, and it can get other players and devs on board with the best solutions.

I agree some decisions make no sense, like having weapons that instantly kill the player, or having riven cycling be pure RNG rather than a progression. Voting would have advantages, but it would also result in protest votes. Most players want the game to be even easier than it already is.

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12 minutes ago, Evanescent said:

Absolutely not.

Let's not tie the dev's hands because let's be real: we will never approve what the majority don't want by sheer numbers, and that means necessary nerfs and rebalances will never go through. Players don't know how to design games, I'm sorry. We all think we have the best ideas but that's not true. 

Let the devs do their job and if they screw up let them know. That's s far as it should go.

Give the community an inch, and they'll take a mile.

Cannot upvote enough.

I do think there should be community feedback, but I think what we have now is Plenty, bordering on too much, in some instances.

The quote "The I.Q. of the group is the I.Q. of the dumbest member divided by the number of people in the group" is brought to mind.

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22 minutes ago, chainchompguy3 said:

I see that you visited the thread I posted a link to.

1) I am the creator of that thread as well lol.

I, personally am kind of "Eh" about the idea.

It's certainly better than Equilibrium for energy gain, but I only really see it being highly effective for High-range builds, which will likely be using Overextended, meaning lower powerstrength, meaning less kills with abilities...

It could work, and it rewards upkeeping the team-buffing Hallowed ground. But again, "Eh".

2) In regards to the "less power strength, less kills from abilities" is concerned, like Limbo you wouldn't be required to land the killing blow with an ability. The only prerequisite would be that you were on your Hallowed Ground, and combined with the Reckoning change mentioned above I envision a Frame that is capable of holding his ground and maintaining his health/energy (and perhaps the health and energy of his allies?) so long as they are able to eliminate threats while he is on his Hallowed Ground. Through armor stripping and % based scaling damage, CC and CC immunity, and Radiation/Puncture procs to protect himself and debuff enemies, he would have the tools to handle any situation outside of Nullifiers, which is fine. There would be many build paths opened, allowing you to take advantage of Equilibrium+Health Conversion like Nekros if you desired to do so and being able to have some leeway as far as his efficiency is concerned because right now he has very little if any. Just those 2 simple changes alone would vastly improve his QoL in my opinion, and would give you incentive to be on Hallowed Ground as much as possible instead of just using it refresh Iron Renewal and to occasionally strip enemies of armor.


I'd almost say make it something like:

"Upon successfully activating the Iron Renewal effect on yourself or an ally, the Hallowed ground used will become infused with the energy, and slowly refund energy for as long as it lasts. Energy gain is based on the number of allies granted the buff, and is limited to Oberon alone."

(Previous version, that I couldn't bring myself to delete:)

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"Upon successfully activating the Iron Renewal effect on yourself or an ally, the Hallowed ground used will become infused with the energy, and now grant a %chance for "Retribution", increased based on the # of allies buffed (to a cap) (Retribution prevents a single instance of damage, and transfers it back unto it's dealer). This lasts for as long as renewal is maintained. When renewal is deactivated, the energy slowly leaves the hallowed ground, and the buff changes from a teamwide "retribution" buff, to an Oberon-exclusive Energy regeneration buff, again, based on the # of allies buffed (to a cap)."


I want the energy regen to reward Oberon for a job well done, preferably for aiding allies.

The issue is that the ability of his that aids teammates, Renewal, is already jam-packed with effects.

3) Agreed, and Hallowed Ground lacks effects independent of the synergies it offers with his other abilities. Small chance to proc Radiation? Reckoning does that 100% of the time over a wider radius. Damage? Irrelevant. Status/CC immunity? Thats all this ability has going for it on its own, and it require you to be standing on it to benefit from it. That is why I feel the buffs should be to the stand-alone ability of Hallowed Ground and allow it not only to act as the foundation of all his synergies, but as a catalyst to them as well.


There we go.

Edited by Music4Therapy
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I'm fine with the rework of the first, second and fourth abilities, but the third one? No, i didn't like it very much. My suggestion? Remove the "toogle" style and make it time duration, and bring back the seeking healing spheres, just make the seeking ability faster, the idea of not only tracking the others players health but also tracking them physically is more of an annoyance than an utility.

Ps. I liked the suggestion of a regeneration buff within the second ability. It would fit really well with the idea of the ability and the frame in general. Make it happen DE.

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8 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

I dunno Tenno, this seems a little unnecessary. With his updated 3 healing at the rate it does, I already leave the orb drops from his 4 all over the place. More orbs wouldn't really do anything for me.

This idea is all about the simaris health orb mod.. If you dont know the mod:

it basically grants 450 armor for each health (can have 3 stacks)
So you see that this can be pretty useful if oberon is able to always drop orbs

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DE should make decisions with player input, not because of it, that is the problem. The problem with forums is that you only hear the complaints of the disgruntled 90% of the time. An ingame poll would provide an easy way for players of all types (not just the ones pissed off enough to log into the forums) to agree/disagree with changes and provide feedback as to why.

Players may not always know how to balance a game but they usually have a good idea on what they want to see from it. Getting a better idea of what players want is the point of any poll or feedback system in any game development cycle. DE's main problem is they take too much of it to heart and are almost afraid to make decisions that are in the players best interest.

On top of this the lack of PTS means any mistakes are felt by the players in a much more real way because its all happening on the live server, but I already said that =P

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Just now, Teshin_Dax said:

This idea is all about the simaris health orb mod.. If you dont know the mod:

it basically grants 450 armor for each health (can have 3 stacks)
So you see that this can be pretty useful if oberon is able to always drop orbs

But it's not like enemies don't normally drop health orbs anyways. Like I said, I'm leaving leftover orbs around already.

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Reckoning should go from requiring a kill to being. "Enemies hit by this ability have a chance to drop a health orb when they die for the next X seconds" This would help him significantly in many ways, by removing the need to use Rage (Equilibrium would be an option), by opening build paths, and general quality of life purposes.

Also, Hallowed Ground should provide some sort of bonus to Oberon (maybe allies?) that grants him bonuses similar to Limbo when he is in the Rift, perhaps energy per second or energy per kill while he in on HG.


On a frame that needs every bit of range, duration, strength, and efficiency he can get it sucks having Rage as a required mod to gain energy when other combo caster frames such as Nidus, Limbo, Saryn, and Octavia have ways built into their kit to gain energy or reduce energy costs. These simple changes in conjunction would give his kit the fuel it needs to succeed and more options for build variety, as it stands he has little to no leeway with efficiency and Rage is near if not absolutely required to function properly.

Edited by Music4Therapy
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Just now, SenorClipClop said:

But it's not like enemies don't normally drop health orbs anyways. Like I said, I'm leaving leftover orbs around already.

They dont drop regularly enough .. i barely get health orbs in "endgame"-missions .. its impossible to get the 3stack 1350 armor buff all the time, because you lose 1stack after 3 sec. (after being damaged) ...
The idea just supports to be like nekros.. Nekros can be keep the armor buff all the time until he cant kill enemies anymore.
High efficiency and range builds (with my reckoning Version) would allow oberon to do the same ..  maybe even better than nekros..
But im 100% sure that there would be an insane good synergy between oberon and nekros.

Just an example for nekros: (to make clear how useful this mechanic could be)



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Oberon's always been billed as a sort of Zealous Holy Warrior, it would fit his theme to have an aura which harms the wicked, and Vauban's kit works pretty well the way it is, Oberon still needs a few tweaks and giving him a niche as "offensive support" would give him a defined role in comps.

Edited by Svardraged
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7 hours ago, cookieknife said:


the blind is pretty super situational and awful i might add. it almost reminds me of a dirty bandaid thats peeling off on it's own

Have the same feeling.

7 hours ago, cookieknife said:

i think a very good synergy for hallowed ground and reckoning, that we can actually get damage out of is

more people on hallowed ground, they take more damage from reckoning, like + 10% damage or 500, idk. nidus can do 70k and equinox can do 1 mil so why not 

You are right.. i also dont understand why this frame shouldnt be allowed to get some real  "power"

8 hours ago, Gravitus123 said:

How about since damage falls off in the late game give him some actual scaling with Reckoning.Increase the range of the ability(why is it so short to start i have no idea) increase the range of the blind and the blind duration.Also make armor stripping not require enemies standing on hallowed ground but if they are maybe increase the % of armor stripped

Yes, it`s highly needed.. The current range and blind range arent enough.
That`s actually a pretty nice idea that reckoning should always strip armor (with the current %) and when they stand on the hallowed ground they even increase this..
I really dont see a problem at all .. even if this could lead to a 100% armor reduction . I mean there are enough frames out there which already can do this job

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Give me a reason to use Oberon.

It's great to buff him a bit so he is not garbage.  But beyond the constant passive healing I don't see a reason to use him, and even then I'll just use other frames with more utility like nidus instead.  I could also see a reckoning build meant to bounce the armor off enemies, but that's a very energy expensive route with a long setup compared to other options.  My main issue with Oberon is that his kit is just downgraded versions of other abilities.  His 1 is a copy and paste of any of the other elemental 1's out there.  His 2 is a worse version of WOF and Sound Quake or Bastille and vortex.  His 3 now has some interesting utility now, but is still over shadowed by other healers.  His 4 is just a worse version of rhino stomp or avalanche.

It feels like Oberon does not have anything that is uniquely his the way every other frame does.  I don't think just saying he is a 'jack of all trades,' is a valid excuse for simply making his abilities underwhelming versions of abilities from other kits.

Thematically speaking it would be cool and unique if he could summon a bunch of AI animals to his aid.  Just randomly watching a pack of wild kavats uncloak and rip an enemy to shreds would be awesome.  This would truly give him something special and cement him as a nature frame.

Looking at this from the meta perspective we need another frame with a defensive ability like frost's snow globe.  If hallowed ground was turned into a dome shield this could be accomplished.  I think the damage from hallowed ground would need to be removed, but it could keep the rest of it's utility.  The status cleansing, proc resistance, rad procs, and healing from other abilities would make oberon's dome play fairly differently from Frost's more offensively designed kit.

It doesn't really matter what is done to make Oberon unique, but he is pointless if all his abilities are just scaled down abilities of other frames.  If that is his fate, just make him a stater frame so people can max him and upgrade.

EDIT:  Opps, I thought I was in the warframes and abilities section.  If a mod would be so kind as to move this.

Edited by (PS4)Final_Dragon01
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I think reckoning needs to expand on its cc capabilities. for example:


 §  Oberon grounds enemies within 8.5 / 12 / 15.5 / 18 meters down into the ground (a la la intense gravity), immobilizing them for 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 seconds, dealing 500 / 750 / 1000 / 1250 damage per second. Additionally, orbs of radiant energy (current effects used for reckoning) will be pulled and lifted from enemies that will emit an intense flash of light every few seconds, blinding surrounding enemies within 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 meters that were unaffected by the initial cast, for 1 / 2 / 3 / 3 seconds. Additionally, Reckoning deals 50% extra damage to enemies affected by any status effects. Enemies affected by this ability has a 25% / 35% / 45% / 50% chance of spawning a Health Orb per sec.

§  Damage type during this phase is Radiation.

§  Base damage and extra damage are affected by Power Strength, while the health orb drop chance is not.

§  Cast radius is affected by Power Range.

§  Blind duration and Blind radius is not affected by Mods.

§  The blind mechanics and affected enemy behaviours are identical to those of Excalibur's Radial Blind.

§  Note: Reckoning is not recast-able while the ability is active 

§  Consideration: (enemies suspended by reckoning are immune to friendly fire damage (you and your allies) and will be accumulated and then dealt to the enemy once the ability ends.) this is to make sure that team-mates don’t kill Oberon’s source of Health orb generation.


§  After the period of grounding ends, the energy orbs will be violently slammed to the enemies, dealing 500 / 750 / 1000 / 1250 damage. Affected enemies that survive the impact will be knocked-down and become  confused. Surviving targets will have their Armor is permanently reduced by 50% (without the need for targets to be on hallowed ground).


§  Armor reduction is affected by Power Strength.

§  Armor reduction is applied to current Armor when accounting multiple casts.[citation needed]

§  Damage type is  Impact for the slam period


The idea here to create a CC/area denial that ends in a de-buff when combined with the rest of his abilities help to fortify his allies by stopping enemies in their tracks and heal any allies that have taken damage using Renewal. Hallowed ground covers up any stray enemies the blind has not been able to affect with radiation status effects and smite will allow Oberon to pick off any enemy that are deemed too dangerous to his allies. it also allows Oberon to be able to reliably use health conversion, drastically increasing his EHP on top of his armour buffs. the bonus about this is that it isn't dependent on Oberon's other abilities (like saryn's kit) rather it passively synergises with them

Note:  I am intending for the blind to stopping enemies momentarily so that it can give allies some breathing room against vast hordes of enemies while making sure that it doesn’t make hallowed ground’s CC redundant – I apologize if this does not seem like the case.

Edited by Aquasurge
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3 hours ago, TheBlackAce21 said:

Lots? try all of them lol

perfect, you answered that question then! job well done, people can stop talking about it finally. :)

2 hours ago, Evanescent said:

Let's not tie the dev's hands because let's be real: we will never approve what the majority don't want by sheer numbers, and that means necessary nerfs and rebalances will never go through. Players don't know how to design games, I'm sorry. We all think we have the best ideas but that's not true. 

Let the devs do their job and if they screw up let them know. That's s far as it should go.
Give the community an inch, and they'll take a mile.

i agree in principle - that doesn't mean laser focused discussion that's actually useful can't be incredibly useful(though how you narrow down public feedback to filter out the one sentence responses from touching on as many points/aspects of something as possible.....) - but requiring a 'Democracy approval' certainly would be a disaster.


1 hour ago, TheBlackAce21 said:

Players may not always know how to balance a game but they usually have a good idea on what they want to see from it.

every game that Develops based on 'Democracy approval' ends up in an AFK game that plays itself and with no choices to make.

Edited by taiiat
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9 hours ago, cookieknife said:

smite has no synergy. unless you count a knock down -.-

by that logic miasma has no synergy with spores then, considering it doesnt care where the viral/toxin proc is from. so yeah, smite does have synergy.

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On 28/4/2017 at 2:39 AM, Zeclem said:

smite does have synergy.

hallowed ground does have its uses of providing synergy, aoe cc AND status cleanse which is really underrated in this game.

award for healing allies is having a teammate that isnt dead. and you get armor for it.

so an ult thats good cc, has support potential and you want it to kill at the same time? noty.

There is indeed a problem with Reckoning. I won't just say it though, just read the ability tooltip in game and you should notice :P

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6 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

There is indeed a problem with Reckoning. I won't just say it though, just read the ability tooltip in game and you should notice :P

there is none. his ult is not even close to being best but definitely not the worst either.

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3 minutes ago, Zeclem said:

there is none. his ult is not even close to being best but definitely not the worst either.

There is, there is.

Explain to me, if it's an ult that's supposed to have a 50% Health Orb drop chance on enemy death... On higher level content, where you will barely scratch your enemies, how are you supposed to get a chance at it?

That's in design a tad flawed -- so there should be a change whether it's per cast or in damage by %.

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Just now, NightmareT12 said:

There is, there is.

Explain to me, if it's an ult that's supposed to have a 50% Health Orb drop chance on enemy death... On higher level content, where you will barely scratch your enemies, how are you supposed to get a chance at it?

so an ult that blinds and strips armor while ccing anything in its range is weak because it has low chance of dropping 25 hp.

on a frame that has teamwide heal.

.....ok then?

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[Oberon] My Opinion on The Direction in Which Future Changes Should Go


On a frame that needs every bit of range, duration, strength, and efficiency he can get it sucks having Rage as a required mod to gain energy when other combo caster frames such as Nidus, Limbo, Saryn, and Octavia have ways built into their kit to gain energy or reduce energy costs.

Reckoning should go from requiring a kill to being. "Enemies hit by this ability have a chance to drop a health orb when they die for the next X seconds" This would help him significantly in many ways, by removing the need to use Rage (Equilibrium would be an option), by opening build paths, and general quality of life purposes.

Also, Hallowed Ground should provide some sort of bonus to Oberon (maybe allies?) that grants him bonuses similar to Limbo when he is in the Rift, perhaps energy per second or energy per kill while he in on HG. Edit: After you receive the Iron Renewal buff, outside of CC immunity there isn't much of an incentive to stand on your Hallowed Ground. This will give you an incentive and allow the ability to act not only as a gate to the rest of his kit but also as the catalyst.

It was suggested to me that I also include this in the OP:



The strength of Oberon now lies in his ability to chain combos, so you cast his Hallowed Ground, 50 energy. You then use Reckoning (100) to CC the enemies around you and strip them of armor while providing you cover so that you can cast his Renewal (25) safely on his Hallowed Ground and gain the synergy effect from that, Iron Renewal. While you are being healed, you are draining energy at a rate of 2 per second at base and 5 per second per ally. If you need to more? You don't get to move the Hallowed Ground, you recast it for another 50 energy. Etc...

Oberon is heavily reliant on using a stationary, high cost ability in order for his kit to work. He also lacks the durability to truly benefit from Rage in lategame scenarios to sustain his energy pool so that he can not only use the combos in his kit (Hallowed Ground followed by Reckoning then Renewal alone costs 175 energy before efficiency mods) but to upkeep the steep energy drain cost required to heal himself and allies (2e/s himself, 5e/s per ally), completely ignoring the fact he has only 100 base energy. Only true tanks like Chroma, Wukong, Inaros, Nidus, etc... really can consistently benefit from Rage in late game content.

Not only that, but he needs range so that his synergies work consistently, strength and duration so that his synergies are strong and last a decent amount of time, and efficiency because he has no way of gaining or reducing energy costs in his kit. Where do we fit survivability mods, rage, and the required Natural Talent due to his absurdly long cast time on Reckoning?

His kit relies *heavily* on the synergies within it in order to work, and Zenurik doesn't work while channeling Renewal, which is a very important part of his kit.

This all is WHY he needs health orb generation so that he works with Equilibrium, or energy regen and/or cost reduction built into his kit. He is extremely reliant on comboing his abilities together to make them work, similar to Limbo and Nidus who also have similar mechanics built into their kits.



Please, this is the direction that we need to go in. Thumbs it up community.


The rework made nice changes to Oberon, but the costs are VERY steep and he was given synergies without a means to perform said synergies. Limbo and Nidus both are similar in that their abilities work best when used together and because of that they both have many ways within their kits to build up energy. As Oberon now fills a similar niche, that is now the biggest hole in his kit. Even if the Reckoning change doesn't go through, please consider some sort of energy gaining mechanic.

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No hating on Scott but last night's devstream he said he was happy with where Oberon is now. I still think he is abysmal though so I thought I would try and paint a picture of where Oberon is at, by comparing him to other "Jack of all trades". I use that term a bit losely since we don't really have classes in Warframe but if I were to categorise warframes I would say Crowd Controller, Damage Buffer, Tank and Healer/Team Survivability (Healer is not really a class in Warframe though tbh, but I'll put it there anyway). You might be able to pick out specific warframes and create sub-categories, like Mesa being a DPS but I'll shorten the list down to those 4. I will rate warframe abilities on a scale from 1-10 in those 4 categories with a few comments. Note when I give a score I will compare the warframe skill set to Oberon and the best and worst in their respected categories.


Oberon: Crowd Controller: 5     Tank: 3     Damage Buffer: 2     Healer/Team Survivability: 4     Total: 14

Average Crowd control, below average average tankiness, 1 can damage buff team with augment but it's very impractical, below average team survivability even with Phoenix Renewal cause of the huge cooldown.

Rhino: Crowd Controller: 10     Tank: 8     Damage Buffer: 8     Healer/Team Survivability: 0     Total: 26

Biggest aoe CC in game with no line of sight limitation, amazing tank with scaling ability, one of the best team damage buffs in game, 0 survivability for team.

Frost: Crowd Controller: 6     Tank: 7     Damage Buffer: 2     Healer/Team Survivability: 10     Total: 25

Same range CC as Oberon but better lockdown, good base stats + Icy Avalance + Snow Globe make him a good tank, Potential for buffer with 1 augment and stripping away armor but a bit impractical, can make team invincible in bubble.

Equinox: Crowd Controller: 6     Tank: 3     Damage Buffer: 8     Healer/Team Survivability: 5     Total: 21

Above average CC with Maim slash procs and sleep + slow aura, Can reduce incomming damage and get buffs from his 1st but impractical for tankiness, amazing team damage buff (80% power stre), on par heal with Oberon but it's reactionary which is impractical in Warframe but reducing incomming damage make him better than Oberon.

Nyx: Crowd Controller: 8     Tank: 8     Damage Buffer: 1     Healer/Team Survivability: 5     Total: 22

One of the best CC, Very tanky with 4 augment, maybe mind control can grant damage buff?, Mind Controlled Ancient Healer can grant 90% damage reduction - a bit impractical but not too far fetched.

Inaros: Crowd Controller: 5     Tank: 8     Damage Buffer: 0     Healer/Team Survivability: 3     Total: 16

3 abilities cc and 1 being high range and spamable, Very tanky, 0 team buffs, ok healing but impractical since units might die before actually healing the squad.

Valkyr: Crowd Controller: 6     Tank: 9     Damage Buffer: 5     Healer/Team Survivability: 3     Total: 23

75% slow Warcray in huge aoe, can become invincible, can buff team melee damage, below average team survivability armor buff with Warcry. 

Nidus: Crowd Controller: 4     Tank: 10     Damage Buffer: 4     Healer/Team Survivability: 3     Total: 21

Decent spamable CC + maggots, invincible frame, link can damage buff and clumping enemies up has huge potential, ok team heal.


I could list a lot more warframes that could be considered "Jack of all trades" but lets stop here. You might disagree with some of the scores but I imagine overall people will agree. Now... How did Oberon stack up? Terribly to put it mildly.

Crowd Control: The only frames with equal or lower score compared to Oberon is Nidus and Inaros. 2 of the absolute best tanks in the game have very comparable CC to that of Oberon. The thing to consider here is this: Would I bring Nidus/Inaros to a mission that required some light CC? Yes, I could do that. Would I bring Oberon to a mission that required heavy tankiness? Hell no!

Tank: Oberon scored the absolute lowest along with equinox. If a mission requires any form of tankiness there are FAR better options available. Compare this to Rhino who is one of the best tanks in the game but also has one of the best CC and team buff abilities in the game.

Damage Buffer: Scored a 2 with a very impractical skill that only really works with a team on skype and in a defense mission. Now, who can do that exact same thing? Frost. And we all know what Frost can do in a defense mission too. Team and objective invincibility.

Healer/ Team Survivabiity: At the beginning I stated that Warframe doesn't really have a healer class and I stand by that. Scaling and 1 hit KO's prevent that from being "a real thing". Oberon is kind of a healer though and he does provide some armor boost that improves team survivability but it takes a lot of energy, is a bit impractical cause of multiple casts , has limited range but it doesn't really matter when enemies start getting "high level". The ONLY frame that is usable in this category is a more specialised frame which of course is Trinity so even in this category there isn't much use for Oberon outside of low-level missions.

TL;DR: Is Oberon a good "jack of all trades" and when/where would I/we use him?

As I have tried to demonstrate with my scores, no, he is not a good jack of all trades. In fact, some of the frames that EXCEL in one or 2 areas are still better JOAT'S than Oberon. Example; if your mission need a crowd controller bring Rhino with the benefit of superb tankiness and team buff. Bring Frost for team invincibility. Bring Nyx for superb tankiness. The only category Oberon is AVERAGE in is crowd control but if I were to do a mission where average CC was sufficient, why would I choose Oberon over any of the above? I wouldn't.

Oberon doesn't excel in any area but it goes beyond that because he is not even a good JOAT.

I really like Oberon's design/theme which is why I want him to be decent/good/great. I was so very disappointed with this rework. I hope someone sees this and gets an "Ah!" moment and Oberon can get the changes/buffs he deserves. Tbh, at this point I would rather they reverted all the changes and gave Oberon a proper thorough look. One can only dream...

See you on the battlefield, Tenno.






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