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So, how has the Design Council Alert been treating you?


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1st run: Host aborts after he gets downed, then everyone leaves.

2nd run: Host aborted as soon as I get in-game

3rd run: Found 3 dying players with a 20.000/80.000 cryopod, saved and carried them all, by using an over optimized Octavia (Two were Mr 7 and 11, the third left mid mission when two of us got downed), and The Sergeant got one hit, because he is as strong as a Scrambus Unit, wait sorry, meant to say Tech.

Edited by DustyFlash
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Duo'd with PUG: I'm on Valkyr, wife on Frost. First try ended badly, everyone else except me died to mines and our PUG teammates were MR6 and for some reason NEITHER of them brought rank 30 weapons. Seriously. Low MRs in high level missions often get a bad rep but times like this it is justified. At least bring something that can help instead of trying to leech immediately? We left after second wave.


Second try, wife brought the Ignis to clear the floor of mines. I positioned myself at the front ramp to tank all the enemies there so the pod area wouldn't get too crowded. The 2 PUGs we got were another Frost that wasn't very helpful and a Mesa that died in one hit. The Mesa got frustrated and left and we got an Ivara instead. I told the Ivara to spam her sleep arrow which worked very well as they would halt any enemy not near Nullifiers. We spent a long time perma-sleeping an Osprey to give the pod chance to heal from the first tough 2 waves. After that it wasn't that hard, even when the random Frost was still useless.

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Solo'ed it yesterday with an Octavia. Since her abilities also deal damage to nullifier shields, it was pretty easy even if it was before they nerfed the nully spawn rate. Even so, I found it fun playing hop-scotch between the osprey bubbles dodging nully sniper fire.

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Pugged with the (lame but powerful) Wukong + Sancti Tigris combo and beat it on the first try, but not without some initial troubles...

There was a Frost, a Nidus and a melee-crazy Rhino. Almost immediately, the Frost started the chat with: "Oh, Red and Black Wukong named Azamagon. How edgy" Well sorry that I like Black and Red... and shades of grey/white and brown, which you seemed to miss, little Frosty :P I tried to joke it off, but then he kept going on with "What are you, like 12 years old and watch *insert some random japanese name, presumably some anime*?!" (The irony that he knew this name, but I didnt?)

Needless to say, his lack of attention to the fight caused him to get downed (gotta love some good karma) on the very first wave almost immediately, now with the pod taking some heavy beating as well. He ragequit right afterwards, no surprise there. In his place, a Nova joined. After she joined, it was rather easy, the pod getting plenty of recovery time due to her MPrime. I had to revive my teammates a whole bunch throughout the waves (which is no troubles at all with a Wukong), but it worked somewhat smoothly anyway.

Edited by Azamagon
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well, this sucks tbh. tried it 7 or 8 times. some yest, some today. 2 went south right away as low lvl folk werent ready for the jelly. the others failed, as the ospreys became immortal each time. once first wave, another time 6th wave. cant face trying it again, as even when we have a reasonable set up, and are breezing thru it, we cant kill the ospreys. i mean, are the ospreys bugging, or are we all so dumb, that we cant kill em? its happened everytime.  some just lock up, others are flying around downing us, but not taking damage. 


*edit* just went solo octavia, ignis wraith...super cheese, super easy...warframe crashed at wave 4 and sent me to xbox home screen. gg siiiiiigh. guess fate doesnt want me to have those nitains. i cant waste anymore of my time on this lol

Edited by (XB1)sherbsville
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6 hours ago, wanderere said:

was fun, laughed when it was the sergeant who showed up at the end, was expecting something much tougher :D

Me too! I didn't actually see the Sergeant, someone in my squad sent him packing the instant he appeared. This alert was fun because it was so over the top silly.

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2 hours ago, S0V3REiGN said:

Lets just say that by the 3rd wave all the Corpus had to do to win was sneeze on the Pod's general direction....

Corpus during the peak of the Orokin Empire


Image result for i fart in your general direction



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49 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ThermalStone said:

Brought Mesa, someone else had a Frost, I honestly can't remember what the other two guys were, but it didn't matter.  I asked the other guys to focus on Nullifier bubbles and we never had any problems.  

I bet someone thinks that's a cheesy tactic, but to me this is just good ol' teamwork.

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I was lucky and found a good public group which I completed as Frost: succeeded at first try.

I can't say it was particularly enjoyable, but no cheese tactics were involved, just everyone doing their part, so I can say I'm satisfied at least.

Edited by Forcereborn
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I'm actually not totally sure what happened last night, but pretty sure we would've failed without a Limbo sporadically blowing everything up when it got real bad lol

I think there was an Oberon? He had to res me a lot cuz this was the first time I was made aware of the fact that Nullifiers are perfectly effective snipers in their own right 

I was bastille-spamming as Vauban (not as effective as I hoped it'd be) and can't remember what the last guy was running 

Last 'surprise' enemy melted pretty quick, I couldn't really tell what it was supposed to be tbh, was expecting a boatload of Toxic Nuclear Fume Bursas or smthn and just got what looked like a shadowy crewman silhouette 

Overall was just happy it wasn't melee only again at least

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I don't remember who or what I ran with, but I used Rhino with the Kohm shotgun and never struggled too much cause Rhino is just that awesome.  I shot the blue mines of death whenever I could and kept the nullifier bubbles popped with rapid fire.


The last guy was pretty much comedy in the challenge.  He was million times weaker than the army he brought lol.

Edited by Fliktor06
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I went as Mesa with dual toxocyst + hydraulic crosshairs. 1 headshot and everything dies. I just used shatter shield to stay up and had the team focus on popping bubbles. Think we had an MR23 ember, MR6 zephyr, and MR16 Nekros.

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