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Sortie Loot Restructure PLEASE!!!


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As i am rapidly approaching my 100th day login reward I have realized that, in their current form, I am done with Sorties. The missions themselves are fine.  A fun mix of enhanced enemies, limited weapons and warframe power restrictions make any Tenno have to work for the reward at the end of the 3 mission rainbow..... except the end of the rainbow is constantly disappointing me. I find that every time i do a Sortie I have this mantra going in my head "please give me a dag-gone riven or at least a booster!" Followed by the obligatory ranting to my self about how im done with Sorties after my 3rd day in a row with and Ayatan sculpture. Now dont get me wrong, I like having endo on hand for new mods to max out, but i keep wishing that I had a greater amount of choice in my loot like i do in Void relic cracking missions.

So my idea is this, create a tiered structure for the Sortie loot rewards similar to Void relic cracking rewards.  Lets say you've finished the third Sortie mission and its loot time for all your hard work.  Now RNG roll determines that you earned a sliver level reward you now have the OPTION of selecting one of either the 4k endo, 3 day affinity booster or focus lens as your reward! Similarly if you get a bronze or gold level reward you can choose from the list for the ones you most need. Legendary Cores would remain the only purple tier drop, because lets face it, we all want them!

Now at this point im a happy camper! I've gotten a reward that i need and im excited for the next day's Sortie and that carries over to the rest of my Warframe experience and I know this scenario is very very likely because it how i feel every time i get the loot reward that I actually want from a Sortie!

So come on DE, make a loyal player insanely happy and at least think about it!

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8 hours ago, PakkiTheDog said:

Constant server issues, unable to log in. Fissures bugged so you do not receive the reward, regular mission end rewards bugged. Getting stuck and are unable to unstuck, falling for everHaving to start the same mission up to 3 or more times because of disconnections, host migrations and sorties don't start lvl 6 enemies?-restart. No evac marker, not able to evac after host migration, unable to hack consoles after host migration... and so on.


This game is becoming unplayable. How about taking a break from new content and patching the game so it runs smoother? 


Edited: For the future forum readers that don't read other posts and are about to write things like potato PC or potato router... nop.


3 minutes ago, gruntlogic said:

As i am rapidly approaching my 100th day login reward I have realized that, in their current form, I am done with Sorties. The missions themselves are fine.  A fun mix of enhanced enemies, limited weapons and warframe power restrictions make any Tenno have to work for the reward at the end of the 3 mission rainbow..... except the end of the rainbow is constantly disappointing me. I find that every time i do a Sortie I have this mantra going in my head "please give me a dag-gone riven or at least a booster!" Followed by the obligatory ranting to my self about how im done with Sorties after my 3rd day in a row with and Ayatan sculpture. Now dont get me wrong, I like having endo on hand for new mods to max out, but i keep wishing that I had a greater amount of choice in my loot like i do in Void relic cracking missions.

So my idea is this, create a tiered structure for the Sortie loot rewards similar to Void relic cracking rewards.  Lets say you've finished the third Sortie mission and its loot time for all your hard work.  Now RNG roll determines that you earned a sliver level reward you now have the OPTION of selecting one of either the 4k endo, 3 day affinity booster or focus lens as your reward! Similarly if you get a bronze or gold level reward you can choose from the list for the ones you most need. Legendary Cores would remain the only purple tier drop, because lets face it, we all want them!

Now at this point im a happy camper! I've gotten a reward that i need and im excited for the next day's Sortie and that carries over to the rest of my Warframe experience and I know this scenario is very very likely because it how i feel every time i get the loot reward that I actually want from a Sortie!

So come on DE, make a loyal player insanely happy and at least think about it!

a token system for sorties would be great =D

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I also, am beginning to hate and loath sorties.

I am now on my 5th day with an Ayatan. 5 GODDAMN DAYS IN A ROW!

Sorties need, and always have needed, a Token system, but DE refuse to implement one for whatever reason. A token system would have solved the void... but we got relics. Now we need one for Sorties... but I bet we won't get it.

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I would really appreciate some sort of three randomly selected rewards that you could choose between rather than just one randomly selected reward that in most cases makes you feel disappointed in sortie missions. Random as it may be they are challenging and should be more rewarding.

At the very least get rid of endo, ayatan and forma from the drops and put them somewhere else. Everyone has enough of those and it's not what people are after when they do sortie missions!

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Wow. Who would have thought, common rewards are common and rare rewards are rare. Wow. 

Snappy comment over. I would prefer if we had two columns of rewards, the first would be everything non endo related, and the second would be different endo rewards. When you finish the sorties it has a guaranteed reward from the first column and a chance for something from the second. So for example I could get a riven and 4k endo. Or just a riven. But never just endo. 

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3 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

Wow. Who would have thought, common rewards are common and rare rewards are rare. Wow. 

Snappy comment over. I would prefer if we had two columns of rewards, the first would be everything non endo related, and the second would be different endo rewards. When you finish the sorties it has a guaranteed reward from the first column and a chance for something from the second. So for example I could get a riven and 4k endo. Or just a riven. But never just endo. 

Except I have more Legend cores now than Shotgun Rivens that I have received.  

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A token system or tiered system, either would be great. They touched on sorties not so long ago, so I doubt more changes are gonna come real soon, but here's to hoping. Its better than it was, but it's far from perfect. I remember getting the same lense, over and over and over. Not even the endo or legendary cores. Even with the reward system still kind of screwy, there's always that chance, and sorties are fun enough to keep running either way. 

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3 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

Then that makes you lucky. Congrats. 

Does it?   All mods in the game maxed, and enough endo/credits to max almost another set of primes..   I don't need them.   I have a  bunch of shotguns I would like to see Rivens on though.   And I don't want to buy them.

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3 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

Does it?   All mods in the game maxed, and enough endo/credits to max almost another set of primes..   I don't need them.   I have a  bunch of shotguns I would like to see Rivens on though.   And I don't want to buy them.

Those cores are worth a lot last time I checked. You could always sell it and buy something, maybe like a deluxe skin bundle. 

Edit. Not really a fortune, 200-400. But that's still enough to do stuff with. 

Edited by Miser_able
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The most burned out i get with sorties is when i keep getting lenses. I explained in an earlier post that I would like common lenses to be removed from the game entirely and make it so you choose a focus tree to put affinity from gear on once you max it, and instead even out the drop percentages with the void left in the drop tables.


DE could also put kuva in the cycle like it was brought up on a devstream a few weeks ago but given a very solid "mehhh" to. Just do it and reduce the monotony of kuva grind, please.

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2 hours ago, Elvangreen said:

Unfortunately DE has already vetoed that, from what i have heard.

then why waste my time on sorties anymore i guess, have all of these LENSES that i can't DO ANYTHING with, they are going to sit and do literally NOTHING FOR ME, rant over

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2 hours ago, _Vortus_ said:

Does it?   All mods in the game maxed, and enough endo/credits to max almost another set of primes..   I don't need them.   I have a  bunch of shotguns I would like to see Rivens on though.   And I don't want to buy them.

Yes it does. I have yet to get one in my years of playing. I have managed 9 Rivens and exactly 4 lenses. Everything else has been Endo and boosters.

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I'm afraid that DE are not listening. I'm becoming paranoid now because since I last complained, much like the OP, I haven't seen a Riven. I've lost count of the number of sorties I've done without the reward I play them for, i.e.a Riven. I too, in frustration, thought 'that's it, no more sorties for me, I'm becoming too angry'. As my anger subsided I began playing them again (as you do) only to find, after a few weeks, that my frustrations are boiling over.

One poster claimed, and backed his claim up with impressive maths, that there is a near 20% chance of getting a Riven reward. My, and other players experiences, don't back that up. Others state that it's just RNG and to just move on. I feel like Oliver Twist 'more please DE' (we all know what the answer to that one was). What I say to DE is, what the $&*^ens is going on?

You introduced this system DE to induce players to use underused weaponry. Great idea. Along with that you introduced Kuva, and all that goes with it. Oh, and also rerolling Riven Mods.

OK then DE what I'm going to do is not purchase any more plat or plat requiring items. I've spent a lot of money on this game because I love it but there is a limit. I'm prepared to cut my nose off to spite my face, but it's my ugly face after all.

Please listen DE (sounds of my voice echoing in a vast empty nothingness).

ps I did not say 'what the etc is going on'. I quoted the name of the author of Oliver Twist i.e. $&*^ens

pps It's just done it again. Another frustrating happening!

ppps I should have quoted 'Charles Knob' as the author.

Edited by (XB1)poodlebingo 65
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well, the recent introduction of a Token system for the Ambulas Reborn event shows that they CAN do it, but they don't want to. I was hoping that with enough good feedback from players, they might decide to introduce one for Sorties as well, but it doesn't look that way to me. they prefer to just put things in, then move on to creating more new content rather than revisiting the older stuff. it's only when several hundred or more people start yelling (constructively) that anything gets done at all, and it's entirely DE's choice whether or not they want to listen.

we can't force them, no matter how many of us there are or whether we're being constructive or going full caps lock rage mode, to implement a token system if they don't want to. this is why you won't see me championing for tokens, even though I want them just as badly as everyone else does, because DE won't listen and I'll be wasting my energy. all i can do is try to encourage others from not wasting theirs.

Tokens won't happen.


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Even if they did change it, we will always come back to this point of: "I have everything, we must change the rewards".

Seasons to get Wraiths and Vandals got scrapped out because of that very thing and "I dont have the time to get every single thing".

Damned if you do, damned if you dont.

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6 hours ago, Miser_able said:

Those cores are worth a lot last time I checked. You could always sell it and buy something, maybe like a deluxe skin bundle. 

Edit. Not really a fortune, 200-400. But that's still enough to do stuff with. 

I don't need platinum either, can buy those already, have enough.   I can also sell Ayatans, but again, don't need the plat.   Can sell single regular lens, same answer, though, at least I can trade them for lens I care about, so semi not useless.    Now, the pile of Naramon, Zenurik and Madurai Greater Lens that I have from sorties, what can I do with those?   I'm done with everything I want from those and then some, already have a bunch of those schools on assorted frames and weapons.   Useless.   Soon Vazarin and Unairu will be the same.    Endo, at this point useless.   Exilus, all frames have them, have a pile of them, useless.   Potatoes, piles of them, useless.   Forma, again, a pile of them, everything forma'd how I want them, still, borderline useless.   There are only two items  I am after in the game.   Rivens and Kuva.   Won't get into getting multiple copies of the same Rivens despite having so many potential weapon options in the game.  

3 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

Yes it does. I have yet to get one in my years of playing. I have managed 9 Rivens and exactly 4 lenses. Everything else has been Endo and boosters.

Then that makes you unlucky, it doesn't make me lucky, except maybe from your own pov.   Maybe luck, like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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I had been playing sorties for 3 months in a row without getting a SINGLE riven. That's why I'm done with warframe before the next major update. I'm so frustrated that I started to doubt my statistics class. A NORMAL loot shouldn't be so hard to get.

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A token system would be HORRIBLE.

I like how it is now. I can play for a week straight and try my luck, stay away for another week, then come back and start playing again. I can skip a day or two, and not feel like I'm falling behind. I always have the same chance to get a Riven.  Skipping a day didn't extend my grind.

With a token system, they would have to stretch out the goal to a player getting one Riven a week (or even longer) to retain the current rate that sortie give out Rivens. 

A token system will not mean you can choose a Riven every day. It means you will have a mandatory grind of a week of sorties to get a Riven. Then when you get that Riven, if it rolls something you don't want, that's an entire week of build up wasted.... Which I think feels worse than RNG.

Ambulas reborn worked because it was a week long event and all the rewards were designed to be unlocked in a week. The grind still got annoying for that. Imagine how that grind would feel extended to a monthly or yearly timetable? 

A token system would either make everyone burn through the content too quickly and get bored of unlocking Rivens if it's generous, or it become even more of a grind if they try to maintain the current rate that Rivens are given out.

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25 minutes ago, YANJIUDING said:

I had been playing sorties for 3 months in a row without getting a SINGLE riven. That's why I'm done with warframe before the next major update. I'm so frustrated that I started to doubt my statistics class. A NORMAL loot shouldn't be so hard to get.

Unfortunately, you are the sacrifice RNG takes to grant the rest of us better luck.

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