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What's your color scheme? (if you have one)


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Mine is more a Crimson blood or Fire at dusk type color scheme 

Blood involves the more edgy looks like mostly red with hints of black or reverse, with a few random colors that I feel would fit that frame, for example Nekros's energy is a high shade of green on my colors

Fire at Dusk is a mix of the fire and storm palettes and I use it for the more simple designs with one color deviation from the "norm" color, ie I color my equinox as a dawn and dusk instead of day and night, night form has more of a light beige color like a rising sun, while day is more of a blueish dark black I found by random, like a setting sun

And then if I really like a frame I'll give it some cool colors on its "c" appearance

(anyone got any tips for Octavia fashion frame?) 

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Black, Light Navy, Navy, White and Light Blue, from the Ice, Orokin and Classic Saturated palletes. It's the first thing I try to apply to a new frame.

Edited by Gorila_Azul
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12 minutes ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

White, gray and black. Gold if there are metallic parts. Then add blue energy color to that.


i have it at reverse, i mean like instead of white, i have it at black and grey, with gold metallics and light blue energy


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I'll try and post my fashion frame later, when I get out of school but I'm pretty sure it's novice level when compared to:

19 minutes ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

White, gray and black. Gold if there are metallic parts. Then add blue energy color to that.



18 minutes ago, Gorila_Azul said:



I don't remember the coordinates, but there is this blend of blue, white and black shades from the Ice, Saturated Classic and Orokin pallettes that I use on nearly everything.


2 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

Black/grey, gold metallic parts, orange energy.



2 minutes ago, Varacal said:

i have it at reverse, i mean like instead of white, i have it at black and grey, with gold metallics and light blue energy



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Old pics, but, ice and smoke is really doing it for me. Throw in some combinstion of blue  and black with a lil gold / rose gold / silver linings and you got yourself a nice looking frame

monichrome black is good too



P.s. The best golds are from top far right of easter pallete and a dark shade of yellow from classic/saturate

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Black/White or grey, with various assortments of highlight colours depending (I'm partial to red mostly but I do us green, blue or orange also) - I like to keep a theme so sometimes I just go grayscale in the silvers/grey/black, though I don't mind experimenting sometimes.

silver/gold for metallics always.

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1 hour ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

White, gray and black. Gold if there are metallic parts. Then add blue energy color to that.


Exactly the same - except for the energy - I use whatever energy color I feel best suits my frame, sometimes I'll swtich them as well - example Ember, I switch her energy from blue to orange depending on what 'type' of fire I want her to appear as.  Since blue flames exist irl, it's totally valid imo.

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depends on the frame, but I do have some themes:

"dark theme"- Black and Red, black taken from PS4 anniversary palette, red from Halloween Palette. starting to use this less, but still looks good on Wukong IMO.

"Wraith" - darkest Purple (Lotus Palette with bright red. this works well if you intend to use the Harkonar Wraith armour set for a full Wraith look. using this on my Inaros and Hydroid.

"Prime" - white or Black (sometimes changing) with light blue energy and gold accents. both white and black are from PS4 Palette, my gold from the Shamrock (St Paddy's day) Palette. using this on pretty much all my Prime frames apart from those I have skins for.

"nature" - various shades of green, ranging from darkest greens to brightest Lime green. using this on Oberon and Titania currently.


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I usually search for simple color combinations, trying to avoid colors that don't work well with each other like raimbow schemes that'd make one look like a clown or dark black + intense color that'd make one look like an edgy teenager that's angry at his mom. To this day I still don't know why black + bright red/green/purple/orange is so popular.

I like modest color combinationes overall that could make sense in this game's universe.


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