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Oberon Prime vs Kuva survival 90 min solo


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On 3.06.2017 at 2:25 PM, [DE]Glen said:

That's pretty great but I have to admit whenever I do endurance runs with Zenurik Energy Overflow or Naramon Shadow Step it feels like cheating. I wonder how far you can go with one of the other Focus schools instead?

Not truly cheating if you are up against lvl 80+ eximuses in that endurance. When they flock you that Zenurik or Naramon is just a slight chance that you won't die all the time, Get between energy leech, cold proc and poison proc nad there is little difference what Focus you are runing with.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:


In all honesty, I can get behind Zenurik, specially considering energy leeching eximi and whatnot. I use it with all of my frames and don't switch. See, I`m not on that lofty pedestal BUT I can also see the other side of it and could get behind a nerf as well.

Now Naramon is a joke, it trivializes every content and turns every warframe into the same thing: A perma invisible killing machine that isn`t even affected by nullifiers. it's a complete joke. Anyone defending Naramon is comletely unreasonable and is far from helping this game


All in all most people fail at being reasonable on WF forums almost all of the time; promoting their personal agendas and saying 'F you' to the rest.

But Invisibility is just a symptom, ,wouldn't you say?  Would you rather:

A.) A.I react and be able to accurately counter invisibiliy?  A few units being added, like for instance the Grineer could have a Kubrow unit that can 'sniff out' invisible players and as long as they are alive invisibility is almost pointless.  What this would do is give invisible players something they need to actively worry about other then getting side swiped by a shot not meant for them.

B.) Invisibility from Naramon nerfed to the ground, the focus tree made worthless and salted.  You know that's what could happen if they actually do something like this.

Edited by achromos
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1 hour ago, achromos said:

But Invisibility is just a symptom, ,wouldn't you say?  Would you rather:

A.) A.I react and be able to accurately counter invisibiliy?  A few units being added, like for instance the Grineer could have a Kubrow unit that can 'sniff out' invisible players and as long as they are alive invisibility is almost pointless.  What this would do is give invisible players something they need to actively worry about other then getting side swiped by a shot not meant for them.

B.) Invisibility from Naramon nerfed to the ground, the focus tree made worthless and salted.  You know that's what could happen if they actually do something like this.

i think Invisibility could be easily balanced if they improved the way the enemy reacts to it. They should blind fire more often at invisible WFs when that WF is being offensive. 

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On 6/3/2017 at 4:41 PM, -VV-Anna8bit said:

Zenurik works very well with that build but Its not hard to do run 1hr or more with madurai/atterax/pox/pizzas and my oberon tank build


my main build is

Aura - Growing Power
Exilus - Cunning Drift  
Mods - Transient Fortitude
Primed Flow
Fleeting Expertise
Hallowed Reckonning

(skill #4 and #1 to damage and CC  and i spam skill #2/#4  to strip armor and kill heavy armored enemies)

and im testing this one,a tank build


No health conversion? Won't hollowed ground and reckoning and HC have crazy synergy?

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On 03/06/2017 at 2:25 PM, [DE]Glen said:

That's pretty great but I have to admit whenever I do endurance runs with Zenurik Energy Overflow or Naramon Shadow Step it feels like cheating. I wonder how far you can go with one of the other Focus schools instead?

You mean, without using energy consumables or Red Veil/Suda weapons/mods either? Nor Ivara perma-invisibility? Nor Arcane Energize? Nor any other "broken" stuffs like that?

Vazarin is about useless in solo, so not much more than without.
Madurai could probably gives you enough DPS buff to go for 10 to 20 minutes more than what you would reach without it, depending on your tankiness/cc ability.
And Unairu is useless, period. Actually you could probably try to do something with Chroma (or maybe Rhino/Valkyr) and "changing to stone melee attackers", mostly against infested, but nothing more.

That's for solo. With a full 4-players team, a good composition and coordination pretty much void any usefulness Focuses may have. So about as far with any Focus, I would say.

With this Oberon that means maybe 40 to 60 minutes if you do a great job of running around, killing fast and picking up energy orbs. Oberon isn't great at soloing content, because he's good at giving survivability to everyone and not much at dispatching foes. Which make balancing energy consumption versus energy input at best tricky when soloing because of the low number of "drop sources" (aka enemies) available and how fast you can actually make them drop (kill them). There are probably things to try with a healing focused build using Rage or maybe with Equilibrium, though.

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13 hours ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

No health conversion? Won't hollowed ground and reckoning and HC have crazy synergy?

No, because you need to kill enemies to drop orbs. At high levels that is not going to happens with enemies.

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Can someone explain to me how the blinding works with Oberons 4th ability? Because after the lift and ground slam of the 4th ability enemies immediately get up and that is not a good cc ability in my opinion. And i know he can cause radiation to enemies, but for me that is not a good cc for such a squishy frame. Not to mention that he is still an energy @#&*(. If you want to survive you need to have renewal active so zenurik doesn't work and because you are spamming his 2nd and 4th ability you can run out of energy pretty fast.


So if his 4th ability would actually stop enemies for x duration of time he'd be a very good frame.

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20 hours ago, achromos said:

But Invisibility is just a symptom, ,wouldn't you say?  Would you rather:

A.) A.I react and be able to accurately counter invisibiliy?  A few units being added, like for instance the Grineer could have a Kubrow unit that can 'sniff out' invisible players and as long as they are alive invisibility is almost pointless.  What this would do is give invisible players something they need to actively worry about other then getting side swiped by a shot not meant for them.

B.) Invisibility from Naramon nerfed to the ground, the focus tree made worthless and salted.  You know that's what could happen if they actually do something like this.

According to the Warframe Wiki: The Hyekka Masters are capable of spotting invisible targets; say Loki or Ivara, or. Frame using shade. Their purpose are to spot and tame cloaked kavats in the Orokin Derelict. Since kavats feed on the infestation. 

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20 hours ago, achromos said:

But Invisibility is just a symptom, ,wouldn't you say?  Would you rather:

A.) A.I react and be able to accurately counter invisibiliy?  A few units being added, like for instance the Grineer could have a Kubrow unit that can 'sniff out' invisible players and as long as they are alive invisibility is almost pointless.  What this would do is give invisible players something they need to actively worry about other then getting side swiped by a shot not meant for them.

B.) Invisibility from Naramon nerfed to the ground, the focus tree made worthless and salted.  You know that's what could happen if they actually do something like this.

No, I don't consider the 8s of non counterable invisibility + the stealth multiplier tied to it a symptom of anything. It's a poor design choice they already aknowledged. The fact I have to explain why that is wrong, op and unreasonable AF is baffling.

Stop being condescending for chirst's sake, you know they can't fine tune A.I that much, hell, they can't even just barely tune it.

Added units? Oh bandaids you mean, like we needed more of those. You are enforcing the very behavior that makes warframe boring, it's why we have S#&$ energy leeching eximi, it's why we have nullifiers...

The grineer's kubrow can already do that and again I beg you, stop acting like you don't know said kubrow or anything for that matter won't get obliterated in a button mash spam of murder in 1s, EVEN a nullifier.

Even nerfed to the ground would be better than we have today. But, you know, since i'm one of the few reasonable souls in here, able to see further than my own belly and willing to to the job of others i'll throw a suggestion:

Reduce the duration to 2s and add a 0,5s cooldown : It'll then live up to its name 'shadow step', a way to play with enemy's aggro, make you feel like a ninja by blinking while slicing things up and will offer immense damage reduction just by messing with aggro alone while not making the player completely immortal. Only melee frames would really be able to take advantage of this focus school since they're all quite tanky on their own already, a sign that naramon would fit the school it's supposed to.

If you have other complaints about survivability,  I must again blame your lack of reasonability for enforcing Naramon as its cure. We need shield gate and we need it ASAP but Naramon shouldn't be the answer to that.

There you go. It sounds fun and balanced af to me. I'd even use it on my melee frames, you know, rather than ALL frames.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

Reduce the duration to 2s and add a 0,5s cooldown : It'll then live up to its name 'shadow step', a way to play with enemy's aggro, make you feel like a ninja by blinking while slicing things up and will offer immense damage reduction just by messing with aggro alone while not making the player completely immortal. Only melee frames would really be able to take advantage of this focus school since they're all quite tanky on their own already, a sign that naramon would fit the school it's supposed to.

This is an idea I've had as well. I want to "play with aggro" not dump it all on my teammates, unless they also use Naramon. Actually, I wouldn't mind *taking* all the aggro because for the most part I can take it if I'm playing melee, so Shadow Step is useless to me, but I took Naramon as my primary focus because the advertisement of it being a Tactical and knowledge based school was interesting, and the active abilities were interesting, but with such a long cooldown active focus abilities are generally useless or ignored.

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3 minutes ago, Kinetos said:

This is an idea I've had as well. I want to "play with aggro" not dump it all on my teammates, unless they also use Naramon. Actually, I wouldn't mind *taking* all the aggro because for the most part I can take it if I'm playing melee, so Shadow Step is useless to me, but I took Naramon as my primary focus because the advertisement of it being a Tactical and knowledge based school was interesting, and the active abilities were interesting, but with such a long cooldown active focus abilities are generally useless or ignored.

We've all been fooled my friend. I can say i was fooled from the get go lol, bear with me: I picked the most evil answers, those anakin would say before turning into darth vader and the system gave me 'Unairu' LOL, I was fully expecting Madurai....

But since you guys on PC had already said how terrible it was, I ignored the suggestion and went for Madurai...

But yeah, back on track, the idea would really help the school selling what it advertised and most important: offer a fun and balanced experience for us; even more if we eventualy get shield gate going (seriously why is it taking so long?).

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On 6/3/2017 at 7:51 AM, Kaotyke said:


"You are not OHK level 9999 Grineer.

Oberon is still trash."


On 6/3/2017 at 7:57 AM, (PS4)theelix said:

You did not one hit a level 200 Bombard. 

Oberon is still trash. 


But seriously, theelix, if "must kill a Level 200 Bombard in one hit" is a requirement for your Warframes to be above trash-tier.... who the Hek do you play?

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Just now, Gamma745 said:

Buff enemies all across the Starchart? And screw newbies? No.

Exactly. That's why all the focus schools need to be reworked. I'm not saying they should become useless, just not making the game's content trivial would be nice.

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4 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

Exactly. That's why all the focus schools need to be reworked. I'm not saying they should become useless, just not making the game's content trivial would be nice.

Focus rework is already on DE's table and have been mentioned (though no detail), so we'll see it eventually.

Well, considering the bullS#&$ amount of grind we need to do to even get the Focus powers up to snuff right now, it should feel very powerful. IMO, Zenurik only made me able to use Caster Frames as, well, Casters.

Naramon Shadow Step is just broken, I agree on that.

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Zenurik is fine as it is. Maybe it could be "nerfed" (i prefer the term "changed") to adapt to your Warframe's efficiency (to avoid 175% eff builds that benefits way too much from Zenurik).

For example, you have 5 energy/second at 100% efficiency, 10/second at 50%, and 2/second at 175%. I think that would be an acceptable change in my opinion. Nerf for efficiency build, but it's an upgrade for low- or normal-efficiency ones.

Regarding Naramon it has to change, nobody could discuss it I think. Maybe requesting a simple slide instead of a critical melee attack, with an internal cooldown to avoid 100% uptime, dunno.

Congrats OP for the 90-minute survival. Guess that was a full range/efficiency build (didn't see the complete video, sorry if that was at the end) ? I'm trying to make Oberon relevant with a more "tanky" build (with Rage+QT), but I find him still a lot squishy for being really like-able unfortunately...

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On 6/3/2017 at 2:25 PM, [DE]Glen said:

That's pretty great but I have to admit whenever I do endurance runs with Zenurik Energy Overflow or Naramon Shadow Step it feels like cheating. I wonder how far you can go with one of the other Focus schools instead?

I'm also happy you realize this. I have seen my friend in action with Naramon, and its crazy, in a sadly bad way. Almost like giving a nuke gun with no self damage to a level 1 warframe and say '' you are now ready to go kill Hunhow son'' haha. But revolution has to start somewhere, there's a lot of potential for the ways of the Tenno, or schools in other words for the game. I was looking for a discussion where people share ideas, suggestions and feedback for reworking or improving or streamlining  the Tenno schools, especially for DE to CHECK IN if they run out of ideas :). But couldn't find any so I started my own topic on this called ''focus the tenno ways'' But please help me out if there's already an official discussion going on somewhere :)

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While EV is still a thing. I dont think it would be wise to nerf or destroy energy overflow. All it would do is make it even more mandatory to have a EV trin on the team. Also would hurt solo players more than groups. I wouldnt mind it regening a few less per tick however. After all I can still get the energy with pizzas. Energy overflow is more of a QoL passive IMHO. Shadow step on the other hand.

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