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What weapons do you consider to be too "unethical" to use?


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So there are some fearsome weapons in Warframe.  ALL of them are awesome (yes I think even the bows are awesome), but some of them are downright mean.  Which weapons do you think are just too...  well...  "inhumane" to use on your targets?


I like to think the Drakgoon is this against all but one enemy in the game.  Just imagine the thoughts in your target's mind when it sees that mean ball of shrapnel coming towards their face, and they can't avoid or even tank it...

Edited by Lonnehart
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The Zarr, blowing somebody up and then finishing off the job with lots of little explosions is just plain cruel if the main bomb doesn't kill them

Oh, or the miter/panthera because sawblades of death... nuff said

Edited by Lholland
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Infested weapons. Not in the sense of "Oh, it's so mean to the stuff I'm murdering" but rather "This is gross, and toxic, and we usually kill this on sight... what the f*** am I doing making it into a gun/sword?".


Edited by Silvus-Sol
Seriously, they are gross and I don't like them. Even if they are good.
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4 minutes ago, Lholland said:

Also the Phage, there really doesn't need to be that many laser noodles, just condense it into one noodle and kill them fast, no need to make them suffer by burning 7 different holes in their chests

Laser noodles... That's a... mild way to describe the Phage.


On topic, I would like to add the Twin Gremlins. You're nailing bolts for constructions to their bodies, for pity sake. (I guess it's not so different than pumping bullets into them, but still...)

Another one could be the Atterax, for the same reason as the Panthera and the Miter.

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Well, Saryn is clearly a war-crime, and she's definitely a weapon.
Other than that, literally any melee weapon in the hands of my Valkyr Prime. When you're attacking several billion times per second, you're cutting your enemies apart on the atomic scale. It's even less ethical if you use a crappier melee weapon =P

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Taking realism into account? Oh boy, there's a lot of stuff that would, realistically, be horrendous to die to (aside from dying in general, that is) 

Nukor, Ignis, Quanta, Pox, any throwing weapons (but Pox deserves its own spot for the clouds), Torid, Javlok, Amprex, Synapse, Hema, Acrid, Stug, Tysis, and Gammacor are, in my mind, some of the worst.


Beam weapons (Quanta/Gammacor) would literally burn holes through people, melting flesh and organs alike. Nukor is pure radiation, enough said. Pox and Torid for the toxic clouds. Javlok for lighting fools on fire, same with Ignis. Amprex and Synapse because being electrocuted to death is not the best way to go. Hema is armed viruses in gloop form that needs to suck blood to load itself, which is both gross and deadly. Acrid, stug, and tysis are literally throwing acid on enemies - Most definitely a brutal way to go. Throwing weapons might not kill someone on the first hit, which would leave a massive throwing dagger sticking out of them somewhere, and that would be terrible. 


As for melee, it's pretty easy. Hammers are brutal. Caustacyst slices you open, and covers you in acid. Twin Basolk/Zenistar, makin bacon. Lecta is just getting struck by a lightning whip, no biggie. Just bleed out with the rapiers. And the heavy blades all just slice you in half. Tekko would probably also suck - razor blade punches would not be fun. And let us not forget Prisma Breakdancing. 


Honorable mentions to Sibear, Artax, and Galaxion for the hardcore freezing deaths. Even if they're too weak to murder people in the game, they'd be scary IRL

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Atterax / Old tonkor / old bladestorm ash / old simulor / WoF ember / Quake banshee / limboom.

I dislike "meta" cheese.


For painful, Acrid/Tysis (melts you from the inside out), Lesion/Dual ichor/Caustacyst/Mire (cut you up and inject poison into the wounds), Nukor (as you literally make their face swell up until it bursts apart).

Overall most of our weaponry is rather brutal, it would be easier to find the "merciful" options.

Ether sword/daggers/reaper (codex entries)

Snipers (just instant blackout)

Tigris series (again, your not going to be around after that trigger is pulled)

Lex/aklex (again, for 1-hitting).

then probably most standard firearms.

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Being biological weapons, anything Infested qualifies as a war crime under modern international laws, and pretty much anything dealing Corrosive, Gas, Viral, or even plain Toxin qualifies as a chemical (or biological, in Viral's case) weapon.

Flamethrowers and White Phosphorus are also taboo if not outright war crimes, so Heat is right out, and based on the current attitude towards nukes, anything dealing Radiation damage would set every major power out there on you.

Cold is also probably out, but we don't have any real-world weapons that harness it apart from Russian winters, so I don't know.

Magnetic and Electricity are where things get a bit dicey, because we actually have electric and (some, mostly still in R&D) magnetic weapons, though not Warframe's kind because they're designed to be less-than-lethal.

Blast is in all likelihood perfectly fine. It's the grenade damage type, and last I checked frag grenades were pretty standard issue.

I think Slash-heavy weapons like the Tigris are illegal as well, because most forms of ammunition specialized towards harming flesh are some form of mushrooming bullet.

Not sure what the real-world equivalent of an Impact-focused round would be (probably just a blunt, high caliber round), but Puncture-heavy rounds are basically armor piercing or full metal jacket or something, about as close to standard issue as it gets.

So the question as far as international laws are concerned is "What weapons in Warframe are ethical to use?" Hell, the Warframes themselves are piloted by child soldiers, which is again some sort of war crime I'm sure.

But as far as I'm concerned, the only weapon which is unethical even in the context of Warframe is probably the Seer, because trying to kill someone with it is a protracted, messy, agonizing affair.

Edited by Dreddeth
Typographical error.
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Honestly I think the Atterax would just be an awful way to go. It's a literal meat blender attatched to the end of a whip! Other than that.....pretty much anything Infested or using fire would top the list for me.

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My unethical weapon of choice is the 100%status Kohm. Rain of pellets not strong enough to kill you directly but numerous. Knocking you down, melting the armor around you, slashing you open, bleeding you out, going through you to do the same thing to that guy you share a bunker with. and it goes on and on till you die.

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3 hours ago, Aratoro said:

Honestly I think the Atterax would just be an awful way to go. It's a literal meat blender attatched to the end of a whip! Other than that.....pretty much anything Infested or using fire would top the list for me.

Oh I agree. I mean just read how it's described in game; 

A multi-bladed whip that is adept at flaying skin from bone. In extreme cases, disobedient Grineer are sentenced to death by Atterax.

That's a nasty way to go and considering the many other ways we have to maim and murder, I'd take the being mircowaved by a Nukor anyday over this...

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What weapons do you consider to be too "unethical" to use?

that's funny.. you assume I worry about "ethics". hahaha... what are those?

it's war; nothing is ethical at all in war and personally I find the more gruesome weapons to be some of the more fun ones. but if I had to pick a weapon that weirded me out, I'd go for the Hema, since it uses our OWN BLOOD to reload itself, that's kinda messed up. plus it fires viral bullets, which definitely doesn't sound like a good time for your target lol.

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Imagine yourself getting hit, and slowed, and slowed, and slowed, until you can do nothing but feel the excruciating death of each cell in your body dies from its moisture contracting to ice. Imagine being unable to run away, hide, or even take your own life, only left to rot in eternity of pain as your enemy watches. Imagine praying for a bullet to send your agony, but of course, it will never come. 

With your steadily freezing tongue, who will hear you scream?

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