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I seriously dont like playing with Limbo now....


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and i was a player that liked the old limbo because it was easy to understand. I dont own the frame, so i still find myself confused as to what hes doing to the play field.

With the old limbo, i attacked enemies in cataclysm while inside, or outside when outside. In today's mobile defense....i jumped outside of cataclysm and still wasn't hurting some enemies. I was wasting ammo (amprex) only to see 0s pop up, yet some were still hurting me, but i couldnt tell who. 

so explain to me this....can a Limbo banish enemies outside of cataclysm? Can he do this to groups of enemies now? So basically we have a huge cataclysm globe, and a bunch of approaching  enemies that are banished. In order to damage these enemies, i need to be inside the globe? But when im inside the globe, there's also a bunch of frozen enemies that i cant do anything to, and i cant damage enemies outside the globe, unless Limbo has banished them...so if i jump out to damage them, and limbo banished them, i need to jump back in the globe? If i jump back in the globe and they are in stasis, i still cant hurt them? 

If you dont understand what i'm asking this is how it feels when i play with Limbo now.


At this point, Limbo may be a cool concept,. but i feel they need to simplify it for other players. Like if we are in globe, we can damage enemies in globe, if we are out of globe we can damage enemies outside of globe. Any other special ability effects should only apply to Limbo.

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Yeah Limbo is cancer to unorganized groups because he can keep you from playing the game. I would banish him to the shadow realm solo play.

But basically the situation you described is Limbo's ability to banish groups of enemies. Basically his 1 banishes a small portion of units. his 2 freezes all enemies and all projectiles inside his globe leaving them only vulnerable to melee until he deactivates it. His 3 makes so if an enemy who was banished becomes unbanished (walking out of the globe) they will become banished again as well as banishing enemies nearby that one. His 4 is mainly the same as before except you can pick up items now.

SO to play with a limbo that is banishing everything you either need to get banished or be in his globe. But even then he can keep you from shooting enemies if he feels like it. Fun huh

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No worries guys... with all the hate he gets he'll soon get nerfed to the almost useless crap he was before the rework.

... 1 year later he'll return with an even bigger nuke and a passive that freezes the entire map(including teammates) when Limbo does a bullet jump.

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26 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

so explain to me this....can a Limbo banish enemies outside of cataclysm? Can he do this to groups of enemies now?

Yes, and yes. 

The problem is that you cannot put enemies INTO the Rift from INSIDE the Rift with Banish. You can only Banish enemies when in the material plane. 

27 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

and they are in stasis, i still cant hurt them? 

Stasis stops all bullets, as well as Limbo's (including beam weapon ammo like Amprex, Ignis, and Quanta). Shooting does not work on you or enemies while in the Rift. Nor do thrown weapons or things like Zenistar's charge attack. It can be a confusing power.


Overall Limbo is stronger than he was, I admit. However, he is now more frustrating to learn to use properly and more clunky than he was before. Only difference is that now he has amazing CC. 

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32 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I was wasting ammo (amprex) only to see 0s pop up, yet some were still hurting me, but i couldnt tell who. 


This may be explained by the fact that today's sortie was elemental enhancement. Perhaps those 0s are a result of the condition. I saw 0s on the pox after the initial could dissipated.

I, too, dislike playing with a Limbo. I feel like DE didn't test play him enough, solo and on a team, before making decisions ab'out his powers. As a concept I like him; in practice, a D+ at best. 

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19 hours ago, Biddion said:

This may be explained by the fact that today's sortie was elemental enhancement. Perhaps those 0s are a result of the condition. I saw 0s on the pox after the initial could dissipated.

I, too, dislike playing with a Limbo. I feel like DE didn't test play him enough, solo and on a team, before making decisions ab'out his powers. As a concept I like him; in practice, a D+ at best. 

basically. also if you shoot cata units you wont hit for 0. so im sure it was a shock element + the elemental resistance

but ya I agree I love the concept. freezing time so i can line up my shots and unleash a hail of bullets from my Euphona...but SHESH his 3 makes things spiral out of control. Trollability of his 2 alone his 3 gets pretty unwieldy at times.

Edited by Ordosan
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It doesn't help that he is currently bugged. The rift is not acting like it should. You can rift walk and damage enemies outside the rift. If enemies are in the right with you they cant be harmed but you can. They screwed something up in the last update. Should be fixed soon. 

Other than that Limbo can be fun...when YOU are playing him. Freezing enemies and destroy in them at your leisure is fun. You can set up magazine after magazine to start flying at the snap of a finger. I love using him on infested eximus sorties to counteract their auras for my team while providing an energy regen and since there are no bullets to stop stasis is not required.

When you aren't Limbo you will get rifted randomly, bullets stopping right in front of you forcing you to try something else, random enemies banished and unable to be killed, and God forbid they have a bright energy color. In public he will cause headache but in an organized team he can be a serious game changer. 

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On 02/07/2017 at 2:07 AM, TrickshotMcGee said:

The problem is that you cannot put enemies INTO the Rift from INSIDE the Rift with Banish. You can only Banish enemies when in the material plane.

This is one of two reasons why I consider limbo to be completely useless for me now. No more protection, assassination or temporary removal of specific targets. The other reason is that I can't move without constantly flipping in and out and in and out and in and out of the rift plane - putting that toggle on roll motions was utterly stupid. I used Limbo a fair amount before his changes. I tried him once afterwards and consigned him to the dustbin after about a minute because of those two alterations.

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3 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:

This is one of two reasons why I consider limbo to be completely useless for me now. No more protection, assassination or temporary removal of specific targets. The other reason is that I can't move without constantly flipping in and out and in and out and in and out of the rift plane - putting that toggle on roll motions was utterly stupid. I used Limbo a fair amount before his changes. I tried him once afterwards and consigned him to the dustbin after about a minute because of those two alterations.

Things have changed, just try it. Get some hitscan and give a go to limbo.

Information is valuable just as the new teamplay aspect.

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I think the real trouble with Limbo at the moment is that he's going to do what he does, and if you're not prepared for it, or prepared to really exploit it with another frame, you're going to miss out and not enjoy the experience.

So, let's explain a few things for you, as you don't own the frame and so aren't really aware:

1. Since Limbo now moves in and out of the rift as part of his passive (it's the dodge-roll mechanic now, which makes some people annoyed due to how they like to move around in game) his Banish ability now moves enemies to the plane he isn't on. If he's in Rift, enemies are banished out of Rift and the other way around, if he's in normal plane enemies are banished into the Rift. Also, when he dashes, he leaves little tears that send players into the rift if they touch them (although players can still get out through their own rolls or backflips)

2. Stasis is his new ability which freezes all enemies and projectiles/bullets/beams in the Rift plane. What this means is that anything you shoot at enemies in the rift will count up a tally for Limbo until the Stasis just... breaks, and all enemies start shooting at you again. The best way to deal with Stasis is to melee enemies, it doesn't add to the counter, and so doesn't ruin Limbo's day, but you can still freely kill all the frozen CC'd enemies for fun and profit, so it doesn't ruin your day either.

3. Cataclysm is much as before, however you may still see players turning it on and off more often than is needed because the longer the duration goes, the smaller the radius gets, the more damage it deals to enemies when it 'pops' so a lot of players are finding that balance of when to burst their bubbles for best effect.

4. You can still shoot enemies outside of cataclysm if they're also in the rift, which is very useful considering his Rift Surge ability now makes mini-cataclysms if an enemy touches the rift, leaves it, and then dies. So if a Limbo is very good, he can not only protect a pod, but also litter the battlefied with smaller bubbles of CC that he can shoot from inside the main cataclysm, or freeze with Stasis to make sure that anything running over them just stops.

5. Limbo players are a particular breed, half of them will laugh at your pain, the other half will berate you for any imagined or real indication that they are, in some way, not the most amazing Warframe player ever for discovering that Limbo can CC. Any players that don't do either aren't paying attention to the game chat or you.

If you can play around, or even exploit, a Limbo, however, you're going to have a great time XD

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33 minutes ago, Thaylien said:


Yeah, this about sums it up.

A note to the continuous weapons though, they're bugged at the moment and that needs to be made clear to DE. Until then, I try to tell other Limbo players I see, but I only see them once out of the every 50 games I play at the most. 

33 minutes ago, Thaylien said:

5. Limbo players are a particular breed, half of them will laugh at your pain, the other half will berate you for any imagined or real indication that they are, in some way, not the most amazing Warframe player ever for discovering that Limbo can CC. Any players that don't do either aren't paying attention to the game chat or you.

This made me laugh a bit too, Thaylien. I'm guilty of the laughing bit for sure, but that's usually directed at players who cannot even begin to fathom that they can just roll out of banish when I accidentally tag them with banish, spite the numerous times I tell them to just roll.



Oh, fun fact. Conditions will not have their times count down, but will continue to deal damage while in stasis. Effectively making slash and toxic procs deadly.

Edited by RafaelFuchs
Status stuff.
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So long as Stasis is never used, Limbo isn't that big of a problem.

When using him, I honestly never see the need to use Stasis.

You don't have to inconvenience players if you don't want to.

That's the curse of Limbo, as always, (capable of) creating inconvenience for the entire team..

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4 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Things have changed, just try it. Get some hitscan and give a go to limbo.

Information is valuable just as the new teamplay aspect.

I always use hitscan weapons. My problem was never with weapons fire. It's that I can't banish enemies from the rift plane and that I keep getting rifted and unrifted constantly while I move around. Unless they've changed those two things back to how they were with original Limbo, he's still unplayable for me.

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2 hours ago, DoomFruit said:

I always use hitscan weapons. My problem was never with weapons fire. It's that I can't banish enemies from the rift plane and that I keep getting rifted and unrifted constantly while I move around. Unless they've changed those two things back to how they were with original Limbo, he's still unplayable for me.

I give you a hint for how it works now.

Inside the rift use hitscan to kill outside targets, inside the rift use projectiles to kill inside targets.

Warning banished mobs can do the same.

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Stasis works great for those Excavation Missions.. Power the Excavator completely.. check the time left to excavate.. and apply rift and stasis according to your duration.. Move to next dig

The Irony of having to excavate to get Limbo.. XD

Nidius Larva works great with stasis.. control enemies to a Ravenous spot.. stacks and energy replenished in the rift 


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20 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

I give you a hint for how it works now.

Inside the rift use hitscan to kill outside targets, inside the rift use projectiles to kill inside targets.

Warning banished mobs can do the same.

Which is useless advice for me, since it doesn't let me banish things while rifted, and it doesn't stop me from flipping in and out of rift mode while moving around normally.

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On 7/3/2017 at 4:53 AM, DoomFruit said:

putting that toggle on roll motions was utterly stupid

+1 to this

On 7/3/2017 at 4:53 AM, DoomFruit said:

I tried him once afterwards and consigned him to the dustbin after about a minute

and +1 to this.

Off to the dustbin with this frame.


Edited by Batches
Wrong Quote
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