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Why do people hate Mag?


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15 hours ago, Ferah_Frithu said:

What's with people saying that ^ on every thread regarding any frame? No matter what you say about any frame, someone always says "other frames do it better". 

Because each frame is a tool. If you have all or most or on the opposite only thinking about getting some ya know. You will *probably* get those who do something useful, either for  yourself of the team. Mag isn't one of those. She used to have a place, killing corpus and was actually the only one capable of doing so regardles of their level - so you could easily answer the question "why would I (or anyone) use Mag". Now you can't say anything about her. You just use her "cause". Cause you like her. I guess. If you don't like her there's shttons other frames around, she doesn't exactly do anything unique or awfully useful like Trinity of Frost for example. You can't possibly justify getting Harrow or Oberon over Trinity if you're looking to get a support frame and an only afford ONE or getting Vauban or Limbo over Frost if you're aiming to get one frame that is able to protect stationarry objective because they still will be better at their jobs other than by saying "I like them more". 


If you don't concern yourself with getting only few frames and you're not a new player you can and probably will run whatever not caring much about how effective it is, also out of boredom.

Edited by -Temp0-
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Polarize wasnt, ever since the initial rework and the reign of Greedy Pull. 


Mag just is much harder to build for most people, and she isnt exactly a killer - she strips defenses away much like Seeking Shuriken and is quite tanky with Polarized Shields or mass CC with Fracturing Crush. it all amounts to hate for her despite Polarize and Magnetize having an insanely good combo now.

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Gameplay reasons aside, she also has a different aesthetic from most frames in this game. Her design is simple and clean, and most players I run across seem to prefer the hurricane-disaster-with-a-splash-of-clown-vomit-on-two-legs look.

Edited by Legion-Shields
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If mag was initially the way she is now we would be complaining about other things, wouldn't we. Yup that's exactly the problem, being used to a frame before it gets nerfed. The real issue isn't her abilities but her survivability and her energy pool.  The other issue is play style.  there are too many ways to build and too many weapons to choose from and not get the best out of a frame.  Whatever DE does is based on the idea to balance the game, but instead of pointing out the flaws why not just give new ideas, it worked for oberon,  hydroid is still opened for suggestions.  And yes, certain frames require a little work for the kill now, some players like it and other just like to nuke the whole star chart.  And not e very ability is meant to be 1000% and the bomb.  Like I said earlier play style also plays a major role when choosing a frame, and this takes a little more than 100 hours to figure out your own over 33 frames.  



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well looking from all the infomation why and that and this and that again pointing out her ablities super pointless.  I think its time to buff or change ablitites for I declare, wanna copy off some random movie stuff?  Take magneto style, just change her greedy grab just don't have to point at the enemy, you can grab junk metal/clothing/weapons/ammo/helm/armor/ and just throw them back at them plus make them drop credits while you magnet their $### because why da ###k not or we could do the stupid starwar joke about dark vader grab hold and strangling one enemy or you want strangle whatever in front of you?

Which it does make sense to give mag highly dmg user, I am guessing when copying off magneto while grabbing metal, you can stack giant ###k##g metal like big giant ball of metal and just hurl at enemy, there no more bad mouthing about mag, yet again if ppl still complain about it and want go with dark vader style, fine you can strangle them and make them drop credits by holding the ablities and shaking them see they drop any random loots.


Are we finish here discussing about it or there is more abilities need change her?



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Always irks me to read these Mag threads and see all of the "get good", "change your build", "lazy meta players", and "salty about losing OP abilities" comments. As if Mag doesn't have legitimate problems with her kit. 

People hate on Mag because she's gone from being godly in several niche situations, to having no place in any team on any mission. They also get frustrated because out of all of the reworks (excluding Hydroid because he's not done yet), Mag's was the worst and the only one that DE has REFUSED to take another look at, despite the fact that she's a starter frame that gets several threads a week from people pointing out her weaknesses. 

Low energy on a frame lives and dies by her abilities. 

Magnetize shoehorning people into using only a handful of weapons that work well with it. 

Allies hating to see Magnetize bubbles everywhere. 

Polarize having no scaling damage, no way to spam it, and laughable armor/shield stripping.

And arguably the single worst ult in the game. 

All of this on a starter frame that's supposed to introduce people to the game? 

And don't think for one second that I just don't know Mag. She's is one of my top three favorite frames. I've spent hours testing, tweaking, planning, and developing my perfect Mag build. I forma weapons JUST to use with Mag. She's the first frame I ever spent money on Tennogen for.

But just because I like Mag so much doesn't mean I'll overlook her glaring problems. Total opposite in fact. It's because I like her so much that it aggravates me see her as she is now, and to see people defend her problems with statements like "git gud". 




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I'm curious about this Mag hate. I haven't heard much of it since I started playing, but ever since she got her rework (still waiting for them to update her Polarize augment to match its new purpose) if anyone tries to trash talk, I ignore it and usually end it with the highest output from using her 2 and 3 a bit. The armor pieces do add up quite nicely when they shoot into the bubble especially if a Napalm or Scorch spawns in to supercharge the dot and detonation due to infinite scaling on it.

The only downside is she falls off hard thanks to Nullifiers canceling out everything (like the no fun zones they are and need to go away now) if you don't cart an automatic considering how often they spawn with Corpus Techs or build up on each other.

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4 hours ago, malekas said:

Low energy on a frame lives and dies by her abilities. 

Polarize having no scaling damage, no way to spam it, and laughable armor/shield stripping.

And arguably the single worst ult in the game.


Pretty much my only issues with Mag, barring the low survability rates.

Polarise currently is pretty viable at stripping armor when you pop it a few times (1000 armor gone if using 100% strength), on the other hand, polarise is gonna hive little to no effect against corpus shiels, especially in higher levels since shield pools innately have much higher values, doing only 1000 damage to shields, you won't even notice it against corpus enemies who are lvl 30+ since thier shields are like 6000+ HP. Not to mention, you won't be able to even experience the benefir of shields exploding if they do get depleted by Polarise. The shards that get dropped don't even feel like they add much to magnetise itself.

Making polarise percentage based again atleast in regards to shield damage would definitely help, as long as it's based on the enemy's maximum armor/shield value as opposed to current value.


Crush should have more to it than simply flat out damage, sure it pulls enemies into the air for a 2 second animation that can be used for some CC, but that's pretty much it apart from some extra 1500-3000 damage on top, atleast give the ability some built-in armor/shield stripping like the augment does.



Also, a question in regards to Mag's pull ability when it comes to dropping energy orbs, do enemies have to get killed by the pull itself to be affected by the energy drop chance or simply be affected by it?

Edited by (XB1)calvina
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1 hour ago, Aimop95 said:

she can output massive damage, but requires certain weapon interactions to do so

Not really. Any of high-RoF, most beam weapons, Gas procs or anything with decent punchthrough syncs amazingly with it, but damage is multiplied from pretty much any projectile weapon by a large margin. It also absorbs Polarize shards and enemy fire, so scaling against anything but Infested is fine and dandy.

The larger energy pool would be nice, though.

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2 hours ago, Aimop95 said:

Mag is in a weird state where she can output massive damage, but requires certain weapon interactions to do so. I would prefer a reimagining of her, but I'd settle for more energy pool (like 100 more)

Actually, she doesn't always need weapon interaction for Magnetize to be powerful - there are some Warframe abilities that can be used with it, like Artemis Bow, Exalted Blade, etc.

But yes, more energy would be nice.

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1 hour ago, SenorClipClop said:

Not really. Any of high-RoF, most beam weapons, Gas procs or anything with decent punchthrough syncs amazingly with it, but damage is multiplied from pretty much any projectile weapon by a large margin. It also absorbs Polarize shards and enemy fire, so scaling against anything but Infested is fine and dandy.

The larger energy pool would be nice, though.

Not completely accurate. The multiplied damage only applies to the target of Magnetize, and the DOT and ending explosion don't do much unless you use certain weapons. 


A Soma Prime will deal tons of damage to the target, but won't do squat with the DOT and explosion. Whereas the Supra isn't that powerful compared the to Soma, but ramps up the DOT and explosion by a much larger degree than the Soma. 

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I love Mag, and I'll run her in pretty much any content, and at any level. It's rare, when I do, that I'm not the top damage dealer. It's that at high levels she's not going to be wiping whole maps even combining Polarize and Crush, but that's a lot of softening things up, you know? She becomes a force-multiplier - not unlike how a firequake Ember becomes a decent CC frame - for the squad, which I think people discount too quickly.

That said, I do think Mag could use a little dev love:

  • More energy. Considering how her powers are supposed to combo, her energy pool is laughable. Zenurik is basically required (or a pet Trinity), and that sort of requirement is a poopy design.
  • Pull is kind of crap, one thing that I think would really help is that if you cast pull on enemies behind a Magnetize, they stop in the Magnetize bubble. Another would be to give it kind of a charge mechanic, so you can at least have some kind of control how far enemies will be pulled. Combine both for bonus points!
  • Polarize does need to be built with scaling in mind. It's a great power that just needs some numbers adjusted so it can scale better going into higher level content.
  • Crush could use it's damage tweaked, and I would peronally like to see a short duration slow on survivors. Maybe just on ones that were previously hit with Polarize?

Anyways, that's my take.


EDIT: Oh! Just thought of this: what if casting Pull while aiming at the center(ish) of a Magnetize bubble pulled all eniemies in a radius around the bubble into the bubble? Reduced range, of course.

Edited by (XB1)iDEATH
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It is a matter of playstyle, We all have a frame that we look at and go "Yeah, that's me" and I tried mag, and She offers good support, I just didn't mesh well with Mag. I clicked with trinity, and that is my frame I exclusively play, While they are others that are fun and useful like Ember or frose or Rhino, I just love my trinity.

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The bullet attraction bubbles are bad. A lot of the time, the enemy inside is already dead (corpse still standing sometimes) and you're unable to shoot enemies behind the bubble till it goes.

The pull ability is funny to watch things ragdoll about the place but really not helpful.

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Why do ppl always look for one abbility that is good. They mod Mag to extremes just to use one abbility like Magnetize and then they say it sux.

I play balanced Mag (133% DUR, 150% EFF, 160% RANG, 145%STR + Growing Power).I am using her for almost any normal (up to lvl 50-60) mission. And i am not limited by playing one abbility.

Polarize to weaken or even kill enemies fast and it also refill your and your teamates shields. Pull for some CC..and its fun to see them fly around. Magnetize for big enemies that comes like Bursas or Stalker or simple assassination targets.

But the best part is to use it all to feel the control .. like Polarize then Pull them to you and for fun Crush them. Pulling enemies to you and finish them with melee ground finisher. Or simple see the despair when you magnetize special enemies.

Sure in high lvl missions (100+) Polarize dont do much and Crush is way to kill yourself but you can still Magnetize high priority targets for easy kill and spamm Pull for great CC. 

Mag is not weak or bad..its ppl are used to press one button to win.

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2 minutes ago, Mover-NeRo said:

Why do ppl always look for one abbility that is good. They mod Mag to extremes just to use one abbility like Magnetize and then they say it sux.

I play balanced Mag (133% DUR, 150% EFF, 160% RANG, 145%STR + Growing Power).I am using her for almost any normal (up to lvl 50-60) mission. And i am not limited by playing one abbility.

Polarize to weaken or even kill enemies fast. Pull for some CC..and its fun to see them fly around. Magnetize for big enemies that comes like Bursas or Stalker or simple assassination targets.

But the best part is to use it all to feel the control .. like Polarize then Pull them to you and for fun Crush them. Pulling enemies to you and finish them with melee ground finisher. Or simple see the despair when you magnetize special enemies.

Sure in high lvl missions (100+) Polarize dont do much and Crush is way to kill yourself but you can still Magnetize high priority targets for easy kill and spamm Pull for great CC. 

Mag is not weak or bad..its ppl are used to press one button to win.

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