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Finally a REAL Menace: The Nox


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Honestly. I was playing around in the simulacrum with a savage banshee build (with immortality of course) I got the damage to 68k, everything was dead on the first hit of my Helicor at level 130 even Eximus bombards and gunners, then I remembered that the Nox are supposed to be the toughest (non-special) unit out there and the rumors are more than true, they are more of a Full on Boss at high levels than The Raptor. A Normal Nox had to have it armor striped, helmet popped and it still took 5-6 finishers, remembering the Helicor finishers hit TWICE, nothing had survived the first hit but this NORMAL Nox took around 12 Finisher hits after it had been stripped of everything (the helmet also required me to damage him a little), But then came The Eximus Leech Nox, that thing took over 20 Finishers to kill !!! How are we supposed to fight these things in a normal mission? The best way I was able to deal with them is just CC them out of the map or into a mesh, this thing is harder than a full resistance Sentient (of course you can't do finishers on Sentients but still).

Am I missing something here? Because even though I stripped him of his armor he seemed to have crazy amounts of damage mitigation.

Edited by Dwolfknight
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This would probably be better off in General feedback, but yeah, totally agree; their damage reduction combined with armor scaling is a VERY bad combo at Sortie+ levels. Their stats need some tweaking.

Edited by Jackviator
got booted over to general feedback :P
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They seem just fine to me. Shoot them in the face and they die quickly without armor. I tried a few at lv145, without armor they died in 3-4 Tigris P shots to the face.

They're semi-rare so I have no problem with them being tougher than regular units.

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You realize taking a Nox on with body/limb shots is similar to smacking a Bursa in the Barricade, right?


As much as I sympathize, you're pretty much told by DE "Aim for that BIG Glass Helmet, and shoot his face", so all I can really think when I see this post is: "Help! Bursas OP! No matter how much I shoot their super armored fronts, they just don't die as fast as other enemies!"


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You can say a lot about this game, but one thing it isn't is a very hard game (once you have your mod set built up). With that in mind I relish the opportunity offered by the very few tougher enemies in this game. Sentients are good, and the Nox is good. (Bursars are not as tough as I would like them TBCH)


I say bring on a few more tougher regular enemies. Give my Mesa more of a reason to be used.

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4 minutes ago, Tangent-Valley said:

shoot his face

Based on my observation, more than a half of WF playerbase can't into gunplay. Some rely on warframe abilities, other cheese spin attacks melee all day long. People with decent accuracy stats (45% and above on auto and 70% and above on non-auto weapons) are quite rare.  

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1 minute ago, Teloch said:

Based on my observation, more than a half of WF playerbase can't into gunplay. Some rely on warframe abilities, other cheese spin attacks melee all day long. People with decent accuracy stats (45% and above on auto and 70% and above on non-auto weapons) are quite rare.  

Pretty much. makes me sad (cause IMO melee is the most boring, skill-not-required, cheesy way to play)

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I want to make something very clear here, I'm NOT complaining, it's why this is in General Discussions and not on Feedback. I genuinely wanted to know if there was something I missed, you guys are right, melee is not good at all against these guys.

I do however call bullsh*t on @Thargoid The Normal Nox took over 10 shots to get his helmet off and an additional ~16 to kill him. Remember don't Pause the AI, it messes up the Damage Numbers. I'm dumb, I had corrosive on my s. Tigris

Edited by Dwolfknight
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I shred their armor with my Kohm and then shoot their face with my secondary, sure its one of the only things a kohm is not good against but they die incredibly fast by headshots.

The only times I have died to a Nox on Nova has been when I dont notice the Nox and start healing allies that DID die to them xD

All I can say is that it comes down to the right weapon choices and tactics. (melee not being a tactic to use against them as you usually only hit the head with a select few moves)

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25 minutes ago, Dwolfknight said:

I do however call bullsh*t on @Thargoid The Normal Nox took over 10 shots to get his helmet off and an additional ~16 to kill him. Remember don't Pause the AI, it messes up the Damage Numbers.

Against level 130 Nox while using Wukong, my viral radiation build Tigris P killed them in 10 shots without armor stripping, and with armor stripping, I killed them in 2 shots.

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41 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Based on my observation, more than a half of WF playerbase can't into gunplay. Some rely on warframe abilities, other cheese spin attacks melee all day long. People with decent accuracy stats (45% and above on auto and 70% and above on non-auto weapons) are quite rare.  

Partly true but in a horde shooter game it is very hard to keep the aiming up above 50% because you have no time to aim always only if you soloing and avoiding the large groups. On some match you can push it above 80% my avarege on some mission is 86-93% but on overall these won't cound only the great avarege and if you kill with melee or just using a mass destructing weapon then that accuracy goes own. 

The observation is partly true from your part but there are skilled players too and the majority is mostly fine with hitting targets.

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Just now, LinXiaoWong said:

there are skilled players too and the majority is mostly fine with hitting targets

I never denied that there are skilled players. I just mentioned that they are in the minority to the legions of players who prefer the easier ways (melee with or without spin abuse, nuking abilities, AOE weaponry)

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Just now, Teloch said:

People with decent accuracy stats (45% and above on auto and 70% and above on non-auto weapons) are quite rare.  

I got 35% accuracy: before Ogris nerf I was shooting the ground to kill stuff with splash, now I run around holding left mouse button with ignis. I blame the system since there's no point for me to aim.

As for Nox, I just throw them off the map or ignore them.

Edited by SeaUrchins
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7 minutes ago, torint_man said:

Against level 130 Nox while using Wukong, my viral radiation build Tigris P killed them in 10 shots without armor stripping, and with armor stripping, I killed them in 2 shots.

Just checked my build. Why the F do I have Corrosive on it, This time it was my bad.

I did kill him on 4 shots total with my Ferox

Edited by Dwolfknight
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2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

I never denied that there are skilled players. I just mentioned that they are in the minority to the legions of players who prefer the easier ways (melee with or without spin abuse, nuking abilities, AOE weaponry)

There are many but not on that numbers. There are skilled melee and aiming peoples and there are whom using nukes and cc normally when there needs. Maybe the newer players in that category whom cannot do well everything because they are new players. Some of them talented enough to kill targets and not wasting tons of ammo for nothing.

On boss fights somehow there are a lot of high level players whom not know for example how to kill sargas ruk. They are fire it when they feel they want and ignoring the fact he is invulnerable in the most time and need to sho a weakspot to beat him. These weres mr 15-18 peoples and one mr 7. I suppose this is a general fact in every game there are the lesser or minority playerbase which skilled enough. Nothing wrong with this.

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3 minutes ago, Teloch said:

And here I was, wondering "why the hell do I have to personally wipe 95% of all noxes met in group runs"

I have neither problems to kill them. Their weakspots is their helmet but it was a known thing before they released.

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Just now, LinXiaoWong said:

Some of them talented enough to kill targets and not wasting tons of ammo for nothing.

Yep. Invited a couple of MR6-7 bow gurus to my clan. I personally hate bows, but these individuals do wonders with them.

Anyway, my comment about the observation of players gunplaying tendencies isn't a cause for arguing. I tip my imaginary fedora to thee - the comrade ballistics enthusiast - and bid ye a good day.

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3 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Yep. Invited a couple of MR6-7 bow gurus to my clan. I personally hate bows, but these individuals do wonders with them.

Anyway, my comment about the observation of players gunplaying tendencies isn't a cause for arguing. I tip my imaginary fedora to thee - the comrade ballistics enthusiast - and bid ye a good day.

Back in time I used lato and aklato for headshot then my stats were high with them. Still I like these little guys. And yeah I didn't seen that as an arguing only observation. You should try some bow then and do some spin shots. Once you have a very good athletic and aerobic skills and like to kll while bullet jump then these are fun. 

Side note : The bows seems tend to be good when you bullet jump because somehow it strenghten the arrows and deals more damage while you do it. 

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1 hour ago, Dwolfknight said:

Honestly. I was playing around in the simulacrum with a savage banshee build (with immortality of course) I got the damage to 68k, everything was dead on the first hit of my Helicor at level 130 even Eximus bombards and gunners, then I remembered that the Nox are supposed to be the toughest (non-special) unit out there and the rumors are more than true, they are more of a Full on Boss at high levels than The Raptor. A Normal Nox had to have it armor striped, helmet popped and it still took 5-6 finishers, remembering the Helicor finishers hit TWICE, nothing had survived the first hit but this NORMAL Nox took around 12 Finisher hits after it had been stripped of everything (the helmet also required me to damage him a little), But then came The Eximus Leech Nox, that thing took over 20 Finishers to kill !!! How are we supposed to fight these things in a normal mission? The best way I was able to deal with them is just CC them out of the map or into a mesh, this thing is harder than a full resistance Sentient (of course you can't do finishers on Sentients but still).

Am I missing something here? Because even though I stripped him of his armor he seemed to have crazy amounts of damage mitigation.

Yesterday i was doing a survival mission on titan trying to farm toxin resistance mod

I found it was so easy to kill the nox.

Shoot his helmet with my telos boltor, blade storm him twice, and bye bye

now maybe because during the BS, Ash is immune to dmg, but i was barely affected from his toxin.

Maybe you should try it

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