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Please don't let this be the volt deluxe skin.


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12 hours ago, homiedudemanguy said:

the taste is subjective and theres such a diverse amount of design in this game, especially with tennogen, that you'll have to realize that you won't like everything and that's ok. 

Volt is my Cinematic Quest Frame, one of my favorites and most played. I would really like it if he got a deluxe I could love.

Ember and Nova having deluxes I don't like? Fine, they aren't my favorite frames and their Primes are all I'll ever need for their fashion. Some people like their deluxes, good for them. But they count as my skins that I don't like because I won't like every thing. 

Volt is just a little bit more important to me and I want to be able to like whatever deluxe he gets and therefore don't want it to be this. 

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Volt is my favourite frame and no matter what angle i look at this skin not only i fing it aesthetically repulsive, it fails conceptually too as something related to electricity.

If someone looks at it for the first time they wont go oh yeah this has to do with electricity, they would be more like its infested theme or some biological abomination.The things that relate to electricity are the fuses on the back and the circuit/lightning lines. The former is easily missable and feels more like it was put there so the skin could relate to Volt and the latter took me a good amount of minutes before i realized it was supposed to be a circuit.

The whole skin seems to go to a biological theme which i find it strange since electricity would suit a more tecnological theme much better since electricy is probably the single most used resource in modern civilisation.(Maybe it supposed to look like a mutated electric eel idk.)

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I've never used plats to by cosmetics, only for warframe/weapon slots and the occasional catalyst

But Volt is my favorite frame (almost tied with Frost), and the only one I'd consider buying cosmetics for, so please DE, do something like the Ash/Excalibur/Rhino skins, not the Nova/Ember skins

And offer us something else than the fish/squid theme for Volt

We know you like animal themes, but this is an electricity frame, not an eel

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems to me that isn't confirmed to definitely be Volt's Deluxe skin, but if there's even the slightest possibility it is I am begging the designer to reconsider.  To this day I've loved every Deluxe that has been made so far but this is bordering on grotesque.  As just another basic skin it's not bad, as a Graxx skin it's pretty good... but making this a Deluxe skin is almost insulting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I refuse to accept any "Proto" skin as deluxe, proto is proto, deluxe is deluxe.

Not here to say x or y looks bad but the deluxe skins have a different theme, they feel empowering, like a deity.

Once the volt deluxe skin gets released, ill buy it instantly, because deluxe and day of the dead skins is what i do to support the game.

But proto? im happy with excalibur and nemesis. Want to do a proto, make trinity and maybe frost. (I always imagined Mezner as frost if he didnt turned into a monster)

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Welp just bought the skin and I can honestly say that, despite wanting to like it and being in denial until the very last moment, it really looks like sh*t in my honest opinion. I very much regret buying it now and I honestly hope that the Deluxe skin will be better. I already disliked Loki's deluxe skin (with the exception of the helmet, that was cool) so I hope Volt's deluxe skin will look awesome to make up for this grotesque monstrosity.

No offense to the guys who like it mind you, but I believe it could of been better... way, way better.

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1 minute ago, Elanair said:

Welp just bought the skin and I can honestly say that, despite wanting to like it and being in denial until the very last moment, it really looks like sh*t in my honest opinion. I very much regret buying it now and I honestly hope that the Deluxe skin will be better. I already disliked Loki's deluxe skin (with the exception of the helmet, that was cool) so I hope Volt's deluxe skin will look awesome to make up for this grotesque monstrosity.

No offense to the guys who like it mind you, but I believe it could of been better... way, way better.

Since you bought it, can you post a SS of the syandana in any other frame? (could be on not proto volt as well)

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I love the skin to be honest. It isn't a Deluxe skin, it's a Proto skin, as others have mentioned.

It's very base, leaving many options for armor without any clipping issues. I love that it makes him appear a bit taller, or more lanky. They've certainly pulled off an alternate appearance, as it is very different from other options.

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I am just going to quote myself from earlier, I hate to "I told you so" but...

On 9/26/2017 at 10:08 AM, DrBorris said:

It really isn't that bad, use some imagination and add some textures (as that concept does not have any yet) and a different color scheme and it looks fine. It is more of a metal soldier than infested, just think guys. 


Please guys, be careful when you jump on a band-wagon, it just makes you like... ill-informed... a lot of the time.

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23 минуты назад, Gaminus сказал:

The skin looks A LOT better in game.  It looks very, very good as a matter of fact.

My first reaction then I saw it was: "What is this? Huh? Better then expected, but where is the meat"?

But after I got it, I was pleasantly surprised by the visual effects and how detailed it is.

It is not as conventionally pretty as some of the previous skins, but I do think that it is ok for Warframes to look “wrong” and have that uncanny valley feel.

What I do not understand, does syandana supposed to twitch like it does now?

Edited by rand0mname
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6 minutes ago, EmissaryOfInfinity said:

Do keep in mind that Proto skins may not be mutually exclusive to Deluxe skins. Every Frame with a Proto skin may well get a Deluxe skin someday. (Particularly Excalibur, considering how similar his Proto skin is to his normal skins)

So far every time anyone asked DE about Excal or Nyx Deluxe skins they have said "Proto are their deluxe skins"

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