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Should passive energy regeneration be a norm for our Warframes? (Like Archwing)


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No. You don't really need it. Pads/energy siphon are fine. A slight buff to energy siphon would be nice (as suggested above).

- I have played hundreds more hours without energy overflow than with it. It's really not that important, just get better at resource management.


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I'd say yes. There are many ways for game to sap away your energy (eximi, mag procs, disruptor ancients) or make it go waste (nullies, isolator bursas and comba/scrambus units). Plus it's Warframe after all, not some generic TPS. So like any player "resource" which enemies can easily and freely take away from you (esp. with huge AOE auras), there should be an option to get it back which doesn't rely on rare mods, specific frames or teammates (with rare mods and/or specific frames XD ). Just like you get your shields back after being shot. You don't need a mod for it, do you?

Because it's a part of the game. Using ablities and losing energy is also part of the game.

Energy regen shouldn't be great or amazing but it should be there.

Edited by EvilChaosKnight
Grammar XD
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3 minutes ago, DualParadox said:

Yeah, we have like broken scepter and stuff. And the problem is that players don't know how to manage their energy. :))))

wouldnt say this is the issue.

i'll survive with energy pads(like i did pre TSD) but farming for resources for them is going to be annoying.

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4 minutes ago, Mepheri said:

wouldnt say this is the issue.

i'll survive with energy pads(like i did pre TSD) but farming for resources for them is going to be annoying.

What is your role in the farming? Hentoid or Nekros?

Because Nekros just needs Despoil and Equilibrium.

Hentoid... I dont like to spam a single power all the time.

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Just now, Kaotyke said:

What is your role in the farming? Hentoid or Nekros?

Because Nekros just needs Despoil and Equilibrium.

Hentoid... I dont like to spam a single power all the time.

nekros, i already have Despoil and Equilibrium.

they did say it might return as PoE arcane so we just need to hope for the best

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25 minutes ago, Mepheri said:

nekros, i already have Despoil and Equilibrium.

they did say it might return as PoE arcane so we just need to hope for the best

But how would it effect farming if you dont need energy, since you are using Despoil and Equilibirum....?

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we'd need passive energy regen, most of the spells and costs are balanced around trinity already, but reqruiting one for every high lvl mission ever is just annoying boring and lame, barely anyone likes trinity, we have 30x frame, why would  a single frame have to be needed for us to have enough energy regen to be actually use our abilities?

if we'd begin each mission with full energy, or regain it to max with each objective complete, i'd be fine without it, but since enemies can take away our energy, many non-continous spells have low over all damage, and many of them are also limitied by certain things (can't be recast while its active, you get rooted by it, can't use while in air[F*** those], or losing it if you fall off map, or get crowd controlled), and even enemy can take your energy or abilities away with area of effect auras or nullifying shields its just ugh

so yeah, i vouch for passive energy regen, its not op, you still would have to manage your abilities, costs, and etc to make use of them (with rivens, or just a catalyst already many weapons are better than the frames themselves)

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first don't spam abilities when there is no need (casting molecular prime 50 times is pointless)

build for efficency or use Rage+/QT+/flow

use energy pads

use syndicate weapons if u still need more energy

use the elder queen's staff if u are still having problems (i don't really see how u could but still)

and most important of all GIT GUT

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41 minutes ago, DualParadox said:

Yeah, we have like broken scepter and stuff. And the problem is that players don't know how to manage their energy. :))))

the broken specter which only works with robots, takes 3-4 sec to use, and returns 25 energy at best, and which you also have to use as primary all the time, or spend +2sec to switch to it from pistol/primary, y sure, useful, if you have a fully formad tank frame, in all other case its trash

aside of that we only have zenurik, energy restore and energy siphon,  zenurik regen needs a lot of investment in it, energy siphon has low scaling, energy restore is expensive

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while I am an avid user of Energy Overflow, I know that some people want to move away from relying on fast energy regen and would prefer less ability spam. I think an ideal compromise would be 2 Energy per second, which is still a decent amount even for the less efficient frames (looking at you Chroma), and would still stack with energy Siphon. that way we can use our abilities when needed, but not enough to make them trivial.

another alternative would be to buff energy Siphon, which i think is long overdue. Pizzas still work, but they can be tedious to craft and expensive for some. either a passive regen or Energy Siphon buff would be the way to go.

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3 minutes ago, Air-mage said:

the broken specter which only works with robots, takes 3-4 sec to use, and returns 25 energy at best, and which you also have to use as primary all the time, or spend +2sec to switch to it from pistol/primary, y sure, useful, if you have a fully formad tank frame, in all other case its trash

aside of that we only have zenurik, energy restore and energy siphon,  zenurik regen needs a lot of investment in it, energy siphon has low scaling, energy restore is expensive

You can allways get two sets of energize. Only 8999 plats. Disclamer: Yes, I'm ironical. Killing energy overflow hurts some of my most loved frames. Let's hope DE listens to us on this one and actually come up with a REAL replacement. 

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the ONE advantage i see of having used EO ...I'm not FORCED to use streamline + fleeting just to be able to USE my powers and still remain optimal mid to late game. Ive said this on another thread but what they should do is buff ALL auras to 4 squad members so we arent stuck in the same cookie cutter CP beats all aura builds. As for energy..i would use pizzas more often if i could build more than 10 per minute..i shouldnt have to sit at the foundry building pads when i could be running missions, thus wasting time.

EO has opened so many builds for me to use that losing it would hurt a lot of them

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Not in all cases:

  • Some warframes have a high health/shields/armor to help them survive at higher levels.
  • Some have strong CC abilities with a long duration and large range.
  • Others have self healing, self revive, or some form of invulnerability mechanic.

Those frames do not need to rely on energy regen in order to scale into higher levels.

Frames that have none of those, and instead have to regularly cast their abilities in order to CC enemies, or to do enough damage to keep up with spawns do need more regen, and if the presently available form is removed, then those frames should have something to replace it.

Edited by polarity
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6 minutes ago, Flandyrll said:

Does ammo regenerate? Then we don't need a universal Energy Regen.

Do you start with maxed energy pool which is enough to last you through the whole mission while using exclusively abilities?
Can enemies take away your whole ammo in one attack?
Can enemies take away your ammo with an invisible AOE aura?
Can enemies make your ammo investment just disappear (say, bring back dead you've killed)?

10 minutes ago, -N7-Leonhart said:

Energy Overflow is a relatively new thing compared to the years of spamming without it :crylaugh: I know you all got used to the easy more (same for the Naramon), but it's finally the time to return to the normality and get un-used.

Yea, I totally want to go back to "use 175% eff or suffer if you aren't in premade squad." times. Much build variety. Very good design. Wow.

10 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

and most important of all GIT GUT

And of course one of THOSE people appears. Sorry, but not everyone wants to restrict their builds or spam consumables like in some Korean MMO. I thought people hated mandatory mods, didn't they? I also would like to point out how your kind immediately assumes that people like me have problems with game's difficulty. Maybe it's your elitist mentality clouding your judgement? Idk. But the problem isn't about difficulty. It's about fun. And playing a generic Borderlands/Destiny/Spec Ops (that one at least offers good story)/The Division clone is not fun.

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1 minute ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

And of course one of THOSE people appears. Sorry, but not everyone wants to restrict their builds or spam consumables like in some Korean MMO. I thought people hated mandatory mods, didn't they? I also would like to point out how your kind immediately assumes that people like me have problems with game's difficulty. Maybe it's your elitist mentality clouding your judgement? Idk. But the problem isn't about difficulty. It's about fun. And playing a generic Borderlands/Destiny/Spec Ops (that one at least offers good story)/The Division clone is not fun.

do u even know what GIT GUT means?

Guy In Town Got Utterly Tricked

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I'm all for a big rework of all the passives of all the warframes, and performing specific actions with specific frame would regenerate your energy (except warframes which already have an energy-regen power. 


Examples could be :


- Banshee gains energy from surrounding noises (let's imagine a 25m radius around Banshee where 10 shots fired grant you 5 energy points, 1 scream grants you 1 energy point, etc ?) 

- Frost can refill his energy when passing close to a frozen enemy / surface / corpse

- Ember should definately have a heat build-up process in the use of her abilities, and the hotter she gets, the more she regens her energy (additionnaly to her current passive i mean)




It would be a lot of work but would add more depth and personality to each warframe imho

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I'd say yes.

Simply because I'm spoiled by EO and like having my Shatter Shield up at all times and not being instakilled by stray Bombard missile.

I wouldn't mind using consumables to be able to refill energy pool, but the way HP/energy consumables look in WF - stupid pizzas lying on the floor/midair - is just an eyesore.

And as a hoarder, i constantly feel that using a pizza is (almost) always a painful choice: restore 100 energy and move on, wasting remaining pulses or wait to consume all the pulses and be left behind/draw out the mission by half a minute.

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14 minutes ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

Do you start with maxed energy pool which is enough to last you through the whole mission while using exclusively abilities?
Can enemies take away your whole ammo in one attack?
Can enemies take away your ammo with an invisible AOE aura?
Can enemies make your ammo investment just disappear (say, bring back dead you've killed)?

I feel restricted by the game that I cannot use my Gorgon Wraith on full auto without running out of ammo. When I have no ammo left, it takes forever for me to recharge it to full so we definitely need ammo regen at +10 rifle ammo per second at least.

We also need ammo efficiency mods so that we can reduce the ammo use on all our weapons. We should be able to cut down our ammo use so that we can tap the fire button 4 times and it will only cost 1 bullet.

In fact, if we die, we should also revive with at least half our max ammo on all our weapons. It's not fair that when we revive, we only regain a full magazine but can still be left with 0 stock ammo.

I would also like my Gorgon Wraith to freeze all enemies in a 15 meter radius around me whenever I fire my 100th bullet.

P.S. A badly thought out placeholder system should be replaced. How about pushing forward suggestions on more active ways of regaining Energy, things like Finishers giving 10 Energy and Ground ones giving 5 energy(not applicable during all situations), Weakpoint Hits with guns that give 5 energy over 2 seconds,  or Mobility skills such as absorbing Energy based off damage while rolling, hitting enemies with Bullet Dashing recovering 5 per enemy. That one slot won't hurt since the name of the game is to completely avoid using guns. Passive Energy regen is the laziest option.

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