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Duality Equinox is actually awesome.


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So for the longest time i ignored this augment as useless until recently, based on another players suggestion that it wasnt terrible. Turns out that if you mod for duration, the specter can be rather helpful, and is actually kind of fun to use. Its not the best Equinox build, and it changes her playstyle quite a bit, but it's viable. Biggest difference is that i dont use her 4 as much (DE needs to fix this so it auto discharges when switching). i'm constantly switching between forms to maintain the spectre and use rest rage between forms. The specter does 300% damage of your weapon, so they actually do a good bit of damage for a 1. With a Tigris who can sweep a room with your specter quickly.

all in all, give duality a chance. Some of you may like it. My biggest complaint is that its health isnt 300%, so if the specter is targeted by a heavy hitting enemy, it goes down fast. Its still serves as a mini decoy though

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2 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

So for the longest time i ignored this augment as useless until recently, based on another players suggestion that it wasnt terrible. Turns out that if you mod for duration, the specter can be rather helpful, and is actually kind of fun to use. Its not the best Equinox build, and it changes her playstyle quite a bit, but it's viable. Biggest difference is that i dont use her 4 as much (DE needs to fix this so it auto discharges when switching). i'm constantly switching between forms to maintain the spectre and use rest rage between forms. The specter does 300% damage of your weapon, so they actually do a good bit of damage for a 1. With a Tigris who can sweep a room with your specter quickly.

all in all, give duality a chance. Some of you may like it. My biggest complaint is that its health isnt 300%, so if the specter is targeted by a heavy hitting enemy, it goes down fast. Its still serves as a mini decoy though

I'd rather a duality specter with less damage and more duration , keep switching forms is just tedious. Or why not remove duration entirely and let us slaughter enemies for duration of missions with our twin ? I'd give up damage bonus just for this.

It's AI isn't impressive ( sometimes hardly shoots a target , not to mention bows -.- ) and its survivability is non-existent.

Hope that aug gets reworked one day.

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I'd still say it's not worth it until a couple things happen (1 of which won't happen, for good reason)

  1. AI needs to be better. It does basically nothing far too often.
  2. The build you are running needs to be useful without stacking buffs for a long time
    1. More specifically, a night form equinox using peaceful provocation (one of the best builds) needs many minutes to build the buff/debuff up. So constantly switching is not viable, since the buff resets. The only way this becomes viable is if the let the buff carry over, which won't happen. And shouldn't.
    2. A day form using maim also builds up over time (at high levels where the slash procs don't kill), so same issue.
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I've tried Duality out, and even built for max duration, it's still really not enough to justify using it over my usual Strength/Range build for Peaceful Provocation. If it had say, double its base duration (even if it involved a trade-off of half of its current power), or if it was a channeled power, I'd be more inclined to use it.

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1 hour ago, yles9056 said:

It's fun, indeed. But the problem of this mod is that the duration is too short even with Narrow Minded.:sadcry:

Please remove its duration or at least buff it.

It is short, but for a 1 it isnt bad, Its a DPS boost and a decoy for just 25 base energy.

I know people complain of the A.I., but if you are on the offensive, the A.I. will attack along with you. The biggest problem is that if you are watching the specter and not attacking, it tends to just follow and take your lead standing around.

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Those of you that absolutely hate the augment, i'm not trying to convince you of anything. This is just a PSA to other players like me that ignored the mod, but willing to give it a shot. Its at least sortie viable. I can do sortie 3 with this mod and it has been effective. The mod is almost like a short term Saryns molt, except that it fires back. Its good for escaping. It can help take th eheat off when reviving and then sometimes its just cool to double your firepower. Like i said, using this mod is more about the fun factor than it is absolute Equinox min/max. So yes, i know that there are better builds, but some of us like to switch things up.

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[Duality] is NOT one of those Augment you don't want in your Arsenal.

Nothing wrong with Equinox (and hope there never had to be nerf, because save time for Final Rework before PRIMING).


Just reminding, that DE could spend the times building towards Contents and not "balance" (which doesn't do much if DE spend months on).

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50 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

It's another one of those augments that I simply can't find a slot for. Equinox requires too many mods already.

Really?  She's one of the easier frames to mod IMO. I usually use 2 augments minimum on her. Her base values, besides efficiency, seem good to me. 

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3 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Really?  She's one of the easier frames to mod IMO. I usually use 2 augments minimum on her. Her base values, besides efficiency, seem good to me. 

Equinox needs a lot of range, power strength and efficiency, plus some duration and of course Peaceful Provocation. 

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9 hours ago, tarfeef101 said:

a night form equinox using peaceful provocation (one of the best builds)


1 hour ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

Equinox needs a lot of range, power strength and efficiency, plus some duration and of course Peaceful Provocation. 

I don't get the obsession with Peaceful Provocation. It's bad. Calm & Frenzy is much better. Even Duality is better.

Edited by DreamsmithJane
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8 hours ago, DreamsmithJane said:


I don't get the obsession with Peaceful Provocation. It's bad. Calm & Frenzy is much better. Even Duality is better.


You get a powerful slow that ramps up overtime.
Issue is that it is a slow starter and if you die or it turns off for some reason, its gone.

Gotta do it from scratch again, except now enemies have leveled and far more powerful.

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1 hour ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

You can slow enemies by up to 80% in a radius constantly with that augment, it's very useful. The day buff is nice too.


1 minute ago, fatpig84 said:


You get a powerful slow that ramps up overtime.
Issue is that it is a slow starter and if you die or it turns off for some reason, its gone.

Gotta do it from scratch again, except now enemies have leveled and far more powerful.

I know what it does. But Rest is simply better at that. There's no reason to spend several minutes running Pacify and taking the right amount of damage, only to be permanently stuck in night form for fear of losing your slow aura. And if you get downed, or there are too many enemies and you run out of energy, or you take a magnetic proc, or you fall off the map, or a nullifier walks over you, or a Nul Scrambus/Comba walks near you, it's gone, and you have to start over. Rest works immediately, and it's far more efficient (in the time it takes to regenerate its cost using Energy Overflow, you're at an energy deficit if you've been affecting more than a few enemies with Pacify, and Rest still has most of its duration left). If you're going to stay in night form, Peaceful Provocation is a waste of a mod slot. If you're not going to stay in one form (and you shouldn't, because then why play Equinox?), Peaceful Provocation is a waste of a mod slot. It's bad, m'kay? Actually, Pacify is bad. Get too close, lose all your energy from weakening all the enemies at once. Get too far, lose half the effect. And slow and damage reduction combined are just plain worse than sleep.

So yeah, I wasn't kidding. Everyone and their mother runs Peaceful Provocation on Equinox, either trying to be a discount Nova running Pacify for the whole mission, or a discount Ember running Provoked Maim like it's World on Fire. It's bad. Really bad. Far from being one of the best builds, it severely limits Equinox's potential. Use Rest for CC, and put something useful in that mod slot.

On topic: Duality adds a lot of extra firepower and covers you while you shift your play style between day and night forms. Zarr is a great weapon for this. No matter which fire mode you're in, your specter will always use cannon mode, but cannot do self-damage. Since Zarr has a sequential reload, specters' tendency to obsessively reload their weapon doesn't waste nearly as much time. And unlike other specters, the Duality one actually uses your equipped mods, meaning you still get your weapon's proper multishot, crit, and status performance. Anything that somehow survives your 700% damage Zarr will at minimum be knocked down, and probably be slowed and have its armor stripped as well (or whatever you chose to mod for).

53 minutes ago, Chatv71e said:

Summon it with melee that has Guardian Derision xD

Now this, I like, since specters with melee do nothing but block anyway. If only that mod would actually drop...

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12 minutes ago, DreamsmithJane said:

Now this, I like, since specters with melee do nothing but block anyway. If only that mod would actually drop...

Oh yeah and use Vaykor Sydon as a weapon for that mod, so when you block you agro and then blind. Slap some Reflex Guard on top of it so your Spectre would ONLY block.

JK those don't work as you wish they would.

I made a forum post with most of Duality mechanics, you canread that if you want fun interactions tho. 


Edited by Chatv71e
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14 hours ago, DreamsmithJane said:


I don't get the obsession with Peaceful Provocation. It's bad. Calm & Frenzy is much better. Even Duality is better.


Duality sucks for why i said earlier. Calm and frenzy is useless in day form, and in night is is good if you want to go around doing finishers on everything. But that's generally kinda boring.

However, peaceful provocation in night form gives you damage resistance in proximity to enemies (quite useful), and slows them down (also very useful). The slow is especially good in survival because unlike a slowva or something, it is localized. So enemies will still spawn in rooms around you and quickly run to you, but once they're in range, they're nice and slowed. 

In day form, it allows for a much greater power strength buff for your team at minimal cost. Very beneficial.

unless all you do is play exterminates, you can't possibly think that augment is bad. It's one of the best in the game.

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