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New players with primes...


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Simple solution, make every Basic Frame a Part of the BP-Requirements for the respective Prime Warframe.

This would also make Prime Warframes harder to acquire and would make them a direct Upgrade of the basic ones.

But that wouldn't fit with the way Primes are fleshed out by the Devs so it won't happen.

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45 minutes ago, Darkuhn said:

Simple solution, make every Basic Frame a Part of the BP-Requirements for the respective Prime Warframe.

This would also make Prime Warframes harder to acquire and would make them a direct Upgrade of the basic ones.

But that wouldn't fit with the way Primes are fleshed out by the Devs so it won't happen.

This idea would also have a very high likelihood of screwing over players and requiring them to spend money on quest frame primes.
After all, what happens if you sell Limbo, Titania, Chroma, Mirage, etc. and the prime version comes out?  There is no way to get those frames back so you now have to spend money to buy the frame just to build the prime.

On 9/21/2017 at 2:42 PM, Razzburiez said:

Just something so that new players can't jump to the best the game has to offer within a week of starting the game and burn out quickly.

This isn't really a problem though.
The majority of power comes through mods, not the gear you have.
A newb that was just handed a strong prime weapon or frame, such as through PA, wouldn't be able to outdo someone with a well modded normal variant because they lack any of the mods needed to make it "the best the game has to offer".

Until they get mods their prime frames are essentially just slightly shinier skins than the normal variant.

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1 minute ago, Tsukinoki said:

After all, what happens if you sell Limbo, Titania, Chroma, Mirage,

Why would I sell these? They are quest "exclusive". If you sell them its your own fault.

And this could be changed, by making them reoptainable by redoing the Quest. 

If my suggested Change would happen, the Acquisition of Questframes would have to be changed as well.

But I don't see that Change coming ;)

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1 hour ago, (PS4)OmegaSlayer said:

I got a Rhino Prime from a giveaway (thanks @(PS4)erzengel1985 ) when I was MR2.

Do you realize how long did it took me to actually build it?

Gathering resources from planets I hadn't touched yet and stuff like that?

40 days.

In 2014, when I chose volt as my starter Warframe, I wanted to get Rhino after a little while and it took me about 2 months to get his parts and farm him (I was so bad back then lol).

Edited by xXDeadsinxX
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Why begrudge a new player a couple of primes? There's still a ton of stuff they'll have to grind (or buy) if they choose to stick with the game. Warframe is pretty overwhelming when first starting out, being able to get a couple "good" things that are worth using for your first potato/forma on is likely good for player retention.

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If they bought it with prime access, big whoop. Stuff bought via PA is given to them regardless of the possible MR Lock to it. Like if a low mastery player under MR13 got the Nekros PA, It'd not be fair for them to spend all that money to not be able to use the weapon they just rightfully paid for, with their own money. This line of thinking is illogical. If they paid for it with their own money, to support this game, why does it matter what mastery rank they are?

Edited by Cmdr-A
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Forcing players into anything is never a good idea. It's not a good idea to give players a new shiny and put a wall in front of them saying "do this first"

Primes barely have any inherent power by themselves over their non-primes. it's the mods and extra polarities that makes them feel stronger and get better, faster. An MR0 will not be able to put any mods on an unranked frost prime.

Is it mildly frustrating to see weak Frost Primes? Yes. I traded for one a week before the unvault and the later twitch prime thing, I am rather frustrated by that. Does it REALLY break anything? No. The newcomers with one just skip having to farm or trade for that frame. Nothing else.

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16 hours ago, Cmdr-A said:

why does it matter what mastery rank they are?

And the bigger problem here, why do people really care at all about MR other than completion anyway? After about MR14, you have unlocked access to pretty much everything. Getting to MR10 is a breeze. At MR6 you can build out a 15k per shot Hek that can clear halls all through the system. At MR5 you can pick up Akstiletto Prime and that thing can burn down lvl 100 bombards. So again, the issue seems a bit trivial. It's not the primes themselves that make them good, but the mods that can be used on them. Those mods, they're EASY to get. People like me often times literally just hand them out because I've got about 12 of each and nothing to do with them.

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This topic smells like Salt Prime.

Now beside the pretty much obvious things that "you having primed grakata, won't make you a better player or increase your damage output nearly as much as you want", and if OP is oblivious enough to disregard how important are Primed, Event, Nigmare and Riven  mods, there is already a system that locks out your saltiness.
You won't see a player MR 10 waving Galatine Prime and pewing with Tigris Prime (unless they bought Prime access which overrides many things), due to MR lock out.


On 9/21/2017 at 11:42 PM, Razzburiez said:

That, or master lock the primed frames at MR8 or something. Just something so that new players can't jump to the best the game has to offer within a week of starting the game and burn out quickly.

Back in the early 2015 I was one of those players that ran Ember Prime and Rhino prime with Boltor and Orthos Prime at MR 5-6.
You know what that did to me?
It made me want more primes and gear, while also teaching me to aim for higher level of power with mods and formas. So don't make assumptions <3

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While they are older equipments/warframes going into the promo, I guess if I paid for a Prime pack at some point in the past (bought Saryn Prime that way) and saw the primes being given away, I'd feel a little buyers remorse regardless of the duration.

I'm not talking about 'value' of time of said package etc.  Just customer interpretation of the situation.  If someone did buy a prime pack that includes affected promotional warframes as part of the content, you don't want to distance an already paying customer.

Overall its complicated, can't tell if its great or bad.  If I had bought a storm prime pack in the past, I might be a little salty regardless of length of time that went by.

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Aside from mods, prime frames does not really affect the power difference of the game except for fashion, yes it has better stats but playing experience is the same. 

Some of my normal frames can even be better without the primed version, so strong that it even got their hard nerf and still kicking the hell out of the mobs ingame.

If ever I saw a newb loaded out with primes, I would say thank you for supporting the game and investing early on. 

Friends giving stuffs I say thank you for making an effort to attract new players for the game. 

It is how you see the situation in a positive note and not with negativity. 

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Well if you get lucky with a 70% coupon for plat, and you would like to try an Ember Prime when you're new, I don't see what the big deal is, and what this whole angry rant is about. Some of us have a little disposable income on the side, and really enjoy playing Warframe. To force players to do what you're suggesting is just NOT going to happen.

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yeay time for my opinion too !

ok im playing this game for years now (2) and i had the chance to introduce teh game to my friend (aka new player) and at first i was like

"hey want this prime weapon, here take it ! oh want this prime warframe, ofc here take it !!"

but then i noticed that i could try as best as i could to keep them in the game (helping doing boss, quest, mission, etc etc etc)

they didnt lasted really long (1 weeks or 2 max ...) then quit the game simply as that

so for my next friend i changed thinking way, i helped them yes, but not giving any big stuff, instead going "farm" those stuff together, turned out thats yes some left but most of them stayed, and playing with them even now, and while reading this whole thread i asked one of them in discord "would had you stayed in the game if i had given you, some prime and stuff at beginning instead of going famr together ?" hes answear was straightfrward " prob not as i would have been bored pretty soon"


so in conclusion, yes i definitly think that some "control" should be in place (prob rank 6-7 to use prime) to motivate new player to test, enjoy the game

becuase there are MANY THINGS to do instead on focusing on getting prime day 1 !

and why rank 6-7 ? well because even a new player with some dedication, can reach these rank within days, and thus unlocking prime

Edited by anguelwyvern
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Locking people out of stuff arbitrarily is never a good idea, there are already MR locks on things but if you have the the money to buy a PA pack or get a item from a promotion then its good for everyone since Buying the PA supports the game and Promotions bring new blood in / entice old blood back. Having X primes doesn't suddenly make the game easy mode as without the mods to fill the weapon or frame out all you have is a shiny thing. If someone is going to stop playing because they cant P4tW after a point that's more a problem with the person being unable or willing to look outside of the narrow scope they have been doing or gear they are using.

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Doesn't really matter if its a prime or not.  if you get things for free or have the ways to buy platinum to just skip the grind, i'm sorry but abusing these methods doesn't teach you anything.  if you're a generous person who gives away free stuff just because someone sent you a smiley or a heart, you are part of the problem.  I've given away free stuff to new players before, but i made sure these players were actually interested in understanding the game.  If you can chat to give away something you obviously can have a simple conversation and answer questions whenever they come up.  Yes we can't force players to do things, but certain gear are meant to be earned, justifying their access behind certain mastery ranks, I didn't make the rules.  Market bypasses this already so why are we deliberately creating the problems we later complain about?   No new player can understand what you do in 100 hours so you can't expect them to understand that every frame is unique until they experience it themselves.  A true gamer knows these things and a passive player doesn't care. giving away free stuff doesn't help if you're giving it away to someone who just wants to look cool or is to lazy to grind.  it spreads the idea of a friendly community that gives away anything just because its friendly, I could suddenly wish I got my diplomas handed to me from day 1 in college, it's the same thing.

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Warframes don't define the player. Having any gear, from mk1 weapons to prime gear is irrelevant as the progression system is made with mods, the gameplay and the various mechanics you stack on top of eachother.

Let them have fun in the way they want.

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