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More Twitch Prime Free Primes


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Ok, the Frost Prime free bundle was kind of cool and gave Warframe a lot of publicity. I think it was also cool for the syandana. This new prime weapon bundle though is practically giving away the vault. I understand DE wants to appeal to more people, but Soma Prime is a little much for a free weapon. Not to mention the crash in prices to come and the slap in the face to anyone who actually trades for these items.


What’s next? Ember Prime with Prime? Or Misa Prime? I hope these bundles don’t become a new norm of just opening the vault to anyone for free.

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I'm definitely not in favour of the whole twitch thing. Not because people get free stuff, but the fact that to get something IN Warframe you need to be a (paying) member of something OUTSIDE of Warframe. (Because that "free trial" trick, yeh that aint gonna work forever)

Don't like how everythings going to twitch. I find the platform ugly to use and littered with gamers who think unhealthily... high, of themselves.

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Yeah, I feel like Braton prime (or maybe burston) would have been more appropriate. Soma prime is a top tier weapon, and is a slap in the face for anyone who had saved some parts to sell. What this basically means is that we can't ever trust that any prime will hold onto its value after it's vaulted anymore.

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well yeah it sucks, but you have to look from their perspectives as well, DE is a business after all. Not only that but soma prime and scindo prime aren't as powerful anymore, since there are better alternatives, these weps are bound to go down in sales soon enough as it is.


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Just now, Zanchak said:

I'm definitely not in favour of the whole twitch thing. Not because people get free stuff, but the fact that to get something IN Warframe you need to be a (paying) member of something OUTSIDE of Warframe. (Because that "free trial" trick, yeh that aint gonna work forever)

Don't like how everythings going to twitch. I find the platform ugly to use and littered with gamers who think unhealthily... high, of themselves.

Same there. Why is more and more Warframe stuff outside of, well, Warframe? I'd rather play. None of the streamers appeal to me, some are, to speak bluntly, annoying and I don't want to visit the page I'm completely not interested in because of stuff, even more pay for some stuff (considering that I've used my free trial). This particular bundle, personally is meaningless to me, but I'm afraid to see what's to come.

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1 minute ago, AgentQthehomeless said:

well yeah it sucks, but you have to look from their perspectives as well, DE is a business after all. Not only that but soma prime and scindo prime aren't as powerful anymore, since there are better alternatives, these weps are bound to go down in sales soon enough as it is.


Well yeh but this kind of "business" is making me think very hard about paying them directly for prime access ever again if it's going to be given away free to some person purely cause they pay for twitch access. Wut? No.

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Just now, AgentQthehomeless said:

well yeah it sucks, but you have to look from their perspectives as well, DE is a business after all. Not only that but soma prime and scindo prime aren't as powerful anymore, since there are better alternatives, these weps are bound to go down in sales soon enough as it is.


Soma is still one of the best (if not the best) automatic rifles in the game. Scindo got powercreeped by galatine, but it's still a very strong weapon (that can use tempo and cleaving, two of the best stances in the game imo). I personally don't think giving away top tier weapons to new players (as a company; individual to individual is a different matter) is a good idea. Welcome to the era of MR0's running around with nothing but soma's and scindo's.

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Just now, Zanchak said:

Well yeh but this kind of "business" is making me think very hard about paying them directly for prime access ever again if it's going to be given away free to some person purely cause they pay for twitch access. Wut? No.

Yeah. I still remember how giving separate accessories in vault was "not fair", but now suddenly giving away stuff for free to promote twitch and probably streamers is ok.

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I'm completely against this especially the Soma Prime coming back for free. Both the Soma Prime, and the Scindo Prime, are both very viable top-teir weapons. The Scindo was powercreeped twice, but the Soma Prime is still one of the best, if not the best auto-rifle in the game. They need to stop giving away vaulted items in the Twitch bundles, or at least only keep it to one bundle, like the frost, and not keep changing it.

Edited by PoisonHD
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Just now, Xaranoth said:

Soma is still one of the best (if not the best) automatic rifles in the game. Scindo got powercreeped by galatine, but it's still a very strong weapon (that can use tempo and cleaving, two of the best stances in the game imo). I personally don't think giving away top tier weapons to new players (as a company; individual to individual is a different matter) is a good idea. Welcome to the era of MR0's running around with nothing but soma's and scindo's.

soma is not the best, not anymore, tbh it hasn't been for a long time. As for the scindo, most people don't care about it anymore, it sells for little to no plat.


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4 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

So selling Prime Access stuff from 3 years ago that is vaulted and at least a year and a half away for something you can claim with a free trial is not OK on your books?

It... boggles to think about, Devs giving away free stuff and people are complaining about it.

The only thing I know is that it will hurt the selling of my Soma Sets which is... fine as far as I'm concerned.

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IMO it would be more fair fair to all of us if there was a twitch exclusive item(s) that would NOT change with time. Atm not only we are getting vaulted prime items this also have an impact on our trade market. Things that have some value in plat - with this free prime - the price for those items goes automatically to zero.

I also think that it wouldn't be such of a big deal if those where vaulted cosmetics as those cannot be traded.

Edited by Kracken
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1 minute ago, Kaotyke said:

It... boggles to think about, Devs giving away free stuff and people are complaining about it.

The only thing I know is that it will hurt the selling of my Soma Sets which is... fine as far as I'm concerned.

Exactly, it's free stuff. People always find a way to complain.

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I mean...

I kinda get it, but it is, how to explain it... Stupid way to do it? 
You want to push for Warframe Twitch - fine, whatever. Doubt it will be the next big wonder, due to how Warframe performs from gameplay point of view.
You want to give goodies - again, fine whatever.
But pumping more and more, while also providing things that are not available in the game outside of Plat purchases? Hm, Overkill. While also hitting anyone that has any personal sentimental value and attachment towards collecting primes. Of course trade Chat heroes will, cry but this is another side of the deal.  I just don't think that giving away two Vaulted primed weapons is a good way to do promotions. Give away things that are in the game right now. Give away a special "twitch PRIME" weapon reskins (or flat out skins). Devaluing primes, that are supposedly one of the main ways DE makes money, is just short sighted.
But hey, we can be pretty sure that Frost won't be devaulted at this rate - after all they gave it for free and expanded the promotion a lot, who would pay cash for it on prime devault access.

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2 minutes ago, NPC said:

Cool that they're giving free stuff, but at least IMO Soma P is a tad bit too powerful for beginners. 

WIth no mods at their disposal. They will likely build or buy a weapon with bigger numbers and will take a long time to realize what they have.

This is good either way. Say goodbye to your soma parts ya big babys but say hello to ALLLL the other parts you own going up in value as new players attracted to DE reaching out to other platforms start playing and guess what? They don't have the 26 other items still in the vault. But by the time they realize they cant get those items, there will be even more in the vault.

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Giving away some prime items is fine but 2 vaulted stuff back to back? Well personally i think this increasing trend or gateway to lock more content behind twitch that is the bigger concern. Frost and now 2 weps and then there is the whole POE thing with twitch is even more frustration. Why would i want to watch a streamer play the game with the new update instead of me playing it to get exclusive stuff? It seems like these days we need to do stuff outside of the game to get items rather than actually playing it.

Edited by --Q--Kyl0Ren
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