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New Free Prime With Prime Weapon Bundle!


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Id ask that you ask whoever is in charge of saying yep to this kind of thing to start considering the people who pay you (DE) directly for access rather than people paying a third party for a coupla free things.


To be clear, I don't trade, I give stuff away.. so some of us (I know Im not alone) are not concerned about trade prices. This makes me less likely to pay big every 3 months. It's not cheap in AUD. I know Im also not alone there.

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I'm a bit unsure about this - I'm all for free things if people have Amazon Prime, but why does it have to be vaulted items? Isn't that a bit unfair on people who have missed out on them at all, cosmetics were fine since it was unique AND only cosmetic, I was a bit unsure about Frost Prime, but it wasn't a big deal at the time since he was unvaulted.

Whatever it is please don't just put everything eventually bundled up with Amazon prime, that would be awful. These promotions are actively killing prices of vaulted items and making them near worthless to even own the parts of now - I'm not a fan of actual Weapons being added to it myself.


Weapon / Frame Skins / Cosmetics - That's GREAT! Makes it truly a unique thing to those who are part of it.

But handing out free weapons that some could call Top / Middle-Top tier for free, destroying trade prices and making a large part of the community annoyed? Something I just can't personally support.

Edited by Latiac
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i feel like there should be a cap attached to this somehow- like a requirement or goal a player has to reach before they can get these items because with frost prime, soma prime, and scindo prime (all equipped with catalysts and a free slot) all of the farming - a key aspect of this game - is pretty much lost. Im not saying you should only allow the weapon to be given to mr24s with 2000 hours ingame but it would be good if there was some type of way you could work towards obtaining the weapon instead of just getting it instantly.

But you could easily do the same by just buying plat and spending it all on prime weapons/warframes but at least you would have to grind for the resources



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2 minutes ago, jedifurby said:

Super happy that all these things I take time to farm,  are becoming worthless, and are just being handed out.... maybe do some twitch exclusive weapons instead of screwing the second hand market, that most dedicated players use to keep going in the game.


Twitch exclusive weapons? No

Twitch Exclusive Skins for weapons / frames? Sure that's fine.

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1 minute ago, Myscho said:

That will raise a lot more salt than this


1 minute ago, Latiac said:

Twitch exclusive weapons? No

Twitch Exclusive Skins for weapons / frames? Sure that's fine.

 Either way, I don't really care, I and many other it would seem would just like them to stop giving away vaulted items, that the majority of the community bust their a$$ for.

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Just now, jedifurby said:


 Either way, I don't really care, I and many other it would seem would just like them to stop giving away vaulted items, that the majority of the community bust their a$$ for.

I agree with you there, I'm a little bit dissapointed DE took this approach personally, thought it'd stay cosmetic and whatnot.

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2 minutes ago, jedifurby said:

Absolutely agree, that the cosmetics would be a better approach. Or even if they gave away already existing cosmetics, like immortal skin and what not. 

Or even unique twitch cosmetics would be perfectly fine, I was all for Frost prime being free since I assumed it was a one time thing - supposedly.

But now Frost prime is free along with Soma AND Scindo Prime - That's a nearly end game viable set for a completely new player without any effort put in whatsoever and seems like a huge kick in the face for existing players.

Edited by Latiac
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This method will inevitably kill trading itself, as you would be able to get every popular/expensive thing via a monthly payment to Twitch Prime. 

DE, consider weapon skins or cosmetic Prime sets rather than actual Primes. The abundance of unskilled, poorly used, trolling Frost Primes is enough as is.
I would be overjoyed if it were Prime Accessories rather than actual Primes in the Twitch Prime Access program, is what I'm saying.

And instead of offering free Primes, make unvaulting of vaulted Primes much more frequent than once every one-to-two years; more like an unvault + vault of a Prime Access (but no immediate, £60, access to that Prime) every week so arsenals get more diversity, and, I'd guess, about half of players everywhere would not be Mastery barricaded if you were to consider and implement this change of pace.

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Just now, Latiac said:

Or even unique twitch cosmetics would be perfectly fine, I was all for Frost prime being free since I assumed it was a one time thing - supposedly.

But now Frost prime is free along with Soma AND Scindo Prime - That's a nearly end game viable set for a completely new player without any effort put in whatsoever.

Exactly. I really enjoyed the cool Excal twitch skin, and thought it was a cool idea. And yes I was a bit salty about Frost but was like "hey one time thing right?" and just a few months later Soma AND Scindo. I could understand for big milestones giving NON VAULTED stuff but this is pretty crappy


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2 minutes ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

This method will inevitably kill trading itself, as you would be able to get every popular/expensive thing via a monthly payment to Twitch Prime. 

DE, consider weapon skins or cosmetic Prime sets rather than actual Primes. The abundance of unskilled, poorly used, trolling Frost Primes is enough as is.
I would be overjoyed if it were Prime Accessories rather than actual Primes in the Twitch Prime Access program, is what I'm saying.

And instead of offering free Primes, make unvaulting of vaulted Primes much more frequent than once every one-to-two years; more like an unvault + vault of a Prime Access (but no immediate, £60, access to that Prime) every week so arsenals get more diversity, and, I'd guess, about half of players everywhere would not be Mastery barricaded if you were to consider and implement this change of pace.

 Prime accessories would be an awesome idea.

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Just now, jedifurby said:

Exactly. I really enjoyed the cool Excal twitch skin, and thought it was a cool idea. And yes I was a bit salty about Frost but was like "hey one time thing right?" and just a few months later Soma AND Scindo. I could understand for big milestones giving NON VAULTED stuff but this is pretty crappy


People just need to voice their concerns about this - Warframe skins and whatnot were a good idea since it was a truly UNIQUE thing, only Twitch Prime users could have those, they weren't everywhere.

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