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Should the next update be more "plains" ?


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18 minutes ago, ZoneDymo said:

Again this is not me speaking, this is what I gathered as the biggest complaint from the community.

To use your own words:

37 minutes ago, ZoneDymo said:

got a link to that statement?

As for your proof, the earliest mention of Umbra coming to the Global Build (that I could find) was Devstream 58, streamed 2015:


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1 minute ago, peterc3 said:

It's taken them months of all out work to get PoE out the door. Instead of working on other things, seeing what works and what doesn't, taking a break, working on things that have been on the back burner because of PoE... you want them to go right into another Landscape without even stopping for feedback on the current one?

well its a continuing process right?
You get feedback, you adjust, you get feedback, you adjust, you add content/features, get feedback, you adjust.
With that knowledge they instantly start making new plains which is more of the same in many ways (so it should go rather quickly) and put those adjustments to work there.

At some point that will be considered done and near perfect and then they can start working on a Kingpin system and perfect that before moving to yet another new system.

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1 minute ago, ZoneDymo said:

well its a continuing process right?
You get feedback, you adjust, you get feedback, you adjust, you add content/features, get feedback, you adjust.
With that knowledge they instantly start making new plains which is more of the same in many ways (so it should go rather quickly) and put those adjustments to work there.

At some point that will be considered done and near perfect and then they can start working on a Kingpin system and perfect that before moving to yet another new system.

Maybe the professional game devs have a better idea of how to manage their time?

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4 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

To use your own words:

As for your proof, the earliest mention of Umbra coming to the Global Build (that I could find) was Devstream 58, streamed 2015:


Ermm you want me to link my own topic?
Well ok then, I mean its still there on the general feedback frontpage but here ya go:

As for your link, yeah mentioning we will all get it does not mean anything really.
Certainly not that they are working on anything regarding it or have any idea, many streams since then showed they had no idea what to do with it yet.
Its a bit like saying Duke Nukem Forever was in development for over 10 years... I mean yeah technically it started 10 years ago but its not like it was continuesly worked on since that starting point... it was in the status of "development" sure but on actual progress being made that says very little.
I could leave this post open right now, walk away and return and finish it in 10 years and then this post was in development for 10 years as well but that does not say much if anything at all.

Obviously people wanted to quickly know if they could get Umbra so that was quickly confirmed to settle tension but as far as progress on the concept goes... its entirely possible and from my pov more then likely that they only got some rough idea about the concept of Umbra at this point.
Hell they even freely admitted the announced War Within far too soon as there was basically nothing yet when they talked about it the first time.

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5 minutes ago, ZoneDymo said:

well its a continuing process right?
You get feedback, you adjust, you get feedback, you adjust, you add content/features, get feedback, you adjust.
With that knowledge they instantly start making new plains which is more of the same in many ways (so it should go rather quickly) and put those adjustments to work there.

At some point that will be considered done and near perfect and then they can start working on a Kingpin system and perfect that before moving to yet another new system.

I disagree with the idea that DE should put improvements to the Landscape system into the next Landscape, while leaving the existing Landscape in an imperfect state. If there are improvements to be made to the Landscape system, they should be made in Plains of Eidolon. Adjustments should be put there. And when they've gotten their first landscape to a good spot, with the features they want and working the way they want their landscapes to work, THEN they can move on to new landscapes. And I believe the Kingpin system should be tailored to the open world landscape experience. So I think they should start working on that before they move on to new landscapes.

3 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

Maybe the professional game devs have a better idea of how to manage their time?

Not necessarily. Regardless, that's what feedback is for. Professional game developers aren't perfect, so any feedback should be accepted, including suggestions on how they should prioritize their development. They can always follow their own process. Suggesting how they manage their time does not hurt them in any way.

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Just now, ZoneDymo said:

Ermm you want me to link my own topic?
Well ok then, I mean its still there on the general feedback frontpage but here ya go:

As for your link, yeah mentioning we will all get it does not mean anything really.
Certainly not that they are working on anything regarding it or have any idea, many streams since then showed they had no idea what to do with it yet.
Its a bit like saying Duke Nukem Forever was in development for over 10 years... I mean yeah technically it started 10 years ago but its not like it was continuesly worked on since that starting point... it was in the status of "development" sure but on actual progress being made that says very little.
I could leave this post open right now, walk away and return and finish it in 10 years and then this post was in development for 10 years as well but that does not say much if anything at all.

Obviously people wanted to quickly know if they could get Umbra so that was quickly confirmed to settle tension but as far as progress on the concept goes... its entirely possible and from my pov more then likely that they only got some rough idea about the concept of Umbra at this point.
Hell they even freely admitted the announced War Within far too soon as there was basically nothing yet when they talked about it the first time.

Have you considered your POV might be wrong?

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6 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

Maybe the professional game devs have a better idea of how to manage their time?

I am speaking form the consumer perspective... you are getting oddly personal.
And treating "professional game devs" as gods who know better then other people is always an extremely odd pov but I digress.

The consumers dislike the way DE has been doing things regarding updates of new systems and then dropping them only to revisd them way later.
People dont like that, this is not a fox news technique of "some people say" when in reality its me saying it, this is what I gathered from my topic I made earlier asking the players what they disliked most about warframe.

Thats why I ask in this topic, in regards to that, would it not be better to not do umbra, or Phorid, or Nef Anyo, or Archwing etc etc etc yet and instead focus more on perfecting this current update and the new focus system and this new bossfight system and operator combat mode so its completely solid before we move on?

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1 minute ago, peterc3 said:

Have you considered your POV might be wrong?

What might my PoV be and what arguments do you have against it? because so far you have not uttered much intelligent content as per your last post that I already responded to.

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4 minutes ago, ZoneDymo said:

Ermm you want me to link my own topic?
Well ok then, I mean its still there on the general feedback frontpage but here ya go:

Quit being facetious. I want proof about the stuff you're saying. Making claims of "I think the community thinks like this" mean nothing if you don't have stats to back it up. If you can't back it up, retract your claims.

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Just now, PrVonTuckIII said:

Quit being facetious. I want proof about the stuff you're saying. Making claims of "I think the community thinks like this" mean nothing if you don't have stats to back it up. If you can't back it up, retract your claims.

ermm wth.... facetious?

I made a topc
In that topic I asked what people disliked
People say the dislike the abondening system DE has been doing for a while now
I link said topic so you can read if for yourself

And then you ask for proof..... you ask for proof when I just linked it.... what is going on in your brain man.

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1 minute ago, ZoneDymo said:

I am speaking form the consumer perspective... you are getting oddly personal.
And treating "professional game devs" as gods who know better then other people is always an extremely odd pov but I digress.

The consumers dislike the way DE has been doing things regarding updates of new systems and then dropping them only to revisd them way later.
People dont like that, this is not a fox news technique of "some people say" when in reality its me saying it, this is what I gathered from my topic I made earlier asking the players what they disliked most about warframe.

Thats why I ask in this topic, in regards to that, would it not be better to not do umbra, or Phorid, or Nef Anyo, or Archwing etc etc etc yet and instead focus more on perfecting this current update and the new focus system and this new bossfight system and operator combat mode so its completely solid before we move on?

if they only work on refining the plains, people will then complain about them working on just that.

Umbra and the Kingpin are both major things that people really really want. what you're suggesting would mean foregoing them for a few tweaks here and there.

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Just now, ZoneDymo said:

In that topic I asked what people disliked
People say the dislike the abondening system DE has been doing for a while now

Perhaps you don't understand. I want proof for this:

1 minute ago, ZoneDymo said:

People say the dislike the abondening system DE has been doing for a while now

Where is the proof? Your entire argument/thread rests on this idea, yet, you've provided no evidence for it.

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23 minutes ago, NightBlitz said:

if they only work on refining the plains, people will then complain about them working on just that.

Umbra and the Kingpin are both major things that people really really want. what you're suggesting would mean foregoing them for a few tweaks here and there.

not really, those updates will still come like all other things I mentioned, the Nef Anyo boss rework, the Phorid boss rework, Corpus spider crabs, Grineer ermm weird sack enemies, Archwing etc etc.
Forgoing indicates it never will come, thats most certainly not the case.

Those need to be reworked as they belong to an outdated system for the game today.
The plains update could need/get a ton of extra content added to it so that at some point, like I said, it would be near perfection.
Where everyone can say, ok, this is good now, lets move on.

Focus was a bit of a one sided broken mess from the start that DE just left until now, its that behavior that people dislike.
Now they are suddenly throwing it all way for a new system... ok... shall we not make sure this system works properly before moving on?

26 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

Perhaps you don't understand. I want proof for this:

Where is the proof? Your entire argument/thread rests on this idea, yet, you've provided no evidence for it.

If you are not willing to read the provided proof, then what do you want me to do?
The reactions of the people/players/public is right there in the linked topic....
If you just want to ignore it, close your eyes, put your fingers in your ear and go "lalalalala I cant hear you", then why do you continue to ask for it?

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2 hours ago, ZoneDymo said:

So I made another topic where I asked the community what their biggest gripes with the game as is are.
Most players by far From the few players that responded, only 2 said they disliked DE implementing new stuff and then dropping it rather quickly to do something else new rather then improveing and perfecting the earlier mechanic right way.

Out of those 2 players, only 18 other players agreed with them.

With that in mind, should the next big update after the POE be the Umbra quest?
Would it not be better for them to stick with the current flow/knowledge and first make a couple more Plains like designs/updates.

The Dome of Mercury, Gassidy Gas City 1 on Saturn, The Frozen Fallen on Pluto, The Ancient Capital in the Void, An unlikely Haven in the Derelict, etc etc etc

Just so we have more places to go to and dont get too done with/sick of POE until there finally will be a new plains update after a heck of a lot of other unrelated updates.
You know that Umbra quest will take forever to make again.

Since you provided link to your original post, I read through it, entirely, and fixed whats derailing your thread from being constructive.
Note: You might want to link your other thread to your starting post for reference. Most would not look past page 1, skip to last page and will miss your link.

And yes, although I do agree, that sometimes it truly feels that content is developed and then forgotten, you also have to understand that if the content is not greatly appealing to the players, there is little incentive for them to continue to develop into such content.

Let's hope PoE turns better than Archwing and Lunaro. 
About how often should DE release new PoE tiles...it would entirely depend on how much content they add per location.
Personally, I rather don't get burn trying to keep up with multiple releases. But there is others that have the time to consume content not released yet two weeks ago, so its a really grey area to cover.

Edited by Souldend78
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1 hour ago, peterc3 said:

Maybe the professional game devs have a better idea of how to manage their time?

Armchair developing is hilarious. I think if anyone here knows how to run a game development company, it's DE.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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1 hour ago, ZoneDymo said:

If you are not willing to read the provided proof, then what do you want me to do?
The reactions of the people/players/public is right there in the linked topic....
If you just want to ignore it, close your eyes, put your fingers in your ear and go "lalalalala I cant hear you", then why do you continue to ask for it?

Your opinion is not evidence. I need you to give me actual stats, or barring that, some proof that many people actually hate the system, not the vocal minority. 

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2 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

Your opinion is not evidence. I need you to give me actual stats, or barring that, some proof that many people actually hate the system, not the vocal minority. 

Moving the goal posts are we?  Alright, but as the self-designated mediator to this farce of an argument, I'm going have to ask you provide cold hard stats proving that mass opinion is in fact contrary to his claims that people dislike DE creating something then moving on when it's only half-finished.

Circumstantial evidence is still better than none.

Edited by Littleman88
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6 hours ago, Myscho said:

Please, no more Umbra delays

And yes, more plains are in development (Venus), but its not gonna be that quickly after PoE 

Agreed. We've been waiting MUCH longer for Umbra than PoE. Plains was just a pleasant and unexpected surprise from Tennocon.

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6 hours ago, ZoneDymo said:

With that in mind, should the next big update after the POE be the Umbra quest?

yes, because Umbra fans have waited long enough, and the Sacrifice quest will supposedly have a lot of Lore in it, which I'm eager to see. DE have already stated it's coming next after PoE and then it's onto other things, most likely full steam ahead on the Venus Landscape they briefly mentioned.

hopefully they will at least expand upon the Plains in future updates, I'd hate for it to be another forgotten addition to the game.


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I'd rather wait and let them collect all the feedback good and bad about the plains first. Let players hammer it out for a couple months to shake loose all the bugs and bad mechanics. In the meantime it doesn't make sense for them to just drop developing anything to wait for that so I'd be totally down for them to work on umbra in the mean time.

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4 hours ago, Littleman88 said:

Moving the goal posts are we?  Alright, but as the self-designated mediator to this farce of an argument, I'm going have to ask you provide cold hard stats proving that mass opinion is in fact contrary to his claims that people dislike DE creating something then moving on when it's only half-finished.

Circumstantial evidence is still better than none.

That's not how it works, boyo. S/He made the positive claim that yes, the majority doesn't like it. Therefore, the burden of proof is upon him/her to prove it. I can't prove a negative.

As for moving goalposts? I'm not sure how you saw that. I asked for the exact same thing now and then.

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10 hours ago, ZoneDymo said:

So I made another topic where I asked the community what their biggest gripes with the game as is are.
Most players by far said they disliked DE implementing new stuff and then dropping it rather quickly to do something else new rather then improveing and perfecting the earlier mechanic right way.

With that in mind, should the next big update after the POE be the Umbra quest?
Would it not be better for them to stick with the current flow/knowledge and first make a couple more Plains like designs/updates.

The Dome of Mercury, Gassidy Gas City 1 on Saturn, The Frozen Fallen on Pluto, The Ancient Capital in the Void, An unlikely Haven in the Derelict, etc etc etc

Just so we have more places to go to and dont get too done with/sick of POE until there finally will be a new plains update after a heck of a lot of other unrelated updates.
You know that Umbra quest will take forever to make again.

meh. Update whatever direction they want, but I'm super hyped for an infested plains. Mountains of flesh, rivers of blood, evil looking trees that loom the landscape, and a pitch black sky as the sun is too far away to shine on eris, with the massive Jupritur in the way, looming in the night. 

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