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The Halo Universe vs The Warframe Universe


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Being both a Warframe fan and a Halo fan, I got to wondering: "If both universes went toe to toe, who would win?" 

I'm here to explain that to the best of my ability. 

The Halo universe will be invading the Warframe sol system, and will be comprised of 2 factions. The Covenant, and the UNSC at the peak of their power. There will be no Forerunners, since that would just result in a STOMP for the Halo universe, and The Flood will only appear in scenario 3. Warframe's factions will be dictated by the scenario's as well. All sides in all scenarios will be blood-lusted, so there is no room for negotiation or peace. I'll be excluding The Banished from this, because while they share many simularities to the Covenant, and they're freaking cool, I just don't know enough about them, so they wont be appearing in these scenarios. 

Speaking of scenarios, we'll be explaining the outcomes of 3. Each scenario will amp up the fight a bit. The Human and Covenant factions will be at full strength in each scenario. 

Scenario one: The Grinner, the Corpus, and the Infested exist, but the Tenno do not. 

Scenario two: All Warframe factions exist, including the Tenno.

Scenario three: The Flood and Sentients are present along with all previously mentioned factions. 

Before we begin throwing down and killing everything, however, I'm sure a good amount of you aren't familiar with the Halo universe. I'll going to break down the Halo universes unites, weapons, armor, and vehicles for you. If you are a Halo fan-boy like me, however, then you can feel free to skip this, as it's going to be a long. I'll put a HERE in the middle of the page to signal those who decide to skip. 

UNSC (United Nations Space Command)

First, let's break down the humans. This UNSC has nothing to protect, and is bearing it's full offensive capability. 

The UNSC primarily use ballistic weaponry. 


Marine: First off, we have your regular everyday marine. These guys make up the majority of UNSC forces, and are comprised of very well trained men and women. Every Marine has a BDU, or Battle Dress Uniform (Cute name.) This uniform is made up of armor plating over camouflage clothing, and has a variety of pouches for ammo and such. This armor is highly resistant to ballistics, explosives, and shrapnel, but easily damaged by energy weapons. This armor does not provide any energy shielding. Here's a picture to get a good idea of what they look like.


In the game, Marines are there dying at the hands of the Covenant. They are the weakest of the Human forces, but that's not to say they should be underestimated. Just like regular people, Marines can vary in effectiveness. Some go down easily, and some can fight all alone through an entire Flood infested Forerunner structure. I'd say the strongest example of a Marine would be Sgt. Johnson, who kicked a** from the Battle of Harvest to the end of the Human Covenant war. (Look him up he's one of the best characters is Halo.)

But, as this quote so harshly put's it: "They're the best of the best, but they're only Human."

ODST: Orbital Drop Shock Trooper: ODST's, or Hell-jumpers, are picked from the Marine's ranks and given extra, extremely brutal training. They're pretty much the special forces of the UNSC, and are deployed on missions that are deemed to dangerous for regular infantry. They are used to assassinate important targets, weaken armies for the main force, and kill pretty much everything without to much trouble. Even one ODST can kill several groups of Covenant with relative ease. On top of their combat ability, they also have much better armor. The armor is strong enough to shrug off most energy shots, and can even prevent the user from dying even after being hit head-on from a Gravity Hammer. Here's the appearance. 


Their most defining action, and why they're called ODST's, is that when they enter combat they drop from orbit in pods. This is extremely dangerous, and most ODST's are considered crazy bada**'s by most Marines because of it. Using this method, they can arrive on the battlefield very quickly. 

"Most of the crew - not to mention your fellow jarheads - will be leaving the ship in lifeboats. They'll ride to the surface in air-conditioned comfort, sipping on wine, and nibbling on appetizers. Not you, however, Oh no, you're going to leave the Pillar of Autumn in a different method. Tell me boys and girls... How will you leave?" 

"We go feet first, sir!" 

SPARTANS: These are the most powerful single unites the UNSC has. There are three versions, so I'll be categorizing it that way.

SPARTAN-ll's: Kidnapped at the age of six, given extremely harsh and immoral training, injected with extremely dangerous and experimental chemicals that augmented the body giving it super strength (3 Times their body weight, 5x with MJOLNIR), speed (34.2 MPH), senses, and making their bones almost indestructible, the SPARTAN-ll's are a force to be reckoned with, and that's without their armor. 

Spartan-ll's wear MJOLNIR armor, which enhances their already insane reflex's through a neural link. The armor is huge, extremely protective, and has energy shielding. There's a ton of lore and specs on this armor, to many to list here, but it's protective enough that the Master Chief (Leader of the Spartans and protagonist of the games.) has fallen from high orbit hanging on to nothing but a small bit of ship wreckage, smashed into the ground without slowing down, and survived. Twice. The armor also allows for ship-grade AI's to be inserted into it, allowing for said AI to help. 

The Spartans are LEGENDARY to the UNSC forces, and rightfully so. These soldiers are trained to go up against armies, taking out everyone in a space-station without any need for support. They're so dangerous and hard to kill, that the Covenant named them 'Demons'. Every time a Spartan 'died', they were listed as MIA instead of KIA to keep the troops moral up. The saying: "Spartans never die." was created because of this.

Only 75 children ever made it into the Spartan ll program, however, and only 33 survived the augmentations, meaning that there will only be 33 active Spartan-ll's in this fight. 


SPARTAN-lll's: "Make the units better with new technology. Make more of them. And make them cheaper."

The SPARTAN-lll's were made to be cheap and expendable. Selection was far less picky for these Spartans, and they were trained 300 at a time. This program was intended to trade lives for time as the Covenant grew closer to finding Earth. They were sent on suicide missions that even an invasion force, ODST's, or sometimes even Spartan-ll's couldn't handle. 

While they're training regime even tougher than the Spartan-ll's, their cheaper SPI (Semi-Powered Infiltration) armor was much less durable. It was designed with stealth in mind, meaning that the Spartan-lll's couldn't run in and brutally slaughter everything like the Spartan-ll's did. It has photo-reactive plates that mimic the users surroundings imitating invisibility. One huge disadvantage is that SPI lacks energy shielding, and one good shot from any energy weapon will render the photo-reactive plates useless. This armor is more powerful than an ODST's, but less powerful than a Spartan-ll's.

Three companies of Spartan-lll's were trained. Alpha company had 300, Beta company had 300, and Gamma company had 330, bringing the total of Spartan-lll's to 930. All of them will be used in the fight. Considering that Spartan-lll casualty rates were almost always 100%, I don't expect them to survive. 

If a Spartan-lll survived 2 assignments, they were permitted to join The Head-Hunters. The Head-Hunters were made up of six teams of two, each team behind enemy lines to, for lack of a better term, f*ck stuff up. They are given slightly more advanced SPI that includes motion tracking and shields. 

Noble Team: Hey hey hey! Noble Team is so darn good they got their own section! And not just because I love talking about them.

Noble Team is comprised of 5 Spartan-lll's and a Spartan-ll. They are one of the three special Spartan fire-teams created by the UNSC. Their names are: Carter-A259 (Commander/Noble.1), Kat-B320(Tech/Noble.2), June-A266(Sniper/Noble.3), Emile-A239(Assault/Noble.4), George-052(Spartan-ll/Heavy Gunner/Noble.5), SPARTAN-B312('Lethal Vector'/Protagonist/Noble.6) 

These Spartans were outfitted with armor of a similar build to MJOLNIR armor worn by Spartan-ll's, and George wore an even stronger variant of MJOLNIR. Noble Team was sent on suicide missions, but expected to return. Before The Fall of Reach, Noble Team had seen extensive combat experience. It should be noted that the only survivors of Noble Team's operations up until The Battle of Reach were Kat and Carter, meaning we're using the games make-up of the team. 

These Spartans constantly went up against odds that were far from in their favor during The Battle for Reach. The three most notable operations were taking out two heavily guarded Covenant spires, which were cloaking a Covenant CSO class Super Carrier. Later on destroying said CSO Super Carrier, George going MIA in the process. (I'll get to how big that was in the Covenant section.) And then, Noble Six and Emile wading their way through an army to get to The Pillar of Autumn. 

During these battles, however, Noble Team was slowly picked off one by one. The only survivor was June. Carter died when he used his gun-ship to crash into a Scarab, saving Noble Six and Emile. Kat died from an unexpected snipe to the head (We still don't know why her shields were down. Fml.). Emile died via Covenant energy sword to the chest, George died manually detonating a slip-space bomb on the CSO Super Carrier. This left Noble Six stranded on the now over run world, which I will get to later because Six is getting his own section along with the Master Chief. 


SPARTAN-lV's: These Spartans, created after the Human-Covenant war, were the UNSC's first attempt to mass-produce super-soldiers. As a result, they are not kidnapped children, rather ODST's and Marines that chose to go through a light augmentation process and become Spartans. I'm not going to spend more time on these guys. They're not as good as Spartan-ll's, and they can't produce the same results as them unless the accept casualties. Their Gen2 armor is similar to MJOLNIR armor, but can't soak as much damage. The only real advantage they have is numbers. There are well over a thousand, perhaps a million Spartan-IV's.

The Master Chief: John-117 is the Spartan-ll of Spartan-ll's. This guy, along with his AI companion Cortana, have single-handedly disseminated Covenant armies, blown up Forerunner Halo rings, and saved the entire Human race twice. He's the most decorated war veteran, earning every metal except the 'Prisoner of War' medal, and has over 30 years of active duty.

Doctor Catherine Halsey, the creator of the Spartan-ll's, stated that John was not the fastest or strongest of the Spartans, but he was defiantly the bravest and the luckiest. I don't know if you believe in luck but the Chief has displayed the ability to find weapons on the ground like change on a side-walk. In any case, she considers him the best. And I agree.

He's a natural leader that the other Spartans look up to, and would fallow into Hell and back. In fact, they have. Several times. 

Cortana, who is implanted into Chief's suit, is a big help to him. Not only does she provide information, assist in information gathering, and keep Chief's mental state in check, she has also been steadily upgrading the Chief's armor throughout the Halo series. 

In this fight, the Master Chief will be fighting with not only Cortana, but the rest of Blue Team. 


Noble Six: Before joining Noble team, Six was an extremely deadly assassin who almost never operated in a team. He's known for "Making entire militia [Insurrection] groups disappear." And was referred to by his boss as "His own personal Grim Reaper." 

While Doctor Halsey was looking at his file, she said this. "...'Hyper Lethal.' There's only one other Spartan with that rating..." That Spartan being the Master Chief himself.

After joining Noble Team, participating in key events during the Battle of Reach, and witnessing his entire team die, Six stayed behind after delivering Cortana to The Pillar of Autumn to provide covering fire V.I.A MAC cannon. He was then left on a world overrun be Covenant forces with no way to escape. So he grabbed his gun and started mowing them down. I have to take this quote from the wiki because it explains it perfectly.

"At least, the Covenant had disabled the last of Reach's defenses, and proceeded to glass the remainder of the planet. Six was one of the last surviving UNSC soldiers left fighting the Covenant forces on the ground. In an incredible display of heroism, Six held off an entire army of Covenant single-handedly, including wraith tanks and air-support."

"But the Covenant were relentless, and after countless hours of battle, an exhausted Six was eventually injured by plasma fire. After triumphantly taking on several Ultra and Zealot-class Sangheili in hand-to-hand combat, the Spartan was finally overwhelmed, disarmed and forced to the ground. Here, though mortally wounded, Six subdued a further 4 attackers, succumbing to death amongst a pile of slain enemies, at the hands of an energy-dagger wielded by a Sangheili Zealot."


UNSC Vehicles: That's enough on the Spartans. I'm making this really long, but I feel the need to elaborate. Let's break down the UNSC's vehicles. 

Mongoose - Armored ATV. That... Pretty much it. It's an ATV. But for combat. 

Warthog - The standard vehicle for the UNSC. It's got some pretty awesome armor and a mounted chain-gun on the back, which has to be operated by someone. The Warthog can also have a six-rocket launcher or a GAUSS cannon which can take out heavily armored targets easily. 

Scorpion: It's a tank. Here, let Johnson explain it to you. (He has alternate lines so thats why it plays over several times.)


The Hornet: A small gunship that very agile, and is equipped with heavy guns and rockets. 

The Pelican: This is an extremely versatile gun-ship that can fly in space and in-atmosphere, carry troops, carry all ground vehicles (2 mongoos's at a time, one of everything else.), and is very good for combat. 

The Longsword: A large gunship that is meant purely for combat. Has bigger guns, missiles, mines, and even a nuclear payload. 


There are a huge variety of UNSC ships, but all of them have some things in common. One is MAC Cannons. Magnetic Accelerator Cannons are massively devastating coil guns and are the only non-nuclear weapons the UNSC has that can effectively take down a Covenant ships shields. Another are AI's, who preform various complex calculations in seconds and provide tactical advice and info. 

The smallest UNSC ship is the Frigate, which is around 500 Meters in length and has one MAC cannon, 3 nukes, 40 Archer Missile Pods which can carry 30 missiles per pod equating to 1,200 missiles, and has 12 point-defense guns as a last line of defense against single ships. 


The largest and most powerful ship in the UNSC is the UNSC Infinity, which is 5,694.2 Meters and has 4 MAC cannons, 1,100 missile pods of three different types equating to 25,900 missiles, anti-missile, boarding craft, and fighter defense consisting of 830 70mm automatic cannons, and carries 10 small frigates that have MAC cannons, bringing its MAC total to 14. The Infinity also boasts a Forerunner engine, and immensely powerful shields. (The Infinity can ram through a covenant ship without being fazed.) The Spartan-IV's also call this ship home, and it is the ceremonial flagship of the UNSC. 

The Infinity is also supposedly carrying a NOVA bomb, which is a bomb capable of shattering a moon and scorching half a planets surface if detonated in orbit. Said planet would no longer be capable of supporting life after an explosion like that to. It only carries one though.


(The Infinity is the one at the top there.)

There are several other sizes of UNSC ships, but we'll be using Halo 3 ships so none of them but only the Infinity will have energy shields. 

The Covenant

Finally, after typing for hours I've reached the Covenant, and I'm hardly even halfway done. Help...

Ok, so first off the Covenant is a conglomeration of different Alien races, so I'm going to have to list them off. 

Oh, and the Covenant deals in primarily energy/plasma weapons. 

The Grunts: No I'm not using the actual species names because I'm lazy and it's 11:00PM. 

The Grunts are laborers, slaves, and combat cannon-fodder. They require methane to breath, and are lightly armored with no shields. (We're using Halo 3.) They mainly use small arms, but some use Fuel Rod Cannons, which are a faster plasma-based version of a rocket-launcher. 

They are easily scared, and will most likely run if their squad leader dies. 

Strangely enough, even though they need methane to breath, Grunts are actually capable of surviving on their own in the vacuum of space for a while. They also breed really fast, and have short child-hoods, making them very good at mass-producing themselves. It's so fast that if there wasn't a war going on, they'd have to put super strict birth laws into effect. 

"When in doubt, run!" - A Grunt Saying. 

The Jackals: These human sized bird-like aliens serve as light infantry or police when necessary. Hey have arm mounted circular energy shields that they turtle behind in combat, and primarily use small arms. Some, however, ditch the shield and use a needle rifle (It's just a rifle but with pink needles that can make you explode.) and jump around using their agility to their advantage. They are also excellent snipers. 

The Engineers: Engineers are flying biological supercomputers that can provide support to ground units by giving them extra shields. It's also adept at hacking into things and collecting information. These guys will rarely be seen in combat situations, however. 

The Hunters: The Hunters are a mass of worms with armor and a huge gun strapped to them. You know, that's a bad description. Here's a picture.


These guys are the hulking tanks of the Covenant, and are capable of sending a heavily armored vehicle flying. They usually travel in pairs, and can reach a height of 13ft. If they get to big from collecting enough worms, they'll split into two forms. Since they don't have a central nervous system, they're one of the very few species that can't be assimilated by The Flood. 

The Elites: The Elites are strong, proud, honorable, and intelligent. The military backbone of the Covenant. Every one of them has energy shielding and combat armor, and makes use of pretty much every Covenant weapon. They also use energy swords, which can cut through a Spartans armor like butter if they get a good hit in and even block bullets. There are different ranks of Elites. The higher the rank, the harder they become to kill. 


The Brutes: These guys are truly terrifying. Imagine a monkey, but 9ft tall and swinging a giant AOE hammer around while taking several shots to it's head and just not dying. The Brutes are, well, brutish in nature and have astounding strength. While they often have anger management issues, they are not simple minded, as Halo Wars 2: Awakening the Nightmare proved. 

The strongest Brutes are named Brute Chieftains, who have energy shields on top of their already almost bullet proof skulls and thick protective skin. Some of the strongest brutes can reach 10-11ft tall, and screw over an entire Spartan-ll team. Yeah. Those guys I held on a pedestal a while back in this thread? Here's them getting beaten into the ground by one of the strongest brutes in history.


Unfortunately The Banished wont be appearing here, so we wont be seeing Atriox doing that to anything in Warframe. 

Brief Weapons Info: Covenant weaponry is very good against shields, and a fully charged plasma pistol can drain any opponents shields instantly. 


The Ghost: Super quick scout vehicle that has two forward facing plasma guns. 

The Revenant: A very mobile car-sized vehicle that shoots out small fast plasma motors. 

The Wraith: The tank equivalent, slow, and shoots high-damage slow traveling plasma motors. Also has a plasma turret on top, which is operated seperately from the cockpit. 

The Banshee: Quick one-man air vehicle that has two front-facing plasma guns and a fuel-rod-cannon.

The Phantom: It's the Pelican, but Alien. Need I say more?

The Seraph: Ment mainly for space combat, the Seraph is a dog-fighter with energy shielding.  

The Scarab: A giant four-legged, heavily armored BFG that can be dropped from low orbit to crush whatever it lands on as it enters the battle, then whatever it happens to steps on when it moves. 


Ships: The Covenant Navy is primarily made up of Battlecruisers and Carriers. 

The smallest Covenant ship (I think. Correct me if I'm wrong.) is the CCS-Clas Battlecruiser which has a length of 1,782 meters, and is equipped with energy shields, pulse generators, and plasma turrets. It doesn't go in-depth about everything unfortunately. 

Then we have the CSO-Class Supercarrier, which is 95,013 feet long and is armed with 7 pulse generators, and probably several more plasma turrets than the Battlecruiser. (It doesn't say. ;-;) It also carries armies, so there's that. 

Almost every Covenant ship is equipped with a giant laser-beam that is capable of glassing a large area. With combined effort, they could burn an entire planets surface to a crisp. They wont be glassing entire planets in this fight though. 

The Covenant holy city of High Charity will also be partaking in this battle.

What is High Charity you ask?

It's a giant mushroom where everyone goes to get high of religion. Yeah. Not joking. 

It's very important, so it has it's own personal fleet protecting it. I'm going to say that if it get's destroyed, the Covenant faction loses. 



Ok. Now that the Halo explanations are out of the way (I mean, there was more but I'm not typing more. Save it for the comments.) Let's get onto Warframe.

So since this is a Warframe forums, everyone here should know about Warframe and such. However, the specs on everything are pretty much non-existent. So I'm going to make a bunch of logical assumptions, and go with that. 



Ok. We're just going to group em all together in one because they're all clones. Safe to say they have HUGE numbers because of the cloning process. 

Grineer as a whole are made for combat, and are adept in it. They don't really need moral due to the loyalty gene, and are VERY heavily armored. For the most part at least.

Movement is something I want to clear up, since in-game we can sometimes see Grineer hopping up several feet. That looks unrealistic to me, and I think it serves as a device to make game-play flow rather than a basis we can draw cannon conclusions off of. 

One big thing the Grineer have going for them is the Eximus abilities, which the other side hardly has. Other than that, I don't think I need to say anything else. 

Oh, and Kuva Guardians to. They're a thing. (If you can't tell I'm really tired from writing all that Halo stuff. Wew.)

Ships: Grineer ships are hardly ever touched upon, so I'm going off estimates done by the Space Battles forums. Grineer Galleons are estimated to be around 2km in length, and Formorian's are around 20km. Only one Formarian ever appears at a time, so I'm going to say that the Grineer only have 1 Formorian at the time of this battle. Each ship will most likely have some sort of high-powered ballistic-based cannons on the sides of Galleons along with single pilot space vehicles you see in-game.

The Kuva Fortress: This is the interesting part because, according to the Star Map, it's almost as big as a planet. Yes, the star map isn't a very reliable but for the sake of entertainment we're going to say it's as big as that. 

This thing is equip with several cannons, which are probably equivalent or more powerful than MAC cannons, has a feet protecting it, and is cloaked, preventing communications without disabling the com-jammer on the inside. 

This is the pinnacle of Grineer strength, so I'm going to say that if it get's destroyed, the Grineer faction looses. 



The corpus have an abundance of machines. Like, a lot of machines. They're swarming themselves in machines. So why do they try and clean their vents themselves? 


But really. The Corpus have some pretty hardcore tech. They've got Bursas, Moas, Ospreys, every mechanical boss we've faced, they've got some good numbers to. Plus the rail gun Moas can probably punch through most of the armor the Halo Universe has to offer. 

Ships: Corpus ships will be 2km as well, with Corpus Obelisks being 12-20km to. I'm going to say they've got a bunch of Plasma turrets, mines Osprey attack drones, and shields equivalent to covenant ones. 

There wont be a 'You lose this you lose' condition for the Corpus, because I can't think of one. There's just not enough background on them yet. For the sake of balance, this fight will have 5 existing Obelisks. 

The Infested 

Ok. So The Flood are a... Wait. This isn't The Flood? Oh ok. Interesting. 

So the infested is a tech-virus similar to the Flood. I'm going to make one observation though. The Infested haven't taken over the system. They're a threat, yes, but it seems that for the most part the Grineer and Corpus can hold them off, so I'm going to say that they don't spread as quickly as the Flood and can't become as smart as them. I do thing that individual combat forms are more dangerous though, which the eximus's and healing. They are still a force to be reckoned with. 

The Infested will have about half the force of the Grineer and Corpus have. (Getting to fleet size later.) And they will be working with the Corpus, even though canonically I don't see that happening. 


Win Conditions: For the Halo Universe, they will have to take all the planets and take down the Kuva Fortress. The Corpus and Grineer will have to eliminate all attackers.

Loss Conditions: If the Covenant loose High Charity, they loose and are reduced to small-scale support for the humans. If the UNSC Infinity is destroyed the Humans don't loose, but are extremely demoralized and at a huge disadvantage. They are also demoralized if the Master Chief goes MIA, but will be more driven to dish out revenge. 

The Grineer loose if the Kuva Fortress falls. The Corpus only loose if they loose all planets though. Same goes for The Infested. No other loose conditions for them. 


The entire UNSC and Covenant fleets suddenly appear in orbit above Earth. The Covenants ships number in the tens of thousands, and the UNSC's ships number in the thousands. Each group of ships revolve around their flagships, High Charity and The Infinity. 

The first few Grineer scouts and Galleons are most likely blown to smithereens without much trouble, but this will most defiantly signal to the Grineer that they're under attack from a fairly large force. Hence, the battle begins. 

A Grineer Galleon doesn't have shields, and on top of that the tech they use in their ships always seemed durable but not super high-powered. Galleons are only a little bigger than the smallest UNSC and Covenant ships as well, and don't seem to have any super big guns. UNSC ships have MAC cannons and archer missiles, and Covenent ships have their glassing beams, so I'm going to give a giant advantage to the Halo universe on a 1v1 ship battle. I say 1v1 because the Grineer really excel at something they don't. Numbers. 

I saw that the Corpus were theorized to have over 100,000 ships in a throwaway fleet, and I think it's safe to assume that with Grineer cloning they can muster up more than that around Earth. Reinforcements from Mars could reach Earth fairly quickly as well, leading to the Grineer outnumbering the Halo Universes ships 5 to 1. It would be an epic fight, but I think that, while the Grineer would definitely take down some of the smaller ships, that both the UNSC and Covenant get through the majority of the space battle with only minor losses. This is due to the fact that pretty much every ship in the Halo universe has an AI in it's system, and I just don't see the Grineer being advanced enough to create ship AI's on the level of Halo's AI's. Another contributor to this is the commanders, specifically Commander Preston Cole, who was used to winning fights with overwhelming odds. 

After defeating the majority of Earths space defenses, The UNSC and Covenant would descend upon the planet and use their ships to clear an area to land their troops. Then, scouts would be sent across the globe. These scouts would most likely consist of Spartan-IV's and Spartan-ll's from The Infinity, and the Covenant scouts would probably consist of small fire teams made up of Elites, Jackals, and Grunts with a few Ghosts. 

Grineer are very strong and hard to kill. I think that against the Covenant scouts they would win. Ghosts are fairly easy to destroy if you have enough bullets. The only unit in the scout department I see going up against a Grineer Lancer would be the Elite, who would win in intellect and cunning, and even in close quarters if it had an energy sword. But there just aren't enough Elites  in a scouting group to take on the Grineer forces you typically see in one Warframe mission. Almost none of the Covenant scouts would make it back alive. 

The Spartan-IV's would be a bit more successful. There would be a lot of twists and turns, such as the discovery of Eximus units and that some Grineer have quite powerful weaponry. (I'm looking at you Bombard.) Some Spartan-IV's would be killed, but despite being the Spartans I dislike the most, most of them would make it back. They're Spartans after all. The Spartan-ll's would be fine. I don't think they're likely to meet anything they have TO much trouble of handling. 

Then the true ground battle begins.

After some prep and gaining a usable battle-map, the Halo forces would start landing all over the planet. With most of the entire UNSC and Covenant force being deployed, this would be the biggest invasion force the Halo Universe has ever produced, so let's talk about how the Grineer would fare against that.

There are a TON of Grineer on Earth, and I'd say they have the ground-combat advantage in unit combat. Most of them are slow moving bullet-sponges that pack quite a punch. There are also Eximus units. I think they would be able to take on Marines, Grunts, and Jackals with relative ease. ODST's and Elites would be a fair match for them, and Spartan-IV's and Spartan-lll's would be susceptible to death. The units that would do the most damage are the Spartan-ll's and the Brutes. I'm willing to bet a Brute Cheiften could rip a Grineer Bombard in half with it's bare hands, and smash pretty much everything with it's hammer. It could soak up a ton of damage to. 

This doesn't give Halo it's true edge, however, as why I think they would win this fight is due to the Vehicles.

In Warframe, you don't see many vehicles being used by either the Corpus or the Grineer. Both sides have drop-ships, and the Corpus have these little weaponless rollers, but other than that there isn't much. 

The Covenant have Scarabs, Wraiths, and enough air-support to block out the sun for the entirety of the US, probably more. It's also logical to assume that at this point reinforcements for the Grineer have been blocked off, so in an ironic twist, the Grineer are actually outnumbered here. With the UNSC's help, I'd say that it's fairly easy to conquer the planet. 

Now here's were it starts to get a bit dicey for the Halo Universe.

After Earth falls, the Grineer strike a Deus ex Machina deal with the Corpus and somehow the Infested, meaning they're all teaming up. A variety of things can happen now, but I think that as the Halo Universes forces grow more spread out, it will become relatively balanced. I would be indecisive as to who would win if it weren't for the fact that both the UNSC and the Covenant don't have the ability to replace their troops nearly as fast as the Grineer and Corpus do, the Grineer cloning a ton and the Corpus producing a ton of machines.

The only real way they could have a chance at taking all of the planets is if they destroy the Kuva fortress and take the Queens out of the picture in the process, making the Grineer loose. The reasoning behind them loosing is the fact that they have a loyalty gene specifically to the Queen, and if you take away the Queen, they have no one to serve and become a disorganized mess that be taken down much more easily. Before we get to the Kuva fortress, however, let's look and see if they can take down a Formorian. 

The short answer to this is: yes. But it would be a lot harder to take down than most of the stuff in both Halo fleets. The thing is heavily armored and shielded, and couldn't be taken out without heavy losses. The Formorian could probably even cripple the UNSC Infinity provided the chance. A team of Spartans could try the exact thing the Tenno did though, and try to sabotage it from the inside. This could result in Spartan-ll deaths, I think they could pull it off. Using a ton of nukes and firepower is also an option, but a much more costly one. I don't know how the UNSC and Covenant fleets would do against a Formorian head-to-head, but I'm going to say that if they do manage to take down the Formorian that way, it would be very costly. 

Now let's get to the Kuva fortress. Finding the Kuva Fortress would be hard, but let's assume that with the Infinity's sensors, they could do so. The Kuva Fortress has it's own crazy big fleet, tons of defense weaponry including mines, canons that are most likely on par with MAC cannons perhaps more powerful, and has the most dangerous troops the Grineer has to offer. There's no way the Halo-verse wins. Or that would be the case if the Nova Bomb didn't exist. The Fortress is still to shielded and armored though, so Spartan-ll's, Spartan-lll's, Spartan-IV's, Noble Team, Blue Team, and Red team would most likely all be deployed to board it while the entire UNSC fleet and most of the Covenant fleet drew fire and provided cover. A large Covenant force would need to join the Spartans as well. The Halo forces goal would be to push to an area were the Nova bomb would have the most effect, and said area would most likely be provided by Cortana as she hacks into the Grineer's systems. The ensuing fight would be legendary levels of epic. Spartans across the board would fall in battle. The Spartan-lll's would most likely all be wiped out, thousands of Spartan-IV's would bite the dust, all of them providing cover against the hoards of Grineer elite troops to help Noble Team, Red Team, and Blue Team get to the center of the Kuva Fortress. Once the three teams were at the center, perhaps taking a casualty or two along the way, they would prime the bomb to explode in X amount of time. One team would stay behind to make sure no one disarmed it, probably Noble team, and then they would GTFO.

Spartans have made escapes like this very often, but the problem here is that the NOVA bomb has a MASSIVE radius. Once the bomb is primed, most ships will bug out, but there's no way some ships aren't staying behind to pick up the remainder of the ground forces, and the Master Chief. These ships most likely include The Infinity, since it's the home of the Spartans. 

This is the riskiest part, because to get back to the ships the Spartans have to get in dropships and fly back. The problem with this is that most ships have retreated through slipspace, so cover support has dwindled. This means Grineer fighters are more likely to get to the dropships. Not to mention they have to get to the ships and make a jump before the dramatically short timer reaches zero. Even when factoring Chief's luck, it still turns out at around 50/50. I really can't say for sure if they'd make it back or not, so from now on I'm going to be splitting this scenario into a worse-case and best-case for the Halo Universe. 

Worse-case is that the MC and the Infinity along with some other UNSC and Covenant ships are taken out in the blast. Best-case is that they do. 

Either way, the Grineer may be out, but we've still got 2 more factions to deal with. (It should be noted that these events could happen in a different order than I tell them. The Kuva Fortress could happen last, instead of first.)

The remaining combatants are The Infested, and The Corpus. 

First I want to address The Infested, since they're inspired by The Flood. The real question with The Infested is: "Can they infect High Charity like the flood did?" Do answer this I have to explain how The Flood did it.

The Flood infected High Charity by capturing a UNSC Frigate and creating a slip-space portal to send it to the inside of High Charity. Even with The Floods incredible infectivity though, it still wouldn't have been enough under regular High Charity conditions. The Flood really only managed to capture High Charity because when it enacted this plan, the Covenant was knee-deep in civil war, making High Charity a battleground. The Elite's and Brutes that would have normally destroyed the infection were to busy fighting each other to come together and stop The Flood. As a result, everyone was consumed. 

In all of these scenarios, the Covenant isn't just not in a civil war, but working with Humanity. Even if the Infested were to get a captured frigate, or even a few frigates into High Charity, they'd be destroyed in less than a day. This is also in part that I believe The Infested's infectivity is lower than The Floods, but we'll get to that later. 

Then there's the matter of regular ship infections. I've run into a problem here, because we don't actually know exactly how the Infested's infection works. Sure, we know it's a tech virus, but in what way? Is it like the Borg were they need to insert something into their target? Is it airborn and next to impossible to avoid? I haven't stumbled across an answer to this, so if you know, please let me know. It could change the outcome of this battle. 

Let's say, however, that The Infestation isn't transferable by air. This means they're next to useless in this fight. The Covenant already know about the Flood, and have containment procedures for that. The Human ships are more vulnerable, but The Infested would need to first be able to get onto the ship first. These are military ships, and every drop ship is checked when coming in. The Infested don't really have small unnoticeable infection forms like The Flood, so the best they'd be able to do is hide on the outside of the hull. Every ship in the Halo universe has good sensors, so there's a high chance The Infestation would still be noticed on the drop ship. Assuming they aren't, however, those few Infested that managed to get by on a dropship are up against an entire ship of UNSC soldiers. I just don't see it happening very often. There would have to be special conditions for The Infested to succeed in taking over a ship. (If they transmute the infection by air, however, they become much more of a threat and, this airborne infection being somewhat sentient, they would most likely stomp.) 

This brings me to the Corpus, who's ships are much better than the Grineer's. Energy shielding and possible complex AI's are a thing on these ships. To add to that, the Corpus have a crap ton of em. Like, I don't know how they created this many ships with just a solar system of resources kind of numbers. (The same could be said of the Grineer.) 

Again, these ships most likely don't have any big guns like MAC cannons or glassing beams, and they're smaller, but they're certainly better than the Grineer ones. One on one, a Covenant and UNSC most likely win, but if the Corpus mob, strategies used against the weaker Grineer ships probably wouldn't work. The Corpus could most likely do some serious damage. 

The ground unites are nothing to scoff at either. All of them have energy shielding, there are a ton of mass produced MOA's, and the railgun MOA's can punch through several feet of steel, which probably makes it able to kill Hunters without going for the weak spots. Their energy shields and plasma weapons pretty much make them another version of the Covenant when it comes to land battles. But that's not what I'm going to be focusing on with this next battle.

It's space battle round 2 everyone.

The Corpus throw their entire fleet at High Charity and the massive Covenant fleet surrounding it. Can they take it down? 

Best Case: The Infinity and the Master Chief have survived, or haven't fought the Kuva fortress yet, and have joined the Covenant forces surrounding High Charity with the rest of the UNSC fleet. They're above Earth, which they have occupied for a while, and the UNSC has managed to construct a few super MAC platforms, which are FAR more powerful than a standard ship MAC cannon. The Corpus suddenly start dropping in, and the action starts. 

For the majority of this fight, we're going to be focusing on the Obelisk class Corpus ships. You can debate it in the comments, but to save myself some writing, I think the Corpus armada would be able to do a lot of damage, but ultimately succumb to the Halo Universe's much bigger guns. The Obelisk ships have one huge advantage over the regular ships, and that's that they're HUGE. The UNSC Infinity, which is the biggest ship in both Halo fleets, is all but dwarfed by the thing. It could ram the Infinity and destroy it, similar to how the Infinity rams Covenant ships I would like to think. The Super MAC's might be able to take down their shields, but I don't see those stations surviving that long under the harsh numbers the Corpus have presented. So why is this still a fair fight? Because High Charity, a floating city, is 200 miles wide and has weapons galore. Taking High Charity out through a ship-to-ship battle would be impossible since they have a sore lack of big guns. So that leaves one option. They would have to take High Charity by boarding it and sending in hoards of soldiers. With the Master Chief and a fair amount of Spartans still alive, I think the Corpus would be defeated here. Why are the Spartans so important in a space battle you ask? Here's a video showing how one Spartan can turn the tide of battle. 


If the Covenant/UNSC manage to take down the shields of an Obelisk, they could pull off something similar. The Master Chief was also the only Spartan-ll in orbit at the time of the battle above, so imagine what crazy stuff they could pull off if there was an entire 33 of them. Even if they do get to High Charity, I don't see them taking it, even with overwhelming numbers. 

Worst Case: This time it's a bit more in the favor of the Corpus. Both Halo fleets are weakened from the Kuva Fortress battle, and the UNSC is demoralized from the loss of the Infinity, their Spartans, and the Master Chief. They haven't been able to construct Super MAC platforms yet either. The Corpus come in and start rekting. 

The UNSC doesn't stand much of a chance against this force without the Infinity and Spartans, so I'm thinking that we're looking at a total kill of their forces. The Corpus will suffer a lot of losses eliminating the majority of the Covenant fleet and taking out enough guns to make High Charity boardable, and once they do they will meet HEAVY resistance. The forces on High Charity are the best of the best, similar to the Kuva fortress, so they not only get a home turf bonus, but they also get unit strength advantage along with the use of their vehicles, since High Charity has plenty of huge open spaces. Still, however, the Corpus have a TON of forces. It would take a long time, but eventually the Corpus would win. I'd say they win 9.5/10 times, since they can also replenish their forces were as the Covenant can't do that in this situation. If they allow the Infested on to, it becomes hopeless. In worst case, Warframe wins. 

Now for the final in this scenario, I'm going to address what you're probably thinking. What if the Corpus, Grineer, and Infested instead threw all their forces, including the Kuva fortress, at the Halo forces right after they take Earth? A fight of epic proportions that's what. I've tried to wrap my head around it, but I keep coming up with 50/50 on both sides. I'll leave this to the comments, because I bet you're all going to love arguing about this. ^.^


This one will be shorter, as everything from the previous scenario applies, but now Warframes have been thrown into the mix. This really turns the tide for the Warframe Universe, as now there are thousands of super deadly space ninja's running around. They all have abilities to, which are very powerful in their own right. I have even seen it theorized that Mag could disable a MAC cannon, and Limbo could banish big projectiles into the void, making MAC cannons only truely useful when Waframes aren't around. I'm going to get to the subject in this Scenario that we're all waiting for, however, as it's the one that most matters.

Warframes vs Spartans 

[Fanboy intensifies]

I'm sure this is going to be a hot topic, and people are going to disagree with me. Here we go.

So without a doubt, Warframes beat Spartan-IV's pretty easily. You can debate that but honestly, screw Spartan-IV's. (I might dislike this particular generation of Spartans.) moving on to Spartan-lll's, I'd say their combat and invisibility would make for formidable foes, but ultimately they would be beaten to. I feel that the only generation of Spartans that can truly go toe-to-toe with a space ninja are the Spartan-ll's. 

I'll be using the Master Chief as an example for this, as he's the prime example of a Spartan-ll. 

As far as abilities go, the Master Chief will be able to get through most of them. Not only does he exhibit extremely fast learning and assessing, but his armor will help him a ton with all the blinding and sound effects Warframes such as Excalibur and Banshee can produce. (Visor quickly adapts to the light level, and helmet would protect against most sound.) And other abilities like Limbo's rift he'd be able to figure out. If MC were to get close and grab a Warframe, he could most likely rip it in half to, in case you were wondering what could happen if Loki stripped his weapons. The dangerous abilities to a Spartan-ll would be things like Mesa's 4, or invisibility. I'm sure there are others but those are the ones that come to mind. 

But let's get back to hand to hand combat. 

There's an abysmal cutscene in the even more abysmal game Halo 5, where the Master Chief (S2) and Locke (S4) get into a senseless fist fight. Do NOT use this as a reference for Spartan combat ability. The writer had no clue what he was doing. Halo 5 is a VERY poorly written and choreographed piece of trash. I wouldn't even call it a Halo game unless it didn't literally have the name HALO right there. 

If that scene were accurate, then both Spartans would be moving fast enough to where the audience could barely keep up. These are super soldiers for crying out loud. But the MC would have quickly overtaken Locke, and start beating him senseless. At this point the rest of Fireteam Osiris would have jumped in (No shooting because they're trying to capture) and get their butts handed to them as well. It would be like John Cena fighting a bunch of nerds who sit there and do nothing all day. MC would throw them around like they were nothing, and at the end of the fight when Locke and everyone else is beaten, Buck would go: "He's a Spartan-ll, what did you expect?" (My rant on that scene. I don't like that scene.)

Spartan-ll's are epic space marines who are trained to be ultimate bada**'s from age 6. They know pretty much every martial art, and are space ninja's in their own right. In a test of pure skill, the Spartans would come out on top. But unfortunately we all like to cheese our missions by spamming abilities. So there you go. 

In the giant all or nothing space battle, the Warframes would be very effective at disabling enemy ships, and countering enemy Spartans. The Warframe universe will still suffer heavy losses, but I believe that they come out on top in the end. Scenario two goes to the Warframe universe entirely. 


Ok. It's Flood time. 

The UNSC and Covenant appear in the Warframe Solar system, and take Earth just like the beginning of every other Scenario. However, after doing so they issue a warning to the entire system that they were running from something. The Flood. They couldn't warn the system sooner because the Grineer refused to listen to them when they first appeared, and they now propose an alliance between all factions in order to counter this threat. The Grineer and Corpus, I feel, will laugh this off at the beginning. Then, they start noticing that entire colonies on, let's say, Sedna, are going dark. When they attempt to deal with this themselves, they find that The Flood has already taken most of the planet, and traces of infection are already popping up on other planets as well. The factions, including the newly arrived Sentients, join forces, and the War against The Flood begins. 

Let me give a rundown of The Flood for the few of you who don't know of the all consuming space parasite the Infested were based upon. 

This biological plague is considering the main threat to all life and biodiversity in the Halo universe. They're so dangerous that when they went up against the Forerunners, an ancient super advanced civilization that could destroy the entire Star Wars universe with relative ease, the Forerunners actually lost, having to resort to the Halo rings, weapons of mass destruction that would wipe out all sentient life in the galaxy. Even then, the Flood still managed to return millions of years later in the events of Halo 1. 

Why is The Flood so dangerous you might ask? Well it works like this. 

The Flood feeds on organic matter. (Not machines.) And infects a host by using a small little infection form. As more and more beings are infected, the Flood uses the accumulated knowledge from those beings to become smarter and stronger. The first stage of Flood infection is it's feral stage, where it's only capable of local coordination, and each Flood form is limited to the strategy's, skills, and knowledge from it's host. Once it has accumulated enough biomass, however, it makes a proto-Gravemind, which connects all Flood with a collective consciousness which is capable of strategic thinking and commanding Flood forms in an organized matter. Then, after the proto-Gravemind comes the Gravemind.

Here's a picture of a Gravemind.


Or at least part of a Gravemind, since the thing is actually made of of tentacles, some miles in length. 

A Gravemind is wise, incredibly intelligent, and is shown to exhibit a personality which is complex and obscure. He, surprisingly, isn't violent when it doesn't benefit him. He turns the entire Flood collective from savages into a well oiled machine, and he controls every single Flood form and is pretty much omniscient when it comes to his puppets. He's one of the best characters in the halo games in my opinion, and one of the most dangerous. We're going to say that a Gravemind has just formed on Sedna at the time of the Factions joining together. 

There is, however, one more stage in Flood evolution that is thankfully never shown in the Halo games, as it would have stomped hard. This evolution was the Keymind.

Keyminds are pure strategic might, and think on the level of an advanced Forerunner AI. They are formed when an entire planets worth of biomass has been accumulated, and if this happens in this fight, it's game over for everyone. These guys battled Forerunners and actually started winning. They'd stomp the Warframe System if the Flood reaches that point. Luckily, Sedna does not support the biomass needed to make a Keymind, so there's still quite a bit of time and opportunity to prevent this from happening. 

Now let's pit The Flood against other factions. 

Against the Grineer alone, the Flood wins hands down. They can turn their large numbers against them, and that results in a "Awww crap" moment, as most of their fleet is turned and then assaults the Kuva fortress. 

The Corpus fare much better. The Flood cannot assimilate machines, so there's a sizable defense. They'd have to assimilate another faction to make it possible, but it is still very likely that the Corpus will still be overrun. 

The Covenant has some regulations regarding the Flood that it would pass down to the UNSC, Corpus, and Grineer, and they are not stuck in civil war this time. 

The UNSC is going to have a rough time.

Banded together, however, and we've got ourselves a really big fighting force that serves as dinner for the Flood. The UNSC and the Grineer would be the first to be attacked, as they are the most vulnerable, and then it would be a fierce battle with the Covenant and Corpus. 

If you can't tell, I'm keeping it pretty simple, since I'm tired of writing. But I think that in the end, the Flood would overtake the main factions. So that leaves The Infested, The Tenno, and The Sentients to fight them. 

Let's start with the Sentients. The Flood cannot infect any of their number with infection forms, which presents a problem for them. The Flood does have a way around this. The logic plague. 

The logic plague is like a mental infection for an AI. Unlike the Floods biological way's of infecting things, the logic plague can take many forms and adapt to different situations. The process is slow, and requires a Gravemind, but I believe it would be effective against a captured Sentient. As I said, however, this process is slow, and would likely only be done of higher ranking Sentients like Hunhow. This means that the Sentients would still be a threat to the Flood. I don't have enough information to determine who would win, as this was posted right before Plains of Edolon and we don't know how many Sentients there are, and even if they can be truly destroyed. The mathematics are indeterminate. 

Warframes cannot be infected by The Flood or the Logic plague, however, and the Operator is locked away safely in the void. The question here is: "Can the Tenno prevent the creation of a Keymind.", as if the Keymind is created it's a stomp. I'll let you all debate that. 

Then we come to the big one. The Infested. Who would win you ask?

I'm going to give the answer to you right now. The Flood. And here's why.

Infection rate: The true means of the Infested infection are unknown, but I believe that if they were anywhere near the caliber of The Flood in this area, the Sol System would have been consumed long ago. 

Infecting each other: I don't think The Flood can infect The Infested. Infestation forms have some pretty mutilated bodies, and are fairly metallic. The Halo fans can argue this, but as a Halo fan myself, I don't think The Flood can infect them. However, The Infestation defiantly can't infect The Flood. Let me explain that.

There was a race that pre-dated the Forerunners called the precursors. They are, for lack of a better term, a kind of mythological god race. They weren't gods of course, since the Forerunners actually managed to wipe the majority of them out, but they were a bit... Magical. 

As the Forerunners won the war against the Precursors, some of them turned themselves into what is described as 'Dust that could regenerate into their past forms.' Over time, this dust became corrupted, and became an infection called The Flood. In every Flood there is a trace of the Precursors. 

Put this fact on the other fact that the Forerunners themselves couldn't find a cure for The Flood, and I just don't see the Infested assimilating an Flood from. 

Individual combat forms: The Infested take this one with their eximus units and all around fairly dangerous forms.

But overall, I think the Flood will have a 'Flood' of biomass to pull from, and wont be that slowed down by the Infestation. 

I'm going to hand it to The Flood 7/10 times. That 3 is the Tenno and the Sentients, or the main factions managing to work together efficiently enough to quell The Flood and destroy the Gravemind. 


Now. After reading this you may be tired. I'm tired after typing it all, so I expect it to be the case. I'm sorry for making it so darn long. I also believe you all have your own ideas about how it would go down, and I'd love to hear about that in the comments! The Warframe lore is open to a wide amount of interpretation, so go wild! Just remember to keep the conversation respectful and keep away from flaming. This is a Tenno forum after all. 

I look forward to discussing this with you in the comments!






















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My response to the general premise would be that the HALO Universe's Covenant and UNSC would get roflstomped if the Grineer and Corpus put aside their little war and made a full, unified commitment to fighting something else. You could even include the Forerunners, and I'd say they'd be cancelled out by the Orokin Empire and the Sentients. Any Spartans would get thoroughly thrashed by our Warframes and Tenno.

It's not really a fair fight at all for HALO.



Almost forgot, the Infestation is a more potent virus than the Flood. The Flood would get assimilated, ironically enough.

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4 minutes ago, Meta_Nexus said:



My response to the general premise would be that the HALO Universe's Covenant and UNSC would get roflstomped if the Grineer and Corpus put aside their little war and made a full, unified commitment to fighting something else. You could even include the Forerunners, and I'd say they'd be cancelled out by the Orokin Empire and the Sentients. Any Spartans would get thoroughly thrashed by our Warframes and Tenno.

It's not really a fair fight at all for HALO.

The Forerunners themselves could destroy the entire Star Wars universe will minimal effort. I'm not including them because it would be a roflstomp for the Halo side. 

On the subject of the Grineer and Corpus, I can see why you think that. Their numbers are incredible. I toned them down to make the fight more exciting, but it's a very big possibility that even with Halo's far superior firepower the Corpus and Grineer would just overwhelm them. 

And on the Tenno part, unfortunately yes. We do love our ability spam. 

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6 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

Comparisons like this just straight up don't work. The universes are so hideously far apart in power. It's like comparing Star Trek to Mass Effect.

They aren't as far apart as you think. (As long as you remove the Forerunners.) Both Warframe and Halo have viable reasons to come out on top. 

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Well it depends what "Halo" posse intends to do.

Scenario 1 -Hammerdown protocol:

I don't expect even the combined forces of WF sol system could withstand the sheer fleet power of UNSC and Covenant. (Especially UNSC)

The reason is weapons of mass destruction. WF doesn't really touch on this subject but we do know that UNSC is fully capable of scorched earth tactics even on full solar system scale.


Scenario 2 -Invasion:

This is trickier and I think it really boils down to one thing. How many Tenno and Warframes actually exist lorewise.

I think you are underestimating the their power, so if there actually would be "thousands" of Warframes it'd turn out pretty onesided IMO. Obviously the lore suggests numbers of Zariman incident survivors being closer to dozens than thousands.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)HSomDevil said:

Scenario 2 -Invasion:

This is trickier and I think it really boils down to one thing. How many Tenno and Warframes actually exist lorewise.

I think you are underestimating the their power, so if there actually would be "thousands" of Warframes it'd turn out pretty onesided IMO. Obviously the lore suggests numbers of Zariman incident survivors being closer to dozens than thousands.

If it is the case that there are only dozens, then you can actually make a fair case for Halo in Scenario 2. I still think the Warframe universe wins that Scenario though.

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30 minutes ago, Spartan336 said:

The Forerunners themselves could destroy the entire Star Wars universe will minimal effort. I'm not including them because it would be a roflstomp for the Halo side. 

On the subject of the Grineer and Corpus, I can see why you think that. Their numbers are incredible. I toned them down to make the fight more exciting, but it's a very big possibility that even with Halo's far superior firepower the Corpus and Grineer would just overwhelm them. 

And on the Tenno part, unfortunately yes. We do love our ability spam. 

Well the Forerunners essentially were beaten by the flood, their big call was essentially just building a giant neutron bomb which killed all life.

So while advanced they weren't good fighters.


But honestly you give the Spartan 2s too much credit, "Master Chief" suffers heavily from plot armor.

Most of the Grineer are essentially armored like a Spartan, perhaps more just without shields and use bigger kinetic weapons.(Considering the Spartans still only use normal infantry rifles)

Plus the Grinder were engineered to be super human in strength as they were a slave labor force, so going hand to hand with a Spartan is completely possible as they even stand taller than them if I remember correctly.

Edited by SilvaDreams
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This should be in Off-Topic... and it's way too damn long. It looks like you copy and pasted entire Halopedia articles.

The Halo universe is set in the 26th century, only 5 centuries in the future and weapon wise the UNSC isn't much technologically superior than the 21st century US army. The UNSC's only saving graces are SPARTAN super-soldiers, and a ton of nukes. Technologically superior to the Grineer, while inferior to the Corpus except maybe in the AI department.

The Covenant are aliens from outer space. They aren't even a species, they're an organization of many different species. There is no counterpart in Warframe as all units in Warframe originate from the solar system. Technologically superior to the Grineer and Corpus. Comparison with Space Magic does not compute.

The Flood is a parasite that assumes control of central nervous systems and is self-learning by accumulating the intelligence of its hosts. The Infested don't need their hosts to have a central nervous system. The Infested is better in terms of survivability, whereas the Flood is more intelligent.


You have to remember that John-117 and the other SPARTANs are ultimately human. How are you going to beat Space Magic with just drugs and a hardsuit?

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The infested use nanomachines to alter their hosts on a molecular level while the flood at least initially require at least a complete nervous system to infect. Individually the infested are stronger and in groups I believe giving the flood a run for their money with eximus aura stacking.  Though I believe the flood spreads far faster. Not going to debate who can infect the other not bothered enough.

Grineer lancers given their cybernetic augmentations weigh at least a ton are equal to at least Spartan 3s in terms of combat ability but are far more numerous. Given the anniversary stats of grineer lancers killed at 4.6 billion per year and increasing. What makes this ridiculous is that it's a single troop type and only includes troops killed by the tenno. The actual number is probably far higher if including losses from the war with the corpus and the infested. Meaning they can probably frown both the unsc and covenant with sheer numbers also assuming the corpus have similar numbers In robotics. 

Also I doubt the Spartans have much resistance against the cc. What's stopping nyx from making the Spartans kill each other, what's stopping vauban from putting the Spartans in stasis, what's preventing ember from instantly turning the Spartans to ash etc and Given how we can launch bombards through sheer physical strength. I believe the warframes can manhandle Spartans easily.

Sentients alongside the tenno are an out of context problem entirely which I don't need to get into.


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2 hours ago, Spartan336 said:

On the subject of the Grineer and Corpus, I can see why you think that. Their numbers are incredible. I toned them down to make the fight more exciting, but it's a very big possibility that even with Halo's far superior firepower the Corpus and Grineer would just overwhelm them. 

Its not simply that but the fact that the grineers numbers far exceed your toning, they wage war in a kamikaze-esque method of firing ship piercing shells into enemy ships which unload butt loads of grineer. 

NOX, Bombards and Heavy gunners under a sea of melee, rollers, shock troopers and Carpras. This also isnt counting their generals , manics and problem children. Formorians maybe smaller but are massed produced in high quantities. 


The grineer are feared due to their exceedingly overwhelming numbers and almost unlimited supply of soldiers of all kinds, another issue is the Kuva guardians who are immune to everything so long as their staff is unbroken.  



The corpus on the other hand are a problem not by sheer quality but by how they over power you by stacking area of effects in various areas in high frequency while creating debilitating effects and high powered shields.   The corpus dont have the varying physical menaces that the grineer do nor the numbers so they ensure 1 robot can do almost too much. 


Throw the Spartans up against the raptor squad and i guarantee the raptors will come out winning. They have adaptive and evolving AI with shield disruption and kinetic dispersion while surrounded by troops of Bursas



The biggest reasons why the Halo U will never win is specifically because because of the Sentients, Warframes and Infested.


The infested dont infect like the flood do, the infested is a virus that attaches to a host and spreads corruption inside and outside the body, simply being nearby increases the chances of infection exponentially.  The sheer number of the infested rivals the grineer while having abilities that drain energy, heal themselves and spray shield piercing poison everywhere. 


Their hivemind causes them to have mobilization capabilities second to none and flood areas with close and long range attacks that chew through targets. 


The damage reduction ancients give them and the reduction in strength of opposing weapons thanks to disruptors ensures a bad time not including greater infested like Phorid whose screams can rip shields and kill. 


The Sentients are hyper adaptive combat life forms who for the Halo verse means you either 1 shot them or they adapt to all of your damage rendering offense pointless.

Theyre wide variety of assaults ranging from high velocity spinning to peripheral assaults by killing you for looking at them when they blink. 


If we throw frames into the mix itd be impossible for them to win specifically due to Limbo, Saryn, Trinity and Chroma existing.

Edited by (PS4)psycofang
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1 hour ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

The Sentients are hyper adaptive combat life forms who for the Halo verse means you either 1 shot them or they adapt to all of your damage rendering offense pointless.

Considering we've only fought against Sentient Combat Drones thus far (save for the cyberspace battle against a certain someone in a recent quest), I think the real Sentients pose a far greater threat than we're aware of so far. The Drones are annoying for us already--a real and INTACT Sentient might give us PTSD, just judging from what the fragments/remnants of Eidolon--or his forces--(Teralysts) seem to be able to do in the PoE trailers/gameplay.

I'd wager just 1 real Sentient could be the primary antagonist of a full-length HALO title, or short series.


4 hours ago, Spartan336 said:

(I'm going to address this in parts -Meta)

1- The Forerunners themselves could destroy the entire Star Wars universe will minimal effort. I'm not including them because it would be a roflstomp for the Halo side. 

2- On the subject of the Grineer and Corpus, I can see why you think that. Their numbers are incredible. I toned them down to make the fight more exciting, but it's a very big possibility that even with Halo's far superior firepower the Corpus and Grineer would just overwhelm them. 

3- And on the Tenno part, unfortunately yes. We do love our ability spam. 

1. From what I've seen of and briefly researched on the Forerunners, some of their technological feats were barely on par with those of the Orokin Empire. While they did manage to Terraform and successfully colonize many more worlds and systems than the Orokin (3 million+ according to the data, against the Orokin MAYBE getting the Tau system Terraformed but not yet settled, to our knowledge), their combat aptitude and technology sounds to be remarkably lacking by comparison. From the descriptions it sound like the Forerunners operated more like the Corpus in the warfare theater, creating the Sentinels to go and fight for them rather than risk dying themselves. They were also limited to directed energy and solidified light matrix weaponry, which does not surpass combat tech in Warframe. Orokin also have the drastic advantage of being immortal AND invulnerable, unless you know the secret to killing them permanently, whereas it sounds like a little Infestation would go a long way against a Forerunner.

The only real advantage the Forerunners (and HALO Universe) seems to have is the HALO WMDs...which are in THEIR Universe...so...yup.

2. Again, I'll point out that HALO weaponry is at best equal to, but not greater than, weaponry in Warframe. Both have heavily modified ballistics weaponry (UNSC and Grineer), and both have varied particle pulse and directed energy weaponry (Covenant + Sentinel/Forerunner and Corpus + Orokin). Warframe has the added benefit of harnessing and conventionally weaponizing the Infestation, as well, which HALO lacks in. There are also the Tenno variations, Syndicate variations, Baro's variations, and Orokin variations on various weapons to consider (Dragon, Wraith/Vandal, Prisma, Prime) offering additional upgrades over the conventional models...add to that the existence of Mods and Rivens, and you've painted Warframe like Bob Ross, and HALO like a 3-year-old's sidewalk chalk sketch.

3. Even with the abilities discounted, the typical Warframe would be far more durable, nimble, and powerful than the average John Spartan, if only for the presence of Mods...but even toss those out, and I'd wager an Excal would be able to go toe-to-toe with 117 for 10 rounds, no problem...why? Because the Warframe would be punching a human wrapped in sturdy armor with a little bit of energy shielding, while good ol' Johnny would be punching a mess of Infestation (which is already insanely durable) wrapped in Space Magic armor (somehow even more durable than Infested flesh) surrounded in some energy shielding. Go beyond that, though--Warframes can revive themselves 4 times, Johnny only has 1 life.

As Coldguy111 pointed out, your average Grineer unit (not any of the special ones) is already bred and genetically enhanced and cybernetically augmented with gusto in a fashion similar to (perhaps a fair bit more extreme than, honestly) a Spartan. They (average Joe Grineer units) may be completely lacking in high-level thinking, but what thoughts they do have are centered around combat...and the typical Warframe dances around them and dispatches them like they're a rickety wooden post.


Now I like HALO a lot...and I'm being as fair as I can here...the HALO Universe would get ripped to tiny shreds if it invaded the Origin System. Turn it around though--if the Origin System was suddenly thrust into the HALO Universe, the only saving grace would be if someone on the HALO side hit the big Reset Button...then it would just leave the Corpus Proxies (and perhaps some Nullifiers) to fight against the Sentinels. That's only if ALL of the Tenno and their Warframes were not Void-masked during the button mash (pre-supposing the Void would still be present because of the dimensional incursion)...because when they're not deployed on a mission, they're hidden in Void pockets on their Orbiters, y'know...which is not in normal space, so it wouldn't be affected by the "death to all organic life" bubble.

Edited by Meta_Nexus
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