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War deserves to have a Prime


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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)ThermalStone said:

Lore should never stand in the way of game content.  Prime it!

No, a weapon made by sentient hands of are dear space grandpa. Prime items were made by the orokin not sentient

2 hours ago, (PS4)xhris_white1994 said:

War should deserves to have a prime cuz even if it's not an Orokin it should deserved to have it own prime and stronger than the original War I love War it's my favorite type of Melee weapon but I something more from War greater strength an reborn way for War but be forged in Idk like unknown or mysterious Orokin technology or parts to make it better and stronger but not overpowered cuz people complained my last idea for War Prime but all I'm saying that the game should deserves to have a Prime for War with a new prime Warframe like Excalibur if they made him sooner for the America cuz we deserve to have Excalibur Prime too but yea we the and game and us deserve to have War to be prime so what it's not a Orokin it would be thinking it can renewed without any doubts about it and I believe in War to be the best and will ignore any bad complaints about it it still wouldn't make a difference about it and tell this to other players how play this game too see ya.

So you want a weapon that not gonna ever be primed as it breaks story an will lead to other players wanting primed versions of things that wont be primable.

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Only way for War to get a some what prime version is if DE decided to create a variant of primes for sentient weapons.

Or hell they could finally implement Umbra's as a alternate upgrade version of current weapons using Orokin smithing ideology. That is if they ever decided to do something with umbra but I doubt they will.

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41 minutes ago, Mintaro said:

Here is the thing i don't it should be primed but would be nice if it had some unique passive to make you atleast consider it over galentine prime.

War exists before Galentine prime, and the Galentine prime will get vaulted one day. Actually not that far away. 

Asking for Primes based on power creep is like asking for Warframe rivens.

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5 hours ago, Lakais said:

And I also think that most prime items came AFTER the normal ones. They are golden, mastercraft editions of standard issue weapons.

It's actually heavily implied by the lore (and prime trailers) and we've actually been told a couple of times, that the primed weapons and warframes were indeed "the first ones" from the orokin era, and that the tenno weapons and the normal warframes are "mass-produced" copies of them. In the Saryn Prime trailer, for example, Ballas talks about what inspired him to create Saryn, and he says, at the end "I will call her... Saryn", implying that he's indeed the creator of the Saryn Warframe.

I know there are some instances of primed warframes and weapons where this doesn't work (as with Sybaris Prime, for example), but maybe we'll get the missing bits of lore over time (maybe even some with PoE).

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Even though technically everything can be primed regardless of it's origin, War in reality would never be primed for 1 sole reason. That weapon was created by Hunhow for Stalker, Kind of doesn't make sense in anyway how can it be primed if it never existed when orokin were kicking and breathing.

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13 hours ago, Ferah_Frithu said:

As xXDeadsinxX has said, it would interfere heavily with the lore.

The term "prime" has an actual meaning, and not just "oh shiny", as it refers to the warframe's/weapon's state of being the "first of its kind" made from orokin technology.

"War" is inherently consisting of sentient technology, and thus cannot be primed.

Wait a minute sentinels are "friendly" sentients by this logic we shouldnt have prime sentinels too.

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13 hours ago, Ferah_Frithu said:

As xXDeadsinxX has said, it would interfere heavily with the lore.

The term "prime" has an actual meaning, and not just "oh shiny", as it refers to the warframe's/weapon's state of being the "first of its kind" made from orokin technology.

"War" is inherently consisting of sentient technology, and thus cannot be primed.

Wait a minute sentinels are "friendly" sentients by this logic we shouldnt have prime sentinels too.

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4 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Wait a minute sentinels are "friendly" sentients by this logic we shouldnt have prime sentinels too.

It's theorized that they're similar to Sentient, but they're never explicitly stated to be Sentient creatures. And besides, the Orokin happened upon Sentinels during the dying days of their empire, so Prime variants could very well exist.

War Prime, on the other hand, is impossible, due purely to the fact that it's a modern invention. Prime equipment is the version created by the Orokin way back when, the original blueprint before the need for mass production began cutting corners. By definition, War couldn't fit this mold.

Edited by EmissaryOfInfinity
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1 minute ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Wait a minute sentinels are "friendly" sentients by this logic we shouldnt have prime sentinels too.

But we can because they're friendly.

Anyways we don't even know if sentinels really are sentients, or just a relative, or just similar. Or even how we turn them from their base form into what we have now.

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1 hour ago, rapt0rman said:

But we can because they're friendly.

Anyways we don't even know if sentinels really are sentients, or just a relative, or just similar. Or even how we turn them from their base form into what we have now.

Sentinels and Sentients are wholly different in lore. A Sentient dies when exposed to the Void, while a sentinel can tolerate it just fine. Sure, there's been a list of retcons a mile long, but under current lore, they're not even vaguely related.

Although, at the risk of joining the kubrow-pile, War really, really doesn't need an even more powerful version; it's already one of the most powerful melee weapons available.

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14 minutes ago, SpoonyBrad said:

Sentinels and Sentients are wholly different in lore. A Sentient dies when exposed to the Void, while a sentinel can tolerate it just fine. Sure, there's been a list of retcons a mile long, but under current lore, they're not even vaguely related.

I'm aware, but really the only lore about sentinels at all, is what comes from the ordis fragments (actually, not sure what you mean about retcons, there was never an ingame lore explanation of sentinels before that), and it implies that they're at the very least similar. 

And to be fair, Sentients that pass through the void are sterilized, not killed.

Edited by rapt0rman
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6 hours ago, Ferah_Frithu said:

It's actually heavily implied by the lore (and prime trailers) and we've actually been told a couple of times, that the primed weapons and warframes were indeed "the first ones" from the orokin era, and that the tenno weapons and the normal warframes are "mass-produced" copies of them. In the Saryn Prime trailer, for example, Ballas talks about what inspired him to create Saryn, and he says, at the end "I will call her... Saryn", implying that he's indeed the creator of the Saryn Warframe.

I know there are some instances of primed warframes and weapons where this doesn't work (as with Sybaris Prime, for example), but maybe we'll get the missing bits of lore over time (maybe even some with PoE).

I don't think Prime trailers can be taken as fact. They are fancy, yes. But the content of those trailers does not prove chronology. Vauban and Valkyr fight what looks to be modern Corpus, same for Banshee and Nekros with the Grineer. Additionally, Titania should be a prime from the very start. She predates Saryn in a chronological sense. Question is, by how much. 

Point is, Ballas's narration are about the Frame type, but not of the prime itself. 

I agree that SOME prime items are in essence "first generation" or somesuch. Ankyros and Burston are the ones who's descriptions clearly state that the Primes did come first. And in some items I am even not sure they match with the normal version, Sicarus for example. Though they are both three round burst pistols, their operating mechanism looks wildly different. Some of them are "first" most are ceremonial or simply mastercrafted veteran versions of existing equipment, refined and given an artist's touch.

Basically, "Prime" is a current era classification for any item that is made of Orokin era components or is made using Orokin era blueprints and that follows a set aesthetic design.

Finally, and this is just my opinion an view that base why I think this way is that I believe just blankly saying "Primes cames first." diminishes the concept or Prime. It narrows it down to such a bland and boring thing with little room for interesting implied developments. And most of them look like trash. 

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