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Questions about fan Warframe concepts


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So, the title says a lot, actually.
I want to know if DE ever look at fan Warframes and considers adding the fan creation to the game. I ask because I was looking through Warframe fan art when I noticed a piece of fan concept art for a spider/thread Warframe design. It looked like they had just ripped a concept page right out of DE's hands and put it on the internet, but it was really their own original design.

Here's the fan art in all it's glory (The artist name is Grincubus)

And here's the link to the page: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1163296631

So, I was wondering if DE may consider adding this, and other really neat fan designs to the game one day, or is that only really reserved to certain contests that are held. Thanks!

Edited by SirVoltage
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5 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

 No. It happens very rarely, and for good reason. There are a great many concepts out there. Too many to add.

Don't listen to this guy.


Chroma was actually a fan concept, along with Nova, Mesa, and Zephyr. They do look at them, but only the top tier and most well received and promoted even get considered.

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11 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

Don't listen to this guy.


Chroma was actually a fan concept, along with Nova, Mesa, and Zephyr. They do look at them, but only the top tier and most well received and promoted even get considered.

 You.... didn't contradict what I said? You mentioned four Warframes (of which only Chroma is a fan concept; Mesa and Nova are not fan concepts, while the Zephyr concept was a foundation for the actual Warframe), out of.... what? Thousands? Tens of thousands of concepts? Seems pretty rare to me, and considering we have "popular" concepts like Typhus lying around, I'd say you're wrong. 

So yeah, "don't listen to this guy". He hasn't done his research. 

Edited by PrVonTuckIII
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Just now, PrVonTuckIII said:

 You.... didn't contradict what I said? You mentioned four Warframes (of which only Chroma is a fan concept; Mesa and Nova are not fan concepts, while the Zephyr concept was a foundation for the actual Warframe), out of.... what? Thousands? Tens of thousands? Seems pretty rare to me, and considering we have "popular" concepts like Typhus lying around, I'd say you're wrong. 

So yeah, "don't listen to this guy". He hasn't done his research. 

I mean, you said no. And then you worded it to make it sound like no one should ever try. They do look, and the ones that DE likes are put into the game. Sure, not everyone fan concept can be added, but just saying flat out no is disheartening.

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3 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

I mean, you said no. And then you worded it to make it sound like no one should ever try. They do look, and the ones that DE likes are put into the game. Sure, not everyone fan concept can be added, but just saying flat out no is disheartening.

.... Fair enough. I did say that. Allow me to amend my statement. 

24 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

 You might as well not try. It happens very rarely, and for good reason. There are a great many concepts out there. It's only ever happened once (twice, depending on your criteria), but that's the exception, not the rule. 


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They do consider fan concepts. Otherwise there wouldn't be any point to this: https://forums.warframe.com/forum/89-fan-concepts/ 

It may take them a while to implement some ideas, but that is because they have to make sure that the idea fits in warframe. They take into account various things such as difficulty in making the warframe's kit, the theme, popularity among the community and a lot of other things. So go ahead. Post your idea, try and get as much feedback on it as you can (some people may be harsh or too critical). And don't be afraid to make changes based on those feedback. 


Make sure it is balanced as well, and non of the abilities resemble any existing ones too much. There are some concepts out there that are either just combination of other abilities with a change of theme. And then there are just have their 1st ability being something like 30s fear+disarm in an area. 

Edited by InDueTime-EN-
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As has been mentioned above, there are a few fan warframes in the game. Along to that, DE does sometimes notice a concept so much they put it on Prime Time or even a Devstream (which doesn't necessarily guarantee they will be in the game), but sadly chances are still almost as low as getting a Xiphos through farming it.

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It's rare that you'll ever get a "this idea was brought up by____" recognition bit, but, when it does happen, hoboy is it good to see. The only ones I can think of that had direct mention of the creator is Chroma and a non-Warframe, the Grineer manic. 


Unless your one of the big big boys who gets a ell of a lot of attention like, say, Daemonstar, it's not likely. That last bit I get from personal experience, but, not in a bad angry way, just as a truthful fact.

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6 minutes ago, Unus said:

and a non-Warframe, the Grineer manic. 

That was part of a make a enemy contest. The bersa and juggernaut where also fan designs. 

DE may take fan ideas or design themes but they will do with it what they want. The juggernaut didnt fare too well from the original. Bersa and manic where very close to original.

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Some get accepted into the game, don't get your hopes up that anything you make will get in. it's almost like a competition it seems but can you really call it a competition when there is no announced competition and the winner is selected randomly? anyways there are plenty of Ideas and concepts that get accepted into the game from the fan concepts section. (Personally i think i had a part in the creation of equinox with one of my old concepts but i have no proof) but even if you don't have your concept get accepted into the game directly there is a chance DE may take your idea and adapt it.


For instance check out my old concept for a yin-yang warframe long before equinox came out. see how some ideas are kinda incorporated in the actual warframe. doesn't mean that my concept was the one used for the game but i personally feel it may have had a bit of inspiration for DE (just a personal thought that i have no proof for)


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3 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

That was part of a make a enemy contest. The bersa and juggernaut where also fan designs. 

DE may take fan ideas or design themes but they will do with it what they want. The juggernaut didnt fare too well from the original. Bersa and manic where very close to original.

Thats probably why the Manic is at the forefront of my thoughts then suh. Knew about the ol nip-tuck Digital gave ol Juggy, but, the Bursa was fan-originated? That's news to these ears suh.

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7 minutes ago, lightdragon64 said:

Some get accepted into the game, don't get your hopes up that anything you make will get in. it's almost like a competition it seems but can you really call it a competition when there is no announced competition and the winner is selected randomly? anyways there are plenty of Ideas and concepts that get accepted into the game from the fan concepts section. (Personally i think i had a part in the creation of equinox with one of my old concepts but i have no proof) but even if you don't have your concept get accepted into the game directly there is a chance DE may take your idea and adapt it.


For instance check out my old concept for a yin-yang warframe long before equinox came out. see how some ideas are kinda incorporated in the actual warframe. doesn't mean that my concept was the one used for the game but i personally feel it may have had a bit of inspiration for DE (just a personal thought that i have no proof for)


Heh, you to eh? I remember when I made my Zor mortar rifle and then, a month later, the Zar was born. I'm in SIGNIFICANT doubt that it was me, but, ell, I'm just happy that I operate on one of the same wavelengths as one of the Designers.


(For date checking to show I'm not as mad as I sound.)

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The best if you dont get your hope so high and keep realistic in this matter. There are fan concept frames which entered but at a time and a year DE can make only 3-4 frame if they have enough inspiration and mood to do. Better if you think the worst then you cannot be disappointed. The very first frames were designed by DE but after that they used fan concepts and basically all frame after Saryn or Ash dunno which one they used fan based concepts. Nova was also a fan concept and all other frame after that was fan inspired concept and the mesa was originally planned as a male gunslinger but they decided instead make a female gunslinger. I think that a moderator made that concept or a fan but certainly fan concept. Good minor secret originally ember was male, mag was male, ash were female in concept but in execute it become male. Chroma was fan concept, zephyr also was male and fan concept by inuzuka, but they in the end butchered into a weird looking bird. Pretty much every frame was fan concept but we could say nezha and wukong was different because they were popular in other games like lol, dota, and other kind of games and they just used them to fill that space. 

The rate of implmenting fan concepts is small because they do more than just making frames. If they wish they could make 10 frame per year but they need to create lore for them and boss or other situation where these can be dropped. There are many concepts what I like and I am also trying to make one or two concepts in the hope they won't butcher it and use it on another form than what I imagined at first. 

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2 hours ago, Sziklamester said:

The best if you dont get your hope so high and keep realistic in this matter. There are fan concept frames which entered but at a time and a year DE can make only 3-4 frame if they have enough inspiration and mood to do. Better if you think the worst then you cannot be disappointed. The very first frames were designed by DE but after that they used fan concepts and basically all frame after Saryn or Ash dunno which one they used fan based concepts. Nova was also a fan concept and all other frame after that was fan inspired concept and the mesa was originally planned as a male gunslinger but they decided instead make a female gunslinger. I think that a moderator made that concept or a fan but certainly fan concept. Good minor secret originally ember was male, mag was male, ash were female in concept but in execute it become male. Chroma was fan concept, zephyr also was male and fan concept by inuzuka, but they in the end butchered into a weird looking bird. Pretty much every frame was fan concept but we could say nezha and wukong was different because they were popular in other games like lol, dota, and other kind of games and they just used them to fill that space. 

The rate of implmenting fan concepts is small because they do more than just making frames. If they wish they could make 10 frame per year but they need to create lore for them and boss or other situation where these can be dropped. There are many concepts what I like and I am also trying to make one or two concepts in the hope they won't butcher it and use it on another form than what I imagined at first. 

While I do understand that, I'm honestly surprised we haven't gotten some more elemental Warframes lately.

I still want my Blast Warframe DE, let me become Mr. Torque, haha.

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

While I do understand that, I'm honestly surprised we haven't gotten some more elemental Warframes lately.

I still want my Blast Warframe DE, let me become Mr. Torque, haha.

We already have Nova for explosions.




Edited by Kaotyke
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They mostly use fan concepts as inspirations, but some frames are directly ported or officially inspired by a fan concept (Chroma, Nova, Zephyr (And yes Mesa is clearly inspired by Ignus gunslinger))


Recently they made Nidus, you can find ideas from some really well known concepts, like if they wanted to prepare some work for Furion, Belial or Typhus. Or make their own twist on those designs

PS : This spider frame is cute, I made an arachnid male frame (with abilities and everything) but the art is just a sketch, not as crisp sadly :clem:




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7 hours ago, SirVoltage said:

So, the title says a lot, actually.
I want to know if DE ever look at fan Warframes and considers adding the fan creation to the game.


So, I was wondering if DE may consider adding this, and other really neat fan designs to the game one day, or is that only really reserved to certain contests that are held. Thanks!

Short answer.


Long answer.

I might misunderstand the workings that had been at play for her to be created, but as far as i understood it she was created based on a fan concept for a wind Warframe of the same name. Infact said fanconcept is actualy in the ingame codex under "art".

However this also tells you how much a fan Warframe concept could end up being translated into the game. Meaning the name and a few design elements get translated but the rest will be DE original.

Since the Zephyr fan concept had her with a much more shaolin monk inspired design and a male appearance.

This is also why i suspect i might have misunderstood the design process, since it's possible they came up with the wind Frame idea themself and only decided to pick the name of the fan concept because it was considered fitting for the theme.

The problem is after all that the community is throwing out so many damn Warframe concepts, multiple times the same one, that anytime DE would come up with one themself it will to some extend overlap with something a fan allready designed.

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I'm sorry but THAT Concept Art right there looks horrible. This looks like someone took a overdose of LSD and tried to draw a spider, but ended up with a deformed alien.


And before anyone starts a flame war with me right now, that's my personal opinion, but since this is the internet, opinions don't really matter anyway.

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10 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

We already have Nova for explosions.

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Ehh, kind of what I want, but I literally mean causing explosions with their abilities, like throwing bombs and stuff.

Nova does to that to enemies upon death, but it's just not the same as chucking a nuke at an enemies face and watching them evaporate.

Edited by (XB1)Graysmog
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6 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

Ehh, kind of what I want, but I literally mean causing explosions with their abilities, like throwing bombs and stuff.

Nova does to that to enemies upon death, but it's just not the same as chucking a nuke at an enemies face and watching them evaporate.

Anti-Matter Drop? It is a pretty good nuke that is often looked over in favor of Molecular Prime.

Check it out, but you would have to use positive range.

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1 minute ago, Kaotyke said:

Anti-Matter Drop? It is a pretty good nuke that is often looked over in favor of Molecular Prime.

Check it out, but you would have to use positive range.

Oh I have, and it's about the closest thing I can get thus far to what I want.

Though I've used mine with an average Nova Duration build, and it still has quite a huge range. Are you sure you need positive range for that? I figured the only things that benefit from range in Nova's kit were her 1 thanks to her Augment and her 3.

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17 hours ago, JSharpie said:

Don't listen to this guy.


Chroma was actually a fan concept, along with Nova, Mesa, and Zephyr. They do look at them, but only the top tier and most well received and promoted even get considered.

Chroma was an amalgamation of other concepts. Nova wasn't a fan concept but the Design council had a hand in creating the frame. Mesa i'm not too sure, and Zephyr is the closes to a fan concept. They took the original Zephyr (male) and tweaked the concept.

As much as fan concepts are amazing, we wouldn't have them 1:1 because what the creator thinks is balanced and plausible in concept, might not be easily achieved in practice.  If we do get any fan concepts, it'd be similar to zephyr where the appearance is the closest thing to the original concept.

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