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Tier 5 Bounties seem impossible in Solo mode


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My loadout,
Nyx Prime,
Rank 5 Energy Siphon,
Rank 5 Thief's Wit,
Rank 9 Primed Flow,
Rank 3 Fleeting Expertise,
Rank 9 Narrow Minded,
Rank 5 Overextended,
Rank 9 Continuity,
Rank 5 Streamline,
Rank 3 Chaos Sphere,
Rank 5, Stretch.

Rank 9 Primed Point Blank,
Rank 5 Hell's Chamber,
Rank 3 Scattered Justice,
Rank 3 Blaze,
Rank 5 Vicious Spread,
Rank 3 Scattering Inferno,
Rank 3 Frigid Blast,
Rank 8 Hek Visi-fevanok, MR 14
+20.4% reload speed,
+1 punch-though,
+68.2% damage

Twin Rogga, freshly forma-d,
Rank 10 Hornet Strike,
Rank 8 Primed Heated Chamber,
Rank 4 Barrel Diffusion,
Rank 0 Pistol Mutation
Rank 5 Bore,
Rank 8 Twin Rogga Visi-ampicon, MR 13,
+79.1% ammo max,
+213.6% damage,
+39.5% damage to grineer,
-67% crit damage
empty slot,
empty slot,

Vaykor Sydon,
Rank 3 Shimmering Blight, Stance,
Rank 9 Primed Pressure Point,
Rank 9 Primed Fury,
Rabk 9 Primed Reach,
Rank 3 Spoiled Strike,
Rank 5 Auger Strike,
Rank 3 Viciouse Frost,
Rank 5 Molten Impact,
Rank 3 Volcanic Strike


Is it the shotguns?
Should I switch to single bullet guns like Lex and Vectis?

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It's not that the shotguns have spread, but their damage falloff significantly hinders you on the big open plains.  Most engagements start  beyond the max damage falloff range of most shotguns.  You have two options: either be able to avoid all fire and close distance with any threat fast, or be able to snipe stuff from a distance so it doesn't kill you.   So bring one gun that can really reach out and touch people.  The other gun can be whatever you like.

Also, you may have a really hard time with a chaos build, since your sphere isn't going to have the range to affect enemies before they're already shooting at you.  In the rest of the star chart, enemies get caught up in it before they're even in the same room as you.  In the plains, they'll stand their shooting at you from 100m.  Perhaps go with higher range, less duration, and use the assimilate augment instead.

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1. you are using shotgun type weapons which have severe damage dropoff around 15m without any type of weapon damage boosting power. Neither Hek or Roggas can armor strip as they cannot hit 100% status chance and some plains units have excessively high armor. Give guns like corrosive akstilletto prime or 100% status shotguns a try. Vectis prime aint bad. Opticor works good as long as you have an appropriate secondary.

2. melee is short range

If you have mesa, give her a try with corrosive-crit modded pistols and spam peacemaker. She's pretty ideal on the plains. Tanky, has some damage boost. Peacemaker can aimbot grineer you cant see in bushes/grass. Only downside is peacemaker only works to 50m out.

You can also try using a range-efficiency oberon modded with just enough power strength to completely strip armor with reckoning in 2 casts. Rage is a must.

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Nyx Prime, Argonak, Akstilletto Primes, Lesion.

Have no problem with tier 5 bounties. Mind control the strongest enemy or a chaingun turret, pop chaos, if things get hectic, absorb (with augment so i can still walk around). 

Edited by Mole38
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Tier 5 bounties are basically Tier 1 Sortie difficulty (level 40+ enemies).

To be honest you don't need specific weapons or frames at that level of difficulty, shotguns, single-shot weapons, AOE mob killers, it doesn't matter, it just adds convenience if you're using something suited to fighting mid-level enemies in an open environment. The damage reduction Grineer have due to their armor starts to rear its head quite noticeably beginning at around level 40, however, so you need to be modding correctly for weaknesses and playing efficiently with your chosen loadout and abilities at the minimum.

I use Loki almost exclusively on the plains and I regularly clear T5 bounties with nothing but my Rubico, for example.

If you want specific input on what you've listed there, looking at your mods there are quite a few problems; for instance you have absolutely no defensive mods whatsoever on an already-fragile frame (Nyx) against level 40 Grineer. Although many players will advocate using no defensive mods (and it certainly is viable to do that), this style of playing is extremely risky against high-level enemies and you will die in the event of the slightest mishap. I say this in my experience as a Founder, playing from the start of Open Beta with almost 10,000 mission completions and a 98% completion ratio; every single one of my frames (when using a non-specialised loadout) uses the Quick Thinking + Primed Flow + Vitality + Rage combination to ensure that the only way I practically ever die is if I'm intentionally trying to get myself killed.

The fact that you're not using any defensive mods is compounded by the fact that you've compromised your ability range by using Narrow Minded; even if your objective was to offset the reduced range by using Overextended + Stretch, it's still not a good choice because Nyx wants as much range as possible to maintain a huge area of control with her 3. Especially on the open plains where Grineer with their lovely hitscan weapons are going to shoot your anus off from about 500 miles away. Duration also becomes less important if you have decent energy efficiency, 25 seconds on 3 is more than enough since you can just recast it without concern.

In terms of weapons your Hek appears to be modded for Blast (unless your Riven has elemental damage), which is in no way optimal for fighting mid-level Grineer. You want Radiation or Corrosive depending on which enemies you want to prioritize killing.

Basically, judging from the information you've provided my conclusion would be that you're experiencing difficulty because of your mod choices. Need to optimize that stuff, friend.

- Satsuki

Edited by Kiryuin-Satsuki
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5 minutes ago, Kiryuin-Satsuki said:

Tier 5 bounties are basically Tier 1 Sortie difficulty (level 40+ enemies).

More like T2 or even T3 sortie. The enemy levels on the plains can be deceptive, they seem to have much better stats than regular starchart enemies at their level, and that is combined with the insane range at which they can shoot you from, a very large amount of CC units (Twin Khrohkur guys being much more common than Scorpions and having both hook AND ground pound comes to mind), heavy units blending in with regular units due to similar appearances, and the fact enemies can literally spawn right on top of you via orbital drop, and ALSO the appearance of air units and turrets that are incredibly tanky at high levels, T5 bounties can easily reach T3 sortie levels of difficulty if not further.

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8 minutes ago, Madotsuki said:

More like T2 or even T3 sortie. The enemy levels on the plains can be deceptive, they seem to have much better stats than regular starchart enemies at their level, and that is combined with the insane range at which they can shoot you from, a very large amount of CC units (Twin Khrohkur guys being much more common than Scorpions and having both hook AND ground pound comes to mind), heavy units blending in with regular units due to similar appearances, and the fact enemies can literally spawn right on top of you via orbital drop, and ALSO the appearance of air units and turrets that are incredibly tanky at high levels, T5 bounties can easily reach T3 sortie levels of difficulty if not further.

In no way, shape or form are these enemies T3 sortie level. Complete and utter exaggeration. Two or three ticks from the residual flames of a T3 Sortie Napalm is capable of punching right through Quick Thinking + Primed Flow + Vitality + Rage leading to a very uneventful death, while I can eat hits from heavy units in T5 bounties until I'm blue in the face and still survive.

If you are experiencing extreme difficulty in T5 bounties your mod choice is poor or inadequate or your choice of weapon/frame is absolutely appalling. Or both.


Edited by Kiryuin-Satsuki
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I could totally solo it if my bounties didn't break 4 out of every 5 attempts.

I've just stopped trying until I see a patch note about the armored vault among other things. I'm tired of wasting my time (and I've wasted more than enough) until they sort out why the bounties don't like to progress.

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35 minutes ago, Kiryuin-Satsuki said:

In no way, shape or form are these enemies T3 sortie level. Complete and utter exaggeration. Two or three ticks from the residual flames of a T3 Sortie Napalm is capable of punching right through Quick Thinking + Primed Flow + Vitality + Rage leading to a very uneventful death, while I can eat hits from heavy units in T5 bounties until I'm blue in the face and still survive.

If you are experiencing extreme difficulty in T5 bounties your mod choice is poor or inadequate or your choice of weapon/frame is absolutely appalling. Or both.


While this may be true of individual enemies, the rate at which unavoidable enemy encounters occur feels significantly higher than old-school missions for some bounty missions. Also the fact that 1)there is very little cover in the plains, 2) you are often getting shot from multiple directions horizontally AND vertically, 3) it can be hard to see enemies, 4) you are often getting shot well outside of ability range does a lot to increase the difficulty.

For the T5 bounties, I'd say the difficulty ranges from less than a T1 sortie to around a theoretical T2.5 sortie depending on a lot of factors.

Edited by ADirtyMonk
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1 hour ago, Caelward said:

I could totally solo it if my bounties didn't break 4 out of every 5 attempts.

I've just stopped trying until I see a patch note about the armored vault among other things. I'm tired of wasting my time (and I've wasted more than enough) until they sort out why the bounties don't like to progress.

Basically this.

I attempted about 10 bounties today, I completed 4... got fed up on the last one as the vault didn't open on the final mission... and eventually just failed us even though we were all standing around it waiting with the enemy waves all finished.

I swear it's worse now then when the patch dropped.

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1 hour ago, ADirtyMonk said:

While this may be true of individual enemies, the rate at which unavoidable enemy encounters occur feels significantly higher than old-school missions for some bounty missions. Also the fact that 1)there is very little cover in the plains, 2) you are often getting shot from multiple directions horizontally AND vertically, 3) it can be hard to see enemies, 4) you are often getting shot well outside of ability range does a lot to increase the difficulty.

For the T5 bounties, I'd say the difficulty ranges from less than a T1 sortie to around a theoretical T2.5 sortie.

There are assumptions that should be made for comparing the difficulty of content:

1) Players are are suitably equipped and modded for the content
2) Players are playing in a manner that is efficient (constantly moving to reduce enemy accuracy, taking out priority targets, prioritize defending objectives if applicable)
3) Players are using their abilities in an effective manner

Reduced cover and enemies being more difficult to see are both valid points, but not game changing. On that note, discussing cover is an interesting choice given that I feel that cover is frequently ignored in favor of utilizing Warframe abilities that can offer protection (whether directly or indirectly, e.g. mass CC) in tangent with simply moving to reduce enemy accuracy or simply straight up destroying the enemy before they can react. Between these three points, cover is often left out in the cold once players reach a suitable level of power, so this doesn't change much for players who are already able to comfortably solo T1 content and above and who are already employing non-cover tactics regularly in their gameplay. I myself can barely recall any time in recent memory where I've made a conscious decision to use cover.

As far as enemies being hard to see, while this is true to an extent, missing one or two enemies will not change the outcome of a bounty mission. Enemies that are capable of compromising an objective will definitely be eliminated (as the majority of enemies directly threatening an objective will be within a reasonable proximity to the objective, and thus visible). For objectives where enemies spawn, for example we'll use the Drone Escort to illustrate; the primary enemies always appear in the direction of the rendezvous point from very visible drop capsules. What was already true before the hotfixes, but after the hotfixes especially is that ignoring anything that isn't directly spawning in the direction of the rendezvous will still result in consistent success, even in T5 bounties.

In plains 'Defense' objectives, the sound of the Grineer dropships is very pronounced. You should never be taken by surprise or fail to have a general knowledge of which direction enemies are going to be coming from if you're paying normal levels of attention. While enemies that pose a threat at long range have visible indicators (sniper lasers, missile trails from turrets etc) that reveal where they are firing from. If someone chooses to ignore these audio and visual signs then they're making it more difficult for themselves rather than the content imposing any significant new difficulty. Being shot at from multiple directions and even vertically is not something new, either. The only thing that has truly changed in this respect is the *degree* of verticality from which we're being shot at due to the presence of actual flying enemies aside from drones, but that's a simple matter of moving your mouse slightly more than you normally would in pre-plains situations. For example the Grineer asteroid tileset Defense is a good illustration of a large map where you're readily able to take fire from multiple directions while having to defend an objective, also Lua Defense which seems to featured in sorties every other week often results in fighting enemies at different verticalities as the mission progresses. While there are other examples, including certain Corpus tileset Defenses, these were the first two that sprung to mind.

Maybe pre-nerf missile turrets/bombards and pre-nerf Ogmas would push the difficulty to a theoretical T1.5 sortie tier at the very most, but not any longer. Realistically, apart from the addition of having to potentially engage enemies over longer distances and having to fight actual flying enemy units (with the Ogma being the only actual threat that requires special attention, Dargyns may as well be drones), I don't feel that there are any significant departures from content we're already used to running that would push the difficulty of T5 bounties above a T1 level. Especially in its current post-nerf state.

Edited by Kiryuin-Satsuki
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I have no issues soloing any level bounty.

OP, what exactly are you having an issue with?

Mostly used Valkyr Prime,Sancti Tigris,Akstilleto Prime, and whatever melee (Atterax, zaw, orvius etc) Frame and weapons (excluding zaw) fully modded.

Edited by krc473
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The liberation bounty can be a pain since I'm still not quite sure what or even if there is any indication as to wether I'm failing or winning it. The Control level is horribly explained - is it my control? is it theirs? it seems to hop around too much for me to say. sometimes when I see enemies, sometimes when I don't.

Other than that I can solo just fine with my Ice Chroma with arca weapons and hirudo for health regen. Once I have my vex armor going I can even take out the bolkor drop - battle - bloody flying man-o-wars


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I've soloed them easily with both Inaros (tank) + Tigris Prime(100% status, corrosive, burst) + Akstiletto Prime (100% status, corrosive, sustained long range damage) + Atterax (Maiming Strike) and by using Titania's 4th with the same weapons equipped. The only thing that can be tricky with T5 is not being able to kill everyone so fast and getting overwhelmed, losing the defense objective, but other than that you shouldn't have much problems with taking damage yourself. Even the tigrisP can be used long range if needed due to its damage, but won't be able to 1-shot the things that are the most threatening.

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Max range Nyx makes easy work of everything. Just run in and chaos and you're good to pick enemies off. I also suggest a good sniper rifle and long range sidearm.

Also, recently found out you can mind control the ogma ships. They wreck pretty hard.

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My best advice I can give you is use OCTAVIA!!!!! When doing solo...

Just pop all abilities 1 2 3 4 then the roller will just kill enemies itself and enemies even shoot the mallet+resonator from afar before they are attracted to follow it.

Also, the stealth, damage, speed buffs you get... STEALTH is extremely important in plains cause enemies attack you 50 meters away from you no matter what.

I only and always play Octavia on Plains right now just because of this strategy it have made things easier for me in solo runs since POE day 1....


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Good old Rhino works great too!  Spec for power strength and steel fiber to tank all that damage with 2, and use your 3 for the damage boost to shred those lvl 60 eximus' and even the dropships!  Bullet jump into a cluster and hit 4 for easy stress-free killing. 

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It's possible. I solo'd a few tier 5 bounty with Excalibur. To solo them you need at least some form of CC, a decent long range weapon (I use Opticor+Aklex, Optical is good coz it doesn't punish poor aiming as hard as sniper rifles) and someway to replenish your health quickly (I use Life Strike). And what you need the most is luck coz some type of quest like finding cache is a real pain to do solo.

Edited by Marvelous_A
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