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Do you use Zenurik - Yes or No; Brief "Why" Please


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A general question I want to ask is, did focus 1.0 really matter that much to begin with?

My main was Zenurik simply because it was there. But I didn't really use it that much, let alone rely on it for survival. I invested a lot of focus in all other schools back then too. Simply because they were there. I never ever used them, including Madurai's physical dmg increase and Naramon's shadow step. We've survived fine in Warframe for years before Focus was even a thing.

Focus is just icing on the content cake, it's not important enough to you must use it to overcome all the obstacles. It just to make some things more convenient. Now if somebody would say that they can't do well without Shadow step or other focus 1.0 skills, then their skills was sub-par to begin with and relied too much on cheese. And whatever gets cheesed too much, gets nerfed. We all know this by now after all this time, it shouldn't be a surprise.

Focus 2.0 just stirred the pot a bit to introduce some new flavors to get rid of all the cheesy taste.
Some say they don't intend to use operators at all. That's fine. You don't have to. Being given this choice is a good thing.

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On 10/23/2017 at 4:40 PM, Fallen_Echo said:

Im not really sure about that.

Looking at it universall on which one benefit you best in all cases the list goes like this.

  1. Best one madurai, the passive damage boost is good in every mission
  2. Naramon, the only reason its in a second place is because the affinity boost is great
  3. Zenurik, and unairu at the same spots, both offer good buffs but theyre universally less useful
  4. Vazarin, now the worst of all its only a shadow of its former self.

That means you are an inefficient Trinity or Harrow player. The new affinity boost range is now 25m.
So with Vazarin your Blessing / Covenant range is now 75m vs 50m. 

That is HUGE in raids and plains even.

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On 10/20/2017 at 5:07 PM, BlackCoMerc said:

Title says it: Do you use Zenurik, if so, please tell us, briefly, why.

I'll start, and be up front honest:

Yes, because of the Energy Regen. I find all of the passives and Operator abilities across schools so underpowered that all these things being roughly equal, going with the school that offers energy regen through missions is a no brainer decision for me.

You mean to say that after the POE update, Zenurik will still give energy?

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yes i use zenurik because its the best currently at the moment cause ya every frame needs energy

only use vazarin for bless trin and i dont understand why it got nerfed to only 4 free revives per mission when realy used that way

madurai got nerfed because focus 1.0 gave you the ability to just add slash damage so you could make high status builds a bit better and im pretty sure you got overall more damage increase in 1.0 over 2.0

for naramon ya shadow step was broken and i like the combo counter decay but we also lost the extra crit chance and with body count im good on combo duration currently

and unairu is still S#&$ and DE ether dont understand why its bad or dont care 20% extra armor is nothing it needs to be like a flat 200 for squish frames or like 200% for tank frames before unairu is of any use



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5 hours ago, fatpig84 said:

That means you are an inefficient Trinity or Harrow player. The new affinity boost range is now 25m.
So with Vazarin your Blessing / Covenant range is now 75m vs 50m. 

That is HUGE in raids and plains even.

So because out of our 34 frames 2 can benefit better from vazarin than before its automatically better?

It was buffed and got +8 meters thats all, that doesnt mean its not the worst school out there.

Vazarin currently has 4 revives total, a dash what grants healing if it registers and an affinity buff. Compared to what it had before, id rather have 8m less affinity range and be able to heal, reshield reliably and revive as long as i can instantly.


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because I do use abilities, they're here for a reason. I'm not one of those guys running with whip or a shotgun, never using any ability at all - believe me or not I've recently met Trinity getting downed regularly, yet she never used neither Link nor Blessing despite decent duration jugding from slow EV.

Even with Energy Overflow removed, Zenurik still feels useful. Energising Dash can be used right on start instead of pizza or anytime mid-game forcing to a bit more active play than before. Is it OP? I don't think so. Is it useful? Sure it is.

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11 hours ago, fatpig84 said:

That means you are an inefficient Trinity or Harrow player. The new affinity boost range is now 25m.
So with Vazarin your Blessing / Covenant range is now 75m vs 50m. 

That is HUGE in raids and plains even.

Not really relevant in raids I would say, JV is mostly archwing, with the few frame sections being small areas in general.


LoR, well if you’re that far away from the team you’re just a poor player, our trins are always within 15m or so because they’re half decent at parkour and can keep up, never have we had a trin that’s out of range

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For now, yes. But once I unlock all of the Waybounds, I see myself mostly using Madurai and Vazarin. Madurai for the damage buff and because it was my first primary, and Vazarin because of its amazing support potential via Void Aegis and Mending Dash (I think that's what it's called?)

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I'm using madurai, because I've never farmed focus (I get what I get, through normal gameplay) and at low ranks I feel like it's small dmg boost to physical and elemental dmg might help the most.

Edited by Vilmu
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No, because I prefer Unairu due to how well it synergizes with my favourite frame; Atlas.

On top of that, I chose Unairu for personal story reasons; because it just seemed more in character for my Tenno and my preference for bulkier frames like Atlas or Inaros.

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yes(console edition!) because of several reasons:

1) energy economy. i don't care if people consider energy overflow to be a crutch. i play a hysteria oriented valkyr prime, with a little OO hysteria survival and some rage. with p.flow, she has 637 energy....thats 3:05 minutes in hysteria. so i like to keep my energy income as high as possible since energy orbs dont drop nearly as often as i think they should....i also lack a full set of arcane energize.

2) Saryn prime. 850 energy......on her and volt prime, its a case of "why wouldn't you use p.flow" my build uses low efficiency and some range/duration with rage and regen molt+vitality.....when im casting power.....im using a metric F ton of my energy.....i'll answer with my own question: explain why i shouldn't use it when my frame has 850 friggin energy and no efficiency?


3) on frames with long duration powers(loki invis, nidus in general sans larvae, my banshee prime) i use energy overflow to maintain energy directly after casting.

example: my banshee has negative efficiency, and my sonar lasts nearly 50 seconds. i love casting it 3-6 times so everything lights up like christmas(green energy) so for those near-50 seconds(say....46) im getting 4 energy per second back. so 50 or so energy per cast.....300 energy in total....im refunding the half of what i used in those seconds....and then some thx to the aug.


personally, i think energy overflow should've stayed. not everyone keeps a pocket trin on hand, nor do all of us in high lvl survivals(iim a valkyr main, i love my endurance runs) have time to slap down some pizzas and wait for them to do their thing(i hate running out of them, it drives my ocd nuts)

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