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Just an FYI: New players should never have to go on YouTube or a wiki page to figure out the basics for the game - or ANY game for that matter. As a vet player, I'd have really appreciated a more thorough tutorial system and more intuitive ways of learning how to do things when I first started back in 2013. Granted it was far worse back then, but the new player experience is still frustrating.

Oh and before anyone tries...Don't even try to defend this level of laziness. It's inexcusable and counter-productive. Games like this need player retention to thrive, let alone survive. If a lot of new players simply give up in frustration because it's too much of a chore to figure things out, that's bad in the long term.

Edited by MirageKnight
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Ahhh...I remember when I was a new player and had no idea what to do. I stopped playing WF for months. And that was when there was 1/3 as much to do, when having a Kubrow felt like a deep feature.

I would love to see what the new player experience is now. Must feel like and ended trench of busy work. Personally, I would've loved it... But I imagine a lot don't and feel lost.

I looked at my research as part of the meta game of exploring the universe. 

Edited by Hypernaut1
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10 minutes ago, kuria12_3tjones said:

Don't worry, it's frustrating for old players as well. This POE (not Path of Exile) for example, it's the biggest update and the best thing on it it's fishing! Fishing is the best thing to do on a fast peaced action game! Gun&blade substituded for a fishing hook.

If you think fishing is the best thing, then you're not playing it right

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15 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

Just an FYI: New players should never have to go on YouTube or a wiki page to figure out the basics for the game - or ANY game for that matter. As a vet player, I'd have really appreciated a more thorough tutorial system and more intuitive ways of learning how to do things when I first started back in 2013. Granted it was far worse back then, but the new player experience is still frustrating.

Oh and before anyone tries...Don't even try to defend this level of laziness. It's inexcusable and counter-productive. Games like this need player retention to thrive, let alone survive. If a lot of new players simply give up in frustration because it's too much of a chore to figure things out, that's bad in the long term.

The only people I see as lazy are the ones who find it abhorrent to seek answers on their own from existing resources. The closest this game has to an instruction manual is the wiki. You don't know something? Find it out. I can understand if people don't like trial and error, but I do not have sympathy for it because that's exactly what the warframe community and the wiki authors do in order to inform other people. You can blame DE for not creating a satisfactory amount of documentation and call it "laziness" but the sword cuts both ways: If a new player can't be assed to search the wiki then they wouldn't be assed to read a set of instructions.

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I sympathise with your suffering. I was a new player not very long ago and I had issues with the same missions, although without the host migration bug.

I had one on a defence mission where the host left and the spawns didn't leave the spawn points. The remaining player and I spent like 15 minuted running around the map shooting infested in their barrels. The drops had been pretty good so we couldn't just abandon the mission. It was both horrible and hilarious.

Having said this, warframe is a very specific type of game. One that rewards research outside of the game. You can blunder your way quite far, but there are so many systems that change so often that it's difficult to effectively produce a tutorial.

I personally enjoy this. Every now and then I jump back into Eve or a moba, these also need you to research. In Eve if you don't know what you're doing other players will straight up murder and rob you (in game ofc) and won't apologise. And in a moba if you're dead weight your team has no hope.

Not everyone likes this sort of thing. If you don't that's fine, the game may not be for you. If you work at it you'll find the game very rewarding.

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1 hour ago, MrDeVil_909 said:

Op, your screen name is hilarious BTW.

Why did you feel the need to comment this? For shame, MrDeVil_909. For shame. 

EDIT: Dear god laugh at me. I miss-read that as hideous. Help I'm blind! Sorry man. 

Edited by Spartan336
Oops. Lol.
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I can totally understand you, OP. The ingame documentation is lacking everywhere, from mission/objective descriptions, to skill/buff descriptions. The wiki is not part of the game, so a normal player shouldn't have the need to look up essential info on external sites. I never played a game before, where had to tab out so many times to look something up in the wiki as in warframe. I didn't learn the game mechanics from the game itself, but by watching other more experienced team members, youtube tutorials and the wiki...

Edited by Naaya
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2 hours ago, Spartan336 said:

Warframe is notorious for not holding the players hand, and the effects of this are getting worse. Players can't seem to progress without the wiki or other players these days. It needs to be fixed, or at least improved upon.

I don’t entirely agree. DE probably should find ways to communicate goals and mechanics better, but not holding a players hand is a style of game. Different strokes, for different folks and all that. 

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)MoRockaPDX said:

I don’t entirely agree. DE probably should find ways to communicate goals and mechanics better, but not holding a players hand is a style of game. Different strokes, for different folks and all that. 

Yeah, i'd hate tutorials everywhere. Sometimes when games have in game overly detailed guides, I go to a wiki anyway.

When I first started playing, the world felt like oh was actually that Tenno waking up, not knowing a thing. Researching was actually part of the experience. That was back when there wasn't much to do though, it's probably insane and daunting now.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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4 minutes ago, (PS4)MoRockaPDX said:

I don’t entirely agree. DE probably should find ways to communicate goals and mechanics better, but not holding a players hand is a style of game. Different strokes, for different folks and all that. 

Oh it should still stick to not holding the players hand. But it's almost straight up abandoning new players right now. It needs fixing. 

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3 hours ago, Mints said:

The only people I see as lazy are the ones who find it abhorrent to seek answers on their own from existing resources. The closest this game has to an instruction manual is the wiki. You don't know something? Find it out. I can understand if people don't like trial and error, but I do not have sympathy for it because that's exactly what the warframe community and the wiki authors do in order to inform other people. You can blame DE for not creating a satisfactory amount of documentation and call it "laziness" but the sword cuts both ways: If a new player can't be assed to search the wiki then they wouldn't be assed to read a set of instructions.

As I said before, a new player shouldn't have to look through an online wiki to figure out the essential bulk of what's going on and how to do things ...especially a wiki whose articles are mostly written and expanded on by players themselves and said articles are not always accurate and up to date. To add to this and that I'm aware of, the Devs don't even contribute to the wiki (PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong on this).

Info on how to do every basic thing should be in the game, either in tutorial sections / missions or via an ingame search for a particular topic, with the topic being displayed to the player ingame.

So I repeat. No one should have to be forced to go online for help on how to Warframe properly, yet this happens every single day. It's no wonder most new players give up playing after less than a month and then tell their friends what a lousy experience they had as a new player.

DE? Every time a new player says "screw it, this is too confusing and I can't figure this out" and uninstalls the game, that's a potential customer you just lost. Remember that.

4 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

If you think fishing is the best thing, then you're not playing it right

I think they were being sarcastic. Hard to tell without the /s tag  :P

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3 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

As I said before, a new player shouldn't have to look through an online wiki to figure out the essential bulk of what's going on and how to do things ...especially a wiki whose articles are mostly written and expanded on by players themselves and said articles are not always accurate and up to date. To add to this and that I'm aware of, the Devs don't even contribute to the wiki (PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong on this).

Info on how to do every basic thing should be in the game, either in tutorial sections / missions or via an ingame search for a particular topic, with the topic being displayed to the player ingame.

So I repeat. No one should have to be forced to go online for help on how to Warframe properly, yet this happens every single day. It's no wonder most new players give up playing after less than a month and then tell their friends what a lousy experience they had as a new player.

DE? Every time a new player says "screw it, this is too confusing and I can't figure this out" and uninstalls the game, that's a potential customer you just lost. Remember that.

Well if we're talking about accurate and up to date information then I think perhaps DE making the documentation might end up much worse. Not to drop into scathing criticism but we've still got inaccurate and inconsistent lore in the game along with bugs that have been around for years that never got fixed. Barring an in-game manual, whatever documentation they would create would essentially function in the same manner and probably be significantly less accurate than the community wiki in the long term. Not only that, but they'd also have to hire someone to do it and that person would have to take part in the processes of game development and be both briefed on what is accurate up to date information as well as make decisions as to what is accurate and up to date which sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.

I'm just saying that I don't really understand why the online wiki being the primary resource with which to learn is such a bad thing. That's especially since I go out of my way to learn how to do things myself when new updates come out so I can share that information with clanmates and people who ask for help. Hence why I don't understand your usage of the term "forced" because you're not forced to do it. You can fail until you learn, then succeed. Simple fact of the matter is that people are used to being coddled during progression and instructed on how to do everything before they do it. Learn by doing and endure the frustration of failure.

Oh, and I hate to be that guy but I think it's fair to point out that since the game is in beta and fairly radical changes are made to it on a regular basis the dev team would be better off lighting 1.25% of their budget on fire than producing detailed documentation on a system that changes in major ways once or twice a year.

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I actually find it sad how often I just google what needs to be done in games to progress these days (cause time and laziness and blah...). When I was a kid and the internet was tiny I remember spending days/weeks trying to figure out how to do this quest and how to solve that problem. And when I finally did figure it out my reaction always was "Ha! Clever!" instead of "These @$&# devs need to tell me exactly what button to push on what stage!!!11"

If you feel you can't progress through the mission, try a couple of times - bugs can happen in any game to anyone. If it's not a bug, then try solo and do it step by step, listening to the instructions very precisely. If it still doesn't work out for you, ask in clan chat or ask in recruiting chat for anybody who could go with you and help - people actually like to help when asked politely.

As for Venus I prefer the Fuel cell over of the Coolant - takes overall less time and doesn't slow you down on the way to evacuation. :D

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5 hours ago, mp3converter said:

I am new to the game haven't been playing for a week and I keep running into the same issue and it makes me waste my time and progression stuck in levels not having any direction.     ill be in a level like sabotage and The game does a horrible job of explaining what i'm supposed to do and it leaves me in a state of being stuck and not being able to progess and I end up having to quit the level. waste my time and watch a bunch of youtube videos on what to do.  This has happened with Sabotage and Excavation and in Cetus in the tutorial for going there and in the first plains of aidolon quest.  GIVE ME SOME @(*()$ INSTRUCTIONS.  its really annoying that ill be dropped into the game and if I miss what space mom is saying because IM PLAYING THE @(*()$ GAME, I GET PUNISHED BY NEVER BEING TOLD WHAT I NEED TO DO AGAIN, THE INSTRUCITONS DON'T GET CLEARER IF TIME PASSES AND I HAVEN'T DONE THE OBJECTIVE, I'M, LEFT IN THE @(*()$ DARK UNTIL I FIGURE IT OUT BY ASKING SOMONE ELSE.  NOTHING IS MORE INFURATING IN A GAME THAN HAVING ONLY ONE WAY TO FINISH A MISSION AND NO DIRECTION LEAVING THE PLAYER GUESSING.  NO S#&$ IF THIS KEEPS HAPPENING I'M JUST NOT GOING TO PLAY IT ANYMORE, AS MUCH AS I ENJOY THIS GAME THE USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN SUCKS SO BAD I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO PLAY THIS GAME IF IT WASN'T FOR YOUTUBE TUTORIALS I WOULD HAVE STOPPED ON DAY ONE.

Maybe they thought that you have your own brain  ... clearly they were wrong . Nothing in this game takes more than a copule of minutes to understand (maybe not raids , but its the objetive) .

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6 hours ago, mp3converter said:

I am new to the game haven't been playing for a week and I keep running into the same issue and it makes me waste my time and progression stuck in levels not having any direction.

Eh, the same could be said about a lot of games. Warframe isn't your typical casual game. It takes a lot of brainpower. I admit some more new user progression help would be nice, but I'll be honest, it depends a lot on the player. 

I was in the dark for the first -5 weeks of playing Warframe and didn't even discover some things until I was MR8 or 9. 

If you're frustrated easily, maybe Warframe isn't the game for you. Go play something like Destiny 2 or PUBG. 

Warframe is more than a game. It's a lifestyle. And just like real life, not everything's clear to you at the get-go. 

And do remember, Warframe is still in beta, technically. 

And, you're getting all these great gameplay value for FREE. 

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6 hours ago, mp3converter said:

I am new to the game haven't been playing for a week and I keep running into the same issue and it makes me waste my time and progression stuck in levels not having any direction.     ill be in a level like sabotage and The game does a horrible job of explaining what i'm supposed to do and it leaves me in a state of being stuck and not being able to progess and I end up having to quit the level. waste my time and watch a bunch of youtube videos on what to do.  This has happened with Sabotage and Excavation and in Cetus in the tutorial for going there and in the first plains of aidolon quest.  GIVE ME SOME @(*()$ INSTRUCTIONS.  its really annoying that ill be dropped into the game and if I miss what space mom is saying because IM PLAYING THE @(*()$ GAME, I GET PUNISHED BY NEVER BEING TOLD WHAT I NEED TO DO AGAIN, THE INSTRUCITONS DON'T GET CLEARER IF TIME PASSES AND I HAVEN'T DONE THE OBJECTIVE, I'M, LEFT IN THE @(*()$ DARK UNTIL I FIGURE IT OUT BY ASKING SOMONE ELSE.  NOTHING IS MORE INFURATING IN A GAME THAN HAVING ONLY ONE WAY TO FINISH A MISSION AND NO DIRECTION LEAVING THE PLAYER GUESSING.  NO S#&$ IF THIS KEEPS HAPPENING I'M JUST NOT GOING TO PLAY IT ANYMORE, AS MUCH AS I ENJOY THIS GAME THE USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN SUCKS SO BAD I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO PLAY THIS GAME IF IT WASN'T FOR YOUTUBE TUTORIALS I WOULD HAVE STOPPED ON DAY ONE.

Isn't it like that with more large games? Anyway, Warframe is unfriendly to older players too... Needs to change a bit.

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I've always appreciated the lack of direction. It has always felt like there isn't really much that you can't learn from experimenting. I'm a vet, but even when I was new, it never bothered me because if I really wanted to know, there was the wiki, which turned me on to Mogamu and Rob.

I have friends that have a hard time with it and others that dont, but the ones that do feel like it's by design and it's just not a game for them. I like open world survival games that make you use critical thinking and while this is far from that genre, it's still interesting to see it in a coop fast paced game like this.

The community is always here, though. You can always ask! I love helping new people! Don't be afraid to ask. There's no humility, nothing to hurt pride, no insult to be made. Just ask. :D

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8 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

Just an FYI: New players should never have to go on YouTube or a wiki page to figure out the basics for the game - or ANY game for that matter. As a vet player, I'd have really appreciated a more thorough tutorial system and more intuitive ways of learning how to do things when I first started back in 2013. Granted it was far worse back then, but the new player experience is still frustrating.

Oh and before anyone tries...Don't even try to defend this level of laziness. It's inexcusable and counter-productive. Games like this need player retention to thrive, let alone survive. If a lot of new players simply give up in frustration because it's too much of a chore to figure things out, that's bad in the long term.

When I joined the wiki was not even full of details. I still figured it out easily.
Literally there was no tutorial, Lotus threw me into Terminus and said good luck.
That was it, I still managed to figured out how to unlock the Star Chart (Unlocking Venus let you go straight to level 60+ pluto yes that happened last time, good times).

Warframe was pretty damn straight forward just that the recent alterations made it required more cunning than just pure brute force.

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Each frame has hidden talents and skills you won’t know unless research. 

Modding is a mess unless research.

Some quests are near impossible to grind unless research.

Damage, scanning, plat generating, credit farming, skill combos, you mentally “farm” from research and discussions. 

It rewards you with a more enriched experience, the possible downside is spoilers because the articles or forums could tell you more than you need to get over an obstacle.  

Edited by (PS4)Chel-El
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First, seems like you'll struggle with any first experience, ever, and hardly :clem:


Second, I'm ok some things are totally not explained, but you have two options :


- Read the screen, when the excavation pod have HP, it's PRETTY COMMON you'll have to defend it.

- Simply ask ingame to someone, and don't polute the forum for a random rant.

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