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Let's take a moment to appreciate the design of the Teralyst


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Not talking about balancing or the mechanics of the actual fight, I'm just referring to the appearance and sound design that accompanies the Teralyst. Of all the things to come out of the PoE trailer, the Teralyst's presence definitely delivers on the preview DE gave us. It's difficult for me to avoid being distracted during the fight because I focus on the animations and the amazing sounds that go with them, especially when it performs the charged bullet rain shot during the later phases. Regardless of the balance of the fight itself, DE did a great job of making you feel like you're up against a titanic monster.

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1 minute ago, KeLaRo said:

i seen it come out from the lake,at distance. listening the yell for the first time.

one of the most spectacular scene in a video game. audio,animations, model & map graphic.

a masterpiece. 10/10

And now, a Sentient energy spike near your area.

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Fight tuning aside, I love everything about the Eidolon, from the way it comes out of (and returns to) the water, to the way it moves and attacks, down to the way it just completely ignores you until you actually inflict significant damage to it. The whole thing feels very Shadow of the Colossus--like it's part of the environment, not just an enemy.

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3 hours ago, NinthAria said:

down to the way it just completely ignores you until you actually inflict significant damage to it. The whole thing feels very Shadow of the Colossus--like it's part of the environment, not just an enemy.


That's one of the many things I enjoy about it as well. As Steve described it on one of the previous devstreams, all the Teralyst's attacks are AoE and never targeted because it has no time for us, there are more important things to do. It really is wildlife in the end, given it's not really hostile unless approached and/or provoked.

3 hours ago, Ferah_Frithu said:

Oh I love the sound design for the Teralyst. That typical sentient noise, but lower and far "bigger" sounding sends chills down my spine every time.


Given the Sentient it came from has been destroyed both mind and body wise, it makes sense the only noises it makes are seemingly grieving. Unlike Hunhow's fragments, the Teralysts aren't humming a chilling tune, rather screaming trying to remember what they lost.

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I have to admit it is rather refreshing for the content of the game to be a hunt. There's something just a little bit more engaging about organizing a hunting party, seeking out your target, and then engaging it as a group while character roles take a back seat. Sure you've got Trins, Harrows, etc. pulling support roles and Rhinos/Wukongs being tanky but overall it feels much different from the standard Find-A-Party queues found in so many MMORPGs these days. Each player contributes in many ways but the whole party doesn't go down over one screw up.

I guess the strangest thing is that an Eidolon battle functions as the real-time equivalent of a boss battle from mid-to-late 90s Squaresoft JRPG. You're fighting this large enemy that each member of the party has to coordinate to defeat, and each character is different, but everybody's got to pull a little of the weight outside their role as well. Because of the size and imposing nature of the creatures involved it doesn't feel as much of a damage sink and stands in stark contrast against the Why-Does-This-One-Particular-Grineer-Have-A-Billion-HP syndrome.

Oh, and when fighting Eidolons I get a distinct Bizarro Sephiroth vibe from them. A shame people only remember Safer Sephiroth. The penultimate boss fight was much more interesting.

Edited by Mints
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2 minutes ago, Mints said:

Sure you've got Trins, Harrows, etc. pulling support roles and Rhinos/Wukongs being tanky but overall it feels much different from the standard Find-A-Party queues

Or a 1 shot wonder chroma. but nonetheless, it's true 

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A pretty bullet sponge is still a bullet sponge, and teleportation is hardly a new mechanic designed to extend the encounter. Forcing operator mode to battle it is just nasty decision since operators seem to be inspired solely by the dev's desire to draw a paycheck.

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1 minute ago, Kyronz said:

A pretty bullet sponge is still a bullet sponge, and teleportation is hardly a new mechanic designed to extend the encounter. Forcing operator mode to battle it is just nasty decision since operators seem to be inspired solely by the dev's desire to draw a paycheck.

How would you prefer it go?

Edited by Hypernaut1
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1 hour ago, Beartornado said:

Not talking about balancing or the mechanics of the actual fight, I'm just referring to the appearance and sound design that accompanies the Teralyst. Of all the things to come out of the PoE trailer, the Teralyst's presence definitely delivers on the preview DE gave us. It's difficult for me to avoid being distracted during the fight because I focus on the animations and the amazing sounds that go with them, especially when it performs the charged bullet rain shot during the later phases. Regardless of the balance of the fight itself, DE did a great job of making you feel like you're up against a titanic monster.

DE absolutely nailed the sound and visual design of the Eidolons. Completely agree. 

For all their flaws, DE have some of the finest sound and animation teams in the business. 

That said, I think something needs to be done to scale the fight. Solo and even 2 person teams simply CANNOT take these on. Moreover, needing to slowly whittle them down with the lousy operator laser is...less than fun and engaging, shall we see.

All of which is a pity, because my god are they cool.

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1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

DE absolutely nailed the sound and visual design of the Eidolons. Completely agree. 

For all their flaws, DE have some of the finest sound and animation teams in the business. 

That said, I think something needs to be done to scale the fight. Solo and even 2 person teams simply CANNOT take these on. Moreover, needing to slowly whittle them down with the lousy operator laser is...less than fun and engaging, shall we see.

All of which is a pity, because my god are they cool.

As far as I can tell the AMP progression really does help you speed up the shield phase, and there are already ways to near instantly delete his limbs even solo. The only real difficulty I can imagine is keeping the lures alive if you're trying to go for a capture takedown solo, with duo you could at least have a healer to keep them alive and a chroma to do the damage.

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 I think it's the best boss fight in the game. Yes the graphics and sound are awesome but I also enjoy fighting this boss more then the rest. I don't think it's just because it's a large boss but how it attacks. Or we are all shocked that a new boss was added in bug free. That's not a slam either because I expect bugs with new stuff really.

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I think it's my favorite boss.  Not just design-wise, but the fight itself just feels better to me than any other.  Ducking in and out of Void mode, making sure you keep on top of the Vomvalysts, dodging the telegraphed but dangerous and impressive attacks, having plenty of room to maneuver in if you need to fall back, and getting rewards through the entire fight so even if you need to retreat it wasn't a total loss.

I kinda wish it was even bigger though.

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18 minutes ago, Vox_Preliator said:

I think it's my favorite boss.  Not just design-wise, but the fight itself just feels better to me than any other.  Ducking in and out of Void mode, making sure you keep on top of the Vomvalysts, dodging the telegraphed but dangerous and impressive attacks, having plenty of room to maneuver in if you need to fall back, and getting rewards through the entire fight so even if you need to retreat it wasn't a total loss.

I kinda wish it was even bigger though.

Have you ever looked at the Eidolon Sentient? It's corpse is the silhouette in the background of PoE, to the right of the Tower/Cetus. It's utterly massive even at that distance, Teralysts are still merely Fragments of the sentient and relatively small ones if you think about it. The natural endpoint of all this is no doubt going ot lead to a full on Sentient fight eventually, and along the way DE will have plenty of opportunities to add to the Sentient enemies we face.

Additionally the other Plains-style maps have the chance to create their own massive bosses. If the next one is Venus whose to say the Corpus didn't accidentally create a Moa-Kaiju that has broken it's AI restraints and is rampaging among the ice mountains somewhere. Or the Infested are finally going to have a new titan added to their ranks on one of the other plains we may get down the line that will make Lephantis look like an outdated pushover.

Edited by Beartornado
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3 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I like riding the head for the the kill-shot. I'm so glad there is proper collision and I was able to stay on

I did this once and it was during my first kill when I got the achievement. It was then that I realized how much I loved the design.

Seeing that behemoth off in the distance is like watching the discovery channel to me. I was on the phone with a buddy while playing one day and told him to hold up and check his phone. He responded as I hoped. lol

He said he wished he could play pc again. One day, man. One day...

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Good design and sounds, expect the footsteps. They sound wrong. The Teralysts takes slow steps, walking on mostly soft grasslands, but the footsteps sound more like a wrecking ball hitting a building. Not at all convincing for me. They should have a more crunchy and crushing sound to them, like the weight of them slowly crushes the rocks, twigs, and compress the earth and stone underneath them.

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1 hour ago, Zirbiss said:

Good design and sounds, expect the footsteps. They sound wrong. The Teralysts takes slow steps, walking on mostly soft grasslands, but the footsteps sound more like a wrecking ball hitting a building. Not at all convincing for me. They should have a more crunchy and crushing sound to them, like the weight of them slowly crushes the rocks, twigs, and compress the earth and stone underneath them.

You're right about that, it would sound more realistic for the terrain with the exception of the large boulders.

However the sound they chose does sound more menacing, particularly if you haven't considered the point you just made.

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