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Founders / WF Veterans - Why are you still a lower MR Rank?


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Took a step back from the game at Update 8 and MR7, recently came back (50 days ago exactly..cause I just got my Day 50 login reward).

MR14 at the moment. Want to get to MR16 for the Riven unlock, beyond that will be luck. Part completionist, part "ill play what I want". 

Dunno, its basically like, why? If a frame or weapon strikes me as fun, sure or interesting, sure, but otherwise...meh?

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Played since Closed Beta, beginning of U6. I'm MR18 cause, for a while, I wanted to level up all weapons. That dream has gone to the can since I really don't feel like doing anything rote; farming is a necessary evil, and I'm at a point where there really isn't anything I can't get.

I'd rather accrue more credits. That's always fun, even if it sooner or later becomes meaningless. 

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4 hours ago, NekroArts said:
  • For every two level starting from MR 2, you get a free loadout slot
  • Your daily syndicate standing is based on 1000(MR + 1).
  • Maximum Void Traces increase.
  • Increase starting mod capacity for your gear.
  • More daily trading limit.

I was looking for this. I understand people's choices of remaining lower rank, but they spread false information based on their preference when they say MR is pointless. I've actually witnessed it in game. If you're lower MR, you're actually gimping yourself on getting less standing daily, which is a lot in the long run since we can get up to 25k (medallions and synd missions aside) atm. That's a guaranteed 15p a day. Plat might not be valuable anymore for some, but that's why I mentioned giving bad 'advice' on their own preference.

Edited by Kiwinille
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Been playing for just more than 3 years now, MR19 at the moment.

Loadout slots are useless to me, I only have 1 loadout active and if theres a certain loadout that i really like i usually just memorize it rather than devote a whole slot for it.

Daily syndicate standing, I've essentially gotten everything from all syndicates, 1k more standing per Rank is very minimal for me, unless im buying relic packs and even then i have medallions i can just redeem.

Maximum void traces is the only thing that holds any impact really.

Starting capacity is just quality of life and most weapons are maxed in 1 hydron mission either way so a few extra mod capacity really doesn't matter.

More daily trading, in a day where i feel open to trading i barely get over 10, i dont think i will ever need 24 trading limit.

For all of these "advantages" that really hold no value to me as a player who has as much playtime is i do, i have to go through leveling weapons and archwings that i don't enjoy playing, and after all the only reason im still playing WF rn is because its fun, going through this process would just be tedious and would burn me out of this game for the 4th time, i would rather stay at my MR. 

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Because Mastery Rank isn't an automatic result of leveling up gear, and the Mastery Tests range from arbitrary to tedious to (in my opinion) badly designed.  At best, they aren't fun.  At worst, they are frustratingly terrible.  I spent ages at MR 9 or 10 (don't remember, don't care) because the test to get past that, shooting the moving glowing balls while doing a narfing timed jumping puzzle wasn't something I wanted to deal with after trying it.  I only bothered to go past that because I decided I wanted to trade for the Syndicate weapons, and they can't be owned unless you have a higher MR.  Now that I'm high enough to use any weapon that currently exists, it's unlikely I'll go any higher than where I am now.

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Only reason I'm trying to get to MR 20 is for mod points and standing cap.

Though it's slow going as I play solo.  It's either go in and do things with my fun stuff or... put up with using crap and get it MR ranked.  Usually I just carry one non-30'd weapon in and let residual exp rank it up over the course of days to weeks.  Warframe's I just stack basic survival mods and power through though like I'm playing another corridor shooter.

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started playing around u8 or something (it's been a long time) only recently got to MR 24. like a few people have mentioned there are people who multi forma weapons and frames and have fun with it without being held down by the label of mastery rank. i have played with almost every weapon in the game in order to get a feel for it, each weapon offers a little something that another weapon didn't. for example i love my braton and boltors but my super guilty pleasure for weapons is still the stradavar due to its ability to shift different modes of combat. 

one of the reasons i leveled up my mastery rank as well was the fact that syndicate standing and trades went off of your mastery rank meaning that if you wanted to get more points, you needed a higher MR. 

it's just a shame that people around the MR 10 rank get treated like noobs or not taken seriously in the game because of MR's

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4 hours ago, Kiwinille said:

I was looking for this. I understand people's choices of remaining lower rank, but they spread false information based on their preference when they say MR is pointless. I've actually witnessed it in game. If you're lower MR, you're actually gimping yourself on getting less standing daily, which is a lot in the long run since we can get up to 25k (medallions and synd missions aside) atm. That's a guaranteed 15p a day. Plat might not be valuable anymore for some, but that's why I mentioned giving bad 'advice' on their own preference.

True but for people who actually care about plat there are plenty of other ways to get over 15p a day. Besides syndicates have been out so long now it's pretty uncommon now to find people buying syndicate stuff. And for that amount of usage the rep you hold is more than sufficient. If there was actual quality content behind high MR then yes people would definitely push higher, but if the only thing I get out of high MR is sitting in trade chat looking for buyers then.. i'll gladly pass.

There are benefits but the burnout + lack of anything to do at the end far far outweighs it, and this before factoring in real life circumstances some might face.


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2 hours ago, phoenix1992 said:

Because some people trow around "I am vet/founder" tag, even though they have have less actual game time than a person that started in the summer of 2017.

But hey, take this with a pinch of salt ^^

Some peoples can't afford to play a game all day long just saying ^^

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1 minute ago, Strider91 said:

Some peoples can't afford to play a game all day long just saying ^^

You just had to go in that direction.

Let me clarify something for you. If a player that actually plays (instead of taking big long break) for 4 years routinely, has acquired the Zenith and so on, yet is still at let's say MR 15 with around 500-600 in game hours, for most intends and purposes he is not a "veteran".


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7 hours ago, Prime-Ares said:


No offense meant at all, genuinely curious as I'll see folks with thousands of hours, founder profiles, badges, etc. yet they'll usually be lower than even MR10.

Is there no reason for ranking up after a certain point as a veteran? Or...?

recently a lot of founders came back playing with PoE update. Recently Design council chat is full of comeback founders askin for information or even help with progression. So yeah , i suppose that PoE reached the oldest plyaer and triggered the " maybe i should come back" button

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22 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

You just had to go in that direction.

Let me clarify something for you. If a player that actually plays (instead of taking big long break) for 4 years routinely, has acquired the Zenith and so on, yet is still at let's say MR 15 with around 500-600 in game hours, for most intends and purposes he is not a "veteran".


"You just had to go in that direction"

Did i offended you ?

The think is that MR worked differently than how it is now you can't just say

You have low MR noob

For me my own def of a veteran is someone who played long enough to fully understand at 100% every mechanics of the game to the point that even if he took a break of let's say 4 years he will perform on the same level or even more than someone who played daily since he left

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20 minutes ago, Strider91 said:

"You just had to go in that direction"

Did i offended you ?

The think is that MR worked differently than how it is now you can't just say

You have low MR noob

For me my own def of a veteran is someone who played long enough to fully understand at 100% every mechanics of the game to the point that even if he took a break of let's say 4 years he will perform on the same level or even more than someone who played daily since he left

No, in the direction of poking at "not everyone has time". You did not offend me, I cherish the fact that you bothered enough to check my "MR" yet, you were not able to take any information out of it - I will totally level the Mk1 and normal Paris among other crap (in order to validate getting to MR 24). 

But here is the thing mister "noob caller", your definition of "vet" is flawed. Each patch something is changed, so assuming that someone will perform on the same level as he did years ago is a mighty assumption . Do you want a list of reasons why it does not work like that, or you prefer to keep on with assumptions and calling people names?

PS: Before you jump into another assumption, you can get to MR20-21 without digging trough the MR fodders. But I am sure you already know that, right?

Edited by phoenix1992
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I, although am not a founder, had over 1000 hours on Warframe. I was MR 6. All I did was get strong weapons once and stick to them for life. Then traded and made plat. That was for over 1000 hours. Then I quit and came back. Finding that I needed a high MR for Tigris prime.

TL;DR Didn't need anything else but plat for fashion if I have the "strongest" stuff.

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I have my Rhino and my Boltor, so I don't need anything else.

Aren't you people at least curious about new frames and weapons?

I found it to be one of the most exciting things about the game - every time something new comes up I can't wait to try it, play with different builds, see how it performs in various scenarios. Can't tell if you like it, If you've never tried it.

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MR beyond, I'd say, 12 or so, is less of a measure of experience and more of a measure of one's willingness to grind.

I'd say past 19 or so, I think it's more likely a player is willing to go the whole nine yards in terms of getting their weapons as strong as they can go, rivens, arcanes and whatnot, so it's not meaningless, but I don't think it necessarily translates to mechanical skill.

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Just 20k mastery short from MR24, and while I may not be the target of the question, I would say many are low MR because they've got all the weapons that interest them and they don't enjoy leveling for the sake of mastery. I too was MR12 for quite long time as that was enough to have everything unlocked and I had all the weapons I wanted. Only started leveling MR because I wanted higher standing cap and easier time with unranked weapons while forma'ing them.

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