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Please revise platinum amounts when buying Platinum


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I’m not gonna complain about it being PTW,in fact 99% pf my pl was farmed by myself,but today i decided to buy 20€ on steam to help DE,but my surprise came when i saw that with 20€ you can only get 370pl!


I would do this way

4’49= 120pl

8’99= 200pl

17’99= 450pl




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25 minutes ago, elpapitoluizito said:

20€ you can only get 370pl,and thats a scam

Its not a scam. They tell you what you get. They are not being dishonest. If you pay for 370 plats, you get 370 plats.


A scam would be paying for 370 plats, and getting 369 or less plats.


Sensible business practices are not scams. I agree, the plats are somewhat overpriced, but they are not the worst priced I have seen. Above all else, DE is a company. Companies have to make money. Want to keep playing Warframe? keep the game profitable.

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Scam is not the correct term to use, but I do believe the platinum are a bit overpriced, but that's fine by me, because here I am, still waiting for that 75% discount. waiting.................. waiting.................................................... waiting......................................................................................... waiting...............................................................................................................................................................

That's just my opinion.

Edited by saltygr33n
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5 minutes ago, elpapitoluizito said:

Cmon guys dont be bastards

First of all...don't be that guy. Just because people don't agree with your misguided use of words is no reason for name calling


5 minutes ago, elpapitoluizito said:

,but at least you should make it a fair buy

They tell you right up front...x monies for x plats. it is your choice to purchase and only yours. If you dont like the plat prices there are other ways to support DE and other ways to get plat. No scam...at all

Edited by (PS4)jonnyblaze1976
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9 minutes ago, elpapitoluizito said:

To supp it

So just stop complaining about the prices of the platinum, but the abount of money, you donate. Of course, it's also important, not to be just ripped off, but in my opinion prices are fair enough. But if you really, really care about the big amount of platinum, then just wait for one of discounts, I told you about. They are like 50%-75% (very rarely 20%). Or if you care only about plat, just farm some more rarer primed parts (if possible, the vaulted ones) and sell them to somebody, because platinum is almost fully tradable.

Edited by Sarge_Tarmus
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13 minutes ago, elpapitoluizito said:

Cmon guys dont be bastards,is simple,one thing is to “help” DE,but at least you should make it a fair buy

Then quit whining like a kid. You know what you bought, you agreed to the payment, the TOS and therefore it's on you. Don't try turning it around, you won't win.

Most of us agree the plat prices are a bit high (hence why DISCOUNTS exist - and you get them often as hell just for logging in).

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1 hour ago, elpapitoluizito said:

Cmon guys dont be bastards,is simple,one thing is to “help” DE,but at least you should make it a fair buy

The problem is you inferring P2W... You've started your sentence buy suggesting what is undoubtedly a lie.
And on top of that, a "Scam" is a fraudulent and deceptive ploy to gain something... Are the Plat prices not there for all to see and calculate?

So you've just lied twice... You used your title as a way to lie... You've just posted a thread based on multiple lies and you're getting salty that we're going to rip into you about it? Seriously?.. And to whom are you lying to? Us on the forums who will rip it apart or Yourself?
You started a topic based on either deceptive means or wilful ignorance... So frankly you deserve all the retorts you get.

Whether or not the price is "fair" in anyone's opinion is subjective and up for debate, That does not make it a scam just because you disagree with DE (AND STEAMS) pricing choices. and it definitely does not make it P2W which is a completely different subject.
So either educate yourself on the meanings of the terms you use (as you are clearly ignorant in both cases), or don't talk bulls#!t to the people to know this game inside and out.

Edited by Carnage2K4
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1 hour ago, InDueTime-EN- said:
Pretty sure DE is straight forward on the prices and you don't get more/less than what is on the website. 

Also, warframe has one of the fairest Free to Play model ever.

Only F2P game I know with a fairer model is Path of Exile, where the only thing game-affecting you can buy is extra inventory tabs; everything else (and where the devs of it make the bulk of their money) is either purely cosmetic items or IRL merch.

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1 hour ago, elpapitoluizito said:

Cmon guys dont be bastards,is simple,one thing is to “help” DE,but at least you should make it a fair buy

You're lucky you actually get some immediate gratification for helping fund the game.

Whether or not it was "fair" is up to you, you're the one with the money here.

Also yeah, call us bastards. Really driving your point forward with that statement.

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