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[Console] Operation: Plague Star!


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5 minutes ago, ---RV---JayJay said:

if you genuinely find this to be a fair solution i fear you do not know what the context of the problem that is being discussed here is to begin with. DE has not barred anything from any of the players apart from the founders package (which was done solely to show appreciation to those who supported them as they were just beginning). Even event exclusives such as the vandal and wraith weapons have made their way into other obtainable methods (such as invasion rewards and void trader inventory). Leaderboards have only served as a means of ordering clans based on accumulated points, the only thing that has changed in this operation was the removal of said leaderboard of which DE has yet to say why given they have said that they do like friendly competition. If it is indeed to reduce the "toxicity" surrounding it then your proposed "solution" would not only entail the "toxicity" of losing to others but also of losing out on the event rewards which was never a risk before.

Sorry but you are wrong it was called primed chamber and was an event mod only given to the top 100 in the game. 

Edited by leadwolf1
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14 minutes ago, ---RV---JayJay said:

yes, one mediocre mod which they have discussed reintroducing in numerous devstreams

SO it did happen and players like my self do not want to see it happen again. so without hashing things around I do not see a problem with a leader board as long as there are no special mod or weapons attached to it like I stated earlier in another post. you would get bragging rights to other competitive clans and that's it. if you are that competitive then name on the board while the event is going on, a dojo trophy and bragging rights to other competitive clans should be enough. and it is up to DE to decide anyway.


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4 minutes ago, Braken said:

Discussed, but never acted on. And this has been for YEARS.

This mod doesn't appear in your codex, and so isn't vital for codex completion. The dmg it provides is noticeable. But that's the reward you get for being good. It's not progression stopping, it doesn't hurt you.

9 minutes ago, leadwolf1 said:

SO it did happen and players like my self do not want to see it happen again. so without hashing things around I do not see a problem with a leader board as long as there are no special mod or weapons attached to it like I stated earlier in another post. you would get bragging rights to other competitive clans and that's it. if you are that competitive then name on the board while the event is going on, a dojo trophy and bragging rights to other competitive clans should be enough. and it is up to DE to decide anyway.


Also we don't ask for "special mods or weapons", we would love cosmetics as rewards, DE does the decision making not us.

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None of the competitive clans cared about exclusive rewards, weapons or mods, we just want a leaderboard where we can compete with each other. The only type of competition available in this game and now theres nothing to care about. I don't know why most people here are assuming we want exclusive weapons for ourselfs, we don't care about that at all!

It's just another tactical alert with another syndicate to grind for.

We just wanted to do something challenging amongst ourselfs.

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6 minutes ago, DARK_EXENON said:

This mod doesn't appear in your codex, and so isn't vital for codex completion. The dmg it provides is noticeable. But that's the reward you get for being good. It's not progression stopping, it doesn't hurt you.

Also we don't ask for "special mods or weapons", we would love cosmetics as rewards, DE does the decision making not us.

SO what if it is not in the codex it is a mod that some players want, they gave it as an award years ago and never brought it back yet everything else has been, it hurts game play for those who play that style for it adds damage to the weapon like no other mod. so as long as they leave it off the list its ok to you. so they could give me a primed intensify tomorrow giving me a 90% damage increase with 1 mod slot, for my warframe leave it off the list , and everyone would be ok with that according to you. this would enhance my game play but not hurt anyone else. DO you understand the point now.

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14 minutes ago, DARK_EXENON said:

No it doesn't,if someone loves that play style, they would use another sniper, you don't need a 100% min/max build to play that play style. Primed Intensify and Primed Chamber handle completely different, they affect 2 completely different things. Your comparison is not valid.

Besides looking at your stats & the clan you are in, I understand why you don't like leaderboards with rewards. (or leaderboards in general)

I can tell you this, I do not pvp , and I am in a small clan but I can hold my own in events and if it went by percentage other than the clans that have you must do 1000 points or what ever in this event or you are kicked out of the clan and everyone must participate. I would be right on the top along with the regular competition, for I would stay and play and collect , everyday like I play now, and that would be my edge. my 7000 points would require a larger clan to do 7,000,000 points just to be even. And my comparison I very valid it is just that you do not find it fair . so everyone is entitled to their own interpretation of what they think is fair and I am not in your competitive clan , you may be able to convince them to go your way but I am not them. SO manipulate or convince someone else , you loose with me, hey this may be your first loose ever in the game , huh?

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2 minutes ago, leadwolf1 said:

I can tell you this, I do not pvp , and I am in a small clan but I can hold my own in events and if it went by percentage other than the clans that have you must do 1000 points or what ever in this event or you are kicked out of the clan and everyone must participate. I would be right on the top along with the regular competition, for I would stay and play and collect , everyday like I play now, and that would be my edge. my 7000 points would require a larger clan to do 7,000,000 points just to be even. And my comparison I very valid it is just that you do not find it fair . so everyone is entitled to their own interpretation of what they think is fair and I am not in your competitive clan , you may be able to convince them to go your way but I am not them. SO manipulate or convince someone else , you loose with me, hey this may be your first loose ever in the game , huh?

What I'm saying is you're in a Ghost clan (10 players) & you have no Idea what it's like in an almost 1000 player clan. What you do for your clan = what 1 good player in my clan does. Also you can't afford to kick a player from your clan during an event.

What you take as fair, is asking DE to not reward the much bigger clans which need a reason for it's players to participate.

No one is manipulating here, you misunderstand what an impact this has for the competitive clans.

Did I really loose though? I mean this is a discussion, not a steel cage match.

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8 minutes ago, DARK_EXENON said:

What I'm saying is you're in a Ghost clan (10 players) & you have no Idea what it's like in an almost 1000 player clan. What you do for your clan = what 1 good player in my clan does. Also you can't afford to kick a player from your clan during an event.

What you take as fair, is asking DE to not reward the much bigger clans which need a reason for it's players to participate.

No one is manipulating here, you misunderstand what an impact this has for the competitive clans.

Did I really loose though? I mean this is a discussion, not a steel cage match.

Lets just see what DE does 

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21 hours ago, sh00chu said:

The silent majority doesn't care to have that kind of toxicity seeping in to every aspect of the game, be it chat, or forums. Or they don't care at all. How do I know this? The number of truly 'competitive clans' can pretty easily be measured just by looking at past leaderboards, and the membership of all those clans combined comes NOWHERE NEAR the rest of the player-base for this game. I would say that the overwhelming majority of players couldn't care less, making it seem as though the devs could better spend their time making solid PVE content instead of dealing with the toxic stress involved with every single one of your coveted leaderboard events. Maybe YOU should be the one to 'deal with it'.

And to say there are no tools available to set up competitions with rival clans is willfully ignorant at best. You have clan chat, region chat, dojo messages, and these very forums. Not to mention this great big thing called the internet, with useful third party tools like Discord, various web-hosts, Youtube and Twitch, and the list goes on. If you are too lazy or too unimaginative to come up with something to do, it's on you. To expect special content catering to such a relatively miniscule segment of the player base is the epitome of entitled arrogance. Put on your big boy pants and your imagination thinking cap, and come up with interesting challenges for your people and other clans. The tools are all there. Stop expecting DE to spoon feed you your own special brand of fun. And stop expecting the silent majority to put up with the toxicity of the vocal minority.

Who is the/this silent majority? Is this like some sort of mainstream gaming lelddit cult that white knight's every hyped devstream is worshipping?
Toxicity? PvE Game? Are you kidding me, what kind of joke is this?

Leaderboards are great. It's fantastic. As a grandmaster I want to see leaderboards and more importantly I want to see archived leaderboards. I want to see stats. I want to see stuff like ELO rating. I want to see an open API architectur. Text doesn't cost that much to store on webservers these days. We've proved it with the raid records that it doesn't cost that much.

It's like raids. If the game didn't get half the stuff it did get event wise/raid wise, there wouldn't be a game here to play. It sounds like you've been spoonfed how to play Warframe by a lot of what Im reading.

A lot of what you're writing just seems ignorant of Voltage's position. Maybe you might to go play something like ROBLOX or Happy Wheels.

Edited by Kinjeto
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DE Exactly what do u think clans get out of this? What does this do for the competitive players? U give us no real endgame time after time, take that which we do have, slack on events too long, cancel one, make one thats based around a 3 minute timer n now no leaderboard?

1 good events with leaderboards

2 fissure types that feel different from one another

3 bring back rails conflicts.


I just feel like sometimes they need reminders

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16 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

Yes. Let's stop rewarding clans and players who enjoy pushing themselves and give everyone a trophy for trying. ^/s

Yeah, I think exclusive rewards are a way better way to go. A [primed chamber] analog, but for assault rifle (let's call it [primed magazine], +5% damage per bullet fired without releasing the trigger) would be perfect. Of course, just like primed chamber, release only 100 instances of it.

OR OR OR even better yet! Umbra warframes, only one of each different warframe, awarded to the 34 best participants to the event! as an exclusive reward to this event, never to be released ever again after that!  If you win, you'd have the only umbra version of a particular frame, ever.

Now that would promote some competition and incentive for people trying to push themselves!



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1 hour ago, Kinjeto said:

Who is the/this silent majority? Is this like some sort of mainstream gaming lelddit cult that white knight's every hyped devstream is worshipping?
Toxicity? PvE Game? Are you kidding me, what kind of joke is this?

Leaderboards are great. It's fantastic. As a grandmaster I want to see leaderboards and more importantly I want to see archived leaderboards. I want to see stats. I want to see stuff like ELO rating. I want to see an open API architectur. Text doesn't cost that much to store on webservers these days. We've proved it with the raid records that it doesn't cost that much.

It's like raids. If the game didn't get half the stuff it did get event wise/raid wise, there wouldn't be a game here to play. It sounds like you've been spoonfed how to play Warframe by a lot of what Im reading.

A lot of what you're writing just seems ignorant of Voltage's position. Maybe you might to go play something like ROBLOX or Happy Wheels.

The silent majority is the overwhelmingly large group of players that just play the game and don't use forums to voice their opinions. They represent most of the playerbase. I don't really understand how this isn't common knowledge. Toxicity? Yes, toxicity. It has swept through the game and its forum every time there has been a competitive event, and was a continuous thorn in DE's side when the rails were still up. And you ARE aware that nearly the entire development team for this game is focused on PVE content, right? Right?

Leaderboards ARE great. In a PVP focused game. Warframe is not that. You want it to be something it isn't. And because of that, whenever it has been included in the past, it has blown up in everyone's face.

After taking some time to think about my stance on the subject, I have come to the conclusion that a lion's share of the problem is that the leaderboards and rewards system feel like they have just been tacked on. This has led to most of the problems that have cropped up during these events. Things like clans finding exploits, or unfair conditions, or things being straight up broken. It is what happens next that is what makes me feel so strongly about not having them at all. These problems crop up, and EVERY SINGLE TIME, the competitive community loses their collective minds. This is the toxicity that I'm talking about. Regardless of whether or not it is justified, it is there, and it has a ripple effect on the entire community, even people that aren't even interested in the competitive aspect. Something always inevitably happens that people go ballistic over, the event get over seasoned with salt, and for a lot of people, the experience ends up being less fun than it could have been. 

I'm really confused by this second mention of me being spoonfed how to play. The discrepancy between my in-game hours and steam hours aside, I have literally thousands of hours sunk into this game. Cleared every node without being taxied. Built and leveled all but ONE currently available weapon, and every single frame. Obtained all but maybe a dozen out of literally hundreds of mods by farming them myself. Built and completed every single piece of research of my own clan dojo with only one other member. What exactly have I been spoonfed? Is it just because I don't subscribe to your idea of fun that means I have been spoonfed content? Is that it?

I've given plenty of though to the position of the people that want leaderboards. The problem isn't with the leaderboards themselves. It is a problem with how they have been implemented in the past, and how both the community and DE have reacted when things have gone sideways EVERY TIME. I wholeheartedly believe that if DE were to spend an entire update cycle developing some kind of system for competitive play, with all of the past mistakes in mind, they could manage to create something amazing that competitive clans, and even some of the non-competitive ones, would both thoroughly enjoy, and wouldn't cause so much strife in the community. Here's the problem though. It isn't worth it. The aforementioned 'silent majority' doesn't care about competitive elements in a PVE-centric game, and to devote manpower and development resources to it is just not worth the effort when it could be put towards something the largest part of the community is interested in.

A pretty good example of this is how little attention conclave gets. Not enough people have much interest in playing it. Sure there are die-hard conclave players, but not many people aside from them bother with it. Even when they have given it some love in the past, after an initial surge in people trying it out, it just goes back to being those same die-hards. In order for conclave to really be successful, DE would have to entirely shift the focus of the game, but if they did that, they would lose so many players, I would be willing to bet money they'd have to shut their doors, because most people aren't playing Warframe for the PVP, they are playing it for the PVE co-op experience. DE has to develop with the largest part of their audience in mind and that part of their audience isn't the conclave players, just like it isn't the competitive clan players. To do otherwise would be literally risking their ability to continue development at all. (As an aside, you can see in multiple dev streams what a huge concern this is when they talk about the release of new content, especially in the recent dev stream #100).

That's all I'm going to say about this. I don't believe for one second I'm going to change anyone's mind, but you never know, stranger things have happened.

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Still no rift sigil ;-; I want it so bad, I joined around 2 years in the cycle but took a hiatus because it was just boring being carried by friends but I didnt realise there was more to the game then met the eye like void prime rewards and what not but do you have any plans to include it as a reward in future events because my fashionframing needs want that sigil so bad. I hope to hear a reply, thanks.



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1 hour ago, Nation_X said:

Exactly, 60,000 people playing online via steam (as I type this) and a handful of people on here complaining about it. Its not even being mentioned or a trending topic on Reddit, again its the MINORITY being vocal whilst 95% of the playerbase is getting on with enjoying content. If its that important get your clan mates to post here and make DE aware but a vast majority of clan mates do not care, they just want to enjoy the game and its content but a select few like to throw their dummies out of the creche and demand DE dances around them.

As both an avid PvE player and PvP player on other PvP games, I find it hilarious in wanting a leaderboard on a PvE game to make you feel "special".

We have if you've noticed it (most ppl responding are all in similar or allinced with each other competitive clans). It's not feeling special as much as competition. It shows that 5 years down the road (if the game lasts til then) X clan got first; it's more creating history for our clans, less *feeling special* because some of us enjoy creating a legacy for our clan and its name and leader-boards allow us to do just that.

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57 minutes ago, --RV--Karma said:

We have if you've noticed it (most ppl responding are all in similar or allinced with each other competitive clans). It's not feeling special as much as competition. It shows that 5 years down the road (if the game lasts til then) X clan got first; it's more creating history for our clans, less *feeling special* because some of us enjoy creating a legacy for our clan and its name and leader-boards allow us to do just that.

Stop arguing with him mate... he looks like a guy who is using handspring on his Rhino. 
Seem like he never felt the intense during the events (clan competition). he won't understand anything you said....

Edited by -TSA-Rubicon2.0
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No leader boards

Complete bounties for standing


I'm all for new content but this is just a glorified PoE TacAlert not an operation, unless these bounties are well and truly huge changes to regular Cetus bounties then I cant see how this can even be considered within the same ballpark as operations like Ambulas reborn.

well, here's hoping it's atleast fun.

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53 minutes ago, AVERAGE_POTATO said:

No leader boards

Complete bounties for standing


I'm all for new content but this is just a glorified PoE TacAlert not an operation, unless these bounties are well and truly huge changes to regular Cetus bounties then I cant see how this can even be considered within the same ballpark as operations like Ambulas reborn.

well, here's hoping it's atleast fun.

Yeah lets be honest, tac alert at best. 

Give us real events with real leaderboards

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