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Let's talk about your Warframes to create a database


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Let's create a database about Warframes. I want you to write only the three names of the Warframes that you enjoy, don't enjoy, you like to see them in your group, or don't want them in your group.

I will collect all the answers a week later and I will post it after I statistically analyze them. This way I hope to address the issues and discuss with you for solutions.

I will start and give you an example.


The Warframes I Enjoy the most:

1 - Mag

2 - Volt

3 - Ember


The Warframes I Enjoy the least

1 - Wukong

2 - Frost

3 - Zephyr


The Warframes that I like to see in the party

1 - Nova

2 - Oberon

3 - Nyx


The Warframes that I don't want to be group with

1 - Mesa

2 - Zephyr

3 - Nidus


Well thank you in advance, I will be back with the results.

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The Warframes I enjoy the most:

1- Octavia

2- Banshee

3- Nova

The Warframes I enjoy the least

1- Zephyr

2- Chroma

3- Titania

Warframes that I like to see in the party

1- Nova 

2- Rhino

3- Octavia

Warframes that I don't want to group with

1- Limbo

2- Chroma

3- Ember

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The Warframes I Enjoy the most:

1 - Nova

2 - Chroma

3 - Zephyr (still in desperate need of some usefull buffs I really like the gravity abilities but damage wise only 2/4 are usefull to me that is shield and ult)


The Warframes I Enjoy the least

1 - Excalibur

2 - Rhino

3 - Mag


The Warframes that I like to see in the party

1 - Nova

2 - Trinity

3 - Frost


The Warframes that I don't want to be group with

1 - Mag

2 - Inaros

3 - Excalibur

Edited by (PS4)Dragonclaw91
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I enjoy

-Mag (In desperate need of buff but I know I'm not the first to say)



I dislike

-Zephyr (Like, a lot)

-I can't come up with any others. I genuinely like to play every frame but zephyr for different reasons, sorry if that messes up your data.

I like to see in party




I dislike seeing in party





Hope I helped. If you need me to I think I could come up with more for the dislike to play. 

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The Warframes I Enjoy the most:

1 - Saryn

2 - Ivara

3 - Nidus


The Warframes I Enjoy the least

1 - Frost

2 - Zephyr

3 - Wukong


The Warframes that I like to see in the party

1 - Nova

2 - Harrow

3 - Trinity


The Warframes that I don't want to be group with

1 - Limbo

2 - Nidus

3 - Octavia

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Warframes I











Like to see in a party:

Trinity/Oberon (healing)

Nekros (Loot)

Nova (squishy enemies yay, also applies to saryn)


Dislike in my party:

Limbo (Only if trolling, there are good limbo players)

Ember (WoF)


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The Warframes I Enjoy the most:

1 - Mag

2 - Banshee

3 - Harrow


The Warframes I Enjoy the least

1 - Nyx

2 - Loki

3 - Mesa


The Warframes that I like to see in the party

1 - Vauban

2 - Oberon

3 - Volt


The Warframes that I don't want to be group with (I don't mind any especially, these are just the bottom three)

1 - Saryn

2 - Hydroid

3 - Limbo

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The Warframes I Enjoy the most:

1 - Loki

2 - Ember

3 - Chroma


The Warframes I Enjoy the least

1 - Mag

2 - Limbo

3 - Zephyr


The Warframes that I like to see in the party

1 - Nova

2 - Nekros

3 - Frost


The Warframes that I don't want to be group with

1 - Limbo

2 - Valkyr

3 - Mirage

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The Warframes I Enjoy the most:

1 - Ash

2 - Harrow

3 - Saryn


The Warframes I Enjoy the least

1 - Trinity (total snoozefest to play. People just want you to spam EV constantly and other than that you just keep your 2 up and occasionally press 4. Only good use her 1 has, if you have 4 unlocked, is to amp the damage of her 2)

2 - Wukong (1 feels weak, 2 is his best ability, 3 is pretty niche and takes a while to perform, 4's combos are #*($%%@)

3 - Zephyr (I actually love the speeds she can reach with Turbulence and Tail Wind is fun... Invisible ceiling ruin the fun of her 1 and 2 on the majority of maps and her 4 has poor damage, poor CC because enemies are harder to hit, and the augment is meh at best)


The Warframes that I like to see in the party

1 - Harrow

2 - Oberon

3 - Nyx


The Warframes that I don't want to be group with

1 - WoF Ember, good luck finding an enemy to attack.

2 - Equinox, same as above

3 - Limbo, prepare to get trolled, purposefully or not, it's gonna happen.

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limbo (i dont troll as limbo!)


ash (awaken my inner weeb)

-----least enjoy

trinity (spam 2 in one spot is not fun)

banshee (i suck at the game and banshee is too hard to play!)

frost (globe is not fun for me)

-------party enjoy

harrow (make me do insane dps/ red crit)

trinity (hate playing her but she give infinite energy)

volt (gotta go fast!)

-------party hatred HATRED

atterax - oh that's not a warframe sry


ash ( i cant kill the target while ash is doing his S#&$ty bladestorm which is weak asf after nerf ( i didnt mind this pre - nerf) )



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Enjoy Most:

1) Octavia: Awesome damage scaling on mallet, great team buff with amp, invisibility

2) Mesa: Shatter Shield tankiness, Peacemaker makes anything it targets stop existing

3) Titania: Razorwing has good damage, tribute buffs are pretty cool


Enjoy Least:

1) Saryn: very energy and input intensive, range is pitiful, feels like I'm never not casting, survivability is poor

2) Trinity: EV/Bless just isn't that fun to play.  If you want tankiness there are frames that tank but have more enjoyable abilities.

3) Loki: Abilities just feel boring.  I use him anytime I have to do a spy mission but not in general gameplay anymore.


Like to see in squads:

1) Harrow: Gotta have that crit buff

2) Trinity: though I don't like to play Trinity, it's nice to have the energy and healing

3) Oberon: healing and armor buff is great to have


Don't like to see in squads:

This section is very dependent on mission type and the particular build the player is using.  I don't dislike any of these frames as a general rule.

1) Nova: slow Nova in defense missions is terrible though speed can be bad in uncoordinated teams as well

2) Limbo: again, in defense stasis is irritating though I love to see Limbo in sortie mobile defense

3) Frost: A bad Frost player that can't figure out how to place snow globe (or a player with a bad energy color) makes missions really frustrating.  Also, the fact that enemies frozen by avalanche are immune to status effects ruins some of my favorite melee weapons.

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The Warframes I Enjoy the most:

1 - Ember

2 - Zephyr

3 - Harrow


The Warframes I Enjoy the least

1 - Trinity

2 - Wukong

3 - Frost


The Warframes that I like to see in the party

1 - Booben

2 - Harrow

3 - Octavia


The Warframes that I don't want to be group with

1 - Trinity

2 - Frost

3 - Nyx

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The Warframes I Enjoy the most:

1 - Inaros

2 - Nidus

3 - Wukong


The Warframes I Enjoy the least (in theory: don't have them, in no rush to get them)

1 - Banshee

2 - Mesa

3 - Atlas


The Warframes I Enjoy the least (in practice: have them, but don't play them often)

1 - Trinity

2 - Ash

3 - Equinox (False promises: she is Terrible if you intend to switch back and forth constantly)


The Warframes that I like to see in the party

1 - Frost

2 - Ivara

3 - Nekros


The Warframes that I don't want to be group with

1 - Atlas

2 - Excalibur

3 - Chroma

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The Warframes I Enjoy the most:

1 - Atlas

2 - Limbo

3 - Wukong


The Warframes I Enjoy the least

1 - Mag

2 - Ash

3 - Harrow


The Warframes that I like to see in the party

1 - Nova

2 - Nekros

3 - Frost


The Warframes that I don't want to be group with

1 -  Ember

2 - Limbo

3 - Harrow

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Like the most

1 - Chroma (just his 1 needs a change)

2 - Oberon

3 - Excalibur

Like the least

1 - Wukong (only good for defy and stealth damage bonus)

2 - Atlas (1 spamming intensifies)

3 - Limbo (literally just press 4, 2, and go make a sandwich, oh and no guns allowed)

Thing I like in my squad

1 - Oberon

2 - Trin

3 - Harrow

Things I think should be entirely removed from the game

1 - Limbo

2 - Limbo

3 - Limbo

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Hmmm... well, why not?

Enjoy: Zephyr, Loki, Oberon. (Those are top 3, but I genuinely enjoy the majority of them)

Don't enjoy: tough... Volt, Wukong, Hydroid.

Like to party with... I can make any comp work, it's fine, take what you want.

Don't like to match with... uhhh... see above? Maybe a SlowNova on defence maps where we're trying to level things... a Banshee that never lets off Soundquake even though with the same build everyone could have fun by them casting a few Sonars instead and then we all win anyway... maybe a Tornado spamming Zephyr? That's about it.

I can make magic happen in any comp, it's the fun of Warframe.

Edited by Thaylien
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The Warframes I Enjoy the most:

1 - Excalibur

2 - Trinity

3 - Frost


The Warframes I Enjoy the least

1 - Nova

2 - Nezha

3 - Vauban


The Warframes that I like to see in the party

1 - Trinity

2 - Frost (if defense and target is the immobile cryopod)

3 - Hydroid (if farming and if they have Pilfering Swarm)


The Warframes that I don't want to be group with

1 - Limbo (unless defense and target is the moving tenno or if I am using Excalibur)

2 - 

3 - 

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The Warframes I Enjoy the most(this one was hard for me, Frost is by far my favorite, but I play about five others regularly):

1 - Frost

2 - Hydroid

3 - Ash


The Warframes I Enjoy the least

1 - Limbo

2 - Zephyr

3 - Trinity


The Warframes that I like to see in the party(Note that I mostly solo, but I do like players that offer some utility)

1 - Trinity(just because I don't want to play it doesn't mean I think it's bad:P)

2 - Harrow

3 - Loki(if they're good with disarm)


The Warframes that I don't want to be group with

1 - Limbo(Sorry Limbo players, it seems NOBODY likes getting banished to the void---this guy needs some genuine gameplay tweaks)

2 - Nekros(ONLY if they think he's a desecrate bot, if they're actually playing him, he's great)

3 - Nidus(I don't want to even deal with the zit, yeah, it's that annoying)

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Warframes I enjoy most
1) Trinity (Main)

2) Mag

3) Excalibur 


Warframes I enjoy the least

1) Limbo

2) Inaros

3) Loki


Warframes I like to be in a squad with

1) Nekros (loot buff)

2) Harrow (crit buff)

3) Ivara (zip lines)


Warframes I hate to be in a squad with

1) Limbo

2) Banshee

3) Ember


Edited by Ada_Wong_SG
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As a warframe forum community, we created a poll to point out major problems to warframes and asked 4 basic questions in this thread.

Original Thread

Now here is the results;

The most liked Warframes to play

  1. We have 7 different warframes with same votes at the first. They all share 4 votes. Ordered alphabetically,
    • Ash
    • Chroma
    • Ember
    • Excalibur
    • Mag
    • Nova
    • Saryn
  2. There are 6 different warframes who share the second with 3 votes. Ordered alphabetically,
    • Harrow
    • Nidus
    • Oberon
    • Octavia
    • Trinity
    • Zephyr
  3. There are 8 different warframes who share the second with 2 votes. Ordered alphabetically,
    • Banshee
    • Frost
    • Inaros
    • Ivara
    • Limbo
    • Loki
    • Volt
    • Wukong
  4. These are the warframes at least get one vote. Ordered alphabetically,
    • Atlas
    • Equinox
    • Hydroid
    • Mesa
    • Mirage
    • Nezha
    • Titania
  5. These are the warframes those names didn't even mentioned. Ordered alphabetically,
    • Gara
    • Nekros
    • Nyx
    • Rhino
    • Valkyr
    • Vauban


The most Disliked Warframes to play

  1. First place with 8 votes,
    • Zephyr
  2. Second place with 7 votes,
    • Trinity
    • Wukong
  3. Third place with 5 votes,
    • Loki
  4. Warframes that get 4 votes. Ordered alphabetically,
    • Frost
    • Limbo
    • Mag
  5. Warframes that get 3 votes.
    • Banshee
    • Volt
  6. Warframes that get 2 votes.
    • Ash
    • Hydroid
    • Nyx
    • Saryn
  7. These are the warframes at least get one vote. Ordered alphabetically,
    • Atlas
    • Chroma
    • Ember
    • Equinox
    • Excalibur
    • Harrow
    • Inaros
    • Mesa
    • Nezha
    • Nova
    • Octavia
    • Rhino
    • Titania
    • Vauban
  8. These are the warframes those names didn't even mentioned. Ordered alphabetically,
    • Gara
    • Ivara
    • Nekros
    • Nidus
    • Oberon
    • Valkyr


The most wanted Warframes in the party

  1. First place with 11 votes,
    • Trinity
  2. Second place with 9 votes,
    • Harrow
  3. Shared third place with 8 votes,
    • Nova
    • Oberon
  4. Warframes that get 6 votes. Ordered alphabetically,
    • Frost
    • Nekros
  5. Warframe that get 4 votes.
    • Volt
  6. Warframes that get 2 votes.
    • Ivara
    • Loki
    • Nyx
    • Octavia
    • Vauban
  7. These are the warframes at least get one vote. Ordered alphabetically,
    • Gara
    • Hydroid
    • Limbo
    • Nidus
    • Rhino
    • Saryn
  8. These are the warframes those names didn't even mentioned. Ordered alphabetically,
    • Ash
    • Atlas
    • Banshee
    • Chroma
    • Ember
    • Equinox
    • Excalibur
    • Inaros
    • Mag
    • Mesa
    • Mirage
    • Nezha
    • Titania
    • Valkyr
    • Wukong
    • Zephyr

The most unwanted Warframes in the party

  1. First place with 16 votes with large margin,
    • Limbo
  2. Second place with 6 votes,
    • Ember
  3. Shared third place with 3 votes,
    • Banshee
    • Mag
    • Mesa
    • Nidus
    • Nova
    • Zephyr
  4. Warframes that get 2 votes.
    • Chroma
    • Excalibur
    • Frost
    • Harrow
    • Octavia
  5. These are the warframes at least get one vote. Ordered alphabetically,
    • Ash
    • Atlas
    • Equinox
    • Hydroid
    • Inaros
    • Loki
    • Mirage
    • Nekros
    • Nyx
    • Rhino
    • Saryn
    • Trinity
    • Valkyr
  6. These are the warframes those names didn't even mentioned. Ordered alphabetically,
    • Gara
    • Ivara
    • Nezha
    • Oberon
    • Titania
    • Vauban
    • Volt
    • Wukong

Well these are the results. I will hold my comments for now to be added afterwards. Feel free to analyze and discuss the results.

Thanks to all who attained and helped me to create this poll.


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