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Players End this please.


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"He has 2 amazing abilities already" 

"Her 4th is too strong" 

"She has damage reduction in her kit already" 

"You don't know how to play" 


End this mentality. Consider the other players playing the frames/weapons but not using the forum actively. And requesting for changes to other abilities of frames is not forbidden just because the frame has 2 abilities that work well. But one of the users with this mentality pops up like a mushroom and says "Ey but da other 2 abiliti werk well he doesn't need change" 


Just because of people like you we have lost many frames Gara being the last Vauban being the forgotten guy. 

Each warframe has 4 abilities and it is our right to have synergies between each of em or it is our right to expect them to work perfectly and balanced as well both individually and within a synergy of another ability. 

Edited by Shidonia
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You are basically telling people to shut up and keep their opinions for themselves even though this is a public space. 

This will never happen. Each and everyone is entitled to their own opinions even if they might not align with your own beliefs or be positive for the game. DE doesnt nerf things solely on what people say on the forums, they do based on how it is exploited. 

Gara's wall was too good to be true, complete invulnerability and area denial for little to no energy cost was OP compared to all other defense powers. It had no drawbacks like Cataclysm, Frost Globe or Bastille have. 

Edited by aligatorno
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7 minutes ago, Shidonia said:

Just because of people like you we have lost many frames Gara being the last Vauban being the forgotten guy.

Describe Lost? It was [DE] them self that decided to make the change to Gara, not the community that pounded on them for it and i see Vauban being used Regularly as he is still an awesome crowd controller.

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9 minutes ago, Shidonia said:

"He has 2 amazing abilities already" 

"Her 4th is too strong" 

"She has damage reduction in her kit already" 

"You don't know how to play" 


End this mentality. Consider the other players playing the frames/weapons but not using the forum actively. And requesting for changes to other abilities of frames is not forbidden just because the frame has 2 abilities that work well. But one of the users with this mentality pops up like a mushroom and says "Ey but da other 2 abiliti werk well he doesn't need change" 


Just because of people like you we have lost many frames Gara being the last Vauban being the forgotten guy. 

Each warframe has 4 abilities and it is our right to have synergies between each of em or it is our right to expect them to work perfectly and balanced as well both individually and within a synergy of another ability. 

It is annoying to see people claiming that one or two viable abilities makes up for the others that just suck but, sometimes "you don't know how to play" is a valid comment. Some people will make rework threads and have no idea how that Warframe actually works.  Sadly, it's fairly common.

"She has damage reduction in her kit already" is valid as well, depending on the Warframes overall theme.  It'd be a lot like Mag have armor strip inherent in all of her abilities - that's just going overboard.   Most Warframes have (or should have) a versatile spread of abilities, if you pile up too much of the same thing, it's makes them one dimensional.  

As to taking into consideration of players that can't be bothered, don't know, or simply have no interest in, using the Forums - we aren't their care takers.  If they want to give voice or have their concerns taken into account, they need to step up and participate in the discussion. 

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Uuuh, I think this kind of mentality is actually healthy for the game, by questioning frames and comparing them to others, we got reworks on frames that had abilities not usefull in the current meta. Look at oberon. a quite effective solo and squad healer, or limbo, now bieng able to suppress enemy fire and make a difficult mission have a small 5-minute-break window.

And it's ultimately not the players fault that changes happen, if something were changed... Well either DE wanted to change it in their opinion or most of the playerbase wanted it changed.


This however does not mean I agree with players mindlessly saying a warframe is overpowered or just do not know how a certain kit work... But those players ultimately get ignored by the people who know how things work, and those are the people who get reworks and changes in the game.

Edited by i_Lex
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To be honest i understand your point but most of the time what i saw is someone not using the ability properly.

Does some frame need love ? Hell yeah !

"He has 2 amazing abilities already" 

not valid you are right but sometimes some frames can be builded to use 2 ability and the 2 other will endup being useless and sometimes you need to have weaker ability in order to use all 4 ability in a good way. Its all up to how you build your frame

"Her 4th is too strong" Yeah i got that often to be honest. A lot of frames can be builded around one unique ability. Is it a wrong thing ? Nope . Does it make this answer a good one ? Not at all. Not because the 4th is strong that the frame does not need to be changed. I recall Excal having the most broken 4  of all time and the most useless ability of all time AT THE SAME TIME ! No line of sight radial javlin   and the legendary super jump !

"She has damage reduction in her kit already" Yeah thats cool but what are the others ability ? But do we need to had more thats the real question ?

"You don't know how to play" 

Thats rly often true but also rly often badly used by tenno.

Banshee is crap -> You don't know how to play . I saw that often not the best aproach but you see the point right ?

On the other side

Spore propagation Saryn , Regular hikou ( prime one are stronger but slower ) with concealed explosive, reduced dammage at max , maximum fire speed and reload speed with pressurised magazine -> You don't know how to play .

I'm not kidding i got that with my saryn build and i can clean up akaad back to SPAWN POINTS in seconds.

What frame you want to be reworked ? How do you want to rework it ? why do you want to rework it ?

Edited by trunks013
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4 hours ago, Shidonia said:

Just because of people like you we have lost many frames Gara being the last Vauban being the forgotten guy. 

I can 100% guarantee that nothing has been done by DE solely because someone on the forums or elsewhere whined that something was OP or shouldn't work a certain way. DE may look for things to point to something they should look at and then go through their own data and see if something is being used disproportionately or doing too much or too little damage. The forums could go completely silent and things would still get buffed/nerfed or reworked.

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This is rediculous your telling people to not comment thier opinions, secondly never use vauban as an example. 

I see tons of people use him during raids etc. What I do see alot of is people running all over the place meleeing. 

Insteadof shooting something from distance they will run all the way across a freaking map to melee. 

Also what's with peeps not using thier energy? 

Was there an update I don't know about, where you can sell unused energy when back on your orbiter? 

I run EV Trinity almost full time helping my clan members lvl , do raids, sorties etc. and I just can't believe the crap I'm seeing when running with PuGs. 

Frost dead surrounded by enemies with a full energy bar. Rhino on the ground full energy bar. Nova's that don't prime. I can continue, but I won't.

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I don't get salty very often but this might be a few exception and are you telling people to shut up at that?

It's just a normal day in Warframe power leveling unranked stuff and I want it quick so I get to Hydron. Man, it's gonna be tough... wait... oh look a ground punching genocider, how convenient. LEECH MODE ON!!! 


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Funny thing, during this week there was an augmented shield defense sortie mission. 

I jump in PUB with saryn, the squad is mag, limbo and mesa.

The mission barely started and the mag types " 3rd time i get the cancer bs nonsense" and leaves.

I would have thought he had pointed that at the Limbo, but he/she pm'ed and said they are going to put me on ignore because I wouldn't know how to use saryn the correct way.

This might be also another thing that needs to end.

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vor 22 Stunden schrieb Shidonia:


End this mentality.

Take your own advie and just stop it.

vor 22 Stunden schrieb (PS4)s3d_sas:

what do u want from us exactly?????


Isn´t it clear? Attention. That OP made this thread 22h ago and hasn´t responded makes it even more clear.

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1 hour ago, Kuestenjung said:

Take your own advie and just stop it.

Isn´t it clear? Attention. That OP made this thread 22h ago and hasn´t responded makes it even more clear.

The responses in this thread actually proved his point.


OP wants people to actually read and comprehend posts, and stop talking around the damn topic and past each other like a bunch of zealous activists looking for a "win" or an excuse to say "I'm better than you."




2% of the people on this forum can actually comprehend posts.  The remaining 98% seem to pick at bits and pieces, trigger words, or just the title and start spouting off irrelevant non-sense.

To clarify the OP's statement, his complaint is that for instance when discussing the effectiveness of a frame's junk abilities, someone will inevitably suggest that because another ability or abilities on a warframe are considered great, those abilities no one uses because they suck aren't a problem.  Worse, if the frame is perceived as overpowered by the responder, they speak like there's justice in every other ability being garbage.  And then there is, of course, the "well I have no problem with it..." crowd.

We can't have a discussion on this board without someone interjecting "everything is fine" or "that's stupid" when things are NOT fine from a basic design stand point, and the only reason the idea is stupid is because they can't even grasp the basic concept to begin with. 

This problem persists when talking about modding and scaling.  People refuse to understand that reducing or removing armor scaling just means enemies will become super sponges later through sheer health alone.  Some refuse to understand the point of endlessly scaling enemies is to eventually beat the player.  People refuse to see multi-shot or raw damage mods nerfed, even when "reduce enemy scaling" is mentioned in the very same sentence.

It is humorous then when they go on to suggest a function for the mod that is 100% redundant with a mod that already exists (again using multi-shot as an example = +1 round spent for every extra bullet makes it a fire rate mod.)  One can't even bring up the topic of introducing a weapon like the Lato prime (15 rounds, fair RoF, middling damage, good crit, fast reloads) without someone suggesting just use another, better weapon, or even better, screaming about how the people PAID for the Lato Prime (making this an instance of P2W, oh, but it's not the best so that doesn't count...) or it will never be available again.  They don't understand a better weapon than or getting THE Lato Prime itself isn't the point.  It's about having a publicly available weapon like and on par with the Lato Prime because the Lato is genuinely fun to use... there's just nothing like it except MAYBE the vasto... except it reloads more often than it shoots.

But people will continue to try to "win" arguments by any and every means, or somehow suggest, "I'm better than you."  It ain't about discussing what's healthy for Warframe or improving the game for most people, it's about the immediate dopamine kick of beating someone on an internet forum.  I've been on a lot of forums, but this one has among the worst conversationalists.  It's virtually a waste of time to even try to discuss anything that isn't the metaphorical low hanging fruit.  Everyone wants armor scaling to be addressed, but no one's really talking if the mechanic of armor itself maybe needs changed.  No, they're just interested in making the Grineer squishier so they can easily go to level 200 so we can have the armor scaling conversation again in a few weeks.

Edited by Littleman88
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1 minute ago, Kuestenjung said:

So in other words OP wants people to respect what others have to say?

And btw, OP made a meta complaint thread and that is even worse then another complaint thread.

Corrected part of what you said.  If you were being subtly insulting because even the TL;DR bit was too much, you're a part of the problem.

I like to think One should be able to ask of others to try to actually read in full what others have posted without somehow trying to defeat it for the stupidest reasons imaginable.

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Sadly, I couldn't read most of the answers were given there but to clarify I'm not saying anyone to shut up. The point where I got mad was to see that Gara was implemented onto the game like that and if it was then DE probably thought it would be alright but then a group of people started to say NERF GARA like as if they were doing a tide dance. I mean obviously DE worked hard on this female frame, her aesthetics, her story and maybe some of her powers were poorly thought but got fixed immediately. And obviously this is the new policy of DE for the upcoming frames. Implement, get the feedback and rework it immediately so that you don't rework when Prime release approaches.


But then we see Zephyr, she will hopefully get a rework and maybe smarter Tornadoes. I'm her fan and even tho she has turbulence only I use all of her abilities. 

We have Gara with or without the Nerf I've never been complaining about cuz I like the synergies and a glass wall shattering upon taking too much damage is legit. 


We have Mirage, I mean I was expecting more than slight sleight of hand changes, maybe some sort of light source that we could make a good use of for her eclipse but DE can rework the lighting on maps later for her at any given time plus it is not that hard to understand the light and shadow in game tbh it is just confusing on corpus ships. 


We have Vauban I feel like he needs the most rework cuz I love him and I want to use every mine and I don't want anyone in game to be like why do you even use Trip wire it doesn't deal damage. 

I appreciate DE's approach to every rework. Especially I loved Ash's rework before the rework I used to dislike him but now all of his abilities are perfect. People were saying his 4th was too OP but DE took the right route with not nerfing but making it a bit harder for one button pressers. 


I used to think that Ember needed a rework but after making a good build which I can use all 4 of her abilities I really loved her. And I actually understand why people say "Mod it right and learn how to play" 

Anyways I'm not telling anyone to shut up but I really want golden balls for vauban prime cuz I like balls and I want 1st and 2nd ability focused rework cuz I think we should be setting traps with him. Maybe I'm being selfish here but I like balls sorry. 


I read like more than 10 threads with the same things written up there from different users and I immediately got so angry to this community :( sorry for it. But this is what happens when you read people saying "nerf this nerf that" "learn how to play mod it right"  "nothing is wrong 2 abilities are perfect already you don't need to use the other 2"  "what do you expect" "survive and use a good melee" "focus helps" warframes need to be solid things that are not too much dependant on other things because warframes but also it shouldn't be easy for grinders as well because they tend to get burn out quickly. I on the other hand from the players who cast sonar and hit the points with a pistol rather than using vulcan blitz jat kittag. Balancing the game between Gamers and Grinders is not easy. But wrong actions or lately taken actions are also being made due to the fact that grinders also exist.. 

Edited by Shidonia
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Whatever the NERF that was implemented in game. Was NOT due to people complaining.

Game companies, including DE. Implements "nerf" because they want to balance things out.

If one class / character / warframe / skills / weapons / mods is used ALOT, then DE will want to balance it so players will also use the other class / character / warframe / skills / weapons / mods .

All "nerfing" decision is base of the data that DE receives from the game (mainly players data while they're playing) NOT chat or forum threads.


Also, you asking for other warframes to change, is a hypocrisy. it's the same as the other players that you saw asking for the Gara change before the "nerf".

What happens if the warframes that you ask for a change actually gets change? other players that is already happy with them will start complaining and post threads like this.


I think you should have thought about making this thread before posting it cause it's actually you that needs to END THIS.

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